The Genderbent Warrior by Imouto Kitten Chapter 3: Wolves The first day's travel for the two mages and their formerly male companion is fairly uneventful as the first leg of the route Raven planned out for their journey sticks to well-established roads and the better maintained trails weaving through the forest they find themselves in, places where frequent merchant caravans, usually with experienced adventurers in tow as hired bodyguards help keep the wildlife at bay. The sky is already turning orange with approaching dusk as the trail opens up into a clearing and the canopy is broken. Double checking the various maps she brought along for their current quest, some of them sketched in faded ink on ancient papyrus that would likely crumble to dust if not for the preservation spells on it and others printed on modern parchment from masters carved into clay tablets, Raven announces, "We're close to where we need to leave the marked roads and trails and start making our own path through the untamed wilderness. Given the tendency for the nastier beasts to hunt at night and that fighting on rough terrain will be hard enough in broad daylight, I suggest we camp here for the night and resume in the morning." Before either of her traveling companions can voice their opinion on this course of action, Raven's danger sense, reduced thanks to efforts to conserve mana, detects something all around the edge of the clearing, and her shout of "Oh crap, we're surrounded!" comes just in time for several wolves to rush out into the open. No stranger to being ambushed by monsters, Roxie brandishes her staff, the Opal glowing as she erects a pair of shields, a small personal shield around herself to ensure she'll be unscaved enough to heal her teammates after the fight and a second, larger shield to give Raven an area of movement for casting offensive spells while remaining protected from any assailants that get past Alex's frontline attack. The white mage would normally erect a third shield over the entire battle field to limit enemy reinforcements joining the fight, but given the need to conserve mana, she dare not cast such a mana-expensive spell, especially not when a mana potion would need time to take effect and would likely be wasted this close to sunset. As Alex draws her sword and takes her starting stance, Raven puts her maps away and pulls her own staff from its place on her back, opening with a wide range volley of lightning. If she was at full power, it would be enough to fatally electrocute the dozen wolves caught by the attack, but needing to conserve her energy, she only manages to stun them momentarily, giving Alex the time to rush past each beast, delivering a debilitating blow, slicing through an important muscle or tenden in one of the wolves' legs or hitting them hard enough with the flat of her blade to send them running with their tail between their legs. Unfortunately for the trio, for every wolf disabled or sent retreating, there seems to be two moreready to take its place, and despite her feminine form granting her greater agility, Alex's loss of strength means she isn't able to kill the beasts with a single blow, and her lighter armor means she can't just ignore their attempts to rip at her flesh with tooth and claw, giving the wolves time to extract their wounded from the field. To make matters worse, Raven's spells start hitting fewer targets and become less effective at stunning the horde of wild dogs, and Roxie, not having mana to spare for buffing her teammates can only watch and hope she'll be able to patch them up properly once the onslaught has ended. As the wolfpack finally thins out, and eventually the last wolf runs off into the woods to lick its wounds, Alex drives her blade tip first into the dirt, breathing hard and using her weapon for support. Then without warning, A wolf nearly twice the size of any of the pack she just got done fighting rushes from the treeline, and Alex barely manages to get her sword up in time to block a bite that would've taken her arm off at the shoulder. Clearly, this must be the pack alpha, ready to claim its prize now that its minions have worn out its prey. Though exhausted from a half-day's hike through the forest and having fought off what seemed like over a hundred lesser wolves, Alex is not an immediate win for the pack Alpha, though the beast's strength is enough to force the transformed swordswoman to take a step back with every clash of sword against tooth or claw. Things go from bad to worse as one of the alpha's strikes causes Alex to stumble backwards, and instead of regaining her balance, she trips over a stone sticking out of the ground, the warrior falling flat on her back as her sword skids along the hard packed earth. Raven tries to charge up a fireball to save the fallen fighter, but her spell fizzles as the last of