Fox and Bunny by Imouto Kitten Chapter 6: Fox binds a Buny's Brothers As Hiko rouses the next morning, her surroundings don't seem quite right. Her morning wood is wrapped in the warmth of a lover's passage, but it isn't the tightness she's grown use to sleeping with Tsubomi, and instead of the warm body she's molded against being much smaller than herself and lying either next to her or on top of her, it is much larger and beneath her. Not to mention that she finds her head nestled between two mounds that remind her of giant mochi buns. As she wakes further, memories of the night before come rushing back to the Fox, and her vulpine member throbs remembering how adorable Tsubomi and Futaba were as the former prepared the latter, how amazing it felt to take Futaba's virginity, and how the younger rabbits had left their big sister so weak with lust that Usako had done all the work of impaling herself on the futa's girlcock and bringing the vixen to climax. Realizing that she's buried in Usako's bunny cunny, laying atop the elder bunny girl, and that her head is nestled between the blonde bunny's breasts, Hiko is quite tempted to relieve her morning wood by fucking the oldest of her still sleeping lovers, but decides that might only fuel the girl's distrust and make it harder to make Usako her willing pet. Instead, Hiko throws the quilt off of the naked quartet and pulls her futahood from Usako's passage. Getting a better look at the sleeping sisters, she can't help thinking how adorable Tsubomi and Futaba look snuggled up to either side of their elder sister. Her foxcock throbbing again from denial, Hiko reaches her handds towards the bunny cunnies of the two younger sisters, slipping her index and middle fingers within them and swiping her thumb over their tiny clits. At first, they squirm in their sleep, but it isn't long before they start to stir, the twins sleepily greeting their mistress in unison, "Good morning, Asahi-chan." "Good morning, my sweet, little honey bunnies. Did you sleep well?" Asks Hiko, her heart melting at the affection in the little girls' half-litted eyes. "Yes, Asahi-chan," the two reply in unison before Tsubomi adds, "Would you like us to take care of your carrot?" Staring at the bright red appendage between Hiko's thighs. Smiling her foxiest smile, Hiko replies, "I'd be delighted if the two of you would lick me clean from last night's activities. Extricating themselves from the arms of their still sleeping elder sister, the young bunnies crawl over to Hiko and kneeling to either side of the vixen's futahood, start running their tongues up and down the throbbing member. Giving both girls pats on the head, the futa foxgirl starts moaning softly in encouragement, and when they've finished licking away the remnants of dried virgin's blood, cunny juice, and cock cream, the two bunnies take turns one licking the shaft and the other sucking on the tip. Hiko's moans soon rouse Usako who is shocked by the display she awakes to, but while her pride won't let her admit it, she can't help but be aroused by the sight of her little sisters naked and performing fellatio. Trying to be discreet, the older bunny girl cups one breast in one hand while the other goes to rub at her bunny cunny, biting her lip to avoid adding her own moans to Hiko's, her face going red in embarrassment and shame. Usako still can't believe how easily her barriers fell the night before. It would've been one thing if the fox had forced herself upon the older rabbit, but to think her sisters could get her so aroused that she would betray Usataro almost without being asked was nearly enough to make the blonde wish she was born to a social standing where seppuku would be an option. And to make matters worse, the one she hates for corrupting her sisters has a cock that makes her feel better than her beloved brother ever managed. Hiko spots Usako pleasuring herself out of the corner of her eye, but pretends to be oblivious even as she grins inwardly at the knowledge that the older rabbit's resistence is faultering. "Tsubomi-chan, Futaba-chan, I'm going to cum soon!" announces the vixen, panting like a bitch in heat from how great it feels to be double-teamed by her honey bunnies' mouths. It is Futaba who has her lips wrapped around Hiko's tip when the vixen's vulpine member erupts, and while the least experienced bunny manages to swallow the first few spurts, her cheeks are soon bulging with futa fox jizz and she is forced to release Hiko's tip, getting her flat chest covered for her efforts. When Hiko is done spraying her load, Tsubomi licks the last bit from Hiko's tip, squeezing the vixen's knot to ensure she extracts every drop before licking her twin clean and kissing Futaba so the two can share the mouthful of vulpine essence. The sight of the two young rabbits sharing her milk has Hiko throbbing, and it takes quite a bit of willpower for her to not try forcing her currently overly sensitive member up one of their cozy, little bunny cunnies, never mind that she couldn't get all the way in until her knot deflates. Standing up, Hiko takes the two younger rabbits by the hand and helps them to their feet as she declares, "I think it's time for a bath." As Hiko walks out of the bed chamber hand-in-hand with her two little honey bunnies, all three naked and shameless of the