The Sorceror and His Little Queen by Imouto Kitten Chapter 2: The Ritual Sometime later found me enjoying a meal with young Gabriella in the Dining Hall of my castle's keep. The large, circular room took up an entire floor of the tower, a dozen tall windows letting the light of the setting sun bathe the room in warm reds and oranges, enchanted tapestries depicting personifications of the constellations of the Zodiac decorating the black marble walls between the windows. In the middle of the large room, at a round table, large but still far too small for such a grand Hall, I sit with the north facing window to my back, Gabriella to my left, the child having rejected to sit opposite me, instead insisting to sit as close as elbow room would allow as we enjoy a small feast of roast meats, fresh baked bread, and freshly picked fruits and vegetables, sweet, little Gabi's attention more on the tiny fairies that flit about on insectoid wings as they cater to our every need than on the food. Not that I could blame her. Though tiny enough to fit in the palm of one's hand and having vocalizations unintelligible to human ears, the hundreds of little sprites that worked in concert as my castle staff were quite a sight to behold. Thanks to having free reign of my private gardens, the leaf tunics the males wore were far more verdant and with fewer signs of bug bites and other deterioration than if they had to forage leaves from the surrounding forest while avoiding becoming a hedgehog's or anteater's snack, and the petal dresses the females wore where every bit as colorful and varied as the flowers adorning the grounds of the castle. Not to mention, the tiny spirits where more than happy to entertain my young guest with their dancing and acrobatics. As the Sun sinks below the sill of the window facing due west, a burst of flame shoots into the room, seemingly riding in on the last ray of sun for the dying day, before coalescing into a bird upon a woodern perch at the center of the table, it's crimson and golden plumage vibrant enough to put a peacock to shame and incandescent enough to replace the setting sun as the room's primary light source. "How nice of you to join us, Aurora." I greet the phoenix with a polite nod of my head before turning to Gabi and introducing the firebird to my guest, "This is my familiar, Aurora the phoenix." "Wow, she's even prettier than Blitz." replies the girl, kneeling in her chair in order to give her the reach needed to pet the bird, Aurora preening under the child's attentions instead of radiating heat that would burn anyone who insists on touching the bird, another sign that Gabriella is as pure as my purposes require. After several minutes of admiring the majestic avian, Gabi clutches her stomach in discomfort, prompting me to ask, "Is everything okay, Gabi?" Blushing nearly to match Aurora's breast, the child replies barely above a whisper, "I...I need a chamber pot." I had expected this, having had the fairies spike her drink with a strong, but gentle purgitive that would ensure she expelled all of her bodily wastes prior to the ritual. "Very well, it is getting late anyways." I clap my hands, signaling seven fairies, all female and each adorned in a different color of flower petals, "Show young Gabi to the bath so she may relieve her bodily needs and get washed up. Then bring her to the antechamber of my private rooms. As the seven sprites carry out their task, Aurora deciding to tag along with Gabriella, perching on the child's shoulder, I depart to make my own preparations. After ensuring both my bed chamber and the antechamber that will serve as ritual room and preparation space respectively are setup as needed, I take a quick shower and dress in a simple, white linen robe before entering the antechamber carrying a stone basin and place it in the center of the small room, arranging the materials needed for the coming preparations around me. As I'm placing the ingot of silver I purchased from Gabi's father that afternoon in the bottom of the basin, Gabi arrives, Aurora still perched on her shoulder, the flock of fairies departing as they deliver their charge. "What you doing, Fritz?" asks Gabi as she sees me channeling my magic into the hunk of silver, causing it to coat the inside of the stone basin, forming a parabolic mirror. "You said you wanted to help me make the world a better place?" I ask the child once I'm satisfied the basin is ready for the arcane phase of cleansing the sacrifice for the ritual. "Yes, Fritz shouldn't have to hide from everyone the amazing things Fritz can do!" replies the child with youthful exuberance. Smiling, I continue, "Well, there's a ritual we can perform this very night, but I need your help." "I'd love to help, just tell me what I need to do!" replies Gabi. "First, I need you to disrobe and sit in this basin." Though she blushes fiercely at this request, there is little hesitation as she discards the linen robe the fairies provided her, exposing her youthful curves in all their glory to me, probably the first time she's ever done so in front of a man other than her father as Aurora takes up a perch on a nearby wall sconce. As she grips the sides of the basin and prepares to step in, I warn her, "Be careful, the silvered surface