Tales of the Triploids by Imouto Kitten Overview The Triploids are an alien race native to a planet orbiting in the goldilocks zone of a yellow dwarf star roughly 15 parsecs or 49 light years from Earth. They are capable of perceiving and emitting electromagnetic waves in the bands traditionally used for over the air radio and television broadcasts, and such makes up a large part of their "spoken" language. As such, the names they use for themselves, their homeworld, and their parent star have no good equivalent in something perceivable to humans, though they have approved the terms Triploid for their race, Triploidia for their homeworld, and Solforme for their parent star. It is their innate ability to perceive radio waves that lead them to making first contact with humanity, intrigued by the earliest broadcasts that reached their home, though they naturally couldn't understand what had been encoded in said broadcasts. The species were dubbed triploids by humanity for several reasons: 1. Their genetic material form a triple helix structure similar to the double helix of the DNA found in Earth-based life. 2. Their chromosomes are arranged in triplets, not pairs, and their zygotes are formed from the merger of three haploid gametes. 3. They have three distinct sexes, and the union of all three is required for procreation. Physically, adult Triploids average between 90 and 120 cm in height, measured from heel of the foot to the scalp of the head with an overall body plan similar to humans, with waists slightly narrower than the rest of their torso and hips slightly wider, resembling an androgynous, human child in silhouette. Their skin is smooth and hairless, and comes in a variety of pastel hues. Unlike humans, where skin tone is a major indicator of ancestry, skin color for Triploids is much more mixed, and has never been a point of cultural division, though mated trios are generally of three distinct hues. Their faces tend to be round or heart-shaped, with soft cheeks and chins, their mouths, which can produce not only audible sound, but infrasound down to 100th of a Hertz and ultrasound up to about 50 kHz as well as radio waves, are similar in appearance to humans, though they lack noses, instead relying on olfactory receptors in the roofs of their mouths. Instead of eyelids, their eyes are covered by hard, transparent coverings giving them a bug-eyed look. These natural goggle lenses often appear black, but sufficiently bright light reveals them to have a slight tint of the same hue as their skin. Their eyesight is hexachromatic, their cone cells coming in varieties with peak sensitivities that have lead to them being labelled infrared, red, yellow, green, blue, and ultraviolet from longest to shortest wavelength, though the red, green, and blue cones of a triploid don't perfectly match those of humans. Their Ears are pointed like traditional depictions of elves, and inaddition to having auditory sensitivity to match their vocal range, their ears also contain organs sensitive to radiowaves, though their brains interpret these frequencies in a manner closer to hearing than vision. Their scalps secrete a substance that sets into a protective, shock absorbing gel, giving them the superficial appearance of having hair. This gel generally matches the triploid's skin in hue, but is much more saturated in color. Their skeletal structure is similar to humans, with a ribcage and pelvis to protect internal organs of the torso, arms and legs with two segments each, and 5-digited hands and feet with 3 segments per digit except for a 2-segment thumb and big toe. Their bones, however, differe greatly from any Earth life forms, being made of a strong, but light composite of biogenerated carbon nanotubes held together by a protein matrix. Their skeletal muscle is also significantly different, much less dense and with less strength per cross-sectional area. Combined with their short stature, this grants them very low body mass and makes them excellent jumpers, climbers, and acrobats, but are poor at lifting loads or delivering strikes. As such, they were traditional foragers and scavengers prior to domesticating the native flora and fauna of Triploidia and never managed to domesticate large herbivores due to insufficient strength to wrangle unruly individuals. Triploids also have a series of air sacs throughout their body, and by raising their body temperature, can generate just enough lift to let them float just above the ground and their bodies can generate magnetic fields just strong enough to let them glide by pushing against the magnetosphere of Triploidia or Earth. Though they have three distinct sexes, their trimorphism is low, with their genitalia the only distinguishing characteristic that is apparent, and while their race lacks a nudity taboo and generally only wear clothing amongst themselves if needed for protection, most have taken to whereing clothes when among humans, making it difficult to identify a Triploid's sex at a glance. Though they have terms for their sexes and familial relations based on sex, the prevalence of radio waves in their language makes direct translation impossible, though they've agreed to humans using male and female along with associated terms for the two of their sexes that most