fact, Usako, frustrated that she has to stop short if she wants to keep an eye on her darling, little sisters, hastily tries to put her white yukata back in a way to protect her modesty as she runs after the trio. By the time Hiko and the rabbit sisters have finished washing away the evidence of the prior night's activities and are dressed in fresh clothes, Hiko in the white-and-red garb of a miko, Tsubomi and Futaba in matching blue yukata, and Usako in another white yukata, the scents of cooking food have filled the den and the quartet head to the kitchen to find the mother rabbit preparing breakfast and are soon joined by the men folk of the rabbit clan. After everyone has had their fill, Hiko beckons her leporine lovers and their brothers to follow her as she takes a tunnel even Tsubomi hasn't been down before. At the end of the tunnel, they pass through a small wooden Torii, and it is at this point that Hiko uses several bursts of fox fire to light torches, revealing the room they've reached to be a perfect cube even larger than the hemisphere of the hearth room with Torii against each wall. Though not obvious, the entrance to the room is through the southern Torii with the other three aligned with North, east, and west. Carved into the floor is a large ritual circle inscribed with a pentagram, the only point aligned with the torii pointing north. Stepping carefully to avoid stepping in the grooves in the floor, Hiko walks to the center pentagon as she speaks, "The ritual we're about to perform will bind brother and sister as sworn protector and treasure to be protected as well as binding the boys to me as my sworn vassels. Once complete, I will be able to sense whenever any of you are in danger and to sense your location regardless of distance or barriers. It will also allow each brother to sense when the sister they've sworn to protect is in danger as well as feel any pain the sister is made to endure." Sitting in the center of the array, facing south, Hiko calls forth, "Now, Tsubomi-chan, descard your garments and come forth without touching the arcs of the circle or the lines of the star." Tsubomi does as instructed and once she's standing in front of Hiko, the fox girl gives her further instruction, "Stand still with your feet parted and your arms held out to the side." Once Tsubomi has assumed the requested position, Hiko takes a clay jar of black ink and a small calligraphy brush and proceeds to draw an intricate pattern of spirals and swirls upon the bunny girl's exposed flesh. More than once, Tsubomi has to stifle a giggle, shiver, or moan as the brush grazes a particularly sensitive spot. By the time Hiko orders, "Turn around." Ink covers half of Tsubomi's exposed skin from the neck down that is visible from the front, and the vixen is nearly as thorough in painting the rabbit's backside. Once done painting the first of her pets and ensuring the ink has fully dried, Hiko instructs Tsubomi to lay in the middle of the pentagram's northwest point, her head towards the point and her feet towards the center. She then repeats the process with Futaba, having her lay in the northeast point before calling Usako. Unlike her little sisters, who shamelessly went through the preparation without complaint, Usako is embarrassed by the whole situation, much of her pale flesh blushing as Hiko stands and walks around her to apply the ink, the eldest rabbit sister too tall to allow Hiko to work from a sitting position. Whispering in the blonde lagomorph's ear, Hiko teases, "Don't worry, Tsuki-chan, this brush is the only part of me that will touch you or your sisters during this ritual. In fact, I'll remain fully clothed for the entirety of the proceedings." Hiko's words do little to reassure the elder bunny girl, but seeing no way out, Usako endures as Hiko finishes applying the markings and has her lay in the north point. Sitting once more, this time facing Tsubomi, Hiko puts away the brush and ink before placing a bowl in her lap and emptying a jar of a thick, white salve into it and producing a spool of red thread. "Okay, Tsubomi-chan, which brother do you want as your protector?" asks the vixen in a cheerful tone. "Ninjin." replies Tsubomi. "Okay, Ninjin-kun, strip and come stand in front of me facing your sister." orders the fox girl. As the young buck comes to stand before the vixen, she is surprised to find that instead of a single sac containing both testicles, he has two, one for each ball. "I didn't know rabbits had two scrotums. Oh well, this actually makes part of the ritual easier." comments the fox as she dips her hands in the bowl. She then applies the thick cream to Ninjin's crotch, giving the little boy his first true erection as she thoroughly coats his member and testes. She then lets out a sufficient length of the red thread before looping a bit around each of the boy's gonads. Once done, she instructs, "NOw, Go position yourself over your sister. Once the ritual is ready to begin, you will slide your boy part into her passage and the magic will guide you from there." Once Ninjin has done as instructed, Hiko turns to Futaba. Futaba chooses Daikon to be her protector and the second boy is prepared the same as Ninjin. With both of the younger boys in position, Hiko turns to face Usako and calls Usataro forward, using the thread going from Ninjin to