Sonic the Hedgehog Question: Little Futa Cream! It's good to finally speak with you, I only knew about you by reputation before. Anyway, my first question is: Whenever your mother has to be away at night, she leaves you with a babysitter, but she's made it a stringent requirement that they have the same... Abilities as she does. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is, whose breast milk do you prefer the most? Your mom, Rouge the Bat, or perhaps someone else? Cream: Oh, Mama's milk is the richest and the sweetest, but Miss Rouge's milk is quite yummy as well. Question: Oh, and another question for you, Cream! I knew your fuckstick was a real huge one based on the testimonies, but nobody mentioned that yours appears to be a horsecock! How does having such strange equine biology change things for you and the girls you like to bang? Cream: Oh, it intimidates girls quite a bit whenever I'm making new friends, and many of them are skeptical when I tell them my cream will make their warrens stretchy enough to take my huge carrot, even after I've worked them up to having cheese crawl up inside them. Though they always have tons of fun getting stuffed once they get past their hesitance.
Fairly OddParents Question: "Principal Waxelplax, when you catch your students oggling you, where do you normally see them staring: your fat ass, massive tits, or that big buldge in your skirt?" Waxelplax: Oh, I'd say it's about a threeway draw, though the girls tend to be more interested in my rod of discipline and the boys in my prodigious posterior Question: "Have you ever used that extra-girthy cock of yours to punish students, in place of a detention or suspension?" Waxelplax: Of course, there's a reason I call it my rod of discipline. Most girls are begging for mercy and promising to behave by the third thrust, though I've found boys tend to respond better to being smothered between my buttocks. Trixie Tang & Veronica (Trixie's Friend) Question: "Since your always so jealous of Trixie over everything, Veronica, I was wondering if you two had ever compared cocks? And which of you two beats off the most?" Veronica: I'm actually a bit longer and thicker than Trixie... which actually works against me since most girls find me just slightly too big to be enjoyable. I have to rub one out several times a day because even when I can find a girl willing to give me a go, she's never up for a second round. Trixie: I've never masturbated. That's for ugly people and losers. When I need relief, I just snap my fingers and a eager girl is either kneeling before me to be my cocksucker or bending over to be my breeding bitch.
Question: So, Rouge, how'd you convince (female) Knuckles to let you help her "restore the Echidna race back to its former glory?" By which I of course mean: how'd you convince her to let you stay on Angel Island having hardcore, baby-making sex with her whenever either of you wants it? Rouge: Turns out bright red fur is basically the visual hallmark of a natural, born bimbo among echidnas... plus, growing up alone and isolated from civilization, Knux was never exposed to those pesky moral norms that prevent most people from embracing their desires... and the poor thing was pent up from most things on angel Island with a penis running like their life depended on it when she was in the mood and her strength making it hard for her to catch anything without at least maiming it. The sex-starved slut practically started worshipping me when I offered her a willing partner. Question: Most of your past partners have a hard time lasting more than one round with your batty bitch-breaker, but Knux is a tough girl. How'd she do, for a former isolated virgin? And how often does she make the first move, now? Rouge: Oh, she's a tough one alright. First partner I've had who could actually outlast me. When she's at her neediest, I need to dip into my stock of GUN-issued stamina boosters to keep up. Question: Be painfully honest, now. Do you plan on being a deadbeat parent and running off with the Master Emerald once Knux is slowed down by her pregnancy, or are you actually planning to stick around as a husband, father, and new Tribe Patron? Rouge: Honestly, that was my original plan, but even if I hadn't fallen for the brainless bimbo and the tribal fashion, the plan would've failed... turns out Echidna's, despite being mammals, lay eggs... I am hoping the hatchlings take after me in the brains department so I can raise my own personal crime ring of jewel thieves though... having their mother's strength would be a bonus.
Hey rouge, after the chaos emeralds transformed you, does vanilla the rabbit still impale you on her cock? And I heard a rumor she is using cream as well, is this true? Rouge: Oh yes, Mama Vanilla has practically adopted me and spends all night, every night alternating between stretching my batty twatty and my new little sister's bunny cunny on her massive meat. Both me and little Creamy end up looking like we're laying on flesh-colored exercise balls by the time Mama Vanilla is satisfied.
