Little Witch by Imouto Kitten As the antique clock hanging on the wall of her small, forest hut chimes out, Nina sits up in bed, her quilt falling away to expose her pale flesh, rose pink, needle straight hair cascading down her back, stopping just above her round, little butt., pointed ears poking out on either side of her head. Standing up, the naked girl shivers as the crisp air of autumn assaults her skin, her tiny nipples like hard pebbles upon her flat chest. Hugging herself with one arm, she waves her free hand, a nearby wardrobe flying open and a robe floating over to her as if worn by an invisible person. Stretching out her arms, the robe opens and floats into place before wrapping itself around her lithe body, the heavy, wine red fabric a nice contrast to her much lighter hair. Closing the wardrobe with another flick of the wrist, Nina the witch steps into her brown leather boots and grabs her staff, shaft of dark wood and topped with a bronze sunbrst as it hovers near her, and ignoring the chamber pot in the corner of her small bedroom steps into the larger of her hut's two rooms, the one that serves as combined kitchen, work room, and living room. Conjuring a fireball from the head of her staff, she lights a fire in her fireplace before levitating a cauldron onto the fire and setting water to boil. As the fire drives away the cold, she chops up some rabbit meat and prepares a kettle with tea leaves and before long, the pinkette is enjoying a simple breakfast of rabbit stew and hot tea. Musing aloud, the witch addresses the empty room, "There are only a few days until Samhain... If I wish to perform any greater magics when the veil is at it's thinnest this year, I'd better start gathering ingredients... Probably a good idea to start stocking up for the winter, especially since many things will soon die down if they haven't already and be nearly impossible to find again until spring." Finishing her meal, the little witch slings a empty pack sewn from many animal hides over her shoulder and heads out into the woods surrounding her humble home. Though most of the trees of the forest have lost their verdant foliage to reds and oranges, Nina is still able to find many hardy herbs and fungi, and even takes the opportunity to harvest a few sprigs from some evergreens that will be much harder to access once the first snow arrives. Coming to a river, the sight of running water makes the young witch realize something her body has been trying to tell her for a while now: that she needs to pee, and with her cheeks turning pink to match her hair, she realizes that she neglected to use her chamber pot before leaving her hut. Deciding her need isn't overly pressing, and neither wanting to waste time making the trip back to her hut when she's got less than half a pack of gathered ingredients and not wanting to risk attracting predators with the scent of fresh pee, Nina pushes her growing pond of piddle out of mind as she continues her foraging. By the time she's finished filling her pack with the spoils of her gathering, the sun is starting to set and the twinges from Nina's tinkle tank have grown from a minor annoyance past a presistent nagging and are now almost painful as she caresses her bursting bladder through the thick fabric of her robe, saying to herself, "We'll be home soon, you can hold it just a little longer." But Nina's travels that day have taken her quite a distance from her humble hut, and while the main paths through the forest are usually safe even at night, they're also quite possibly the longest route she could take to return home, at least among routes that make any kind of sense. Her pack heavy on her back and her piddle pot heavy in her belly, Nina steps off the main path, deciding to weave her way through the trees in the most direct route back to her hut. Being small enough to slip through all but the narrowest gaps in the underbrush and experienced at trail blazing as it was often necessary for finding the rarest ingredients, Nina would normally make good time, her magic bolstering her naturally frail body in a way to make the pack, nearly as heavy as her, seem light as a feather upon her back, but the tinkle tides thrashing within her waste water reservoir slow her more than she realizes, and distracted by her desperation, Nina had failed to realize an important aspect of the season. Samhain was important to witches because it represented the point in the annual cycle of seasons when the veil between life and death was at its thinnest, and while Samhain was still a few days away, the veil was already starting to weaken enough that spirits could influence the material world more easily. As such, Nina's trip home was repeatedly interrupted by various monsters of a ghostly nature, from wild pumpkins and rotted tree stumps brought to life by malevolent spirits to reanimated animal carcasses ranging from freshly dead to heavily decomposed, to living skeletons long since picked clean by scavengers. Thankfully, even with the dual distractions of protecting the contents of her pack and containing the contents of her bladder, The Witch still had enough presence of mind to use offensive magic, and most of her ghastly foes fell to a single ball of fire, blast of ice, or bolt of lightning. Still, battling so many denizens of the spirit realm in quick succession while carrying a heavy load and needing to pee was exhausting, and