Comment: Personally, I think bladder rupture IS torture, but I'm not very well-versed in this genre, so, it might not what I think it is. Kitten: In general, torture is a word with some rather strong connotations, often implying inflicting major injury upon the victim, but there are a few kinks, such as tickle torture or bladder torture where the torments the victim are subjected to are quite a bit less traumatic compared to what the word torture on its own implies. E.g. someone being subjected to tickle torture might be bound to prevent escape or retaliation, might be tickled with multiple implements on multiple parts of the body, and tickled to the point of being out of breath from laughing or exhausted from struggling against their bonds, but tickle torture scenes generally won't have the victim being physically harmed, their torment is primarily overstimulation via tickling. Similarly, bladder torture often includes things such as the victim being bound so they can't go to the toilet, the only convenient toilet being behind a locked door, being forced to consume liquids or listen to the sound of running water, might be forced to wear clothing that is hard to get out of or doesn't give their bladder room to expand, their tormentor might push on their bladder, they might be prevented from closing their legs or grabbing their crotch, they might be forced to suffer with a urethral plug in place, but again, such scenes usually avoid anything that involves actual injury. Technically, forcing someone to hold to the point their bladder literally bursts is bladder torture, but it kind of crosses the line from the relatively lighthearted tone of most bladder torture scenes and into the territory of traditional torture, which is more in line with the Perilously Perverted Q&A than this one... and in general, there is quite a bit of overlap as to what fits in which Q&A.
Question: Glad those policemen apprehended that man with the attache case full of bills. Who would've thought an illegal transaction would happen underneath a ferris wheel of all places. So, Shinichi. Last time anyone saw you, you were being lead behind some stalls by Ran. Does that have anything to do with that rumor about you acting as her emergency deep-throat piss toilet? Ran: It was kind of Shin-chan's fault for getting involved with the case that I wasn't able to head for a restroom when I first felt the urge... Drinking my pee was the least he could do after I clobbered the suspect to keep him from escaping and hung around until the police arrived.
Question: (Futanari Sonoko) Kaido, Sonoko. Is it true that Sonoko makes Kaido hold his pee after he cums from getting his ass fucked? Just so that Sonoko can enjoy his desperate and embarrassed girly face and train to get ahegao when he finally release? Kaito: Not just during our sessions following a successful heist... Mistress insists I hold through the entire heist...
Question: So, Tetra. Is it true that female pirates wear diapers in case of unexpected naval emergencies? Because, you know. Female gender has the shorter urethra? And is it true that you've developed a kink about wetting your diapers that you piss in them even though you have time to use the restrooms? And that you're corrupting your latest member of your crew, Aryll to be a diaper wetting addict as well? Tetra: Me thinks some blabbermouth on me crew needs to walk the plank for spreading rumors about their captain... As for Aryll, no corruption necessary, she was already wearing a diaper when she first came aboard... apparently her grandmother was too senile to realize the girl's mother never potty trained her before falling ill and leaving her to the old lady's care. Kitten: As far as I know, Wind waker never says what happened to Link and Aryll's parents, but I figure mother dying of illness and father drowning at sea makes as much sense as anything for why the kids are being raised by their grandmother.
Question: Hermione. I heard that you created a secret piss room for futanari Gryffindors. The toilets being wide mouthed cunt squirting small penis leaking piss thirsty Slytherin girls. How did you manage to turn them into that? Hermione: Oh, in-between the active parts of brewing the polyjuice, I looked through the rest of "MostPotent Potions" and found a recipe for a brain drain potion that has the side effect of somewhat acting like a untargetted love potion... After Polyjuice, it was an easy brew, and the Weasley twins were eager to help out with spiking every girl's drink with it at the Slytherin table... once dosed, it wasn't hard to corner each of them and lead them to their new home.
Question: Hermione. I heard that your current potion experiment needs 'one pint of Virgin's piss' Well, there are no Virgin witches in this school with all of them fucking another witch at some point. Is this why you trained Harry to piss when having his Prostate teased? Hermione: I'll admit, it was rather annoying when I realized the proclivities of witches meant finding a virgin female over the age of eleven would be impossible outside of the Muggle world... was quite fortunate that it turns out male virgins will work just as well... and that Wizards tend to not be such early bloomers compared to witches... Harry turned out to be a perfect source for the ingredients I needed.
Question: Applejack. Rainbow Dash secretly pre-orders a casket of your Cider so she won't have to wait in line all day. You made her pay extra for it, but I'm suspicious. This deal goes against your honest integrity. Are the rumors true that you secretly mix piss in the casket so that Rainbow dash becomes addicted to your taste? Applejack: *Straddling Dash's face and letting out a sigh of relief.* Eeyep! Got a bit worried when she complained about the slightly bitter after taste, but she was so thrilled I let her reserve some she let it slide, and now she can't get enough of the Applejack special straight from the source.