Daikon to loop around his balls, and smiling internally upon noticing that, while he's well endowed, he's smaller in both length and girth than the futa fox girl. As Usataro takes his place, Hiko walks around the diagram, carefully pouring a blue, crystalline powder into the grooves that make it up, her sensitive ears picking up a whispered conversation between the eldest siblings as she does so. "Usako, why won't you meet my eyes?" asks the eldest brother. "I've been sullied by that beast." replies Usako, nearly in tears. "What she did isn't your fault." answers Usataro, trying to reassure his twin. "She didn't force me. She's corrupted Tsubomi and Futaba so thoroughly, and when she had them tag team me, I got so aroused that I all but pounced her, and I enjoyed it so much I couldn't stop myself even though she made no attempt to thrust against my bucking hips." cries the blonde bunny girl. "Then I'll just have to make you feel so good that you forget that vixen's touch." replies Usataro. Placing all of her supplies outside the southern Torii, Hiko returns to the center pentagon, making sure not to disturb any of the powdered crystal and sits facing north. Draping a 108-bead rosary about her upper body, Hiko takes the loose ends of the red thread in her hands and announces, "It's time!" Tsubomi and Futaba guide the virgin pricks of Ninjin and Daikon to their openings as Usataro lines himself up with Usako's own passage. As Hiko starts singing in a way that would be impossible for a human throat but is effortless for a fox, the three brothers penetrate their sisters in unison and the thread and crystal start glowing, the one red and the other blue. Hiko can feel her futahood straining against her hakama at the sight of her pets being fucked by their brothers, but she ignores it as she continues the fox song that feeds her magic into the ritual. As the three bunny girls welcome their brother's members into their bunny cunnies, all three losing themselves to the pleasure, the markings Hiko painted on their bodies fade from black to midnight blue as they wrap their arms and legs around their chosen brother. As the three bucks increase pace, all three humping their sisters in perfect sync, the markings continue to lighten until they glow as brightly as the diagram itself. All three brothers return their sister's embrace, capturing their lips in a kiss as the markings and crystals slowly shift from blue to indigo to violet to magenta as the markings animate and start to spread out from each sister to cover their brother's skin. When the markings have spread evenly over both brother and sister and woven themselves into a rope-like pattern binding each pair together, the markings, along with the crystal powder undergo a final color change to red, matching the color of the glowing thread. Sensing that all six rabbit siblings are on the verge of climax, Hiko yanks on both ends of the thread, closing the loops around all six of the bucks' balls, severing sacs from crotch and making the thread contract until the vixen is holding a string of six testicles between her hands. Immediately after the balls are liberated from their owners, all six rabbits reach orgasm, breaking their kisses as the vixen's vulpine song is replaced with the harmony of six rabbits crying out in ecstasy, brothers pumping sterile semen into their sisters as sisters milk their brothers for every last drop. As the rabbits undergo their ritual-induced orgasms, the markings and crystal powder glow a blinding white for a moment before vanishing, leaving the chamber lit once more only by torchlight. The brothers are faster to recover than their sisters, and upon pulling out, they all glance down to discover their lack of balls. Ninjin and Daikon seem more confused than anything, but Hiko can feel a barely restrained fury from Usataro. Before the eldest brother can voice his outrage, Hiko speaks in a placating voice, "Don't worry about your balls, they remain perfectly safe and functional." To illustrate her point, she caresses the strand of gonads she now holds, all three bucks reacting in pleasure at the gentle touch. "The only change you should notice with them now detached is an inability to produce viable seed, which is important since I don't want any of my pets getting knocked up by anyone other than me, and that you won't need to worry about being disabled by a cheap shot between the legs, making you better able to protect your sisters. I can even reattach them if any of you ever find a mate aside from the sister you're now sworn to protec." Her expression turning mischievious, "Who knows, if you're good boys, I might even let you service me the next time I go into heat. Of course, these also give me a good means of punishing bad boys..." and she gives three of the balls a squeeze, just tight enough to get her point accross without causing actual pain. Picking up Tsubomi bridal style, Hiko heads for the exit, declaring, "Feel free to have fun with futaba-chan and Tsuki-chan, boys, I need to thank Tsubomi-chan for all the help she's given me preparing for this ritual and make up for not giving her some proper loving either last night or this morning." And with that, the fox girl leaves the room, eager to give her little honey bunny a good fucking and leaving the bunny's siblings to their own devices.