Yet another Peggy Sue Fix it Fic by Imouto Kitten Chapter 1: Despair and Hope. The war was over. Voldemort was truly dead, but to say anyone won would be a lie of epic proportions. The Death Eaters, both Junior and Senior, were extinct, as was the Order of the Phoenix, and there were only two survivors of Dumbledore's Army, one man and one woman. He was the last Potter, and she was not only the last Weasley, but the last of the Sacred 28. Of the British Muggle Borns who had survived the war, most had done so by fleeing the British Isles when they had the chance, and even the lesser purebloods and half-bloods had been decimated by the conflict. Voldemort and his followers were all dead, but they had taken any hope magical Britain had of thriving once more with them. Harry and Ginny still loved each other deeply, but that wasn't enough to keep them going when their entire family, both by blood, and by the bonds formed between year and housemates at Hogwarts had fallen in the effort to rid the British Isles of Voldemort and his Dark Mark. As the last Griffindors searched the crumbling ruins of Hogwarts in seemingly vain hope of finding other survivors of the Battle of Hogwarts or anything that could help fix this hopeless situation, every dead classmate they past making it harder to move forward another step, they eventually come across the remarkably intact Heads office within the debris of the collapsed tower that once housed it. As they tell the portraits of Dumbledore and the other Past Headmasters of the grim news of what happened outside this chamber, the portraits, representing a historical cross section of some of Magical Britain's greatest minds come to an unanimous agreement for the first time in centuries. Acting as spokesperson for the assembly of Past Headmasters, Dumbledore's Painting addresses the lone survivors, "Harry, Ginny, what I'm about to tell you is a secret that only us portraits may speak and only when within our frame in this room and with the consent of the majority of our number. Normally, we'd only tell this to a current headmaster who most of us approve of, and many of us only learned this secret when we joined the ranks of those hanging on these walls. However, with Magical Britain decimated beyond the point of no return and it being apparent that neither of you are dark enough to risk harm to the world at large, we've decided it's worth the risk of imparting this secret to living minds aside from a future member of our number." Adopting looks of determination, the two Griffindors declare resolutely, "We promise to make the best of whatever information you choose to impart." "Very well," replies Dumbledore's portrait, "You see, these chambers house a secret archive, one which contains many texts, some that were ancient even at the time of the Founders, that Hogwarts headmasters thought, for one reason or another, shouldn't be allowed to remain in the Hogwarts Library, not even in the deepest recesses of the restricted section. Many of these texts contain spells, potions, and rituals so powerful that they could be catastrophically dangerous even executed with the skill of Merlin himself and the purity of a newborn born to loving parents. Some of the knowledge contained in this archive is more dangerous than even the Horcrux Ritual, but it might contain something to help Magical Britain rise from the ashes." His explanation complete, Dumbledore's Portrait slides up to reveal a circular Indentation in the wall, a stone bar engraved with countless runes forming a horizontal diameter. Realizing this is a doorknob of sorts, Harry and Ginny Grab the bar in unison and start to turn it in place. As they do so, they can both feel the wards of Hogwarts feeding magic through their bodies as if trying to confirm the pair are worthy of accessing what is hidden beyond this lock. When they've turned the bar a full 180 degrees, the section of wall that plays home to Dumbledore's Portrait separates and swings outward like a door. Beyond the secret door, the pair find an ancient study littered with ancient tomes and scrolls, some printed on familiar parchment, but many handwritten and some of them on papyrus and other ancient materials. there are even a few texts carved into stone or clay tablets. ### It takes weeks for Harry and Ginny to search the archives, and it would've been impossible if not for the study being equipped with an assortment of optical instruments that help in viewing faded ink, magnifying highly intricate diagrams, and even enchanted with translation charms, as what few texts were in English were mostly written in very archaic dialects, and many contained characters that matched nothing in the Ancient Runes reference books they managed to salvage from what remained of the Hogwarts Library. Eventually, they came across a time travel ritual that, if successful, would allow them to go back and attempt to prevent the tragedies that befell magical Britain. However, the ritual had serious limitations and a very high cost. For one, it required two subjects with a strong bond of mutual love. Second, it couldn't send back anything tangible, only the soul, magic, and memories of thesubjects of the ritual, and no further than when their younger selves existed for them to inhabit upon arrival. Because of these two, the subjects had to kill each other in order to complete the ritual, and if their bond wasn't strong enough, they would decipate before reaching their destination. At best, failure would result in their death, and at worst, their souls would be obliterated by the attempt. Third, the power requirements were great. So great, that by the calculations the best Arithmancers among the Assembly of Headmasters, The Ghosts of Hogwarts, and those whose specters Harry and Ginny could summon with the Resurrection Stone assisted the two in making, combined with the decimated population, the Ritual would absorb all magic in a sphere large enough to encompass the British isles and even reach parts of the Continent and Scandinavia. At best, every wizard, Witch, and Magical creature caught in the blast radius would be rendered mundane, and at worse, the shock of losing their magic would kill them. The Leylines would be permanently damaged, every ghost would vanish, every magical artifact destroyed, and any structure supported by magic would collapse. Still, they decided the price of failure was worth the chance to undo all the damage from the end of the First Voldemort War, the Second Voldemort War, and the period between. They decided to perform the ritual in the Headmaster's office as Hogwarts was the strongest concentration of Magic in the British Isles and the Office was at the center of the ruins. They cleared the office of all furniture and inscribed the required ritual circle into the floor tiles. As they could go back no further than August of 1981, they picked Halloween of that year. Harry's First Mission would be to try and stop Voldemort from killing his parents and convince them to warn the Longbottoms of Bellatrix while Ginny's Mission would be to unmask Wormtail as soon as possible if Harry failed to alter events enough to prevent Sirius pursuing the rat. As the ritual reaches its climax, Harry and Ginny recite in unison, "Whether in heaven above, in hell below, or in the past behind, may we meet again on the other side." before plunging ritual daggers into each others hearts. The ritual complete, all the magic in the British Isles implodes, collapsing to a singularity within the ritual circle as what remains of Hogwarts crumbles upon the lifeless bodies of Harry and Ginny.