Pulling her Bladder's Tear from under her shirt, a golden glow washes out Pipi's surroundings as she clasps the golden drop of petrified piddle in front of her heart, chanting, "Tinkle, Whizzle, Piddle, Wee! Turn me into a Wizard of Pee!" as the gem starts to glow, the string holding it dissolving into yellow sparkles. Parting her hands, the gem drops until it's in front of Pipi's bladder before vanishing, its golden glow transferring to the hollow organ and intensifying until its visible through her flesh and clothes. Nearly bending double, Pipi grabs her crotch as her clothes dissolve, golden water washing over her as she starts to shake her hips. The glow from her bladder expands out into a ring around her waist, spinning in time with her gyrations before splitting in two, one going up, the other going down. As the rings pass over the girl's torso, the yellow water weaves itself into a yellow leotard with a wave pattern before additional waves wash over it to form an amber-colored jacket and pleated skirt, both decorated with golden, tear-drop sequins. Reaching her neck and crotch, the upper ring splits in three and the lower ring splits in two, the smaller rings encircling Pipi's head, arms, and legs. As she shifts from foot-to-foot, hands still buried in her crotch, the rings solidify the water washing over her limbs into matching kneehigh boots and elbow-high gloves, both a pristine white while the ring encircling her head applies a bit of yellow lipstick and makes her eyes glow brightly before forming a tiara toppped with a smaller version of the bladder's tear and a pair of tear drop earrings to match. As her hair brightens to match her new eye color, the ring splits once last time, a righ going down each of her pigtails, unraveling them and making her hair lengthen and flow like water, stopping only when her twin tails have reached her knees. As the last of the rings dissolve into yellow sparkles, Pipi clasps her hands in front of her heart, her thighs pressed firmly together as she declares, "To protect the panties of the pretty and pure, and punish promoters of potty peril, Piddle Pucelle Pipi shall persevere!" before curtsying with a relieved smile, holding her skirt just a bit too high, giving a glimpse of white panties with a yellow stain on the crotch.