Question: Doremi, is it true you used magic to give yourself a penis so you could see what it was like to pee as a boy, but the plumbing at home went to shit? (No pun intended) What happened afterwards? Was it easier or harder to hold it in with a penis? Doremi: It started as just a bit of curiosity, but I kind of liked the way it felt when I grabbed my thingy trying to hold it in... Not sure it made holding any easier, but the feeling I got from stroking it did help distract me from my need to pee...
Question: Also Poppu, is it true you and Hana accidentally got locked in your room when you both needed to use the little girls room? Hana told me you both tried scissoring to hold it in, but I'm not sure if that's the case since she didn't use those words exactly, that's just what she seemed to imply and I wonder if she even knew what she was talking about. Poppu: Yeah, I was tutoring Hana-chan on some of the first grade material she skipped over and we kind of lost track of time... When we realized my door was jammed, we also realized that Hana-chan had drained her compact earlier that day and I had left my tap out in the living room... Hana-chan was doing a shameless potty dance and it was all I could do not to join her when I remembered reading that stimulating a girl down there could help her hold her pee... I don't think Hana-chan really understood what I was showing her, but she seemed to enjoy it when we rubbed against each other...
Question:To the Ojamajos (Futanari): Have you ever tried masturbating by using a diaper as a onahole? In which case, do you prefer doing it with a clean diaper or enjoy the warmness of a recently used one, be it by yourself or someone else? Hana: Hana-chan loves peeling off a warm, wet diaper and wrapping it around Hana-chan's dickie and sliding it up and down until Hana-chan makes a gooey mess! It's almost as good as doing it in a real girl! Doremi: I thought it a bit weird when Hana-chan told me what she does when she has enough privacy when she needs a change... But it was really quite nice when I tried it. Hazuki: *blushing with foggy glasses.* I...I've tried wearing diapers... but I can't bring myself to use it... and trying it with a dry one is a bit rough... and trying with a diaper someone else used is... a bit repulsive... Onpu: Like Hazuki-chan, I can't get past my toilet training to use a diaper... not even after agreeing to model for a brand targetted at older children, preteens, and teenagers with continence issues... even if the shoots for those commercials made me feel more carefree than I have in years. Aiko: Not big on using a diaper onnahole myself... I prefer to push on a diaper girl's bladder until she uses her diaper and then bending her over and punishing her piddly pussy with my cock... and using her soiled diaper on her if she's a futa... Momoko: And I'm the most receptive of the girls Ai-chan has tried that on... I sometimes even pretend I suffer from bladder retention and need her help to go just to give her an excuse to make me wet and then use me...
Question: Also to the Ojamajos: After chowing a big batch of sweet potatoes, which one of you girls can let out the loudest, longest and smelliest fart? Furthermore, have you found being extra flatulent as a result to be a bit of a problem throughout the rest of your day? Aiko: I'm loud and proud with my farts... Hazuki-chan and Onpu-chan try to be discrete with theirs, sometimes to the point of clearly suffering stomach cramps from the strain of holding them in...
Question: To Kumiko: Is it true that you totally have a thing for fart fetish, coupled with being constantly full of flatulence? Do you often enjoy subduing any annoying Primula graduates by letting loose right in their face? On the other hand, has there been a time where you accidently gave your fellow Sonatine girls a rather unpleasant surprise during your sessions of love making? Kumiko: Oh yes, Ai-senpai has even been giving me lessons on how to make the loudest toots... and the only thing more satisfying than making one of those Prima donnas put her tongue to good use is watching her try to gasp for air when I let one rip right over her nose... Sayaka-chan wouldn't talk to me for a week after that time a Fuji-sized fart hit me all of a sudden and I didn't have time to get away from her before it came out though...
Question: To the Manda Twins (Both incontinent): During the time you two switched places at school, did you also try exchanging your diaper brands to better sell the impression? Throughout the experience, did you find each other's diapers to be adequate for your respective needs? Yuko: Our parents actually insist on buying the same unisex diapers for both of us since we've always worn the same size... It is annoying when it's Jun's turn to pick the design though... they're unisex, but he still picks the girliest prints.
