The Genderbent Warrior by Imouto Kitten Chapter 2: Preparations The sun is well on its way to its zenith when our intrepid, young adventurers stir the next morning, Alex having slept like a rock thanks to nearly giving herself alcohol poisoning in response to literally losing her manhood and the two mages tired from a late night of information gathering, Roxie having made good use of her cute features and people's tendency to think her innocent and naive to help the alcohol loosen the lips of those in the tavern and Raven making good use of her razor wit to ask the right questions and divide truth from rumor. Alex is the first to stir, her head pounding like a stampede of wild horses fleeing from a hungry gryphon, and as the hungover girl groans in pain, Roxie jolts awake, her years of healer training alerting her to her patient's need and making her almost reflexively bring the hangover potion she had purchased from the barkeep before calling it a night to Alex's lips. In no shape to question why the white mage is using a potion instead of a healing spell, the young warrior swallows the arcane concoction without protest, her changed body going limp in relief as her headache subsides. The commotion of Alex's hangover and Roxie's treatment thereof rouses Raven from her own nap just in time to hear the still not entirely awake Alex comment just above a whisper, "What a nightmare. I dreamt that a powerful red mage smote me with a curse that turned me into a woman without any provocation." Suppressing a snort, the black mage gives her designated meat shield a reality check, "Hate to break it to thou, Alexandra, but that wasn't a dream. That red bitch really did take thine manhood and about seven stone of muscle to boot. Hell, I could probably take thee in a contest of brute strength now." "It's a good thing the barkeep keeps a supply of hangover potions on hand." declares Roxie, joining the conversation. "Until we can find a solution for thine condition, we can't afford for me to waste mana treating thee after thee imbibe in excess." As the haze that always follows a night of binge drinking gives way and their words penetrate her mind, Alex examines herself and her surroundings to confirm that yes, she's shrunk to be on par with her team mates in the height department, that her usual clothing has been replaced with garments borrowed from the two mages, and groping herself, that her rock hard pecs and abs have given way to a pair of grapefruit-sized breasts and feminine curves. Sensing that the hasn't even been a girl for a day warrior is on the verge of another breakdown, Roxie comments, "Raven and I did find a few leads on a possible solution." Feeling hopeful for the first time since Anastasia had vanished from the tavern the night before Alex asks, "Thou did? What did thou learn?" "It's mostly a legend, but it seems to be one with a kernel of truth." starts Raven, having the better memory for keping track of local lore. "There's some ruins not too far from here, only a few days journey on foot, though the terrain makes going on horseback difficult and no carriage could traverse the land. Some of the locals think it use to be a temple belonging to some kind of fertility cult, but adventurers that have ventured there have on several occasions brought back artifacts that enhance or alter the user's sexual prowess, including some enchanted garments and jewelry capable of changing the wearer into a member of the opposite sex." "Do thou think we can find something that can turn me back to normal?" Asks Alex hopefully. "No idea, but as long as thou are Alexandra, Roxie and I are stuck with less effective means of keeping our mana plentiful, so a quest for a possible solution is probably as good a choice for our next adventure as anything." Answers the black mage with a shrug. "That said," adds the blonde, "Before we set out, we need to go shopping." "Why?" asks alex. "Well, for one thing, thou need new clothes." answers Roxie. "My tunics might not be as baggy on thine reduced frame as thine own, but they're still much too loose to serve as combat attire for a swordswoman, and thou were complaining that thou could barely squeeze into Raven's trousers last night." Now that the white mage has pointed it out, that the borrowed top she's wearing would only get in the way and that she'd risk bursting the bottoms if she went into battle now seem obvious to Alex. "Plus, thou can't even sit upright in thine old armor, much less manuever properly in it." Adds the dark-haired girl. "And we actually need healing potions and mana potions since thou no longer have the equipment to keep the two of us at full strength in the field." Declares Roxie, not wanting to draw attention to Alex's affliction, but deciding to put pragmatism before sentimentality. "I guess thou are right." replies the former swordsman as she climbs out of bed and puts on Raven's spare boots. As none of them bothered to change out of their day clothes before bed, the trio quickly pack Alex's