Yet another Peggy-Sue fixit fic by Imouto Kitten Chapter 2: Harry's Return Harry awoke in his cot in a nursery that at first glance seemed like it was built to accomodate the hypothetical offspring of Hagrid and Madam Maxime. In reality, it wasn't the room that was huge, but Harry who was tiny, the wizard who moments before had been a barely grown man who had been close to the sole survivor of the worst war wizarding Britain had ever seen having awoken within the body of his 15-month-old self. Harry has no time to contemplate the apparent success of the ritual before the quiet of the night is shattered as he hears his father announcing Voldemort's arrival and shouting for his mother to take him and run. Magic surges through the toddler's tiny body, the magic of a powerful, full grown wizard welling up within a vessel barely able to contain it, a body prone to dispelling magic based on its inhabitants emotions, a body not yet trained to focus magic through a wand, and yet containing a soul that knows how to channel that power and a will that knows exactly how to use it. Thanks to the experience and knowledge Harry possesses from a future that will never be, instead of the uncontrolled bursts of accidental magic young wizards are known for, Harry directs his magic through this young body, untethered by years of training with a wand to act upon his will. With a crack, Harry vanishes from his cot to reappear, floating in midair between his father and the Dark Lord, surprising both of the older wizards. Voldemort is the first to recover from the shock of a mere child apparating in front of the most feared being in Britain as he declares, "Not even old enough to walk, and yet my prophecized foe already shows that foolish Griffindor courage his family is known for. Perhaps I won't need to shed the blood of a pureblood unnecessarily to eliminate you as a threat." His mind catching up to the situation, James yells, "HARRY! Get away from him!" Both of the destined opponents ignore the young man's words as the tip of Voldemort's wand glows green as the killing curse slithers over the Dark Lord's tongue, "Avada Ka-" but before Voldemort can finish the incantation, Harry flings himself at the man that in another life left him an orphan, pudgy fingers grasping the yew wand and messy, black hair colliding with slitted nostrils. Though the young body Harry now inhabits has never met either of the Fawkes Feather Wands before this night , the soul inhabiting it remembers being chosen by the Holly Wand and gaining the loyalty of the Yew Wand by besting its master. Voldemort's wand recognizes Harry as master of its brother and having bested its master even if it had happened in a future that would never be, and so rejects the Dark Lord, the green curse dying on its tip as the scarlett of a disarming charm sends Voldemort flying, his wand gripped tightly in the tiny hands of its new master. At the same time, Harry's soul also remembers the sacrifice Lily Potter made to protect her son in another lifetime, and as Voldemort's current body is not the result of a ritual that incorporated Harry's blood, the Dark Lord has no defense against that protection, the brief contact from Harry's headbutt enough to leave the immortal Wizard's snake-like face badly burned, and as Harry now has a body that has yet to be scarred and made an accidental Horcrux, the contact results in no backlash for the young wizard. Clutching his injured face, Voldemort staggers to his feet as he screams in outrage, "How is this possible! How could a mere child so effortlessly disarm me and injure me so. I am Lord Voldemort, the greatest wizard who ever lived!" As he drops his hand, glowing red eyes meet defiantt green, Harry having floated up to stare down the Dark Lord. Casting a silent Legelimens, he tries to plunder the infant's mind for the secret of how a mere child managed to harm him, but is only met with visions of his destroyed Horcruxes and his own mangled corpse lying among the fallen from the Battle of Hogwarts. "NO! This is impossible! I cannot be defeated!" cries the Dark Lord in denial of the memories he sees in his destined foe's mind as he tries to strangle the child with his bare hands, refusing to let go even as his palms start to smolder. All the while, the child maintains that infuriating, defiant expression and feels no pain as the protection burns Voldemort and prevents him from squeezing tight enough around Harry's neck to cause discomfort, much less do any damage. As the Dark Lord wastes impotent rage in a futile attempt to strangle the life out of the child of prophesy, Harry wills his magic to bind the Dark Lord in place. By the time Voldemort realizes the damage his body is taking just from maintaining contact with the child, it is too late to escape, and as the grip around his throat slackens, Harry throws himself against Voldemort's chest, the Dark Lord screaming in agony as the protection starts to burn through his body's vital organs. Within a minute of the Dark Lord trying to murder the child the muggle way, the Dark Lord's body is too badly damaged to serve as host for what remains of his tattered soul. As a wraith raises from the destroyed body, Harry grips it in tiny, pudgy hands, the pathetic spirit struggling in the infant's grip. Wishing he had the means to either seal Voldemort's spirit to prevent any attempt at finding or making a new body or to sever its connection to the Horcruxes, Harry glares at the wispy, ethereal form clutched in his hands, only able to hold on to it because his magic is antithetical to Voldemort as long as his mother's sacrifice remains active, Harry tries to speak for the first time since awakening in the past, 15-month-old vocal cords barely cooperating as he hisses, "Bad man hurt no one ever 'gain!" before allowing the specter to flee, hoping that, if he can't get rid of the Horcruxes before Voldemort regains a body, that he's managed to scare the vile wizard enough to not pursue vengeance. The threat dealt with, Harry turns to his father, and with a delighted squeal of "DAAAA!" hurls himself at the older wizard. James is confused by what just happened, but is too relieved that his son is safe and that Voldemort is apparently gone to care. Having found Harry's cot empty and hearing the agonized screams giving way to silence, Lily quietly creeps back to the living room with her wand at the ready, and upon seeing the two most important men in her life unharmed and the only signs Voldemort was ever there a cinged robe and a discarded wand, she runs forth to embrace her family as relief washes over her. Harry knows it isn't over yet, but for the time being is content to bask in the warmth of his parents' love for the first time he can remember, setting aside what he needs to do to ensure Voldemort never has the chance to have a second reign of terror.