as the witch takes a break from the gauntlet to catch her breath, leaning against a tree for support, she's hit with a sneak attack that leaves her face covered in lemon yellow goo. Wiping the goop off her face, she catches sight of the culprit, a cute scowl forming as she realizes she was ambushed by a yellow slime. Slimes were among the weakest monsters that could be found in the forest, and if their gelatinous bodies weren't useful for making potions, they'd be exterminated as minor pests, so even in her compromised state, it was a bit embarrassing to have been hit by one. However, before Nina can lift her staff to eliminate the yellow blob of living goo, the pool of pent-up pee pounding in her prodigiously protruding piddle pot seems to double in diameter all of a sudden, the girl nearly bending double as she clamps both hands over her girlhood through her robes as she remembers with horror that a highly diluted solution of yellow slime is the base for one of the strongest diuretic potions she knows of and that she must of swallowed some of the glob that had hit her in the face. With sheer force of will, Nina manages to lift her staff once more, blasting the slime with ice, freezing it solid, but as she moves to shatter it under her boot, another tsunami of desperation washes over her, prompting the witch to drop her staff and pack, hike up her robes, and drop into a squat right where she stands, and not a moment too soon as the dam shatters and a torrent of tinkle, far thicker and far stronger than any such a small girl should be able to produce jets forth, the sheer force enough to shred through the layer of dead leaves covering the ground and even carve a divot into the bare dirt beneath. Closing her eyes, Nina lets her head lull back, a soft moan emitting from her throat as countless pints of pee pour forth from her precious place with no sign of an end to the deluge apparent, the protrusion of the pinkette's piddle pot peeking out from under her robes giving her the look of a young mother preparing to give birth to her first child instead of merely relieving herself. Nina's act of outdoor urination continues for many minutes, her impossibly full bladder feeling like it's holding a literal ocean that isn't diminished in the least by the sheer force and volume of her stream or the fact she's now squatting in a mud puddle that couldn't be matched even if she filled her largest cauldron to the brim and then poured it out on the ground. As her accidental dose of dangerously concentrated yellow slime works it's way through her system, leaving Nina trapped ina perpetual state of being both full well past capacity and peeing with such force she's sure she'd produce a visible stream even if she were submerged in a rapid river and facing upstream, the little witch doesn't realize something is sneaking up on her until a thick vine wrapps itself around the ankle of one of her now mud-encrusted boots, yanking the peeing girl's leg out from under her, her tinkle torrent spraying everywhere, soaking not only the girl and her robes, but drenching several nearby trees and even her assailent as she finds herself dangling from one leg, her robes bunching up around her flat chest. Concerned for her own well being, she reaches for her dropped staff, her fingers barely managing to graze the polished wood shaft, but as she tries to stretch the few inches to get a proper grip, more vines shoot forth, relieving the girl of her sodden robes and muddy boots as they coil around her arms and legs, snatching her away from her weapon and raising her several feet off the ground as they shift her into a reclined position, arms and legs spread, elbows and knees bent, the arc of her still uncontrolable pee stream finally stabilizing as her captor emerges from the shadows Concern gives way to panic at the sight of the giant Jack-o-lantern that has ensnared her in its vines, it's orange body easily ten feet tall and twenty feet wide, it's massive mawl looking large enough to gobble the little witch down in a single gulp, a bright red tongue sticking out to intercept her pee stream as if it's a refreshing drink. Had she been calmer, she might have made the connection that the nitrogenous wastes in urine could be used to make fertilizer or been assured she'd be pissing herself in fear right now if she wasn't already peeing from the yellow slime. "Bwa ha ha, I've caught me a tasty looking morsel." comments the monster in a haunting bass tone, doing nothing to relieve Nina's fear that she's about to be eaten alive. Struggling against the vines holding her, the helpless girl cries out, "Pl-Please, do-don't eat me!" "Don't worry, I've got something a lot more fun in mind..." replies the Jack-o-lantern cryptically as another vine, this one grasping another slime monster, this one purple and holding it over the captured witch. Before Nina can regain her wits enough to remember the effects of purple slime, the vine has crushed the happless pest, dowsing her from neck to nethers in purple goop before the vine drops down to massage it into her skin. Though not as potent as what she swallowed of yellow slime, the much larger dosage of her captor's topical application leaves her completely at the pumpkin's mercy as the purple slime takes effect and drives the remaining effects of the yellow slime out, her pee stream finally reducing to a more normal rate of flow and her distended