Question: Hi Misty, i hear that you went to visit Ash in Alola but then you saw an Araquanid for the first time and given your fear of bugs, you were so terrified you pissed yourself and Ash had to help you sneak to the nearest Pokemon Center. What was going through your mind when the whole thing happened? Misty: *Krabby walking backwards from the giant spider as her shorts turn a darker shade of yellow.* Don'teatmedon'teatmedont'eatme! *later* Ash: Misty was shaking worse than I've ever seen her before... I don't think she was that scared when we were being chased by Beedrill or when James' freshly evolved Gyarados used Dragon Rage on us. Question: So Max, was it true that after you and May got fitted for your Halloween costumes, you both had to use the bathroom but May got there first and by the time she was done you were reduced to doing a pee pee dance in the hall, and even then the zipper of your costume got stuck then the dam burst? I bet your mom had your ass since she just bought you that costume. Caroline: I found my son in his soaked costume standing in front of the toilet... thankfully, the costume was machine washable, but I told him and May not to drink so much Soda before getting fitted. Question: Hey Dawn, i heard through a little bird that you went to Hoenn for Halloween and went trick or treating with Liza and Tate, but the punch you all drank beforehand at the party went through your systems faster than you thought and you 3 had to use your candy buckets as makeshift potties. How that go? Where did you all hide? Did you all struggle to get out of your costumes and did you all do naked? Was it one at a time or was it in a circle in front of each other? Dawn: Yeah, and I had to help Liza and Tate out of their costumes... turns out the twins are so in-tuned psychically they have to concentrate on not feeling each other's bodily sensations, so they could feel each other's desperation in addition to their own... barely got my own costume out of the way before my stream joined the twins' tinkle streams... Question:: So, May, you and your brother Max entered a sexual relationship when he caught you pissing - with your big futa cock - away from the others, right? I'm sure his hung shota dick couldn't have hurt, but what kind of things do you guys do together now that you've discovered you're both sluts for each other's piss? Does Max like it when you hilt your dick inside his ass and bloat him with your piss? May: Naturally, giving each other piss enemas is a regular occurance, though I also enjoy it when Max gives me a lemonade pie and we frequently drink each other's pee. Question: Misty: We know about that one night you left camp, found Jessie of Team Rocket, and had a sexy encounter as both of you are futas. But I heard a rumor that a little - or a lot - of pee was involved. Care to elaborate on what you did with each other that night? Jessie: Oh, I ended up making the twerpette drink my pee then made her hold it until she couldn't any longer and made her drink her own pee... repeting through the whole night... Question:: Delia! We always knew you had a thing for your son Ash, but can you describe the first time he drank your piss in the shower when he returned home to Pallet Town? He sure missed his mom from the looks of it. Delia: Oh, my baby was quite thirsty when he got home... Good thing he called ahead so I could be prepared with a full day's worth of pent up pee and drinking plenty of lemonade to keep him sated. Question: Dawn, I know you're super embarrassed about what a weak little bladder you have and how you can never hold it. What do you use to relieve yourself when you're in public or on long adventures with your Pokemon? Has anyone ever caught you using something you shouldn't be? What did they do to you when they found out about your humiliating secret? Dawn: *Cheeks burning her pink skirt having been replaced by a very poofy diaper.* The local Nurse Joy put me in diapers after she caught me trying to water one of the potted plants in the Pokemon Center waiting room....
Question: Nami, you make the crew a glass of fresh tangerine juice every morning. And you pee in the jug to give it a sweet-sour aftertaste as your "secret ingredient." How does the crew like it? Is it true this recipe is how Bellemere used to make you and Nojiko tangerine juice every morning when you were kids? Nami: The crew loves it, and yes, it's a family recipe... Though Robin and Chopper figured out my secret, though still drink as much as anyone. Question:) Nami, Robin seems to have taken a liking to your "special" juice. She drinks dozens of cups daily while reading her books on deck. Does that get you hard when you see her drinking that juice in that clear glass? Nami: Yes it does get me hard... Though Robin is always up for giving me a secret handjob with her Devil fruit since she knows I have trouble preparing more of her favorite drink if I'm hard... She also likes drinking my special juice straight from the source when settling into our cabin for the night. Question: Robin is a Futanari.) Robin. Being an ex-fugitive and the only one who drank pee on multiple occasions in the past, you are the only one who knows Nami pees in her tangerine juice. How does the taste of her pee compare to those you had to drink in the past? Is it true that you jerk yourself off at the thought of sucking Nami's stinky orange pee out of her cock? Robin: Oh, I do get hard at the thought of drinking it straight from the source... and she easily has the finest pee I've drank. Question: Nami and Robin. I heard your morning join-shower hours got longer lately. Robin, how does Nami's morning piss taste better when it's hot and straight from the tap? Does anyone else in the crew find it suspicious that your hair and body smell strongly of sour tangerines whenever you come out of the showers in the morning? Robin: Oh, drinking Nami's morning pee is even better than drinking her bedtime pee... Also, I'm pretty sure Chopper knows what my perfume really is, but he keeps his distance at breakfast because of his sensitive nose.
