Question: Jackie Chan adventures: Jade I heard you once again sneaked on another adventure with your uncle Jackie but this time it involves a fat old Futa did it go? Jade: Honestly, that old hag was a total creeper, though I did get away with the spell she used to give herself a cock... Being impaled on Viper's anaconda is far more enjoyable... and Simone quite enjoyed it when I showed her the spell... and combining the spell with the Tiger Talisman is a lot of fun... I think Paco is jealous mine is twice as long and thick as his though...
Question: PPG: I have 3 doses of a new experimental variant of Chemical X called Chemical SeX. One does gives you DD-cup tits, one gives you a big booty, and the last grows a huge futa cock. Who gets what? Bubbles: Ooh, ooh, I want a big, bubble butt! Buttercup: Give me that bitch breaker! Blossom: Um... Do I have to take the well endowed bust? I wouldn't mind a more mature body, but I think I'd look rather ridiculous with breasts bigger than the rest of my body.
Question: Gwen, Julie, Kai and Charmcaster why did you girls pick succubus costumes for Halloween? Charmcaster: Oh, its pretty much tradition for any aspiring sexy sorceress... plus, the real succubi are quite flattered when someone with strong magic or at least potential emulates their style... Plus, its the perfect excuse to aggressively make out with and then bend over and fuck any innocent cuties I run into.
Question: Gwen, how did you lure Ben to that cemetery? Gwen: I simply told him there were rumors going about someone was going to perform a necromantic ritual and he might have to fight off a Zombie outbreak if it proved to be the real deal and I couldn't disrupt the ritual. Question: Gwen, once Ben was at your mercy what did you girls do to him? Gwen: Oh, Charmcaster and I used a spell to drain away his masculinity and maturity until Ben was a 10-year-old girl... and then we gangbanged her... Naturally, I called dibs on being the first to creampie my cousin's cozy cunny... and used a little extra magic to ensure one of her eggs would be right in the path of my semen...
Code Lyoko: Question: Yumi, is it true you often help the younger girls around school? Milly seems to visit you often... Yumi: I don't like to brag, but I'm quite popular among the campus girls... especially the younger ones just starting to get curious about sex... Though, I think Milly might be addicted to bouncing in my lap... and I kind of regret teaching her some Japanese... Milly: Please, Onee-chan, please use your imouto onnahole to milk Oneechan's ochinchin and give your Imouto onnahole's manko a gooey nakadashi! Yumi: *Slaps hand over Milly's mouth.* See what I mean? And she says stuff like that in front of other students and even the teachers. I'll be in big trouble if anyone figures out what half of what she said means.
Question: Yumi, how did it feel to frot with Ulrich as the two of you double anally pounded Sissy's ass? Yumi: Felt nice to put that Drama Queen in her place.
Question: Aelita, did Jeremy take you having a cock okay? Aelita: Oh, he blushed quite a bit when he first saw it, but he was quite accepting... Said it was as cute as the rest of me right before he kneeled in front of me and took me down his throat... I was still getting used to having a material body at the time and my knees nearly buckled under how incredible it felt... and then he added to my pleasure when he stuck out his tongue to lick my pussy... He would later offer to let me use his butt before he ever asked if he could pop my cherry... and one of his current side projects is a program that will let him virtualize himself and gain a fully functioning set of female genitalia upon devirtualization...
question: Aelita, who's bigger, you or Yumi? Who cums more? Aelita: Yumi knows that I also have one, but Jeremy has been so courteous about servicing both sides of my privates that I've never gone toYumi for relief and we've never actually compared...
Kids Next Door Question: Numbah 5, is it true you and Numbah 3 fuck often, using your futa cocks on each other? Numbuh 5: Often... we even take turns doing a little race play... though Numbuh 3 is quite a bit more insatiable and can often be found cunt deep in one of her many imported from Japan Onnahole Rainbow Monkeys. Question: Numbah 362, is it true you're leader of the KND because you have the biggest dick? Numbuh 362: I don't know about biggest, but it certainly has the girth to keep the mouthier girls in line and to put most of the boys to shame... Granted, I suspect most of the boys who want my post just want it because they're trying to compensate for something... Numbuh 274 had the largest dick I've ever seen on a boy though...
Totally Spies question: Sam, who do you like fucking more, Alex's ass, or Clover's urethra on her cock? Sam: Oh, That formula for making Urethras stretchy enough to fuck just might be my favorite of the various concoctions we recovered from the lab of that mad scientist that was aducting cute girls and forcing them to participate in the kind of smut you normally only see in doujins and hentai anime... He did have a futa formula as well, but WOOHP's version is far superior
Question: Futa Gwen 10, is it true girls often want you to fuck them since you can turn into 10 different aliens? Gwen: Oh, not just the girls, but even some of the guys I've met during our road trip have wanted to get it on with some of my aliens...
