Onpu awoke while walking on the beach. Thanks to several life-times of doing dance performances as a child idol, she avoided stumbling as many loopers do upon awakening mid-step. Consulting her loop memories, she concludes, 'I've awoken right before I call out Majoruka and turn her into a Witch Frog." Sending out a ping and getting no response, she further concludes, 'Either a stealth anchor, the others are trying to prank me, or I've awoken before everyone else. Stealth anchor seems most likely.' Formulating a plan for the loop, Onpu continues towards Majoruka's secluded spot on the beach, and as usual, witnesses Majoruka using magic. Realizing that she's been caught read handed, a look of horror crosses the witch's face. Instead of calling Majoruka out, Onpu smirks before saying, "Good morning, Ruka-san." Stuttering, the witch replies, "Ho-How do you know my name?" Onpu replies, "That's not important. What is important is that I knew your secret before you slipped up just now, and if you don't want me to say the word that will curse you to existence as an amorphous blob that your kind for some reason refer to as a type of frog, I suggest you take me on as your apprentice." And so, Majoruka gained an apprentice without losing her human form. From there, Onpu played things base line until it came time to meet the others, putting all of her acting skills to work maintaining the spoiled starlet personality of her unawake self and holding back at the witch exams. Upon transferring to Misora First Elementary, she confirmed that Doremi, Hazuki, and Aiko were unawake. Even if they were trying to prank her, their acting was too perfect to not be their unawake selves and she slipped subtle clues into her own performance that the looping Ojamajo would pick-up on immediately. During the final round of the audition, Onpu stepped out on stage in her Apprentice uniform, but instead of using forbidden magic to influence the judges, Onpu simply casts an illusion to fool the unawake Ojamajo into thinking she used forbidden magic. She still won, which played right into her plan. When the Ojamajo confront Onpu about using forbidden magic and Majoruka starts gloating over getting an apprentice without becoming a witch frog, Onpu interrupts their tirades, "Actually, I didn't use forbidden magic. I just cast an illusion to catch your attention." Walking accross the rooftop to stand with the unawake Ojamajo, Onpu turns to Majoruka and adds, "Sorry, Ruka-san, but I think I'd rather train with these girls." Furious at the betrayal, Majoruka yells, "You haven't seen the last of me!" before flying off in a huff. After befriending the unawake Ojamajo Earlier than in baseline, Onpu continues letting things play out mostly baseline while avoiding theuse of forbidden magic. As the ojamajo return from being granted their magic crystals, they are greeted by a large crowd of their classmates and parents. Smiling that she was able to maintain this event without repeating the sins of her baseline self, Onpu diffuses the situation without forbidden magic. "Pururun Purun Famifami Faa! Render everyone without magic temporarily mute and seal the exits!" As the spell washes over the occupants of the MAHO-Dou, the Ojamajo's parents and classmates stare on in silent shock at the display of power Onpu just performed. As the unawake Ojamajo relax, Onpu addresses the room, "Now that no one is able to say anything they'll regret, some explanations are in order. As most of you have probably figured out, my friends and I can do magic and we've been keeping it a secret from everyone." Ignoring Majorika's protests, Onpu grabs the witch frog and holds her up in front of the crowd. "This is our mentor and the owner of this shop, Majorika or as she's known in the Human World, Makihatayama Rika. Her form is the result of a curse that is triggered when a human calls out a magic user, a curse that can only be broken by the human who triggered it gaining enough magic power to reverse it. . If not for my quick thinking, me and my friends would likely be sharing in her fate right about now. I think you see now why we had to keep it a secret and why I had to silence everyone. Now, that you know our secret and since erasing memories is forbidden magic, the standard practice, at least for girls who learn about magic and don't run off in fear is to take them on as apprentices. Not sure about boys, as we've only met one wizard and I don't even know if the curse affects Wizards." And so it came to pass that the Ojamajo's mothers and their female classmates became witch apprentices while their fathers and male classmates were sworn to secrecy while trying to figure out what to do with them. The Ojamajo had considered having Oyajide take on some of them as Apprentices, but he would need to get in contact with the Wizard world to even attempt to organize that, which he couldn't do while still being incarcerated for releasing the Bad Cards. Meanwhile, in the Wizard World... Captain's Looping Log, March 20th, 2000 AD I find myself as the King of a male-only race of magic-using Humans that is on the verge of extinction(Census records indicate total population of 30, mostly equivalent to middle-age with only 4 of adolescent age and the plants from which new wizards are born haven't bloom in over a decade). I also find myself trapped in a small, red reptilian form with most of the magic I should possess in-loop sealed. Captain Picard, Starfleet Captain and stealth anchor extraordinaire does his to face palm as he lies in the lap of the life-sized doll resembling his human form that sits on the Throne in the Wizard World's castle. "Records indicate that the Human World, which exists in a separate dimension from the Wizard World I find myself king of has a history the mirrors that of both my home loop and the hub until at least the mid second millenium AD, but the Wizard World has been isolated from notonly the Human World, but our female counterparts in the Witch World. Despite having looped into a high political office, I intend to minimize my impact of the local society. Riker has replaced the local noble who serves as the King's advisor, but is not yet awake."