can be quite slick." which is actually a bit of an understatement, the surface nearly frictionless as my magic ensured the coating was perfectly smooth even down to the atomic scale. As she sits with her legs crossed, I start filling the basin with white rosewater heated to body temperature, submerging the child about halfway between her navel and her nipples as she comments, "I just had a bath." "Yes," I reply, "But the ritual requires that you be cleansed spiritually as well as bodily. May I touch you so I can properly clean you?" "Why do you keep asking if you can touch me?" she asks even as the warmth and aroma of the rosewater relaxes her body. "I did swear to your father I wouldn't let any man lay a finger upon you without your permission. I wouldn't be keeping my word very well if I let myself, a man, lay my fingers upon you without your permission." Giggling at my explanation, she replies, "That's silly! You can touch me anytime, anywhere." At her words, I channel my magic to my palms as I scoop up a handful of rosewater from either side of her before pouring it over her head and then lowering my hands to her scalp, patting down her short, curly hair before sliding my hands along her lithe form, pantomiming the act of scrubbing her with a washcloth. I repeat this process seven times as I recite a chant in a long dead language before using magic to both dry Gabi and siphon away the water. The cleansing done, I place a crown of a dozen white roses upon the child's head and drape a strand of 72 white rosebuds around her neck before beckoning her to, "Rise." As she carefully stands in the empty basin, I wrap her in a white robe, this one made of silk and embroidered with the necessary ritual inscriptions, the designs nearly invisible as hair from Blitz's mane was used to stitch the pattern. Preparations done, I sweep Gabi off her feet, carrying her like a bridegroom would his wife on their wedding night as I cross the threshold into my private bed chamber and lay her upon my bed. Positioning myself over her, I tell her, "Just relax, your part in the ritual is mostly passive, but you'll know what to do when the time comes." "Okay, Fritz." replies the child, her trust in me absolute as I hope what is about to happen doesn't shatter that trust. Channeling my magic to my lips, I place a hand behind Gabi's head and gently tilt it forward so I can place a kiss upon her crown, right in the middle of the field of gold encircled by the roses. "That tingles." comments the child as my magic flows into her. Laying her head upon the pillow, I plant a secon kiss upon her forehead, right below the forward most of the roses comprising her circlet, eliciting a small tremor from her as a second jolt of my magic enters her. The third kiss is upon her lips, and lasts longer, a larger amount of my magic pouring into her young body, her own laitent potential partially awakening in response. When I pull away to let her breathe, the panting child comments, "Wow, that felt amazing, Fritz!" "And we're just getting started." I reply as I open her robe, spreading it out under her and exposing her nubile body to me once more, the child too naive to try covering herself as I place my next kiss right over her heart, the throbbing organ increasing it's rhythm as it beats against my lips. The fifth kiss is upon Gabi's tiny navel, the girl giggling as she's apparently quite ticklish there. But it is the sixth kiss, this one planted firmly upon her virgin flower as I drape her slender legs over my shoulders, that produces the strongest reaction, the girl letting out a loud cry and trembling from head to foot as she gets her first taste of the pleasures of a woman. Running my tongue over her maidenhead, knowing I can't spare her the pain to come entirely if the ritual is to work, but wanting to ensure she can get as much pleasure from the process as possible, I withdraw from her feminine folds just shy of granting the girl her first climax, lifting her rear off the robe beneath her just long enough to place a quick, seventh kiss at the base of her spine before undoing my own robe with a practiced movement, freeing my erect penis, my tool a bit on the small size for a grown man at barely a hand's width in length and not even as thick as the child's slender wrist, but still large enough I fear I'll spook sweet Gabi if I give her time to regain her senses from my earlier ministrations. Lining my tip up with Gabi's tiny opening and letting up a silent prayer that she'll forgive me for what I'm about to do, I thrust my hips forward, a scream of pain ripping from the child's throat as my manhood pierces her maidenhead. Now hilted in her depths, her passage nearly painful as it tries to strangle my member, I lean over her, cocooning her in my arms as I wipe away her tears and whisper reassuringly, "I'm sorry for causing you such pain. Just relax and it will pass soon enough. As I lie there holding the girl I just mercilessly deflowered, I can feel her virgin blood seeping between my family jewels and her half-moons, dripping down to stain the white robe she's laying upon, magic flaring up around us as the unicorn hair draws the material evidence of sacrificing a child's purity to it, the ritual inscriptions soon quite visible as the