Yet another peggy sue fix it fic by Imouto Kitten Chapter 3: Ginny's Return Ginny's awakening in the past was much quieter, but then again, her most pressing objective was to unmask Scabbers as the traitor Peter Pettigrew. Which was a good thing, because the not even 3-month-old body the first girl born into the Weasley Family in generations now found herself in could do little more than eat, cry, and poop, and using the magic she retained from her previous life to wandlessly and wordlessly scourgify her nappies was already stretching what would be passed off as accidental magic. On the plus side, being so young coupled with being a very quiet baby thanks to her adult mind and how rowdy Ron and the twins are, none of the adults bother with censoring their talk of the war when she's in the room. Though she's sure she'll only learn the full story once she and Harry meet again, the news of Voldemort's defeat and the resulting celebrations reach her young ears by lunch time on November 1st, and she can't help letting out a babyish giggle at the news that both of Harry's parents survived and that his father is taking full credit for Voldemort's downfall. Over the next few days, Ginny hears of James and Sirius teaming up to bring in the traitorous Wormtail, and while the rat still manages to escape, the fact James is still alive and Sirius isn't grieving the loss of his brother in all but blood allows the two Marauders to set the record straight and add Peter's name to the list of wanted Death Eaters. Ginny is also delighted when she hears that, thanks to warnings from James and Sirius, the Marauders and Longbottoms succeed in ambushing the Lestranges and Barty Crouch Jr. when they come calling, the quartet of Death Eaters apprehended without Frank and Alice suffering as they did, meaning that Neville will not only have his parents, but they will actually know him this time around, and Neville won't be saddled with his father's ill-fitting wand even if he suffers the same self-esteem isssues this time around. And then, it happens, Percy runs into the house holding a rat he found in the garden. Recognizing scabbers immediately, Ginny quickly sends a trio of silent, wandless stupify, full body bind, and incarcerus at the rat before concentrating to cast the animagus reversion charm, Scabbers transforming into the wanted man Peter Pettigrew, unconscious, stiff as a board, and bound in thick ropes in the middle of the Burrow's sitting room, right in front of both Arthur and Molly. Needless to say, it wasn't long before Wormtail was in a Ministry holding cell awaiting trial and every precaution against Animagi in full force.