now useless equipment into their bag of holding and head down stairs to settle their bill with the innkeeper before making their way to the town square in search of a tailor, Roxie practically dragging her companions, sapphire blue eyes sparkling and her smile threatening to split her face in her excitement to play dress up with her new girlfriend. Upon finding a shop specializing in clothing for the female adventurer, the trio enter, Raven and Alex much more subdued than their white robed teammate. After collecting several garments she thinks might fit Alex's new, much more petite build, Roxie leads the trio to one of the store's changing rooms so the swordsman turned swordswoman can try them on. Once the three girls are locked in the changing room, Roxie removes her white mage's robe to reveal she's only wearing a tunic and boots underneath, her pale, nearly porceline legs on full display. Whereas thetunic Alex borrowed from the blonde hangs loosely on the swordswoman's petite frame, its sibling is stretched taut on Roxie thanks to her larger, roughly cantaloupe sized breasts and her equally plump rump, it being a testament to just how roomy her mage's robes are that her assets are concealed by the white garment. Combined with her somewhat short stature and not being otherwise chubby, Raven has joked on more than one occasion that the blonde must have used spells to buff her bust and butt. Removing her own outer robe, Raven reveals a tunic and trousers on a nearly rail thin build. While the pair Alex borrowed are skin tight and threaten to split at the wrong flex of the warrior's athletic legs, Raven's trousers fit her own slender legs properly, and the tunic that hugs her flat chest clearly wouldn't survive Alex trying to put it on, but while Raven often jokes about the difference in the mages' respective endowments, one practically a pageboy with a pussy, the other with enough ass and tits for two women worthy of envy, she's actually quite content with what she has as Alex never played favorites and always seemed to enjoy the petite raven-haired girl as much as the buxom blonde. "Let's see what we have to work with." announces Roxie as she grabs the sleeves of the tunic she loaned Alex and pulls it over the swordswoman's head, leaving the brunette naked from the waist up and exposing the well-tanned skin of the warrior's tits and trim tummy. Alex suddenly brings her arms up to cover her bare breasts, having apparently gained a sense of modesty with her changed body now that the shock has had time to wear off. Pulling the warrior's arms away from her chest, Roxie comments, "No need to be shy, we've all seen each other as naked as the day we were born countless times before." causing Alex's cheeks to turn red in embarrassment. Cupping a breast in each hand, Roxie takes an intuitive measure of Alex's chest commenting. "These will definitely need something to support them. I'm sure a few of the brassieres I grabbed will fit thee, though thou might be small enough to comfortably bind them." Marveling at the opportunity to fondle breasts other than her own and feeling a bit amorous thanks to not having been able to ride Alex's morning wood to their mutual pleasure as had been her habit, the white mage continues to knead the warrior's breasts long after what is needed to get a feel of their size, the massage soon making the man-turned-girl to start moaning softly under her long time lover's touch. Giggling, Roxie comments, "Alex-chan is really quite cute." Turning to Raven, the blonde asks, "What do thou say we introduce our now female frontliner to the pleasures of a woman?" "I thought thou were just going to make out with Alexandra without inviting me." Replies Raven, sidling up behind the non-mage of the group, "But what's with the -chan thing?" "Remember that group of traders from the far east we encountered a few months ago?" Asks Roxie, still enjoying the feel of Alex's supple flesh as she squeezes the moderate mammaries in her palms. "Yeah?" replies the black mage, letting Alex relax against her flat chest. "I asked them about their homeland and mother tongue, and learned that -chan is an affectionate means of addressing a female where they come from." "Huh, you never addressed me as such." replies Raven, reaching down to fondle Alex's ass through the borrowed, skin-tight trousers. "Well, it would feel kind of strange to have suddenly started calling thee Raven-chan when we've known each other since we were young children and first showed potential for the arcane arts and are practically sisters in all but blood. With Alex-chan, it's almost like we just met a new girl, so it seems a more natural nickname." "I guess that makes sense." replies Raven before kneeling behind Alex and rolling the too tight bottoms down the tanned girl's hips to expose the warrior's perky posterior and starting to give these half-moons a similar treatment to what Roxie is doing to their owner's chest. As her two long time lovers fondler her from both