Question: So, Malon. Every time you fill a tank with your 'special cream', you have a urge to pee from your horse cock so badly. You used to hold it in or make a trip to the outhouse. But ever since Link came around, that changed. Is it true that you use him as your deep-throat piss toilet to save time going to a 'real' toilet? Malon: Hilted in Link's throat, the green clad boy's throat bulging from her girth as his stomach swells.* Oh yes, and it's sped up the process so much now that I don't have to waste time constantly dashing back and forth between the outhouse and the milking barn. *Giggles* and the best part, All he wants in return for providing this service is free milk, both from the cows and myself.
Question: Impa. You won the last futanari piss holding contest in Hyrule castle town's back alley. Is it true that you are now training princess Zelda to take your place? To the point the princess ahegaos everytime she finally breaks and pisses? Will she be able to win against the current champion, 'Stallion Mare' Malon? Impa: That farmgirl is quite the specimen... she gives new meaning to the saying "pissing like a race horse" that's for sure... My dear Zelda is making good progress, but she has a ways to go to challenge Malon. Zelda: *Moaning in desperation, her bladder bulge giving her the look of a pregnant preteen, her girlcock tightly bound in silk rope to prevent leaks.* Pl-please, Impa... Pl-please unbind my member and let me pee! Impa: *Caressing Zelda's bladder bulge.* Endure for just a little longer, my princess.
Question: (This Impa is not the same impa from the previous question.) Impa. You try to act all tough, but everyone knows your dirty secret. That you were the late queens' piss toilet. You leak constantly whenever you smell that stinky, salty, yellow piss. Is that why you betrayed your Princess and blabbed everything to Ganondorf? Because of his piss sloshing inside your mouth and stomach. Impa: It is my greatest shame, that that vile monster in the shape of a man was able to make me betray my princess's secrets with but a mouthful of strong pee... After Ganondorf took what he had learned from me and made his move to usurp the throne and I barely managed to whisk young Zelda away to relative safety, I was ready to take my life in penence... until Zelda demanded I train her in my people's fighting style and decided I would be her toilet from that day onward...
Question: Saria. We all know that the Kokiri only wear clothes as 'a fashion choice.' So is there a reason why you always meet Link naked and casually piss in the middle of a conversation, while playing your ocarina for him or deep-throating him? So that he would also be a casually pissing naturalist pervert like yourself? Saria: I don't think it's perverted at all, most of the creatures of the forest don't cover themselves in either skins or woven fibers, and most do their business where ever. If anything, it's the outsiders who hold their waters until they've found what they think of as an appropriate spot who are strange...
Question: To Tsubomi: Is it true that not only are you the weakest Precure in history, but you also have the puniest bladder of all Precure and need to wear diapers as a result? How frequently do you have accidents both while at school or fighting as Cure Blossom? Have your fellow comrades decided to wear diapers as well so you feel less embarrassed about it? Erika: Oh, Tsumi-chan wets herself at least twice per school day and once per battle... makes her the perfect model for the line of AB/DL clothes I've designed... and the way she blushes for the camera is just perfect! She's the only one of us that can really pull off the baby girl look though... Yuri does abetter job of being the Mama and Itsuki fills the Papa role as well as she does the Bifauxnen role... and I do enjoy playing the Onee-chan to complete the family picture... Tsumi-chan is just the cutest, little imouto!
Question: To Fine and Rein: Is it true that the perhaps most unprincess-like trait about you two is the fact you were never potty-trained and still wear diapers? How has this gone down during the Princess Parties or when traveling to the other kingdoms to meet the other Princesses? During which, have you found that you're not the only ones who are still in diapers? Lione: Fine and Rein were so adorably immature when we met at the first Princess Party, but it was still quite the surprise when I invited them to join me at the finest hot spring in Flame Kingdom and got my first look at their diapers... Did you know Fine favors pink diapers with little hearts while Rein prefers baby blue with stars? *Blushing* it was kind of fun getting to pretend I had a couple of baby sisters, though it was annoying making sure they went to the ladies room regularly so they didn't end up peeing in the spring... I've since learned even Milky is mostly potty trained and wears pull ups as a just-in-case rather than actually needing them with any regularity... Altezza was rather mean about it when she found out about the twin's tiny tinkle tanks though.