Question: Charmcaster, how is it having Futa Gwen 10 as a rival? Sexy, right? Even being covered in cum in public happens a lot? Charmcaster: Honestly, that girl is a royal pain in the butt... though I'd be lying if I said getting my brins fucked out wasn't a decent consolation prize whenever she bests me...
Question: Futa Gwen 10, what's better, knotting a girl as Wildmutt, or pounding them as XLR8? Gwen: Oh, that's a hard one... fortunately, since I figured out the Master control, I don't really have to choose and can give a supersonic fucking with XLR8 than shift to Wildmutt at the moment of climax to knot them...
Teen Titans Question: Bumblebee, is it true your cock changes as you shrink or grow? Bumblebee: Yeah, it stays proportional to the rest of my body... which is probably a good thing. Would kind of defeat the point of shrinking to the size of a Bee to squeeze through tight spots and avoid detection if it stayed at its full, footlong size at all times... Plus, it would be harder to surprise girls while they're changing if I couldn't fly up between their thighs and return to my full size as I penetrate...
Question: Jinx, do your powers affect you or other Futas during sex? Jinx: Oh, I've gotten pretty good at suppresssing my bad luck aura even with I'm cunt deep in a cutie and dumping my load... Though I do sometimes use a little bad luck to give a girl a case of limp dick or make her spill her seed prematurely... and sometimes to make a less than willing girl's egg end up right in the path of my sperm...
Question: Terra, I've heard of being rock hard, but I don't know of any futas that can pound solid rock with there own erection. How do you do it? Terra: Took me a while to work my way up to stone since I need my powers active the whole time to keep the rock supple, but I've been molding onnaholes and dildos from dirt ever since my powers first manifested, working my way up to earth I couldn't just shape and then use without further use of my power was just a natural progression...
Question: Wonder Woman, Hawkgirl, whose cock is superior, Amazon or Thangarian? Wonder Woman: Turns out those wings aren't the only thing Thangarians have in common with Earth birds... Not only do they all have a cloaca and lay eggs, but they lack any kind of phallus to assist with getting semen to the egg for internal fertilization.
Question: Wonder Woman, are you sure Supergirl can handle being cum inflated by you? Wonder Woman: *rubs super girl's distended belly, which is easily the size of a large bean bag chair from the many gallons of Amazonian cum.* I've yet to hear my protege complain.
Question: Supergirl, I think having a erection for all day is just using your powers, right? Not a result of Batgirl's cute ass? Supergirl: Huh? Ye-yes, totally a Kryptonian puberty thing... Though Batgirl does have a very tappable ass... *wipes drool from her lips.*
Question: Vanilla: you've hired Amy, Sally, Bunnie, Tailsko (female Tails), and even Rouge to babysit Cream on various occasions. How would you rate each of them on a scale from 1 to 10, with 10 being "actually very good babysitter," and 1 being "clearly just wants to be bred for hours by the insatiable, futa jackhammer that Cream becomes when she gets horny? Vanilla: Oh, I've come home to find all of them totally cum drunk if not passed out atop cum balloon bellies on more than one occasion with my dear, little cream still rutting them for all she's worth, but then again, I don't think anyone could resist my little Creamy, and honestly, keeping my daughter's precocious puberty in check is actually the main reason I hire babysitters... Cream is really quite mature and self-sufficient, but the last few times I left her alone, she would end up either wandering the woods and fucking any critter she could get hold of or strolling into the nearby village and leaving all of the girls her age bloated with bunny batter... That said, Miss Acorn and Miss Prower seem the most responsible, at least ensuring my Creamy has a healthy dinner, bathes and changes for bed before letting her fuck their brains out... Miss Rouge and Miss Rabbot seem to be competing for who can milk more of Cream's cream during a single evening and Miss Rose seems to be somewhere in the middle. Question: Speaking of, while Cream's got a respectable portion of your size, you've got arguably the biggest dick on all of Mobius, and most girls are afraid to take even half of your length for fear of breaking. Have any of Mobius's heroines been up to the task, and have you found anyone among them finally willing and/or able to go more than half-way? Vanilla: No, and unfortunately, I've yet to meet any Mares or Cows as I suspect they might be my best bet for finding someone who can handle all of me... I thought that nice Crocodile Detective might have been willing to give it a try, but he lost most of his green when he first saw what I was hiding under my skirt.
