Question: To the Girls at Misora Elementary (All of which are diaper girls): Do you typically prefer to wear either disposable or cloth diapers, and on a similar note, what kind of diaper designs are your favourite? Do you wear diapers because you're incontinent, weren't properly potty trained, simply have a diaper fetish, or perhaps for other reasons? Nobuko: I mostly do it to model for Miho-chan when she draws diaper scenes and wear a variety of styles as needed for the scene in question... Miho: I often lose track of what my body is telling me when I get into my drawing, sometimes to the point of not realizing I need to pee until I spring a leak... Because of that, I've gotten into a habit of wearing panties with thick, absorbent padding built in... Marina: I hold my pee to use for fertilizer for the flowers... and I favor natural cotton cloth diapers for the cases I can't hold it since they're easy to wring out so I don't waste any and don't contain any synthetic fibers or dyes that might hurt the flowers. Nanako: I like disposable diapers with animal prints, especially bunnies... Shiori: All of my muscles are weak, including my bladder muscles, so I have to wear diapers for medical reasons... I prefer disposables with floral patterns. Mutsumi: I made the mistake of holding my pee through training too much and injured my bladder as a result... Though it's not the style of wrestling I practice, I favor cloth diapers secured in a way to resemble a sumo wrestler's mawashi... Kayoko: I...I'm an anxiety wetter and I wear disposable diapers. Yoko: Jun and I were never potty trained... and we wear the same brand of disposables... I prefer unpatterned or airplane print ones while Jun prefers butterfly prints... and since we share supplies, we often fight over who picks the pattern when our parents need to buy a new case... Hana: Keiko wears diapers covered with colorful, alphabet blocks! Keiko: Hana-chan, that was supposed to be a secret! Sachiko: I wear pretty plain, cloth diapers... Sayaka: I was never potty trained and I like things like hearts and butterflies... Kumiko: I mostly wear them so Sayaka-chan doesn't feel self conscious about her own diapers... I like blue disposables with star or moon patterns...
Question: To Noriko: Upon finding out that your fellow lackeys Yukari and Aya still wear diapers, is it true you've since been babying the two of them whilst pretending to be their mother? How does it feel having them suckle at your teat as if you were breastfeeding them? Noriko: *Bouncing a girl on each knee.* Oh, it feels wonderful having my babygirls nurse... and I quite enjoy teasing them whenever I change their diapers...
Question: To Kumiko (Continuation of previous question): During your classes' swimming sessions, do you enjoy letting loose all your pent-up farts in the pool? Furthermore, does your stupendous swimming ability allow you to continue tormenting those pesky primadonnas with ease? Kumiko: Oh, I love swimming past on of the Prima brats and letting loose a storm of fart bubbles right in their faces.
Question: To Aiko, Hazuki and Onpu: What's it like being on diaper duty for Minto? Does she have a tendency to throw a tantrum whenever you girls try to change her? Subsequently, have you ever been forced to give that bratty, little blonde a good spanking in order to teach her to behave? Onpu: Oh, Minto-chan is constantly trying to hide she needs a change turns the most adorable shade of pink whenever one of us performs a diaper check. She does tend to get cranky when she starts to get a rash from trying to avoid being forced to admit she needs to be changed... Hazuki-chan and I let Ai-chan handle the tough love when needed...
Question: To Yuka Nishizawa: Is it true that you're secretly an ABDL and love nothing more than to spend your time off work dressing up in an adult diaper and onesie before proceeding to play with your baby toys and watch little children's shows, all whilst doing your business in your diaper? Have you ever been daring enough to try wearing a diaper whilst teaching at Misora Elementary? Furthermore, has Seki-sensei or any of own students caught you in act yet? Seki: Sometimes I wonder how Yu-chan even made it through teacher's college... and how she talked me into being her mama... I keep telling her she should act her age at school, but that doesn't stop her from coming up to me when its just the two of us in the teacher lounge and going full little... Yuka: *Walks up to Seki's spot in the teacher launge and lifts her skirt to reveal a cloth diaper, a visible wet spot staining the crotch.* Mama, I had an acciddent... Will Mama change me? Pwetty Pwease? Seki: *Face palming* At least I've managed to talk her out of coming to school in an oversized Kindergarten uniform or other little girl clothes... I swear Hinako's students are more mature than Yuka here.
Question: [Fushigiboshi no Futagohime] To Prince Tio (Continuation of previous Futagohime questions): After finding out about the twins' unprincess-like undies, did it lead to you developing a diaper fetish and subsequently un-potty train yourself to be more like your heroines? Has onee-sama found out about your little fetish yet, and if so, what was her reaction to having a baby brother? Furthermore, does Shade often take care of changing you while you're traveling as his disciple? Lione: Oh, I couldn't help cooing over my little brother when I realized he was regressing... The way he blushes as I clean his tiny dicklet and marbles during a change is just too adorable for words! Shade: I don't mind changing Milky, but when Tio started following me like a lost kitten, I told him he's on his own if he insists on soiling himself.
Question: To Princess Sophie: Is it true that you're the gassiest princess in the history of the Mysterious Star and the volume of your farts is so completely unrivalled that nobody could even a candle to you if there were a Princess Party for farting? In addition, is it also true that the Windmill Kingdom has been utilizing your flatulence as an energy source to supply the whole star with generations-worth of power? Sophie: Oh, holding a candle anywhere near me sounds like the beginnings of a fireworks display, especially if I've been indulging in spicy Flame Kingdom cuisine! And while I can't quite keep a Windmill going all on my own, I am responsible for a sizeable fraction of my Kingdom's export of natural gas to fuel the furnaces of the Flame Kingdom, which is one reason I eat their food so often...
Question: Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph, and Zuko. When you were traveling through that desert, you five ran out of water. Whose idea was it to resort to drinking Appa's piss from his huge Air bison cock? Katara: I think it was Sokka's idea... he was hitting the Cactus Juice again and the rest of us were a bit too dilirius from the heat and dehydration to queston him... Question: (Continuation of the last question.) Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph, and Zuko. Is it true that you got addicted to drinking Appa's piss? And you only drink Appa's piss even if there is water nearby? Doesn't your breath stink from drinking and getting bloated on Appa's piss? Toph: Honestly, I think it actually has a rather earthy taste and scent, kind of reminds me of the smell of badger mole burrows. Question: (Continuation of the last question.) Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph, and Zuko. Your Air Bison piss addiction has gotten worse, and now not only do you five only drink his piss, but you take a shower in Appa's piss stream. How does it feel to drown yourselves in warm golden showers twice a day? How do you excuse yourselves from reeking of Air Bison piss 24/7? Do you lie that it is a traditional Air Nomad incense or perfume? Aang: *Smacks forehead.* Why didn't I think of that, not like anyone knows what my culture was like well enough to call us on whether we actually used Sky Bision piss for anything. Zuko: As for actually showering in it, it beats having to spend the whole time under the spray of a waterfall using firebending to heat the water. With that thick fur and fat, what comes out is on par with any mineral hot spring.
Question: Ty Lee, we all know we make mud out of the sand before making a sand castle. But are the rumors true that you prefer making your sand castle by mixing your piss with the sand? Ty Lee: Sure do, and I make sure to drink lots of tea before heading to the beach and while there so I'm nice and full.