resemble the two sexes of humanity, and have adopted the terms hermaphrodite and futanari as "good enough" approximations for their third sex, though terms for a herm or futa parent, sibling, parents sibling, or sibling's child aren't well-established, and within the native Triploid language, they also have sex-specific terms for cousins, and due to their race having three sexes, they have a concept of third and two-third siblings, grand parents of the herm parent's line, and of first cousins being single, double, or triple. The Triploid sex commonly called male for convenience is the most similar to a human sex, possessing a penis that serves both for excreting liquid wastes and delivering genetic material and a scrotum containing a pair of testes, and aside from the testes producing haploid sperm from triploid stem cells, everything functions very similar to a human male. Compared to human males, a triploid male's penis lacks a foreskin and possesses a bulbous glandis and are generally less endowed than human males, while their testes are more sperical and are usually about the size of a ping-pong ball. Triploid females also bare some resemblance to human females, with a vulva, clitoris, vagina, and uterus very similar to those of a human, and their urethras terminate at a small hole located between their clitoris and vaginal opening. However, their gonads bare more resemblance to testes than ovaries, and instead of a single pair of fallopian tubes, their gonads are connected to their uterus by a network of vessels that coat the uterine lining in a semen-like substance when female triploids orgasm. The third sex, commonly referred to as herms or futas because their genitalia superficially resemble a vulva with a penis protruding from where the clitoris should be, have the least resemblance to a human sex. They do possess a vulva and vagina nearly identical to those of Triploid females, and their penis-like appendages do serve both for urination and for reproductive purposes. However, whereas the male penis is supported almost entirely by erectile tissue and is either rigid or flaccid, the herm's appendage, which is perhaps better described as an ovipositor, is quite muscular and very prehensile and the herm's urethra is capable of stretching to several times it's contracted girth without pain or discomfort, and even fully contracted, the ovipositor is quite a bit longer and thicker on average compared to the male's penis, and while the female vagina terminates at the cervix of the uterus, the herm's vagina terminates at an organ with no real analog in humans. This organ, which accepts ova from the herm's ovaries, secretes a thick, nutrient-rich substance similar to egg yolk into which the herm's eggs are mixed in preparation for procreation. During a Triploid mating, the Herm inserts their ovipositor into the female's vagina and the male inserts his penis into the herm's vagina and the three move in rhythm to stimulate each other, the herm usually taking advantage of their ovipositor's musculature to stir the female's insides. When the male ejaculates, his bulbous glandis swells, trapping him within the herm's vagina and often, the herm's cervix will clamp around the collar of the male's glands as his semen mixes with the yolk and ova, partially fertilizing the ova and making the yolk congeal. Once the yolk has fully congealed, the herm pushes their ovipositor into the female's uterus and contractions push the mass of ova and yolk through the herm's ovipositor and into the female's uterus. An orgasm from the female adds their contribution to the mix of gametes and nutrients, and fully fertilized eggs feed on the yolk until the resulting embryos are developed enough to attach to the female's uterine lining, any gametes that failed to form a viable zygote dissolving into the yolk. While the gametes of both Triploid males and females more closely resemble sperm and the herm's gametes resemble ova, it is not possible for two male sperm to form a zygote by fertilizing the same ovum, and female sperm are incapable of fertilizing ovum that have not yet been fertilized by male sperm. Herms can be inseminated by a male and then retain the mass of congealled yolk containing partially fertilized eggs for a period of several days, though many find the experience unpleasant and the longer a herm goes without depositing, the firmer and less permeable to female semen the yolk becomes. Triploids, having chromosomes organized in triplets, have three sex chromosomes in an individuals karyotype and three types of sex chromosome. The three types are generally referred to as X, Y, and Z, and children inherit one from each parent. Embryos with XYZ are non-viable and quickly become part of the yolk that feeds a brood in the earliest stages of development, while individuals with two or three matching chromosomes will develop into one of the three sexes as follows: XXX, XXY, or XXZ: Female YYX, YYY, or YYZ: Male ZZX, ZZY, or ZZZ: Herm Due to XYZ's non-viability, threesomes where all three partners are homozygous for sex chromosomes cannot produce viable offspring, and threesomes with only one heterozygous partner can only produce offspring of a single sex, and even in the best case, at least a third of zygotes are non-viable.