Question: Chibiusa, as a blooming Sailor pervert, you must've drunk your fill of Sailor Senshi piss(including Naru-chan, who is Sailor Earth.) How does Sailor Senshi's piss differ from each other? And whose piss do you like to drink most of all? Chibiusa: My favorite is Hotaru's followed by Pluto and Usagi.
Question: To Momoko and Beth: Is it true that part of reason you two have been such close friends since childhood is due to the fact you're both still in diapers? Were you always there to stick up for each other whenever Mary and her lackeys tried teasing you for wearing diapers at your age? Once your relationship turned more passionate as you got older, did you often get into kinky activities involving your pampers together? Momoko: Yes, we're both quite thickly padded, and we did have to deal with quite a bit of teasing from Mary before we talked her into trying diapers. Beth: As for getting kinky... we sometimes swapped diapers to sit in each other's piddle, and sometimes we'll cuddle, naked except for an oversized diaper holding us together. Question: To Poppu and Erika (Continuation of Sayaka and Kumiko's replies to the previous question): Seeing as you're the only girls from your respective kindergartens who've graduated from diapers, do you two usually take care of changing your fellow alumni and trying to help them make it to the potty on time? And to Poppu specifically, has any of the Primula girls ever came to you pleading for you to change them because Erika wouldn't for whatever reason? Poppu: I'm always willing to help out my fellow Sonatine alumni, even when Kumiko has an upset tummy... Erika, on the other hand, refuses to get her hands dirty and asks unreasonable favors to deal with pissy diapers. Question: To Hazuki, Onpu and Sayaka: Does practicing ballet often tend take a toll on the contents of your bladder? Accordingly, have you resorted to wearing pull-ups or even diapers during ballet class in case you were to spring a leak? And to Sayaka specifically, do you also wear a big tutu to try and hide the thick bulge of your diaper beneath your leotard? Onpu: I've never leaked bad enough to justify a pull up, though I do wear a pad in my leotard... Sayaka-chan has yet to stay dry through one of our sessions together though, and if anything, her tutu helps draw attention to her ultra puffy pampers. Hazuki: I do leak every now and then, so I wear a leotard with a layer of washable, absorbent material sewn into the gusset. Question: To Kumiko (Continuation of previous fart-related questions to Kumiko): During the school recess period, do you routinely sneak into the boy's toilets where you proceed to unleash one of your signature Fuji-sized farts that you've been holding back throughout lesson time? Do you prefer to wait for when a crowd of Primula boys is present before letting rip, just so you can enjoy hearing them gag from the pungent smell? And should any of them pass out, do you then whip out your futahood and relieve that worked-up erection in their tight, little buttholes? Kumiko: Yeah, I've even taken to eating natto regularly to help in stunning those stuck up boys. I usually get to creampie at least half-a-dozen bussies everyday. Question: To Reika: Whenever Kaori comes over to your place after school, do you love nothing more that changing her diaper and proceeding to pamper your little shutterbug throughout the afternoon? In addition, is it true that you also own an extensive photo album of your shutterbug being babied and have to constantly resist the urge to share them with the rest of the school? Reika: Yes, there's nothing I enjoy more than watching my shutterbug shyly showing off the stylish baby clothes I put her in and immortalizing those moments on film... especially when I capture her in the middle of wetting diapers that show off her accident... ANd I want to show the albums I have to everyone, but everytime I pull one out, Kaori-chan snatches it away. Question: To the Manda Twins (Continuation of previous questions to the Manda Twins): Is it true that you two are always on diaper duty for one another, performing diaper checks on each other and calling out whenever they've had an accident? In addition, have you ever helped change each other should either of you struggle to change oneself? What were the most embarrassing moments when your sibling decided to check you at the worst possible time? Yoko: Yeah, we check and change each other's diapers all the time, but Junji knows how to be discreet about it and knows I won't hesitate to humiliate him in front of the whole school if he embarrasses me. Question: To the 6th Grade Boys at Misora Elementary (Another continuation of previous questions to the Manda Twins): Upon discovering that Junji still wears diapers, is to true that you boys have been having fun dressing him in girly outfits and babying him? Do you suspect that he actually quite enjoys being treated like a big, sissy, baby boy? Kotake: Yeah, and he's obviously into it. He even calls me and the other guys Papa when the girls aren't around to hear him. Question: To Majo Tourbillon's Granddaughters: Is it true that you girls are all known to be partially gassy and routinely compete with each other to see who can rip the biggest fart? Which of you are known to be more loud and proud when letting loose, and who typically tries to be discrete but to no avail? Furthermore, does Roy often tend to end up on the receiving end whenever you girls let rip? Roy: *Holding nose.* All of my sister's are rotten... Ingrid tries to be discreet, but she only manages silent but deadly about one time in ten.
