Yet another Peggy Sue Fix it fic by Imouto Kitten Chapter 4: Dumbledore's Reaction. Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore sagged in exhaustion as he lowered into the chair behind his desk and popped a sherbet lemon in his mouth. The old headmaster was no spring chicken, even by Wizard standards, but he felt like the last decade had aged him a century, and half of that in the last fortnight. Tom Riddle, the self-styled Lord Voldemort's, reign of terror had been one of the worst times in magical British history, making even Grindelwald's War look like a schoolyard scuffle by comparison, even if Dumbledore's old friend had campaigned on a larger scale geographically. At least Gellert had had enough common sense and restraint to not slaughter innocents and bystanders in cold blood, but even Dumbledore had been shocked to learn just how far Tom had fallen. The story James and Lily had relayed to Dumbledore following little Harry's defeat of the Dark Lord had made little sense, even with the prophesy in play, but when he had gone to check on the Potters and determine if Voldemort had left a mark of any sort on the boy, the old wizard had gotten more than he bargained for. As soon as Harry had seen Dumbledore enter his play area, the child had levitated his alphabet blocks with precision far beyond what could be dismissed as accidental magic and used them to spell a pair of words that made the headmaster go pale as a ghost. Horcruxes Legilimens After which the child had stared at Dumbledore, Emerald Green boring into sapphire blue, clearly demanding the old wizard use the mind arts to obtain a fuller explanation. Complying, Dumbledore had been bombarded with visions of a future that would never be... An 11-year-old Harry confronting the host of Voldemort's shade for the Philosopher's Stone, a slightly older Harry slaying a Basilisk deep in the bowels of Hogwarts and using the fang to destroy a Diary anchoring a Memory of Tom Riddle, of a barely teenaged Harry driving off a horde of Dementors, a resurrected Voldemort rising from a cauldron, Sirius being tossed through the Veil of Death, Dumbledore's arm whithering from a curse and being killed by his own spy, a signet ring in an old shack, a gilded cup in a Gringrotts Vault, A Diadem hidden in Hogwarts, a cave with a lake of Inferi, a Locket stolen and entrusted to the Black family's house elf, a Diary entrusted to Lucius Malfoy, a giant snake tainted with the foulest form of familiar ritual, Harry taking a killing curse to dislodge a sliver of soul clinging to the boy for dear life, a young man standing over Voldemort's corpse, the Elder Wand in hand. Dumbledore knew not how the toddler had learned of such things, and had been too appaled by Tom's depravity to care, but he knew what he had to do, and after checking that Harry was unharmed by his encounter with the Dark Lord and ensuring his parents, agreeing with James's decision to take the credit, had departed to ensure Voldemort would not have a second rise. Dumbledore could, in a pinch, use Fiendfyre, but deciding the shared memories provided a safer alternative, he returned to Hogwarts and retrieved the sword of Griffindor from the Sorting Hat, and with Fawkes's help, went down to the chamber of secrets, slew the Basilisk in its sleep, both neutralizing the threat and granting the sword the power to cleanse the Horcruxes of their unspeakable taint. The Diadem had been found and cleaved in two, and the elves of Hogwarts put to the task of organizing everything else in the room of lost items just in case anything else of value had been forgotten there. The Shack had been Dumbledore's next stop, and forewarned of the compulsion and the withering curse, he managed to cleave the ring as well before he could fall for the insideous trap. The Goblins had been appaled that such a foul object had been allowed into one of their Vaults, and had been happy to hand over the cup after confirming Dumbledore's claim, even agreeing to loan the sword of Gryffindor to the headmaster until Tom Riddle is confirmed dead upon learning it had been infused with Basilisk venom. Dumbledore had feared getting the locket would be hopeless, but fortunately, he had managed to convince Sirius to call for Kreacher, and the elf had come, bound to serve the disgraced son despite his mistress's efforts to disown the white sheep of the family, and when Dumbledore promised to help the elf fulfill Regulus's last request, Kreacher had been eager to hand over the locket. Dumbledore concluded the snake had not yet been made a Horcrux, but the Diary had turned out to be the hardest to get hold of. Though he was among those arrested and charged with being Death Eaters, Lucius Malfoy had the kind of wealth and connections that made convictions hard to obtain and harder to make stick, and it would take a conviction to make the Wizengamot consider issuing a warrent to search the Malfoy Estate for dark artifacts when they were overrun sorting out the messthat had followed Voldemort's downfall... and unfortunately, Lucius had almost succeeded in buying a pardon not only for himself, but several of his closest associates. Testimony from the Potters, Longbottoms, and Sirius had helped chip away at the protections the Malfoy money had bought, but surprisingly, it had been Peter Pettigrew who had tipped the scales towards condemning Lucius, the rat animagus even quicker to sell out his fellow Death Eaters than he had sold out the Marauders now that the tide had changed. It had been mere hours earlier that, with a special ministerial decree, Dumbledore had lead a raid on Malfoy Manor, found the diary, and run it through with Gryffindor's sword before returning to Gringotts, where the goblins had confirmed the enchantments they use to track inheritances had confirmed Tom Riddle had passed on with the distruction of his last Horcrux and thanked, or the closest a Goblin can get to thanking, the old wizard for returning a priceless piece of goblin craftsmenship. It had been a stressful couple of weeks to end a stressful decade, but Dumbledore let out a sigh of relief as he took another sherbet lemon, relieved that at least it's truly over and not just the beginning of a reprieve.