Codename: Kids Next Door Question: [Numbuhs 3, 5, 86, & 362], "Guess I shouldn't be surprised the legendary Numbuh 274 is packin' a monster cock. Any of you sluts ever gotten to ride Chad's giant dick; before or after he defected?" 362: Oh, I've been keeping him all to myself for years... At first I was just his naive secretary when he first took over from Numbuh 100, but he taught me basically everything I know about sex, and I was the one person he let in on his plan to pretend to betray the KND to infiltrate the Teenagers, and even after I took the helm, I took every opportunity to be alone with my older boyfriend... Also, he's the only boy I've ever met with a cock bigger than mine. When I first saw it, I thought he was one of the rare futas with external balls that was butch enough to pass as a boy, but I've checked, and there's definitely no pussy hiding under his nuts. Question: [Numbuh 5] "Since Cree is overcompensating for being half the size of her Baby Sister, have you ever used her tiny dick against her on a mission, Numbuh 5? Or used your girthy 8 incher on any dates she's brought home?" Numbuh 5: Numbuh 5 has tried to go for the crotch shot on many occasions, but my sister has learned to defend against that tactic and even had her BRA modified to provide extra protection... Cree has stopped bringing dates home or having them pick her up since lifting my hoodie to flash them my lolicock is usually all it takes to make them upgrade to the newer, better model Lincoln girl, so Numbuh 5 has to keep an eye on where Cree is going on dates and where her dates live, and let me tell you, flashing a girl at the movies without getting caught by an Usher isn't always easy.
Tiny Tunes Question: Fifi, it's no secret your the biggest slut at Acme Loonaversity, so you must know which guys & gals are packin' the biggest, and smallest, dicks." Fifi: Well, as you might expect from their positions as de facto Headboy and Headgirl of the Loonaversity, Buster and Babs are the most well endowed of the male and female student body respectively... Smallest would have to be poor Gogo, who doesn't actually have one... Oh, and special mention needs to be made for Plucky, Hamton, and Shirly, who all have weird, corkscrewy things going on, though naturaly Shirly is bigger than the boys combined... and is easily the most creative in the bedroom... As for the Faculty, Dean Bugs was top dog until Ms. Lola arrived and Professor Daffy and Professor Fudd have such a bitter rivalry with Dean Bugs because they're trying to compensate... Professor Yosemite, while nowhere near Dean Bugs, is actually rather respectable despite his short stature and gun obsession... pretty sure he's still jealous of what the Dean has, but he's at least bigger than his six shooters while Professor Daffy's bill is longer than his corkscrew and Professor Fudd is about as long and sensitive as his rifle's trigger. Kitten: I can't recall how the Tiny Toons addressed the Looney Toons who served as staff, but given the school's name is an obvious play on University and the theme song mentions toon degrees, I'm going with American collegiate titles unless corrected, even if the show generally portrayed the Loonaversity as a normal elementary school much of the time. Question: "Ms. Lola Bunny, now that you're part of the faculty, how do you plan to incorperate Sexual Education into the schools usual curriculum of gags, slapstick, and exagerated cartoon violence?" Lola: Oh, for starters, I intend to give the girls a crash course in motherhood by using my massive carrot to make them mothers... and Bugs is going to help me instruct the boys in the time honored tradition of crossdressing to manipulate other males into doing one's bidding or making a fool of themselves... though naturally, I'll be adding lessons on getting their boy pussies reamed by girlcock while looking like a trap because it would be too humiliating to look like a boy while being buttfucked.
Question: So, checking up with those futa horse guards who caught Rouge last chapter: how's Rouge adjusting to her community service as stress relief in your break room? Guard 1(Down Rouge's throat as the bat hangs in a sex swing): I haven't heard any complaint from our new, freeuse onnahole in over a week. Guard 2(On the other side of a spitroast to Guard 1): Neither have I. Question: What do you think of her cute friends who have come by to visit her, every now and then? Have any of them wound up helping Rouge out with her duties? Guard 3(Walking around wearing a sleeping Cream like a belt buckle): Oh, they've been rather eager to join the bat... This little bunny here can't seem to sleep properly anymore without spending the night shift as one of our cockwarmers and that pink hedgehog even stopped talking about Sonic after the first day or two. Question: Rouge, are you planning to go back to thieving after this, or do you think you'll be too busy with a few new foals to look after? Rogue: Holds up a sign that says "I might deliberately get caught just to stay in this position" as the two horse guards spit roast her.