Question: Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup: what are your individual favorite things to do with your new sex slave, Princess, when you're not constantly gang-banging her? And which one of you gets the most one-on-one time with her? Blossom: I like bouncing her in my lap and inflating her womb to the size of a beach ball. Buttercup: I like wrecking that tight ass. Bubbles: I like it when Princess lickes my kitty and sucks on my lollipop. question: Was the Professor okay with her moving in? Does he even know what you're doing, or did you need to come up with some kind of cover story? Blossom: The professor thinks she has a probationary custody arrangement with our family to keep her out of Juvenile Hall... which is actually the official situation as Ms. Bellum helped set up for us...
[Totally Spies] Question: Sam, Alex, and Clover (non-futa): how did the three of you manage to stop that supervillain's plan to turn an entire tropical island resort full of women into sex-crazed, massively-hung futa-zombies? Sam: We had to fall back on the part of our training most directly related to why WOOHP recruited a trio of sexy schoolgirls. Clover: Basically, We let the brainwashed women fuck us until they were too exhausted to put up a fight while we confronted the mastermind. Alex: *Rubs swollen belly.* Unforutnately, those Futanari were also pumped full of something that made their seed override the WOOHP-issued contraceptives. Question: How do you think all the women who were cured from brainwashing will adjust to their new dicks that WOOHP unfortunately couldn't remove? Sam: Honestly, most of them seemed happy about their new bits of anatomy once the brainwashing wore off... Question: Come to think of it, your mothers were all at that resort too, weren't they? How have they been adjusting? Clover: Well, our Moms have all but married us at this point... and intend to claim the kids we're carrying even if the DNA tests come back that it was one of the random women whose seed beat our BC...
Codename: Kids Next Door Numbus 3, 5, 86, & 362 (Kuki, Abby, Fanny, & Rachel) Question: What are you girls planning on dressing as for this Halloween? Are you keeping it practical or going for slutty costumes? Numbuh 3: I went as a Magical, Hentai Loli! No panties, a pleated skirt that barely reached my clitty, stockings clear up to my crotch... Numbuh 5: I went for some skintight, black spandex with no underwear. Left it up to others whether I was a ninja, spy, or what have you. Numbuh 86: I went full Dominatrix this year, cat-o-nine tails and other weaponry for putting uppity boys in their place included. Number 362: I went a bit classier than some of my subordinates, dressing as a Vampiress in full Gothic Lolita attire... admittedly, I did have a plunging neckline to show of the cleavage of my budding breasts, the skirt was mid-thigh instead of ankle length, and I leaned into the Zettai Ryouiki style of stockings... Question: Speaking of Tricks n' Treats, just how big are all your dicks? And Numbuh 5, how do you measure up to your older sister, Cree? Numbuh 3: I'm long enough to bottom out in my own cunny and still fit my whole hand through the loop. Numbuh 5: I'm a rather respectible 8 inches... and Cree fights so hard for the teenagers because she's trying to compensate for having half what her little sister has. Numbuh 86: Enough to intimidate any boy who thinks he's hot shit. Numbuh 362: I've got a footlong girlcock...
Question: Marge Simpson Congratulations on having such a big, fat cock, Mrs.Simpson. It must have been difficult growing up as such a well-endowed futanari. Were your sisters, Patty & Selma, ever jealous of how much bigger their little sister's cock was? Did they ever bully you over it? Marge: Patty and Selma were always too busy bossing me around and smoking to pay attention to what I was hiding under my dress... Question: What about your daughter, Lisa? Is she envious of how much bigger you were at her age? Marge: Lisa doesn't seem too bothered that she takes after her father... though she does insist on a cup of fresh milk straight from my member to her pussy before bed every night... Marge: Oh yeah, Halloween is coming up. You ever give any trick-r-treaters an "extra special" treat (your big, yellow cock) for wearing a particularly sexy costume? What kind of Halloween costumes get you all hard and horney? Marge: Oh, it was hard to pick which to bend over first when the twins from Bart's class showed up in matching catgirl costumes... And Reverend Lovejoy's daughter always manages to make the ultra conservative costumes her parents approve far sexier than they should be... There's just something about an innocent looking angel or nun walking up, only to lift that ankle-length white dress or habit to reveal she's completely naked underneath and already dripping for cock... Question: Lisa Simpson I've heard you rank pretty low amongst your classmates in terms of dick size. How'd the class find out about your stubby, yellow weiner? Do you and the other smaller girls ever get picked on for having tiny cocks? Lisa: I'm not anywhere near as big as my Mom, but no one will believe me when I tell them I'm a grower, not a shower...5 inches erect is respectable for my age even if I'm less than an inch flaccid!
Question: PPG: Boomer, do you ever crossdress as Bubbles? If so, do you ever do so your brothers or the other PPG fuck you? How long does it take them to figure out you're not Bubbles, if ever? Bubbles: Boomy borrows my clothes all the time and he makes an almost cuter me than I do... Of course, I know its him whenever he cross dresses, but I'm not sure his brothers or my sisters ever figure it out on their own... or if they can tell us apart easily, but just don't care...