Question: To Majo Tourbillon's Grandchildren: Given that you're still quite a few centuries away from proper toilets, what sort of improvised potties have you relieved yourselves with whenever you're desperate? Additionally, does your grandmother have to put any of you in a diaper should you have too many frequent accidents? (If I recall correctly, it was stated that Majo Tourbillon's family lived about 1,000 years prior to the events in Ojamajo Doremi, setting the timeframe at around the 11th century. Not sure if diapers existed back then from what I've researched, but in the case of this question, they will of course be cloth diapers) Laura: I sometimes squat over the box of sand Grandma keeps for Baba to do her kitty business in whenI don't have time to make it to the chamber pot. Ingrid: As the oldest and the closest thing my siblings have to a mother after Grandmother, I try to set a good example and always hold my waters until I can find a chamber pot... Grandmother does like to baby Angela and Roy though, continuing to swaddle them when most children their age have been properly breeched. Kitten: Sources are contradictory... I believe the episode that introduces Robby said the family tapestry was 1000 years old, while the light novels claim the typical length of a Witch Queen's reign is 100 years... granted, the show threw 1000 around quite a bit, so it's hard to say how much is literal versus it being used as a placeholder for many, similar to how myriad means both multitudes, but is also the greek word for 10,000... And to anyone who doesn't understand Ye olde English, swaddling is to wrap someone tightly in cloth, especially a baby, used above euphemistically for diapering a child... and breeching refers to the fact that in pre-modern times, dresses and skirts were unisex clothing for young children, and wearing breeches, trousers, and other styles of outer pants was a mark of maturity.
Question: To the Heartcatch Precure (Continuation from previous question): Whenever you girls volunteer to help out at the local kindergarten, does Tsubomi always end up becoming the class baby? During which, are the kindergarteners eager to help change her diapers and bottle feed her? Also, how does their potty training status compare to Tsubomi's? Erika: Oh, there are a few accidents among the kiddies, but most of them are fully potty trained... and the ones that aren't feel better about themselves knowing that Tsubomi-chan is completely incontinent... oh, and most of them are thrilled to play mommy to a girl three times their age.
Question: To Princess Altezza (Continuation from previous question): Is the true that the twins aren't the only ones who failed potty training and as it turns out, you're also hiding some rather unprincess-like undergarments beneath your dress? Does Bright constantly have his hands full taking care of changing your diapers? Additionally, is it also true that the Jewellery Kingdom has to manufacture a luxury diaper brand specially for you, given how much of a heavy wetter you are? Altezza: *Flustered.* Of...of course not, I have nothing in common with those oversized toddlers! Bright: Come now, sister, you really should be more honest. *Comes up behind Altezza, and undoing a zipper hidden among the seams where bodice meets skirt, reaches a hand under Altezza's dress.* Altezza: *Blushing* O-onii-sama! Not where people can see. *A squelching sound can be heard from under her dress.* Bright: *Pats Altezza's head with the hand not down her skirt.* Now, now, baby sister, you know you get cranky when you let your piddle grow stale and put yourself at risk of a rash... and we wouldn't need to have a royal contract with the Princess Piddly Pants diaper company if you would just inform me when you need a change instead of letting it pool for hours on end. * Takes a step back to unzip the back of Altezza's dress, the gown pooling to the floor to leave the princess in only a navel exposing cami and a very bulky and obviously very soaked diaper, the latter adorned in a variety of gemstones.* Altezza: *Trying to cover her diaper with her hands.* Th-this is so humiliating! Bright: *Scoops up his sister like one would hold a newboarn.* Perhaps having your diaper on display will teach you a lesson about letting me know when you need a change instead of ignoring it for hours out of misplaced pride. *Carries Altezza to an oversized changing table, laying her atop it, and at least allowing his sister a modicum of modesty by blocking the view as he removes her diaper.*