her mana reserves run dry and she and her fellow mage can only look on in horror as the pack alpha looms over their prone teammate. Regaining her senses from her fall, Alex opens her eyes only for them to go wide as saucers at the sight of the crimson cock protruding from between the beast's hindlegs and currently pointing at the former man's prone form, at least as long as her forearm and thick as her thigh, before letting out a scream of "Keep that thing away from me, foul beast!" It is then that Alex makes a critical error, rolling over on her front and rising to all fours. Before she can try to lunge for her weapon, the large wolf uses one of its massive forepaws to pin the warrior, forcing her to literally kiss the dirt as it uses a claw of the other forepaw to slash at the crotch of her leotard, leaving her nethers exposed beneath her armored skirt. Feeling the tip of the beast's monster member probing at her virgin pussy, the man turned woman lets out a terrified shreek of, "OH GOD NO! I'm a virgin! Thine wretched member will tear my insides asunder!" But the beast has no comprehension of her words and would pay them no heed even if he did, seeing nothing but a bitch to be bred as he lunges forward, ripping through Alex's maidenhead and burying half of his shaft in her virgin passage, a scream of pain escaping Alex's throat and the swordswoman nearly retching from the force at which the wolf's pointed tip impacts her cervix. As the two mages watch their team mate being raped by the wild beast, they let out a sigh of relief, Raven declaring, "I thought that beast was going to disembowel Alex and then come after us. I guess the red bitch's curse just saved Alex's life." Scratching the back of her head, the raven-haired girl adds, "Is it bad that I'm relieved it's Alex and not one of us?" Drooling at the sight of the lupine cock repeatedly being stabbed into Alex's abused passage, Roxie replies, "I'm actually kind of jealous." Giving her blonde sister in all but blood a whack on the back of the head, Raven replies, "You know that beast doesn't care about anything but spilling its seed in any womb it can get its paws on, right? I'm sure it wouldn't know a g-spot if it bit it in the balls." Rubbing the sore spot the black mage left, Roxie replies, "I can't help it! I would have normally have taken three or four rides on Alex's magnificent manhood so far today, and would have gotten in at least one round last night if not for Alex being turned into Alex-chan by Anna. Even if its a rough fuck with no tenderness at all, being ravaged by that wild beast sounds pretty good right about now." "Damn nymph..." mumbles Raven under her breath before declaring, "Most of the boost will probably be wasted when the sun sets completely, but waiting until night has fully arrived is just asking to give that wolf enough time to either finish with Alex and come after us or finish with Alex and carry her off to its den, and we're in no condition to mount a rescue mission, especially not if we have to tangle with the whole pack." With that, the black mage pulls out a small glass bottle containing a liquid whose color seems to change with every glance, and pulling the cork, she closes her eyes and knocks back the unpleasant tasting mana potion. Gagging as she finishes the potion, Raven comments, "Blagh, I forgot how awful these things taste!" as the bottle slips from her grip, shattering on the ground before turning into a wisp of pixie dust that blows away on the wind. Looking up at the reddening sky, the black mage taps her boot on the bare earth as she waits for the potion to kick in. Meanwhile, just as Alex is starting to adjust to the large intruder stretching her insides and is starting to feel pleasure mixed in with the pain, her cervix gives out under the battering ram-like assault its recieving from the beast's pointed cock head, another scream of pain ripping through her lungs as the half of the wolf's shaft that was buried in her pusssy invades her womb only to be replaced with the half of the shaft that had yet to penetrate her nether regions. Ramming balls deep into his prey is all it takes for the wolf to reach his climax, the beast letting out a howl of triumph as its knot swells painfully within the swordsman turned swordswoman and its hot seed erupts deep in alex's unprotected womb. After depositing a quart of lupine seed in the warrior's belly, making her look like she's a few months with child, the pack alpha turns around and starts padding towards the tree line, seemingly unaware or at least unconcerned about the two mages present and dragging his victim through the dirt by the knot trapping his member in the warrior's passage. "Crap!" cries Raven, "Looks like we don't have time to let the potion kick in!" as she starts running towards the beast trying to retreat with her teammate in