Question: Cream: Hey Cream! You've been fucking Tails for a while, but I gotta ask, what does he prefer: Your fat ass where each cheek is the size of your head (and has no business being on a loli like you), or your thick cock that his asshole has certainly gotten used to? Cream: *Giggles* Tails actually invented these mini portals to make it easy for us to pound each others butts at the same time, even when we aren't together. Question: So, Cream, your enormous loli cock is big, but on the other hand you also have that fat ass! I'd imagine it's a pain for your mom to find underwear that fits your strange endowments, right? What do you do to fit your ass and cock under that dress? Do you get tips from people like Amy or Rouge? Cream: Oh, Mama has to sew clothes for me because its so hard to find anything in my size off the rack... she even knits me these incredibly cozy cock socks that attach to my slip and help hold my thing against my tummy and chest when I'm out in public. Question: Rouge, I see you don't really discriminate for gender, but you definitely do have an inclination towards the younger kind - Cream and Tails specifically. What does a normal night look like for you when you're asked to babysit them both? Rouge: Let's just say, by the end of the night, all three of us are too bloated with cum to fly... Question: Vanilla, you're such a good mother, but I gotta ask: Is it not tempting to want to fuck your dear daughter Cream? Especially what with those weird, hyper-lactating oppai loli tits she grew (which are even bigger than yours! Vanilla: Oh, Creamy and me have intimate bonding time every night before bed... though, I confess I was surprised when her breats came in bigger and at a younger age than mine did...
Question: Jinx: Looks like bad luck didn't hit you in one department, Jinx, what with that 18-incher stuffed in your tights! When you first encountered the Titans, how did you feel finding out Raven and Starfire's dicks were smaller than yours? Jinx: Oh, I was quite pleased... and naturally, I had to give that goth chicka good dicking followed by a big belly bloated with baby batter.
question: Tails we heard that machine of yours caused you to duplicate yourself, but female. How weird was it meeting Tailsko? Was it even weirder finding out your female self has a much bigger dick than your puny cocklet? Tailsko: *Cunt deep in her male counterpart's rear.* Oh, he blushed at first, but it didn't take long for me to prove there were advantages to my footlong fox cock.
Question: So, Rouge, it seems like Cream just barged into her mom's room, asking for help with her homework. Unfortunately, Vanilla just lost consciousness after choking around your futa bitch-breaker for the better part of the last hour, and is currently resting on her own cum-inflated gut like it's a medicine ball with your dick still bulging out her throat and the front of her chest. Fortunately, you're a rather smart lady. Surely, you can help the kid out, right? rouge: Oh, I helped her with her homework alright... admittedly, she spent the next hour sitting in my lap with her little bunny cunny stretched around my cock while her mom slept things off, but little Creamy now thoroughly associates doing well on her school work with sexual gratification and I'm her new favorite tutor...
Question: Nicole, is it true you have a digital copy of each of the Freedom Fighters in your cyberspace, and like to alternate between either getting railed by the guys and materializing your own digital futa-dick to fuck the girls, in your free time? Are the recreations accurate to life, or have you made your own... enhancements, where you've seen fit? Do you have your own personal favorite sexual scenario? *The AI is currently preoccupied with distributing its consciousness over an army of virtual avatars, everyone of them in the middle of being gangbanged by mobians of every species and gender.*
Comment: (Not sure if you're familiar with post-2013 Archie characters, but I'll leave this one here, nonetheless. Kitten: I am not. In fact, I'm not even all that knowledgeable on the Comic Series for several years prior to that. The only single issues I've owned where I think issues 130-142, and for the trade paperback reprints of older issues, I got to around Archives 16 and Select 3 prior to going blind, so I'd argue its only the Pre-Endgame era of the series I've fuly read... Also, I've read none of the Knuckles spin-off from the main Archie continuity.
question: To the two futa Horse-Mobians guarding the Chaos Emerald at the Station Square museum: how does it feel to have actually caught the famous thief Rouge the Bat red-handed? And how much longer do you plan on having fun with her before handing her over to the proper authorities? Horse Guard: It's a dream come true to get to fuck such an infamous thief as famous for her looks as her skills for avoiding capture despite not even trying to conceal her identity... And quite honestly, its tempting to keep her under house arrest instead of letting the courts decide, if you catch my drift. Question: Rouge: do you think your plan to outlast these two she-stallions and take the Emerald when they're exhausted is still going to work, or do you think you may actually be in a bit of trouble, here? *Rouge feels herself getting lightheaded as the fucking goes on longer than she expected.*