bladder finally starting to deflate as all consuming arousal takes the place of all consuming desperation, her entire body feeling like she's being bathed in enchanted fire that heats, but doesn't burn despite being completely exposed to the chilled air of an autumn night. As her entire body is turned into one, continuous erogenous zone, Nina's mind goes almost completely blank, the memory that purple slime is used in love potions to induce lust in the drinker unable to penetrate to her consciousness. A multitude of vines rush forth, wrapping themselves around Nina's arms, legs, and torso, completely encasing the young witch from the neck down. As the vines slither over her skin, gently massaging and squeezing her supple flesh, the pinkette might have been concerned if not for the effects of the purple slime making every wriggle and writhe of vine against her body feel like a warm tongue teasing her flower's petals, and her moans soon fill the forest as she gives into the pleasure forced upon her by the molesting monster. She can even feel a couple of vines prodding at both her maidenhead and her backdoor, though neither makes a move to actually penetrate her, as if the vines are saving her holes for something else, not that the witch has enough presence of mind to realize this possibility, much less be concerned by it. After what seems like an eternity of pleasant touches that leave Nina longing for more, most of the vines retreat, leaving only the ones holding her in mid-air. Though still incredibly aroused the renewed chill of the autumn night on her skin manages to bring her back to her senses enough to open her eyes and spot something that causes her terror to return stronger than ever. Sticking up from the mass of roots that act as her captor's feet stands a large, woody protrusion, easily as long as Nina's arm from shoulder to wrist and as thick as her neck, and as the vines shift her into an upright position, stretching her limbs out until it feels like her shoulders and hips are on the verge of being dislocated and slowly lower the witch towards that woody protrusion, the girl has no delusions about what the giant pumkin has in store for her, especially considering the rather perverted leer on the jack-o-lantern's face. Eyes widening, she declares, "No..." in a barely audible whisper as she starts to thrash in her restraints, not caring if she dislocates a joint or tears a muscle in her struggles before screaming, "Don't impale me on that... thing! You'll rip me to shreds!" "Bwa ha ha," laughs the pumpkin sadistically, "I love breaking in little girls... especially virgins." As the vines continue to move her inexorably towards what she's sure will prove the instrument of her execution, the monster pumpkin dragging out the process as long as possible, savoring the witch's fear and terror, Nina's strength eventually wears out, leaving her limp in her soon to be rapist's vines, giving into despair as she grits her teeth, squeezes her eyes shut, and braces for the searing pain of having her virgin girlhood shredded by literal monster wood that her tiny body could never hope to accomodate. However, the expected pain never comes, and while she initially thinks her captor is merely toying with her, delaying the act of impaling her just long enough to give her hope only to rip it away along with her virginity, the pause lasts far longer than she can possibly imagine. When she finally decides to risk opening her eyes, she is surprised to see the pumpkin doing battle with another humanoid, a warrior in armor wielding broadsword and easily slicing through the pumpkin's vines to hack at the flesh of it's main body. Her possible savior stands at least twice her height, able to stare the plant-like phantasm directly in the eye with every strike from the broad chested man's sword. As the battle comes to an end, the pumpkin lying in chunks upon the ground, all the vines freezing in place, the knight approaches, cutting through the vines holding her, her restraints withering and turning brown as he cradles her in his off arm, the little witch seeming even smaller held in the embrace of such a near giant of a man. Smiling down at her, seemingly unaffected by her nudity, the knight asks, "Fair maiden, what is such a lovely, little lady doing out in these woods so late at night?" Still feeling the affects of the purple slime and realizing that she's naked in the arms of a handsome man, Nina can feel her cheeks burning, sure they're glowing a pink to match her hair as she averts her gaze, and pointing to where her pack had fallen, explains, "I went into the forest today to collect ingredients and lost track of time. That monster ambushed me as I was making my way back to my hut." Feeling her girlhood tremble and wanting to get to know the man who saved her from likely being raped to death, she asks, "For saving me, would you like to follow me to my hut so I can properly repay you?" "No payment is needed, but I would be most negligent to allow you to return home alone so late at night." "Ah," Nina tries to think fast before blurting out, "but a witch always repays a good deed." "A witch?" he asks in puzzlement, "Surely one as young and cute as you couldn't possibly be a witch." Pointing to her dropped staff, she replies, "Hand me my staff and I'll show you." As her small hands wrap around the wooden shaft, she makes quick work of incinerating the