The two combatants stood in a barren field that had once been a lush forest clearing, both of them panting, barely able to stay upright using their swords for support, Their armor having long since been reduced to scrap and the clothing worn underneath badly tattered to expose skin covered in many cuts, bruises, and abrasions. These two warriors had been chosen as the champions of their respective tribes, both masters of the martial and arcane arts the likes of which are seen only once in many generations, and though they resemble walking corpses at this point, their battle to this point had been truly epic as they clashed swords and launched spells at each other that could level entire towns, and it is a testament to their control as much as their power that the collateral damage from the many earthquakes, firestorms, hurricanes, and thunderblizzards they've kicked up have not extended beyond their agreed upon battle ground. But it has been days since the fight started, and even these demigods have exhausted their impressive mana reserves and even driven each other to physical exhaustion, but the contest is not over until one of them falls unconscious or forfeits, and neither's pride will allow the latter outcome. As they both catch their breath, they resume their fighting stances, gripping their swords in both hands, both knowing that this will be their final charge. In a blink of an eye, the two warriors close the distance of roughly a chain separating them. Neither having the energy to parry or dodge their opponents incoming strike, they both sink the point of their weapon into their opponents gut. Lacking sufficient mana to heal from the wounds that would be lethal to a normal man that they have inflicted upon each other, both warriors start to instinctually draw on their own lifeforce, trading years of longevity to heal the damage, all the while willing their opponent to fall. After what seems like an eternity, one of the combatants slumps against his opponent, his sword shattering into bits of light as the will that forged it from mana fades into unconsciousness, and the victor steps back and lets his own weapon fade away as he stands over his defeated foe.