The Sorceror and His Little Queen by Imouto Kitten Chapter 1: The Sacrifice As I stepped into the market square, I wore not the robes that marked me as a practitioner of the arcane arts and the sorcerory sciences, but rather simple brown leather trousers and a tan tunic, and my eyes and hair, usually a vibrant purple to match fine Amethyst of the kind the clergy and nobility would horde for themselves, had been glamoured to a more mundane blue and brown respectively. The people of this land were a superstitious sort and rather distrustful of those who work magik, and it wouldn't do to cause a panic by revealing my true nature. These people had nothing to fear from me, but their general fear of magik wasn't unfounded. Though spellcasters of my caliber were rare, only one or two being born each century, there was no shortage of stories of self-styled dark lords going mad with power and enacting a reign of terror, and not all of the stories were legend exagerated to the point of being unrecognizeable to what actually happened, and even a once per generation genius could be quite dangerous. There was little even the town guard could do to harm me, but a riot caused by me unmasking myself would ruin years of planning and I was so close to my current goal. At over six feet tall, I towered over most of the townspeople as I surveyed the market square in search of my quarry, though my target's small stature made spotting her in the crowd difficult. Fortunately, though the treasure I sought was so rare and so fragile that many in my position wouldn't bother, she was also willing to seek me out and before I could spot her, nearly 5 stone of young girl impacted my midsection with a cry of, "Fritz!" Glancing down, the child coming only to my chest, I see hair like spun gold in a pixie cut framing a cherubic face, blue eyes shimmering like sapphires, cheeks with a permanent blush to match cherry blossoms in full bloom, and a smile bright enough to make the sun seem dim by comparison. Glancing further south, I see that she's wearing a simple, sky blue dress appropriate for the summer heat draped over her lithe form and simple, brown leather shoes upon her dainty feet. All-in-all, the young beauty I found wrapped around me certainly had looks worthy of one named for one of the archangels., and at that thought, I felt a pang of guilt at what I intended to do to this girl. Shaking my head to clear it of negative thoughts, I greet the child, "Good to see you too, Gabi!" using the same familiarity she greeted me with despite me being nearly as old as her father as I run my fingers through her silken lockes and lean down to kiss her forehead, channeling just enough of my mana through the little girl to get a reading on her vitals and to leave her with a pleasant tingle from head-to-toe. When my scan reveals that the child, having just recently celebrated her first decade is in the waxing of her first cycle, due to release her first egg in the next day or two and due to experience her first bleeding in roughly a fortnight, I smile and, careful to conceal the act from passersby flourish my free hand to conjure a single white rose, the stem devoid of thorns and present it to her, "A lovely flower for the loveliest, little lady in the kingdom." With a giggle, she accepts the present and gives it a sniff beforereaching up her arms like a child who has just learned to toddle rather than a girl on the cusp of womanhood. Humoring her, I pick her up, her arms going around my neck and her legs wrapping around my waist as I make my way to her father's stall. There were many ways a sorcerer such as myself could enhance their arcane abilities, and nearly all of them involved some kind of sacrifice, be it literal such as the ritual slaughter of a prime specimen of livestock or something more obtuse, such as the labor that went into artificing or the time spent studying magical manuscripts. Naturally, the greatest boons required the greatest sacrifices, and many a self-styled Dark Lord had found that human sacrifice to be a very tempting way to gain power quickly, especially if they could gain enough political influence to have access to those convicted of capital crimes or to promote violent conflict. Of course, many who had chosen such a path failed to realize that they often sacrificed their humanity, sanity, and even intelligence in the process and often ended up being their own undoing. I had scouted the girl nestled against my side for a much different kind of sacrificial ritual... one that would actually create life rather than cutting it short, and one that most with my ambitions would deem too troublesome to attempt. That the child was a virgin was important, but it wasn't enough on its own, the child had to be innocent and had to be on that cusp between child and adult, old enough to theoretically concieve, but not yet tainted by her monthly bleeding. "Ah, Friedrich, I should've known my favorite customer was in town when my little Gabriella ran off without warning." greets a heavy set man behind a display of fine silver jewelry. "Yes, Mister silverschmidt, little Gabi seems to have a sixth sense when it comes to me." I greet the slightly older gentleman, lowering my passenger to the cobblestones. "Come now, how many times do I have to tell you not to be so formal with me, especially seeing as you're practically family given my daughter's insistence that she's going to marry you when she comes of age?" As I continue my conversation with the jeweler, I think back on how I came to know Mister Silverschmidt and his daughter. It had taken hundreds of hours of scrying and many refinements of my queries to locate the perfect candidate. I had considered a farmer's daughter or a street urchin for the ease with which I could take in such