Question: Zelda, is it true that you've been cheating on your betrothed consort for Link and the baby inside you is actually his? Zelda: Of course! It's bad enough that my father has been so thoroughly decieved by Ganondorf's machinations and that I have to pretend to be civil with the vile man while Link seeks out the Spiritual Stones, there's no way I'd fully play along with a political marriage to that monster! I just hope Link completes his quest before the child is born... the Gerudo bloodlines are very strong, the daughters always take after their mothers when their women bed a Hylian man, and I have no reason to believe any child of Ganondorf's wouldn't have the distinct features of the Gerudo. Question: Tetra, is there a reason why you are such a bondage addicted Anal whore? Tetra: Helps weed out the sissies! Any man too pansy to tie a girl up and board her poop deck isn't man enough to handle this pirate princess. Question: Tetra, is it true that you've made a routine to sniff and suckle Link's balls when he's asleep? Tetra: I'll admit, I was kind of curious what he was packing in those tights... *Blushes* He's actually got quite a nice package... too bad he ain't man enough to put it to proper use.
Comment: Can you add in Avatar: The last Airbender? Kitten: Honestly, I have to wonder why I didn't think to include this already. That said, Toph and Aang are the only main characters I'd consider a Loli and Shota respectively... Also, going to say no on Legend of Korra, mostly due to my vision failing as the second season aired and not being as attached to it as Last Airbender.
Question: Gabrielle Delacour, which of you had the idea of your first time with Harry being a threesome with your sister? Was it just luck that only you got pregnant, or was some Veela-related charm involved? And is there any chance of a foursome with your twins in the future? Gabrielle: Fleur caught me trying to sneak off to visit 'Arry after ze second task to zank 'im... and inzisted on joining. *Blushes and rubs her gravid belly.* I was naive and didn't zink I was old enough to concieve... and Fleur only cast ze contraception charm of 'erzelf... *Blushes more deeply.* ze zought of teaching my children to pleazure zeir Papa does zound 'ot. Question: Luna Lovegood, are the rumors that your obsession with Crumple-Horned Snorcacks are because you were gangraped by them before entering Hogwarts true? Are your weekly visits to the upper year dorms to recreate it or are they unrelated? Heard that is a big reason for the girls treating you so badly. And were you the one to convince Ginny Weasley to do the same to Slytherins, or was it that "Tom" she talks about sometimes? Luna: Oh yes, it was a lot of fun having Snorcacks stuff their crumpled horns up my bum and fanny and down my throat... The seventh year Ravenclaw boys aren't as fun, but its a good time as well... I think jealousy that I get so much attention from the older boys is part of why my roommates attract rackspurts in such large quantities... not sure why they're so jealous, I'm sure the boys would be happy to play with them if they were willing to barge into the seventh year boys' dorm in nothing but a robe and let it fall to the floor... I actually encouraged Ginny to give it a try with the Gryffindor seventh years, but I think Tom convinced her it would be better to go for Slytherins.
Question: Malon, is it true that you are Epona's real mother? Is the father really Princess Zelda's personal horse and that you helped her learn how to care for it? If so, does she have as much fun with it as you did? Malon: Oh yeah, Lon Lon Ranch has long provided milk and horses to the Royal family, and I personally handled delivering a majestic, young stallion named Sleipnir to her highness... and when Zelda noticed his cock growing erect as I tutored her on how to groom him, her curiosity got the better of her and I showed her how to serve a stallion like a mare would... We both ended up with foal... and only a day or two after foaling Epona, I assisted Zelda in foaling Epona's younger sister, Rhiannon. Saria, did Link ever catch you with a Wolfos? You know when you are near the Forest Temple, or do you enjoy keeping him in the dark? Saria: *Blushes* I tried to keep it a secret... but there was this one day... Link showed up in the sacred forest meadow just as a wolfos was knotting me... With how he was blushing and tenting his shorts, I think Link was as embarrassed as me... though I still offered him a blowjob to not let the other Kokiri know what I get up to in the Lost Woods. Question: Link, between Saria, Malon, Zelda and Ruto, which felt the better in each hole? And which did you get pregnant first? Heard it had been the Cuckoo Lady, but also heard the Zoras born after Ganondorf froze their land all come from you, and that Ruto only slept with you before your 7-years journey... Even if they deposit eggs outside the body, that's still around seven a batch, right? Link: *Blushes as a trio of very pregnant girls argue.* Saria: Me and Link have been frolicking in the forest before he ever met either of you! Clearly I was first. Malon: *thrusts out her baby bump.* My belly is bigger, clearly my roll in the hay with Link was the first to bare fruit! Zelda: *Places hands on her hips.* I foresaw that I would have a child with Link, and neither of you were there... clearly my womb was the first the Goddesses saw fit to bless with the hero's seed! "Ruto: *Squatting over a small pool.* I don't care which of you land whales were the first to spawn with the brat! I should've never let him get his worm anywhere near my cloaca! *Grunts in pain as a large, spherical egg forces its way out of said cloaca and plops into the waiting pool.*