once white hair now stands out crimson against the unmarred silk. Feeling Gabi relax beneath me and hearing her sobs give way to quiet breathing, I slowly pull back experimentally, careful to avoid causing her any further pain as I glance down and use magical sight to examine our auras, Gabi's a brilliant sapphire blue mingled with spots of my own amethyst purple where I gave her magic infused kisses and where I took her virginity. Sensing no further pain from her, I push back into Gabi, the child letting out a soft moan this time. I was now metaphorically one with this child I had chosen for the needs of this ritual but who I had grown fond of as I prepared for this day, and this ritual would make us one in a far more literal sense. I start thrusting in earnest, pouring more of my magic into Gabi's tiny body every time I bottom out in her tight passage, the girl having regained her earlier exuberance, her mouth hanging open in a panting smile and her eyes full of adoration as I continue to overwhelm her with pleasure she didn't know possible mere hours earlier. Between the influence of the ritual and her general lack of experience, young Gabi is the first to be consumed by orgasm, the experience all the stronger for it being the very first of her young life and me relentlessly continuing to thrust into her tiny body even as she trembles beneath me and the ritual inscription transfers from the robe to her skin, the magic adding sensations that are to pleasure as burns are to pain. By the time I bring Gabi to her second climax of the evening, the magic of theritual has seeped so deeply into the girl the inscriptions are no longer visible on her skin, though the crimson inscriptions intwined with the blue of her own innate magic and the purple of the infusions I continue to give her are quite visible to mage sight. As the Ritual enters it's final phase, I roll over, letting Gabi straddle my waist as her robe is discarded. I could finish the ritual myself, but letting her have agency, even if she's currently running purely on instinct will only strengthen the final bonding, and as I told her earlier, Gabi instinctually knows what to do as she starts bouncing enthusiastically upon my rod, her only thought to feel another climax like the two I've already given her. And as her passage clamps down upon me in orgasm for the third time that evening, my own climax is finally released and I watch with mage sight as my seed erupts deep within Gabi, my tip pressed firmly against her cervix, her tiny womb soon bulging as I fill her completely, my seed churning deep within her innermost sanctum before parting like a pair of serpents, one heading for each of her ovaries. As the magic allows my seed to permeate those life making orbs, fertilizing her every egg, ensuring that she will always be carrying my child unless she takes a contraceptive potion every month, I lean forward to capture her lips in a kiss, swallowing her moans while also drawing the excess of my magic back into myself. As the ritual concludes, Gabi collapses against my chest and is soon asleep, exhausted from her first sexual experience, never mind that the ritual made it far more intense than it might have otherwise been. Pulling my own robe around both of us to protect Gabi from the cold and running my hands through her golden lockes, I notice that the circlet of roses and necklace of rosebuds, originally white, have turned pink from the ritual and I think about the ramifications of what just happened. The ritual took advantage of the spiritual closeness of lovers in the act to merge the souls of the pair in a way that would cause neither spiritual harm. As a result, as long as at least one of us had a mortal body to house our soul, neither Gabi or myself could pass on from this plane of existence. Arguably the weakest form of false immortality, and one most truly dark wizards would deem more trouble than it's worth to achieve, but it was also one of the few means of creating a soul anchor that wasn't guaranteed to damn one's soul to the lower realms. Besides, the true genius of theritual came in the combination of making Gabi my soulmate in the most literal sense and ensuring that I would be the father of all her potential children. Because of the ritual, little Gabi would retain her current youthful appearance, much of the energy that would normally go to growing her body taken by the lives that would grow within her, but the rest going to ensuring that our children's souls never truly separate from their mother's soul. Not only would this make every child we have an extra soul anchor for both of us, but we would act as soul anchors for our children and this linkage would not only ensure our children inherited as much magical potential as possible from their parents, but would allow anyone in our growing family to effortlessly draw on the power of the others. Given enough time for our family to grow, Gabi and I could become the leaders of a magical dynasty of imortal mages strong enough to solve all the world's ills... and given how brightly Gabi's aura glows, I think I've found not only my little queen, but my first apprentice. With that thought, I let sleep claim me as well, dreams of my future with sweet, little Gabi soon following.