a child with few, if any, questions asked, but with how frequently children raised around livestock witnessed the animals' mating behavior, and how often the children living on the underbelly of towns and cities stumbled into brothels or were even recruited to work in such establishments, few remained innocent long enough to reach the critical time in their growth. I had turned to the prospect of a nobleman's daughter or even a princess, but quickly dismissed the idea for involving too much courtly intrigue and risking too much unwanted attention if I simply abducted a girl of such high birth. And so, I arrived at a merchant's daughter as a compromise between sheltered enough to remain innocent for the requisite duration, but still accessible enough to minimize complications. I could've just abducted a child that met my requirements, but had instead opted for the slower path of endearing my target to me in the hopes that genuine affection would both strengthen the ritual and earn me an apprentice who could become a powerful ally in time. And so my search had lead me to Gabriella, an only child of a widower whose wife had died bringing the child into the world after a hard pregnancy and I had spent nearly half a decade winning the trust and affections of both father and daughter. Again, I felt a pang of guilt at how I planned to violate that trust and take advantage of Gabi's affections for me. While I knew she had no concept of the more physical side of romantic love, I was also certain that she was genuine in her desire to become my bride and would likely reject any potential suitors her father presented to her out of hand, and under different circumstances, I'd be quite happy to wait until she came of age and would gladly pay whatever bride price her father demanded for her hand, but I didn't have that kind of time, and while I was sure she would cooperate fully, I would be asking her to sacrifice so much and couldn't even give her warning of what she'd be sacrificing. The ritual, strictly speaking, wouldn't harm her, and with the affections I had developed for her in the time I had known her, I'd abandon my plan entirely if it would, but not only would she lose her virginity, but she would lose the chance to grow up like a normal girl and would lose the ability to choose when she had children. At least she had confided in me that she wanted lots of children and to become a mother as soon as possible, and while I knew she had no idea what that entailed, it put my mind at least somewhat at ease that she wouldn't hate me once the ramifications of the ritual eventually became clear to her. "-And here is that ingot of silver you ordered last week." says mister Silverschmidt, placing a silk wrapped bundle on the counter between us and unfolding the cloth to reveal the hunk of shimmering metal within. As I absentmindedly count out the coins for my purchase, I make a proposal that might let my plans move forward, "It might be forward of me to ask, but perhaps I could have Gabi over this evening to give you a chance to visit the tavern and enjoy the profit you just made off of me." Immediately, Gabi's eyes sparkle even more than usual even as her father looks unsure, "I don't know if that's such a good idea." Of course, such would be a natural reaction for any decent father to make to a grown man wanting to take his only daughter home with him, even if the man is one he's had dealings with on a regular basis for several years However, before I can even think of opening my mouth to try and persuade him, Gabi's eyes start to glisten as she begs, "Please, daddy, can I please spend the night with Fritz?", and naturally, the sight of his daughter seemingly on the verge of tears is more than enough to melt the merchant's heart. Before he can talk himself out of giving in to his daughter's whims, I interject, "I swear on my life that I won't allow any man to lay a finger upon sweet, little Gabi without her permission while she's in my care." careful to word the statement just right as oaths have a power all there own, especially when uttered by those steeped in the secrets of sorcery, and though neither father nor daughter realized it, I had just granted the child quite a bit of power over me, though I was certain that in doing so, I would only enhance the planned ritual. "I guess not much harm can come of it." says the slightly older man as Gabi lets out a squeal of delight and throws her arms around me. Careful not to let my fingers brush against her, I pocket my purchases and call out to my chosen girl, "Come, Gabi, my horse is tethered at the edge of town." the little angel grabbing hold of my hand, her actions qualifying as her giving her permission for me to lay my fingers upon her. We walk hand-in-hand, neither of us saying a word as the townspeople bustle around us for the minutes it takes us to make our way through the crowds to where my horse is, the absence of a saddle seemingly the most noteworthy aspect of the earthen brown steed. Still, despite the mare's unassuming appearance, Gabi can't help crying out, "She's beautiful!" "How did you know Blitz was a mare?" I ask the child, fearful that she might have learned something that would make her unfit for the ritual. "Surely, a boy couldn't be this pretty." comes the earnest reply, and I sigh in relief at her naive response as I watch her trying to climb atop the beast which stands nearly twice her height at the withers. "Would you like some help?" I ask, and as she nods her ascent, I lift her under the arms to sit her upon Blitz's back before climbing up to sit behind her, smiling as the horse makes no protest at her new rider, a sign that little Gabi is as pure and innocent as my needs require. We travel at a relatively slow trot as we leave town and