remains of her would be rapist. "Well, that was unexpected." replies the knight. Sheathing his sword and refusing to put her down, claiming, "You're clearly tired from your ordeal, I'll carry you and protect you from any further threats.", he hoists her pack on to his back, and deciding her pissy and muddy robes would be worse than nothing, he slings it over his shoulder as he folows her directions back to her hut, the naked witch snuggling against his breastplate and longing to feel the muscles that must be hidden underneath. Along the way, she decides introductions are in order and says, "My name is Nina, may I ask the name of my savior?" "What a pretty name for a pretty girl." replies the knight before answering her question, "You may call me Ivan." Arriving at her hut, Ivan has to duck his head to get in the door, the structure clearly not built with someone of his stature in mind, prompting Nina to apologize, "Sorry, didn't expect to have company over often,, so I built my home to accomodate my short stature." Sitting her down, he replies, "That's quite alright." Shivering from the cold air on her skin, Nina comments, "Um... that monster managed to catch me off guard because I was answering nature's call... I still feel kind of grossfrom the after math of that... would you care to join me in the bath?" "Do you even have a tub large enough for me?" Asks Ivan, examining the interior of the small hut, his hair brushing the ridge pole of the sloped thatch roof as he deposits Nina's pack of gathered ingredients and her soiled robe upon a rough hewned wooden table. "Follow me." Is her only response as she leads him out into a fenced off backyard, the air noticeably warmer out here despite the approach of winter, the cause fairly obvious as Ivan lays eyes upon the hot spring that dominates the enclosed space. "I chose this spot to build my home because it meant I could have hot baths year-round while having the space to stretch out and even swim a bit if I like." "I suppose that's a rather attractive upside to living here despite being so far from the nearest town." replies Ivan. Already naked, Nina wades into the spring until the warm water is licking at her nipples, those tiny nubs hard as much from the cold air she recently left as from her arousal, her long, rosy hair fanning out on the water's surface as she cries out, "Come on in, Ivan, the water's great!" As Ivan removes his armor and his underclothes, Nina can't help but stare out of the corner of her eye as her savior's muscular body is exposed to her, thick biceps, broad shoulders, powerful thighs, and a rather impressive even flaccid member dangling between his legs adding up to an image that Nina is sure would have her quim quivering with desire even if she had never been molested by that monster or drenched with undiluted goop from a purple slime. As Ivan wades waist deep into the water, Nina swims over, pulling a wooden bucket of bathing supplies by a length of rope, the bucket clearly enchanted to keep it's contents dry and prevent capsizing. "How about we wash each other?" asks the little witch, pulling a wash cloth and bar of soap from the bucket before treading around to Ivan's back. In silent agreement, Ivan drops into a sitting position, allowing Nina to wash his back. At first, the young girl uses the washcloth to scrub at her savior's broad backside, but she soon switches to rubbing herself against him, her pebble hard nipples digging into muscular flesh as she tries to reach all of the much taller man's back. Eventually, she swims around to repeat the process against his chest and she barely manages to hold back a squeal of delight when she feels his strong hands starting to massage soap into her skin, returning the favor. Before long, she can feel something long, thick, and hard rising between her slightly parted thighs, and letting instinct guide her, she lowers herself until she's practically sitting atop his shaft before starting to slide her quivering quim and cute butt along his length, clamping her thighs together as she does so. As she does this, she can tell his cock, for that's the only thing she could be straddling right now, is easily as long as her thigh from hip to knee and at least as thick as her thigh just above the knee. Much smaller than the thing that monster pumpkin wanted to impale her on, though still large enough to give her some pause. But only some pause, as desire soon pushes her to ask, "Do you want to put it inside me? Do you wish to claim the treasure you prevented that monster from stealing from me?" Ivan seems a bit taken aback by her forwardness as he stammers a reply, "I...I wo-wouldn't want to take advantage of one so youn-" Placing a finger to his lips, she cuts him off, "Don't worry, I'm older than I look." Before stretching up to plant a kiss on his lips, wrapping her slender arms around his neck, the height difference forcing her to partially relinquish her grip on his member as it slides from between her thighs to being gripped between her tiny feet, taking advantage of the moan he lets out as her feet caress his shaft giving her the opportunity to slide her tongue into his comparably cavernous mouth. When they finally break for air, Ivan asks, "How old are you?" and in mock offense, Nina lifts her feet to his chest before pushing off with all four limbs as she floats away from him, kicking her legs a bit as she shows off her flat