Question: To the Ojamajos: Despite aging herself up into a sixth-grader, has Hana-chan still not been potty-trained and continues to wear diapers? How much trouble has this caused both at school and the MAHO-Dou, especially with her constantly interrupting class for diaper changes? Does she feel no shame in being a toddler in a pre-teen body and proceed to have her diapers on public display? Hana: Hana-chan is potty trained! Hana-chan just likes wearing diapers, so Hana-chan used magic to make diapers that would fit under Hana-chan's shorts... Hana-chan thought Hana-chan was in trouble when Tamaki-chan caught Hana-chan in the middle of changing Hana-chan's diaper, but instead of telling Hana-chan's secret to the whole school, Tamaki-chan promised to help keep Hana-chan's secret as long as Hana-chan lets Tamaki-chan change Hana-chan's diapers... and sometimes Hana-chan goes over to Tamaki-chan's house to be babied by Tamaki-mama, but it's a secret, so don't tell Hana-chan's other mamas.
Question: Also are you comfortable with including farting or panty/diaper messing (not necessarily dedicated scat fetish) as available kinks, seeing as I have a few ideas in mind that involve these. Kitten: I'm willing to give farting and messing a shot, though I might separate out messing content to its own chapters if it gets a bit too much... The two fetishes are often connected, but I know many omo fans are turned off completely by the slightest mention of poop.
Question:(Any female of your choice) You ever piss yourself during sex and try to play it off as a particularly wet orgasm? Kitten: Okay, I'm going to call it: All questions should be directed at a specific character.
Question: I'm just curious, what is this for? Is this a guide for requests (e.g., loli/shota/futaloli is preferred, diapers are A-okay), or is it a list of expectations for what fans will see in your writing? I clicked on it because I thought it would be a Q and A in the characters' POV, but I kind of don't get it... Kitten: Okay, I confess I was a bit lighter on explanation here, since I already have 5 other Q&As(Magical Futanari, focusing on Futas from the Magical Girl genre, Shounen Futa focused on futanari from primarily shounen manga/anime, Lewd Loli for general, non-futa loli stuff, Poke Digi for everything Pokemon and Digimon, and Perilously Perverted for the more blood and guts kinks), and several other writers on here have done similar things... but the basic idea is that readers leave prompts in the form of questions to characters from the accepted fandoms involving the accepted kinks and then I write little snippets/drabbles/ficlets responding to said prompts. I've mostly settled on a script style with a character's name followed by what they say in response and using asterisks to indicate the character performing some action or expressing emotion non-verbally... e.g. *Kitten stretches like a cat before sitting on her haunches.* Depending on how I feel about each question, sometimes the character addressed will answer directly, sometimes an associated character will answer because the addressed character is too embarrassed or in no state to speak, and sometimes it will be a prefunctory answer, sometimes, the responding characters will tell a brief story, and sometimes the characters will act out a relevant scene. Kitten: Hopefully, things will make more sense after I post the compilation of snippets including this reply, though you can always click on Kitten's Kinky Q&A where it mentions what series this is part of to get a list of my other Q&As, the first chapter of each serving as a loose guidelines as to what each one is about and the other chapters being compilations of the snippets written in response to reader comments... And in case it isn't obvious, any response prefaced with Kitten: is the author commenting on a snippet, directly replying to a reader question or comment directed to the author that the author feels should be read by all and not just those who read comments(though I sometimes reply in the comments on things I don't think need to be part of the story text), or author announcements(such as added fandoms or kinks, upcoming holidays/character birthdays I'd like to write something for, or just things I'm itching to write about... though I try to keep announcements to the end of each snippet compilation)... If you do check out the other Q&As, I'll warn you that Magical Q&A was the first, so some of the earlier installments there-in are more roughly formatted(I only started prefixing questions with "Question:" and usingHTML horizontal rules/separators/page breaks between questions or groups of related questions after recieving reader feedback about visual readability(which I'm utterly incapable of judging on account of being blind).
Question: Toph, is it true that your parents' pampering upbringing made you still use diapers still? And that you've grown to enjoy wearing your diaper and pissing in to it to a point it being one of your secret kinks? Toph: Yeah, not having to bother with dropping whatever I'm doing to take care of my business is one of the few things from my home life that felt liberating instead of stifling... Katara did get annoyingly motherly when she first found out... though her waterbending my diapers dry does make washing them much easier and there's been more than one battle where I didn't have to deal with my clothes being saggy and droopy thanks to that.
Question: Azula, Ty Lee and Mai. We all know you three have raunchy futanari threesomes constantly. Is it true that you three freely piss on the bed after you've finished your sweaty orgies? Azula: Of course, the sheets are usually drenched in sweat anyways, what's a little piss to add to the mix... and who wants to get up to use a chamber pot when they're delightfully boneless from a good fuck session? Besides, the palace servants are the ones who have to deal with the laundry, and its not like any of those peasants are going to complain about what their princess does.