Question: Hanabi Hyuuga, how was Hinata's reaction to finding out you got pregnant from your crush? Are the rumors of her henge-ing to your age even before your reveal for threesomes true? Do the big breasts come from since that was her real age, or did she just fail shrinking them and just left them there ever since? Hanabi: Onee-sama was super jealous I managed to catch Naruto's eye and actually had the guts to make a move on him... and even more jealous when I caught... I did decide to show her some mercy by letting her henge into me so long as she kept up the cover of being my shadow clone... which I insisted on partly because I'm jealous of her breasts. Question: Sakura and Ino, are the rumors that your rivalry is not really about Sasuke, but about Naruto's Oiroke form true? Which of you lost your virginity to him in that form first, for each hole? Did you ever have a gangbang with him together, now that he learned Kage Bunshin and with it created the Harem Jutsu, or is it one at a time? Sakura: Initially, it was about Sasuke... Ino: but when Naruto developed a version of the Sexy jutsu to use on gay men and straight girls... Both: both our panties metaphorically hit the floor! Sakura: Unfortunately, Naruto's crush on me didn't net me the first go. Ino: when he noticed we both suddenly shifted to fawning over him instead of Sasuke, Sakura: he insisted on using Shadow clones to deflower both of us at the same time... Ino: and when he caught one of admitting his girl form was cute... Sakura: He insisted on trying a lesbian thresome with Naruko... Kitten: While the henge gives the Narutoverse an easy excuse for both genderbending and lolification/shotofication, I'm open to asks involving either, even for series with no convenient in-verse excuse.
Question: tomoyo, how did it feel getting the chance to peg syaoran. Did you go rough on him for taking your Sakura? Tomoyo: Li-kun and I have an understanding and don't mind having to share the girl we love... That said, I did ask Sakura to let me borrow the Create's book to conjure a strap-on that's indistinguishable from a real cock, let's the wearer feel everything like it was part of their body, and which can even ejaculate real semen... Li-kun was walking strange and tried to avoid sitting for a few days after I got done breaking in his rear.
Question: Zelda, after taking link and saria as your personal pets, which one would you say eats ass the best? Zelda: Saria is certainly the better at orally pleasuring a girl... I suspect she got quite a bit of practice with the other girls of the forest. Kitten: despite their extra status, Kokiri girls other than Saria are good to ask about... I know the blonde is named Fado and the redheads are just nameless generics, though I head canon one of the redheads as being named Redo(pronounced Ray Doh in keeping with the musical puns of Mido and Fado's names).
Question: Yachiru how have you been dealing with Soi Fon stalking you? I saw her buy a huge strap-on and lube recently so maybe watch your ass. Yachiru: Oh, I've been waiting for Miss grumpy bee to make her move... Not sure why's she's suddenly focused on me when she usually obsesses over Princess Kitty, but I look forward to see if she can outlast me. Kitten: in case it isn't obvious "Grumpy Bee" is Soi Fon and Princess Kitty is Yoruichi, the former a reference to her disposition and her shikai being a hornet's stinger, the latter being a reference to her status as Soul Society Nobility and her ability to turn into a cat.
Question: Hermione how did you end up addicted to Pansy's feet? Pansy: *Enjoying Hermione licking her toes.* Oh, it was easy... I filtered a vial of amortentia through one of my dirty socks, and took advantage of Draco's posturing to Potter and the youngest Weasley boy to add it to granger's pumpkin juice... The potion has worn off by now, but by the time it ran its course, she was hopelessly hooked.
Question: To the Amazoness now known as the Sailor Quartet. Rumor has it you girls have become wives for an obese futa woman, how the heck did this happen?! Ceres: Chibiusa and Hotaru introduced us to their girlfriends... Juno: and it turned out they had a friend with similar tastes in young looking girls... Pallas: Next thing Palla Palla knew, all four of us were going on group dates with her and having tons of fun. Vesta: and one thing lead to another... All four: and we ended up in a mini orgy with her.
Question: Rin I know you are living with Kaede, but I also heard that after Inuyasha and the gang killed a lust spreading demon attacked the village something happened between you and Kaede. What was it? Rin: *Blushes as she bows her head as if praying.* Please forgive me, Lord sesshoumaru... Keade: Um... well... let's just say it was the closest I've come to experiencing my own wedding night in my six decades.