Piddle Pucelle Pipi by Imouto Kitten Chapter 1: The Mysterious Book. The last class of the day found 8-year-old Pipi Waterman sitting in Mrs. Stern's third grade reading class. If one had to pick a single adjective to describe the girl, it would be the color amber, for not only did her bright eyes and pig-tailed hair shine the color of amber, but this was also the dominant color of her outfit, which consisted of a matching t-shirt and pleated skirt with matching ankle socks, her black mary janes the biggest contrast thanks to lightly tanned skin. Pipi was supposed to be following along in her textbook as her classmates took turns reading the day's assigned reading aloud, but instead, the young girl had placed the latest volume of her favorite magical girl manga between herself and the wall formed by her textbook, and was so lost in fantasies of being a super cool superheroine with magical powers that she had completely blocked out her surroundings. However, her unauthorized choice in alternative reading material had distracted her from more than just the class, and Pipi sat in her seat, completely oblivious to a rather pressing need completely unrelated to her academics even as she unconsciously crossed her legs and squirmed in her seat. For you see, Pipi possessed a positively puny piddle pot, and the milk and juice she had drank with lunch now wanted out something terrible. Not that it would've helped our desperate damsel much if she hadn't been dangerously distracted from her trembling tinkle tank's throbbing, as Mrs. stern lived up to her name and was known to refuse any request to be excused from class short of obviously needing to see the school nurse and handed detentions to anyone brave enough to dare interrupt her class. Pipi's distraction from both of these more important demands on her attention came back to bite her when the teacher called out, "Miss Waterman, your turn to read aloud to the class." Without thinking, Pipi stands up at her desk, and instead of reading from the day's assigned reading, she starts reading aloud from her manga, the discontinuity from what the last student was reading too great for the other students to hold back their giggles, and soon Mrs. Stern has a room full of laughing children to try and quiet down. As Pipi realizes her mistake, her face going pale at the thought of what Mrs. Stern will do to her, her tired, over taxed tinkle tank takes advantage of her shock and that she's no longer sitting and thus unable to cross her legs to expel its cargo. It isn't until one of the boys in her class notices and shouts, "Hey, everyone, Peepee Waterman is at it again!", triggering even more uproarious laughter that Pipi snaps out of her daze and realizes she's in the middle of wetting herself in front of more than two dozen of her peers and the strictest teacher in the school. Her face turning crimson and sure she's already stained her white panties the color of her hair, Pipi grabs her school bag and her reading textbook, the manga pressed between its pages and runs out of the classroom, her tinkle trailing behind her as she flees the scene of her latest humiliation, barely hearing the same boy cry out, "Hey, Peepee, I think it's a bit late to be running for your potty!" and not hearing whatever Mrs. Stern yells at her retreating back. As the salty liquid gushing from her girlhood trickles to a halt, a very different salty liquid starts streaming from Pipi's eyes, making her reddened cheeks glisten as she runs out of the school and away from campus, not bothering to watch where she's going. As her stamina finally runs out and a panting Pipi props herself against a lamp post to catch her breath, she looks around to find herself in a part of town she's never seen before. Pausing long enough to put away her reading textbook and her manga and make sure her back pack is properly secured, she starts wandering around in search of someone who can give her directions. Before long, Pipi finds herself in front of what looks like a used book store, the antique-looking wooden sign above the display window reading "Mero's Arcane Tomes" Deciding she has no better options, Pipi enters the old-fashioned shop, a bell ringing as she opens the door. The air is thick with the smells of dust, aged paper, parchment, and ink, and herbal tea. As if summoned by the ringing of the bell, an elderly lady dressed all in black and a pointed, brimmed hat, the dark coloration broken only by the gold glinting off the bukles on her boots and the belts around her waist and hat. Speaking in the tones of a fairy godmother who just stepped out of the pages of a children's book from the time of Pipi's grandmother, the old lady greets her visitor, "Why, hello there deary, you seem much younger than my