Fox and Bunny by Imouto Kitten Chapter 7: Fox rewards a Bunny Returning to the bed chamber she shares with her pets, Hiko lays Tsubomi down on the straw mattress before walking over to a chest. Opening the chest, Hiko retrieves a hexagonal wooden box, and lifting off the lid, nestles the strand of leporine testicles within it before closing it and sealing it with a paper talisman. She then pulls out a clean brush and a clay jar of another potion. Brush and jar in hand, Hiko walks over to the bed, and kneeling before Tsubomi declares, "I hope Ninjin-kun didn't tire you out too much." as she dips the brush into the clear potion. With a deft hand, Hiko flicks the brush across Tsubomi's exposed clit, making the young rabbit let out a gasp of pleasure and squeeze her eyes shut as her pleasure nub doubles in size and she burrows her hands into the straw. Hiko repeats the process with similar results, and before long, Tsubomi's clit is as big as the bunny girl's pinky finger. Dipping the brush in the potion again, Hiko switches to longer brushstrokes, starting at the base of her pet's engorged clit, reaching the tip, and going down the opposite side, alternating between going back-to-front and side-to-side to ensure the ever growing bundle of nerves is being evenly coated with the solution. When Tsubomi's clit has grown to the size of a prepubescent boy's boyhood, Hiko starts painting it in a spiral pattern, starting at the base and heading to the tip before going back down to form a criss-crossing double helix. By the time Hiko has used up most of the small jar's contents, Tsubomi's clit is as long and thick as Hiko's own vulpine member, though it retains the smooth, undifferentiated shape it originally had. Finally free of the exquisite sensations of the brush on her most sensitive bit of anatomy, Tsubomi opens her eyes and pushes herself up to her elbows to admire her altered anatomy. "I thought Asahi-chan said she couldn't give a girl a boy's thingy." questions Tsubomi, confused by the results of Hiko's treatment. Sitting down her tools, Hiko replies, "I can't, and to even try would be to invite Lady Inari's divine wrath," a smug smile on her face, "but this," Hiko wraps a hand around Tsubomi's engorged clit, "isn't a true manhood." The vixen starts stroking her honey bunny as she explains, "It has all the sensitivity of the real thing, but you won't be able to produce seed, not even the sterile seed your brothers are capable of shooting. Plus," she reaches for Tsubomi's pee hole, "You'll still pee from here." Done with her explanations, Hiko lowers her head to the rabbit's crotch, giving Tsubomi a long lick from her bunny cunny to the tip of her pseudo dick before kissing the tip, and then opening her mouth to engulf the swollen bundle of nerves, reducing the rabbit to a quivering mass of female flesh from the intense pleasure flooding the bunny's system. Once Satisfied that the bunny is sufficiently lubed up, Hiko pulls her mouth off her honey bunny, enjoying the way Tsubomi twitches in pleasure from experiencing the closest thing to a blowjob the vixen can give her. Standing up, Hiko shrugs off her clothing before stepping to place her feet to either side of Tsubomi's hips. Squating down, the fox's netherlips kiss Tsubomi's tip before the vixen asks, "Tsubomi-chan, would you like the honor of popping your mistress's cherry?" Eyes fluttering to half-lidded, the bunny girl gazes up at the vixen, her lover, her protector, her mentor, her sun as she cries out, "Yes! Asahi-chan!" Smiling affectionately, Hiko wiggles her hips seductively, her netherlips teasing the tip of Tsubomi's engorged clit, the vixen's bright red fox cock bobbing as she asks, "What does my little honey bunny want me to do?" Trying to thrust up into her mistress only for the foxgirl to anticipate her every motion, Tsubomi pleads, "Please, Asahi-chan! Please take my carrot deep into your warren!" Seeing her pet's eyes glazed over in lust and wanting to be filled as much as the bunny wants to fill her, Hiko drops her hips, impaling herself upon the rabbit's pseudo-penis. Though a vaginal virgin, Hiko barely feels any pain as her hymen is torn, the healing potion she added to the swelling solution used on Tsubomi's clit sealing the tiny wounds and driving the pain away almost immediately. As the foxgirl starts to ride her honey bunny in earnest, Tsubomi squeezes her eyes shut and burrows her hands deeper into the straw bedding, her pleasured cries filling the stone chamber as she asks, "Is...Is this how Asahi-chan feels when she stuffs my warren with her carrot!?" Leaning forward, her long, flaming hair draping over the smaller girl as the fox's futahood is pinned between them, Hiko replies, "I don't know how closely what my honey bunny is feeling compares to taking a girl with the real thing, but if it feels half as good for Tsubomi-chan when I pound her sweet, little bunny cunny as what I'm feeling now, then its no wonder Tsubomi-chan is always so eager to suck on my carrot with her lower mouth!" before capturing the bunny's lips with her own. As their tongues tango, taking turns comparing the carnivore's pointed, arrowhead-like teeth to the herbivore's flatter, more chisel-like teeth, the vixen speeds up in her riding of her pet's altered anatomy, the two swallowing each other's moans. Hiko is the first to climax, but Tsubomi isn't far behind thanks to the way the vixen's passage pulses