chest, trim tummy, and virgin girlhood. "Didn't your mother ever tell you that age is one of those things a gentleman never asks for from a lady? And that it's something a proper lady never devulges to a man she's just met?" "My apologies, milady." comes his remorseful reply. Still floating on her back atop the water, her magic making the surface as solid as a soft bed to the little witch, Nina replies, "I suppose I can forgive such a breach of protocol and allow you the honor of taking my virginity, but under one condition." Convinced she has his undivided attention, she lifts her legs out of the water, bringing her knees up to nestle in her armpits as her hands reach down to part her petals. "As you can see, my inexperienced twatty is quite tiny and my maiden head is fully intact as well. Before your timely intervention, I thought for sure I was going to die painfully impaled on that monster pumpkin's great, woody phallus, but even you are so well endowed as to give me pause..." "So, what do you propose, dear Nina?" he asks as she trails off. "Please allow me to use my spells to shrink that magnificent manhood of yours to something that will fit comfortably within my depths and then teach me the pleasures of a woman." is her reply as she flips over on her front and swims back towards him. "Sh-Shrink?" stammers the knight, placing his hands protectively over his crotch. "Don't worry, it'll only be temporary." replies the pinkette, "If I enjoy the experience, I might even ask you to stick around and let you slowly stretch my snug snatch until the shrinking spells are no longer needed... or perhaps even a bit further." With some reluctance, he removes his hands as Nina kneels upon the spring's bottom, placing her tiny hands upon his massive member, his girth such that she can barely touch thumbs and middle fingers at the same time as she starts to stroke him. As she channels her magic into his flesh, his cock starts slowly shrinking in her grasp, soon narrowing enough she can interleave her fingers and touch her palm heels together, his shaft now only twice as long as her hand is wide as she continues massaging his manhood with her dainty hands. The more his cock changes from it's natural shape and size, the slower the process becomes, but eventually, his member is small enough she can encircle it with a single hand, fingers touching palm heel and pinky wrapped around the base as her thumb caresses the tip. "That's more like it." comments Nina before giving the tip a quick kiss and retreating to the water's edge, laying down on a large rock, the surface worn smooth by erosion and warm to the touch thanks to proximity to the hot spring, her luscious, pink lockes spreading out under her as she points her toes to the sky and hooks her fingers over her toes as she gives Ivan an inviting smile and declares, "Come on, big boy, bury that cute, little cock in my cozy, little virgin cunny." Standing up, water cascading off his muscles, Ivan walks over and positions himself over Nina as he asks, "Are you ready, fair maiden?" and with a nod of her head, he thrusts balls deep in her virgin passage, his shrunken member sliding effortlessly through a gap in her maidenhead, filling her up without the pain of a typical deflowering. At her gasp of pleasure and lack of any signs of her being in pain, he proceeds to start rocking his hips against her, sliding his member in and out of her warm, wet passage. "Oh Morgana!" cries the young witch between moans of ecstacy, her whole body taking on a hue to match her hair as the intense sensations from her core drive her to ever greater heights of arousal. "Please, Ivan, please pound my pussy into submission! Make me a slave to your wonderful manhood! Show your little witch the full might of a true warrior!" Encircling her waist with his massive hands, Ivan lifts Nina's rear from the stone, and taking advantage of her slight weight, the witch practically weightless in his grip, he proceeds to piston in to her at great speed, reducing her to a mewling mess as she cries out her pleasure in time with his thrusts. Eventually, they cum in unison, the knight spilling his seed deep in the witch's womb as her passage pulses around him, eager to extract every drop of Ivan's essence, Nina throwing her head back as she screams her pleasure to the heavens like a wolf howling at the moon. However, her scream of pleasure soon turns to one of pain, Nina's orgasm having shattered the concentration that was maintaining the spell upon Ivan's manhood, and as the knight glances down, he notices his member still hilted in her depths, now back to its normal size, stretching her passage to the point that trickles of blood are seeping out around his shaft. She's now almost painfully tight around his overly sensitive member, but she's clearly in far greater pain as he cries out, "So-sorry!" and makes to pull out. Wrapping her legs around his waist best she can, she protests, "NO, just hold still!" and as he pulls her into a hug, the pinkette grits her teeth and sobs against his chest as she endures the pain and tries to relax enough to let him pull out without fearing he'll turn her inside out. Eventually, the searing pain in Nina's soar snatch reduces to a dull ache and she allows Ivan to pull out. Shifting her to a princess carry and not bothering to retrieve his clothes or armor from where he left them, Ivan carries her inside, ducking his