usual customers. Are you by chance a lost, little girl?" Bowing respectfully, Pipi replies, "Yes Mam, Granny..." the 8-year-old trails off, not wanting to assume the old lady is the Mero of the store's sign. "Oh my, where are my manners? I am Mero, the owner and shopkeeper of this fine establishment." replies the old lady to Pipi's unasked question. "Nice to meet you, Granny Mero." replies Pipi, still bowing, "My name is Pipi Waterman, and I am indeed lost. I came in here hoping to find help in finding my way home." "Pipi, what a pretty name." replies Mero, "Anyways, there's still half-an-hour until I normally close the shop. Why don't you browse my shelves for a while? You may be younger than most of my customers, but I'm sure there's at least one tome in this shop that will catch your attention." "But what about helping me home?" Asks Pipi. "After I close up shop, you can join me for afternoon tea and then I'll escort you home personally." It goes against everything Pipi has been told about dealing with strangers, but something about the mysterious old woman's grandmotherly, otherworldly demeanor puts Pipi at ease as she says, "O-Okay." and starts browsing the shop's collection of old books. Many of the dusty tomes have titles that Pipi are sure aren't in English, many seeming to be written in completely unfamiliar alphabets, and even among the ones that seem to be written in English, many include words Pipi has never seen before, but despite a healthy amount of childhood curiosity, something seems to push her away from examining such tomes. However, Pipi comes across one book that actually seems to draw her in. The pocket-sized volume is bound in what appears to be amber-colored leather, the gold foil lettering pressed into the cover proudly declaring the book to be entitled, "Bladder Magic: A Beginner's Guide to exerting Power over People's Piddle Pots" Skimming several pages at random, the young girl can't believe what she's reading. She was holding what claimed to be a spellbook dedicated entirely to the magical manipulation of the contents of people's bladders. Pipi loved reading stories of magic, but surely, even if magic were real, there wouldn't be spellbooks all about pee. And yet, Pipi wanted to believe. What happened in Mrs. Stern's class earlier that afternoon had been far from an isolated incident, but if this book was the real deal, and she could use the spells within, not only could she put an end to her tinkle troubles once and for all, but she could get back at the bullies that teased her everytime she had an accident and help make sure no one else had to face such humiliation. Fighting to keep panties dry was a far cry from fighting for love and justice, but it was still a cause worth fighting for. Pipi was pulled from her thoughts as Mero walks up behind the young girl and asks, "Did you find something you like, deary?" "Yes!" cries Pipi, half in excitement, half in surprise as she turns to face Mero. Remembering that she already spent most of her allowance, her mood drops as she adds, "But I'm not sure I can aford it." "Well, let's see how much you have." declares the elderly woman, leading the young girl to the counter and the ancient, metal cash register sitting there. Pipi pulls out her coin purse and empties it out on the counter, a few quarters, several nickles and dimes, and far more pennies than anyone should ever have on them spilling out on to the dark wood. Counting up the coins and taking the small book from her customer, Mero comments, "Interesting choice, little one," before declaring, "Well, turns out you have exactly the right amount to buy this little tome." "Really?" asks Pipi, her excitement restored. "Yes, indeed." answers the old shopkeeper, ringing up the purchase before guiding her young customer to the flat above the shop. Mero's Living room is much like the store downstairs, letherbound tomes everywhere with the main difference being the low table with a tea setting and the leather chairs surrounding it. The tea Mero serves is very good and Pipi drinks far more than is probably wise given her tiny tinkle tank, and the cookies that are served with the tea are so delicious that Pipi offers no resistence when Mero insists she takes a tin of them home with her. Before Pipi realizes it, Mero has lead the child home, the young girl excited to find out if the spells in her new book actually work. As Mero returns to her shop, she muses aloud to herself, "That child is going to do interesting things, I can feel it." A wide grin cracking her grandmotherly facade, she adds, "Yes, very interesting things or I'm not Majo Ero, the world's foremost purveyor of Tomes of Fetish Magic." With those words, the centuries old witch throws back her head an cackles madly.