[Heartcatch Precure] To Erika, Itsuki and Yuri (Continuation of previous Heartcatch Precure questions): Have you ever tried wearing diapers yourselves, be it either out of curiosity, to help Tsubomi feel less self-conscious, or just to appease your own fetishes? How did it feel being padded through your day-to-day activities? Would you perhaps even consider wearing diapers full-time? And in the event you were caught, did you have a hard time explaining the situation so that they didn't get the wrong impression? Erika: Yeah, I tried them, an now, I do pink and blue twin looks with Tsubomi about as often as I play the big sister. Itsuki: I've tried diapers a few times, but I prefer seeing others in diapers to wearing them myself. Yuri: Erika and Momoka have been trying to get me to try them ever since Momoka found out about her little sister's fetish, but I've yet to give in.
[Fushigiboshi no Futagohime] Question: To Princess Mirlo (Continuation of previous diaper-related Futagohime questions): Is it true that you personally suffer from an overactive bladder and are constantly trying to hide your desperation during the Princess Parties and while performing your royal duties? Did you ever try freezing over the content of your bladder using your trusty Drop Wand, even if it felt rather unpleasant? Subsequently, were you inspired by the twins to try wearing diapers, although preferring cloth diapers compared to their disposables? Mirlo: I did use the wand during a particularly long day of sitting at my mother's side as she saw petitioners... and regretted it immediately... it let me relax my pelvic floor, but it only stretched my bladder further as my pee expanded as it froze, and having a large chunk of ice sitting in my belly was quite painful... diapers have proven a far more comfortable solution, even if I need to wear stronger perfume to conceal any odor.
Question Cardcaptor Sakura] To Tomoyo: Is it true that Sakura is incontinent and that you've specially designed each of her battle costumes to accommodate her diapers wherever she's out hunting the Clow Cards? Does she often tend to and show embarrassment and complain over her costumes looking partially babyish or how they often emphasize her padded rump? Tomoyo: Oh yes, my darling Sakura-chan makes a beautiful baby magical girl... especially when she's blushing like her namesake and acting all shy. Question: Rika: Is it true that you always insist on having Terada-sensei change your diapers whenever you're at school, going as far as to pretend you still struggle to do it yourself? During which, are you often able to persuade him into getting intimate with you under the guise that you're struggling to go? Rika: Oh, I don't have to convince Terada-sensei to do anything... he's just as eager to change his beloved baby girl and help her let out retented urine as I am for him to do it... though I only get to be sensei's potty girl when I go over to his house for private tutoring... at school, I have to settle for him tickling me until I tinkle and him drinking my pee on occasion. Question: Chiharu: How did you react when Takashi came and told you that "girls don't fart"? Did it feel mighty satisfying for you and the other girls to prove him wrong? Chiharu: Since he told that whopper, I've made it a habit to strangle him with my farts instead of my hands when he starts telling tall tales.
Question: Detective Conan] Kaitou, do you wear diapers during your heist in case of bathroom emergencies? And is it true you've taken a liking to wearing a diaper that you wear diapers under your school clothes during the day? Kaito: yes, even a master of disguise such as myself sometimes doesn't have the time to sneek off to the restroom or has difficulty getting out of a disguise in time. Only worn one to school a time or two though. Question:Ran, have you been making Conan take a shower by dowsing himself with your piss to punish him for lying to you? I bet you get constantly hard from watching your piss trickle down Conan's bubbly femboy shota ass. Ran: Oh, I was giving Conan golden showers long before I found out he was Shinichi... sending him to school after a golden shower without being allowed a regular shower afterward was his punishment when I found out he lied for so long. Question: Haibara, ever since you learned Conan had been trained to be used as a urinal by Sonoko and Ran, you've been exploiting his weakness and making him suck on your cock whenever you want to take a piss in public or indoors. Is it true he drops everything he's been doing when you take out your cock to take a piss? Even when he's working on a case? Ai: Not just me, he'll drop just about anything if a futanari is in need of a toilet... Ayumi doesn't even need to ask, she mentions she needs to tinkle, and he's begging to suck out her pee.
Ocarina of Time Question: Impa, one of Zelda's retainers, scolded Zelda for wetting her bed recently. Don't you think it's time to lay off making Zelda suck off your cock before bed and getting her tummy filled with her nasty yellow piss? Or is there a reason you keep insisting she drink your Sheikah piss? Impa: It's an important part of her training in case her visions of what Ganondorf is planning come to fruition and she has to flee into the country. Question: Zelda, is it true you get an erection when you piss in your secret diaper while you are on your royal duties like banquets and holding audiences? Zelda: Yes, the feeling of my warm pee flowing over and around my privates is quite arousing. Question: Saria, as a Kokiri, you piss wherever in the forest as you please. Is it true when a Hylian girl wandering a forest gets drenched in Kokiri piss, they get horny and beg you to fuck them and get them pregnant with your Kokiri seeds? Saria: Yes, there's something about Kokiri pee that turns Hylian girls, no matter how young, in to total, baby crazy sluts... Of course, me and my sisters are more than happy to give the girls the big bellies they desire.
Question: To Applejack (Futanari): Is it true that Cherry Jubilee made you wear a diaper as a way to relax when you were resting at her house after bucking all the cherry trees on the farm for her? If so, how did you feel? Were you embarrassed about it or did you enjoy wearing a diaper? Applejack: Ay admit I was a darn bit apprehensive at first, but after a while, it got to feelin' quite liberatin'.