venture into the surrounding forest, and it is only when the town is miles behind us that I drop my glamor, giving Gabi her first glimpse of my amethyst lockes and orbs. "Wow, how did you change your hair and eye color like that?" Asks the young girl excitedly. "Twas but a simple glamor, no harder than when I conjure a rose for you." And to illustrate, I cycle my hair and eyes through every natural color and several unnatural ones before returning to the purple of my true appearance. "I am quite a formidable wizard, but I have to hide my identity to avoid causing a panic when I go into town." Grabbing one of my hands and holding it over her heart, Gabi replies, "That's stupid, anyone can tell Fritz is a good man and nothing like the evil wizards in storybooks." And between the feel of her heartbeat and my magical senses, I can tell that she is sincere, not even a trace of justifiable fear at being in the presence of a being who could snuff out her existence in an instant. "Right you are, dear Gabi, Right you ar." I say, agreeing with her sentiment, "I want to change the world so those like me can walk about freely... would you like to help me?" Of course!" cries the little angel in response. Smiling at her, "Well we better get going." Snapping my fingers, I drop the glamor on my mount as I cry out, "Hold on tight, you're about to learn how she earned the name Blitz!" As earthy brown coat and mane give way to white purer than fresh fallen snow that seems to glow like moonlight, an iridescent horn nearly a foot long jutting from the creature's formerly vacant forehead. Gabi has mere seconds to marvel that what had been disguised as the most unremarkable horse was actually a majestic unicorn befor Blitz breaks into a full gallup, her speed so great that anyone who saw her pass would swear to seeing lightning that travelled sideways, the wind whipping through both Gabi and my hair as we progress through the underbrush, our steed's hooves sounding of thunder against the hard clay. When Blitz has finished her sprint, we've arrived at an old castle keep, the outlying walls and support buildings long since crumbled to rubble or grown over with vegetation from the encroaching forest, or at least, that is what it would appear to any random passers by who stumbled upon my sanctuary. "Is this where Fritz lives?" Asks Gabi, her enthusiasm slipping, "It looks so..." the child trailing off as she struggles to speak her mind without coming across as rude. "Ah, little Gabi," I start, a bit of mischief in my tone, "It might look like the ruins of a long abandoned castle, but as you've seen twice already today, looks can be decieving." "So, you glamoured your home like you did your appearance and Blitz?" replies the girl, showing herself to be a bright child despite her naivete. Smiling, I reply, "Yes, in this case, to make would be robbers think anything of value had been pillaged long ago. May I touch you so I may grant you the ability to see through the illusion?" "Of course, Fritz." she replies, and I place my hand over her eyes and channel just enough magic through my palm to grant her the simplest form of magical sight. As I remove my hand, the girl's mouth drops open in awe. My home was indeed the ruins of a long abandoned castle, and beyond the keep, I had done little to repair the various structures, but now that she could see the truth rather than the lie that served as my first line of defense against thieves, the ancient fortress looked far more impressive. Gone was the rubble littering the grounds and the slime discoloring the masonry, the outer wall was in tact, and though still overgrown, it was covered not in viney weeds, but in a multitude of flowers of every shape and color, including some variations impossible without magic, and the gate, instead of the ruddy brown of rust was now as shiny as a brand new sword. And in the middle of it all, the Keep stood, no longer looking like dull gray granite, but instead like shiny black marble as it towered over nearby trees, an Onyx Chess Rook scaled up a thousand fold. "Wow!" exclaims Gabi as she finally regains her voice, This looks much more like what I'd imagined a wizard would live in." "Shall we head in?" I ask, Dismounting from Blitz's back and walking up to the gate, placing my hand to the breast of the Phoenix crest carved into the metal work as I incant, "I, Friedrich of the Amethyst Arcanum, Lord of this castle, hereby invite Gabriella Silverschmidt to be my guest, to come and go from these grounds as she sees fit, and to be subject to all protections found herein. So mote it be." The crest seems to burst into flame at my words as my aura flares purple, the amethysts forming the crest's eyes glowing brightly in response, little Gabi watching the display with fascination in her sapphire eyes. "Come forth, dear Gabi," I beckon the child forward, the girl offering no hesitation, "Touch the crest so that the wards can know your aura." As she grabs the tail of the crest, the purple aura engulfes her as well, but as the magic washes over her, recognizing her as my guest, I can see blue mixing with the purple surrounding her, turning the aura around her indigo and I realize that in addition to the traits I chose her for, she possesses a latent magical potential I had never thought to scan for." As the process concludes and the gate swings open, the crest having returned to seemingly ordinary metal, Gabi exclaims, "Wow! That was amazing!" Smiling down at the excited child, I reply, "And there are far more impressive magics I could show you." "Really?" she asks as we walk through the gate, Blitz not far behind us, though the unicorn soon parts ways from us to munch on apples from a small orchard just inside the wall as I lead my young charge to the base of the keep.