sides, Alex has to bite her lower lip to keep her moans from getting loud enough to be heard beyond the small, confined space of the changing room even as her mind lets go of the worry that the two mages wouldn't find the transformed warrior attractive anymore given his loss of manhood, muscles, and stature. Just as Alex is starting to think there might be upsides to her situation, Raven surprises the former swordsman by parting the warrior's half-moons and running her tongue along the valley between them, adding the slightest bit of lightning element to send Alex's glutes into spasms. Before Alex can comment on the black mage's actions, the white mage is capturing the warrior's lips in a kiss, the brunette's mind going blank as her tongue meets the blonde's tongue and the raven-haired girl's tongue finds her anus and presses pass the sphincter. As the two magical tongues explore opposite ends of Alex's digestive tract, her legs nearly give out from the unfamiliar sensations and Roxie has to hug the female warrior, pressing her ample bust against Alex's comparatively diminutive breasts. However, it isn't long before Roxie desires a taste of a different hole, and breaking the kiss removes her own tunic, revealing a lack of panties and unclasping the front of her brassiere to free her breasts before kneeling in front of Alex and rolling the trousers down to the warrior's knees to expose the former man's virgin girlhood. As Raven's tongue continues working Alex's anus and Roxie's tongue starts to dance upon her recently acquired labia and clitoris, the warrior has to clamp both hands over her mouth to muffle a near scream of ecstacy as sensations more sensual than any she can remember from the many wonderful ways the two mages have stimulated her lost manhood over the years shoots up the swordswoman's spine. As the mages continue performing analingus and cunnilingus, both reach a hand down to touch their own emflamed girlhoods, Raven nearly drenching the crotch of her bottoms in the process, and Roxie using her other hand to fondle her own breast. At the same time, Alex brings her hands to her own tits and tries to emulate the way the white mage had massaged them earlier. Before long, Alex can feel something building in her belly, both familiar and alien as her two lovers bring her close to her first orgasm as a woman. It is also about this time that the warrior's bladder reminds her that she neglected to empty her waste waters after her night of binge drinking. "Ro-Roxie!" cries Alex, trying to warn the mage of her need to pee, but the blonde only takes this as encouragement that the transformed girl is close to climax, redoubling her efforts and leaving the tanned girl speechless. Moments later, Alex's changed body is wracked by tremors as her first female climax washes over her, her holes tightening enough to trap both her lovers' tongues and her bladder bursting. Though surprised by the sudden deluge of pee flooding her mouth, Roxie doesn't complain as she drinks it down, and not long after, both mages bring themselves to completion. As her orgasm subsides, Alex collapses to the floor betwen the two mages and the trio spend several minutes sitting there on the changing room floor, basking in shared afterglow. Regaining their senses, the three agree they've spent a suspicious amount of time in ther and make quick work of finding a few tunics, pairs of trousers, brassieres, and panties that fit Alex properly before making their purchases and heading for the next stop. After getting Alex a properly fitted pair of boots from the cobbler and making sure Roxie has a full bag of antidotes and health potions and that both mages have an ample supply of mana potions, the trio heads for the Armory to get Alex outfitted for battle once more. After trying on several types of lightweight armor designed for women, Alex ultimately decides on a sleeveless white leotard made from the same kind of enchanted cloth that makes the robes the mages wear effective armor. Instead of wearing regular underclothing beneath the leotard, Alex opts for a brass brassiere that does triple duty to protect her heart and lungs from attack, support her bust, and to emphasize said bust. For modesty, she adds a matching skirt made of armor plates, and completes her armor with mathing gauntlets and shinguards. Looking at her new combat ensemble in a mirror, Alex comments, "If I'm going to have to fight as a woman, at least I'll look good doing it." Before retrieving her sword from her bag of holding and performing a fencing exercise to get a feel for her new armor. In the process, she discovers that what had been a one-handed sword for her male form is now a two-handed sword with her removed stature and muscular, making her decide to invest in a lighter sword with a shorter blade. With Alex properly equiped once more and as well supplied as their budget will allow, the trio of young adventurers head for the edge of town, hoping to make good use of the remaining hours of daylight.