head on account of the low ceiling, whispering comfortingly, "I'm so so sorry for hurting you." Suppressing a grimace, she assures him, "No, it was my fault. I wasn't thinking straight in the moment and failed to tie off my spell properly, leaving it tied to me having enough concentration to maintain it. That the spell merely came undone at the worst possible moment instead of hitting me with debilitating backlash is actually quite fortunate." "Still, I feel responsible." replies Ivan, remorse clear in his tone. "If it'll make you feel better, you can aply some healing salve to my tender nethers." replies Nina, squirming enough in his grip to prompt him to sit her down. Shivering slightly at the cold air in her hut now that she doesn't have Ivan's body heat to keep her warm, she scurries to a cabinet to retrieve a clay jar she hands to Ivan before leading him into her bedroom, the tall man having to kneel to avoid bumping his head in the smaller room, the cold helping her ignore the ache in her loins long enough to make the transition as quick as possible. Climbing on her bed and burrowing her face against her pillow and quilt in an effort to reduce the heat she's losing to the environment, she pushes her rear high in the air to give Ivan easy access to her precious place to apply the medicine. Opening the jar and finding the thick cream within to be nearly ice cold, Ivan coats his hands in the healing salve and vigorously rubs them together, doing his best to bring the concoction to at least body temperature, his little lover's reaction to the cold having not gone unnotice. Placing his hands upon Nina's pale half-moons and deciding being clinical about the situation wouldn't be appropriate, Ivan gently massages the salve into the witch's cute, little rump, eliciting a soft moan from her throat in the process. Continuing his ministrations, he works his way down her thighs, coating not only the inside and back, but the front and outside as well, Nina practically purring under his touch. It's only when he's done treating everything remotely adjacent to her injury that Ivan slips his index finger, a fresh coat of friction heated cream on it in Nina's passage, the callused digit rubbing over the torn remains of her maidenhead and reaching deep enough to tickle her cervix, but he doesn't stop there. Adding a second finger, the two digits combined about as thick as his cock had been at its smallest, he proceeds to stimulate her every carnal nerve, both to ensure the medicine reaches every bit of injured tissue, but also wanting to bring the little witch pleasure to exceed the pain he caused her, and if the moans that are clearly audible despite her face being buried in her pillow are any indicator, he's succeeding. Eventually, she pushes herself up on all fours and cries out in need, "Please, mount me and rut me like a wild dog would a bitch in heat!" "Are you sure?" asks Ivan, somewhat taken aback by the forcefulness and suddenness of her demand, "You seemed in rather extreme pain not long ago." "The salve acts quick, you've gone far beyond what's needed to heal my abused passage and are just driving me crazy with your touch! Now, fuck me like a whore before I chop it off, use my magic to preserve it, and keep it as my new favorite toy!" Not sure if she's serious, but not wanting to take the risk and rather aroused by her sudden wanton lust, Ivan places his hands on her hips and sinks himself within her depths once more, amazed by how easily she now accepts his full girth and length without even a hint of the earlier pain, and before long, he is pistoning into her with as much vigor as he had employed by the hot springs, her rosy lockes cascading over her lovely backside. Getting an idea and not slowing in the least, Ivan gives his hands a fresh coating of the salve before proceeding to massage his lovely, little lady's back before reaching under to do the same to her trim tummy and flat chest, getting a particularly strong response as he rolls Nina's nipples between thumb and forefinger. Before long, the pair reach another shared climax, Nina's cry of exaltation to any gods who'll listen uninterrupted this time as she trembles like a leaf in the breeze, the massive member in her womanhood and the large hands on her chest the only things preventing her from collapsing bonelessly upon her quilt. When the afterglow finally fades away, Nina turns around to face her lover, a sleepy smile on her face as she declares, "That was amazing!" and snuggles against his chest. "It's quite late, and there'll be many more monsters out there, how about you spend the night." Feeling tired himself, Ivan replies, "That sounds nice." and with some careful maneuvering, they manage to shift positions so Ivan is laying on Nina's bed, the small cot barely long and wide enough for his torso as his limbs hang off, Nina nestled atop him, and the quilt draped over them. Noticing the nearly comical mismatch of size between her lover and her bed, Nina lets out a sound halfway between a giggle and a yawn as she comments, "Sorry, I really didn't think I'd ever be sharing my bed with another, much less someone of your stature, so I never bothered with anything bigger." "Quite alright," replies Ivan, wrapping his arms around the tiny witch, "Just gives me an excuse to hug you all night long." With that, he places a kiss upon her forehead and the pair are soon both fast asleep.