around the bunny girl's false futahood, the rabbit's bladder releasing its contents into the straw as she trembles head-to-toe, her clit twitching almost violently in Hiko's depths. Catching her breath, Hiko exclaims, "Wow, that was amazing! Even if my honey bunny doesn't continue to be a good girl, I might have to think of an excuse to do this again." Noticing the soaked straw from Tsubomi's accident, Hiko scolds without any real anger, "But it looks like I need to punish you for not holding your waste waters." Pulling off Tsubomi's pseudo penis, the vixen uses a controlled burst of fox fire to dry the bedding without setting the straw ablaze as she orders, "Get on your hands and knees and stick out that cute, little bunny butt!" As Tsubomi does as she's told, her buck teeth bite down on her lower lip to avoid crying out from the jolt of sensation that shoots up her spine as her overly sensitive and engorged clit brushes against the straw. Placing her hands on the bunny girl's half-moons, the fox girl starts to massage the soft, yet firm gluteal mounds, occasionally reaching down to teasingly swipe her thumb along the bunny's cunny or forward to run a fingernail through the fluffy fur of Tsubomi's tail. Just when she's lulled her sweet, little honey bunny into a false sense of security, Hiko lifts one of her hands before bringing it down on the bunny's butt with an audible smack, and a small yelp from Tsubomi. Alternating between the buttocks, the vixen proceeds to spank her pet, being careful to not scratch her claws against the rabbit's pale flesh and using just enough force to make each strike sting without doing any real damage. After a score of strikes to each side of Tsubomi's rear, Hiko grabs the jar of swelling solution,,, and smiling at the leftover potion within starts to channel her fox magic to her handss and crotch, her palms and member starting to glow the blue of fox fire. As Hiko pours the leftover potion into her palms and starts slathering it on her bright red erection, her magic insulating her from its effects for the time being, she demands in an animalistic, nearly feral tone, "Shake that bunny booty and beg me to fuck you!", the vixen's pupils slitted and her teeth bared. Swaying her hips side-to-side and glancing through her thighs to stare at her mistress's futahood, Tsubomi begs, "Please, Asahi-chan! Please plunge that delicious carrot deep in my warren and flood my insides with your hot cream!" Stroking her shaft with one hand while rubbing the other over her pointed tip, Hiko can only endure a minute or so of Tsubomi's show before she wipes her hands off on her discarded hakama and nearly mauls the bunny girl's hips as she grabs the smaller creature and impales her on her fox cock. Wasting no time, Hiko starts fucking her pet with abandon, letting out a pleased howl as the swelling solution seeps into the walls of the bunny's cunny, Tsubomi's already snug snatch suddenly squeezing tight enough to mangle the manhood of less resilient creatures. Hiko then returns the favor, letting her magic pull back so the potion can affect the fox's futahood as well, the rabbit letting out a shriek of surprise as Hiko's entire shaft thickens to the same extent her knot normally does. Though used to being tied by her mistress's knot by now, Tsubomi is unprepared as her deepest depths and her outer lips are stretched to an extendt the vixen's knot only ever stretches the shallow part of the bunny's cunny to, and before Tsubomi has time to adjust, the rabbit finds herself wrapped in the foxgirl's strong arms, arms pinned to sides and knees pinned to chest as Hiko pistons Tsubomi on the fox's engorged member with enough force to make the bunny's belly bulge with every thrust while alternating between nuzzling, nipping, sucking, and licking at the pale flesh of the rabbit's neck. Already overwhelmed by Hiko's wild rutting, Tsubomi's mind goes completely blank with pleasure as the fox wraps a hand around the bunny's enlarged clit and starts stroking vigorously As she feels herself approaching climax, Hiko's thrusts grow more shallow so that when she cream's her honey bunny's cunny, her knot swells outside as Tsubomi's passage convulses in climax trying to milk the fox for all she's worth. Sitting atop the vixen's knot, Tsubomi basks in afterglow for several minutes, panting heavily before saying weakly, "That was amazing, Asahi-chan." "I hope you're up for another round." replies the vixen as she pulls Tsubomi off her member. Before the confused rabbit can ask what Hiko is doing, she drives her futahood as deep into the bunny's butt as her knot will allow before resuming the near violent fucking. Instead of stroking Tsubomi's pseudo penis some more, the foxgirl takes advantage of it being more flexible than a real cock to slide most of it up inside Tsubomi's bunny cunny, the already well-fucked hole gaping as Hiko's seed pours out. Tsubomi is surprised by how good it feels to be butt fucked while fucking herself, and doesn't notice as Hiko's knot deflates enough to let the vixen hilt herself in her honey bunny's beautiful booty. As Hiko cums once more, her knot stretching Tsubomi's rectum to a painful extent, Hiko stands up and wraps her shirt around both of them, still in the process of flooding the bunny's bowels as she declares, "I think its time for a bath." and leaving the bed chamber while still practically wearing her pet as a cock sleeve.