toe, making a detour to grab Alex's dropped sword. As the dark-haired mage reaches down to grab the weapon, a surge of energy fills her body, the mana potion finally restoring her magical potential, allowing her to summon the blade to her hand instead of fully bending down. Having discarded her staff before making the charge and knowing there's no point to conserve mana since the boost will wear off with the sun's last ray of daylight, Raven channels fire magic through her companion's blade, setting it ablaze as she approaches the beast and his tied rape victim. Though her swing is clumsy from lack of training with the sword, the lock-on spell the black mage uses as she lifts the sword ensures her aim is true as she brings it down right between beast and swordswoman, severing the wolf's balls and cock, the fire magic infused in the blade ensuring the cuts are clean and cauterized and that Raven is able to curve the swing at the last moment to slice the hamstrings of the wolf instead of those belonging to Alex. The beast howls in pain from being castrated with a flaming sword, but before the neutered wolf can try to run off using its uninjured forelimbs, Raven uses a spell to induce a berserker rage in herself and proceeds to fully dismember the beaten pack alpha, chopping off all fore limbs before parting head from torso. As the sun falls completely beneath the horizon hidden by the trees, its last few rays departing to leave the clearing lit only by a gibbous moon, Raven can feel the boost she got from the mana potion drain away and exhaustion from the brief fit of physical activity sits in as the adrenaline of battle fades, using Alex's sword, now back to being ordinary steel to help her stay upright. The threat neutralized, Roxie runs over to Alex, and forgetting about needing to conserve mana uses a succession of levitation and cleaning spells to roll the battered warrior over on her back, strip her down to her leotard, and remove dirt and sweat accumulated from the fight and the swordswoman's rape so she can properly acess the damage. "Let's see," says the white mage as the glow of diagnostic spells engulfes Alex, "Only minor scrapes and cuts from the battle itself and being thrown against the ground, but moderate to severe trauma to the vagina and uterus..." The blonde frowns as she continues her diagnosis, "Extracting the wolf's severed penis might do more damage, especially since the cauterization won't allow the bulbus glandis to deflate." Placing a hand over Alex's lower abdomen, Roxie channels as much of her remaining mana as she dares into repairing the damage done to Alex's reproductive organs, the expression of agony on the barely conscious warrior's face fading in the process. Eyes fluttering open, Alex comments weakly, "Thank thee, Roxie, what that foul beast did to me hurt worse than any wound I've taken in battle..." Blushing she adds, "But it actually feels kind of nice having its severed thing still buried in me now that thou have healed me." "An advantage of leaving it in place during the healing is that it helps the magic to heal a girl's insides so future encounters won't repeat the injury." Declares the mage as she casts two more spells, one to prevent the severed beast flesh within Alex from necrotizing and another to mend the damage the wolf did to Alex's clothing. "I'd recommend leaving it in place until morning." As Roxie gives her explanation, Raven comes to sit down on the warrior's opposite side, her movements unusually stiff and her face flush and her breathing heavy in a way inconsistent with having just fought a battle. "Are thou okay, Raven?" Asks the healer as she hands Alex a potion to deal with her more mundane injuries. "I am unhurt," replies the black mage, "but while the mana potion's benefits wore off with the setting of the sun, the side effects have not. I currently find myself feeling as though my entire body has become one large erogenous zone. The texture of my garments against my skin is like the most infuriating of teasing touches from a cruel lover at the moment." "I've got barely any mana left after treating Alex-chan," replies Roxie before the blonde gets a lecherous smile and adds, "but I don't think I need any mana to help thee out." Glancing down at her patient, the white mage asks, "I know thou just went through a rather unpleasant experience, but would Alex-chan be up to helping me treat Raven's little problem?" Her voice having regained some of its strength, Alex answers, "I think I can manage that much." As she pushes herself up. Raven gulps as her two companions gaze at her with hungry expressions in their eyes, knowing she's in for a very pleasurable evening, but not sure if she'll be able to survive their combined onslaught with her senses in tact with how the mana potion has left her skin hypersensitive from head to toe.