Fox and Bunny by Imouto Kitten Chapter 5: Fox Claims a Bunny's Sisters As Hiko leads the rabbit family back to her den, there is little noise beyond the crunching of leaves, though the fox's sensitive ears pick up bits of whisperd conversation between Tsubomi and Futaba and smiles internally at the realization that Tsubomi is trying to talk her twin into going to Hiko's bed of her own free will. Upon reaching the patch of bushes that conceal the entrance to her home, Hiko uses her fox magic to temporarily widen the tunnel to accomodate the bushels of fresh vegetables, and stands guard as the rabbits push and pull the baskets along the tunnel. When the last rabbit and basket have disappeared into the tunnel, Hiko enters herself, shrinking the tunnel to it's original size behind her. As they all gather in the hearth room of Hiko's den, Futaba, Ninjin, and Daikon are as awed by what might as well be a palace from their prospective as Tsubomi was when she first saw it, and even the older rabbits are impressed. "As much as that warren was our home, it certainly was a hovel compared to your den, Lady Hiko." declares the mother rabbit, her husband and children nodding in agreement. "I'm glad you like it." replies Hiko before turning to Tsubomi and adding, "Tsubomi-chan, how about you show your family to the bath chamber while I get all of you some clean clothes and prepare a feast to celebrate welcoming you into my home." "If it's all the same," starts the mother rabbit, "I think I'd rather help prepare the food while my family relaxes." "Suit yourself," replies the vixen, dragging the vegetables the family brought with them towards the kitchen, the older woman following as Tsubomi leads her father and siblings to the bath chamber. Reaching the kitchen, the mother rabbit places the basket holding her youngest on the table and glances appreciatively over the assortment of cookware at her disposal as Hiko starts stowing the harvest in the storeroom. "It'll be nice to work with a proper kitchen for a change." declares the matronly rabbit with approval, "Cooking for a family of eight with little more than a campfire isn't easy." "I've never had to cook for more than myself before I took Tsubomi in, but that does sound like a challenge." replies Hiko as she exits the storeroom, "If you're fine with doing the cooking, I'll see to ensuring your family has nice clothes to wear when they get out of the bath. "Go ahead, I've got this." replies the rabbit, barely resisting the urge to shoo the child that has suddenly become her family's lord out of the room. "Just remember, you've got a meat eater to cook for now." replies Hiko as she leaves the kitchen and makes her way to the bed chamber she'll be sharing with her harem. Approaching a chest in one corner, the vixen opens it and pulls out several bolts of fabric. Enchanting a needle, spool of thread, and fabric knife, the vixen wills the tools to transform the cloth into several sets of clothing for her charges. That task complete, she carries the resultant stack of clothes with her as she heads to the bath chamber. As the fox enters the bath and sits down the newly made clothes, the father rabbit calls out, "Lady Hiko, you've built a splendid bath here. The hot water feels wonderful to my old bones!" "I'm glad you like it." replies Hiko as she gathers up the discarded clothing, and excluding the Yukata she gave Tsubomi to wear and the surprisingly nice kimono Usako was wearing, uses the peasant clothes the rabbits wore from their old home as kindling to light the firepit that has been added to the chamber since Tsubomi's first night in the den to help keep the room at a temperature that won't give those exiting the tub chills and to give those not immune to fire a means of drying off. "Don't stay in the bath too long. I understand none of you are used to hot baths and Tsubomi had a rather nasty reaction her first time when she soaked for too long." Returning to the kitchen, the fox assists the mother rabbit with finishing dinner and placing the dishes upon the table. The spread includes a vegetable stew, cooked rice, a salad, some stir-fried vegetables, and for the omnivore hosting the family of herbivores, some grilled meat. As the two women finish setting the table, the rest of the rabbit family drift in, looking far more presentable after their bath and wearing the new clothes Hiko provided them. Tsubomi and Futaba are wearing matching blue yukata and sit next to each other along one side of the table, Ninjin and Daikon sitting to either side of the girls in khaki shirts and matching Hakama. Usako, looking radiant in the white yukata Hiko gave her, her hair in twin braids, sits accross from her younger sisters, her father and twin brother on either side wearing the same style as the boys. Hiko takes her place at the head of the table, the mother rabbit taking the far end and sitting the basket of kits on the floor beside her as everyone starts eating. When all have had their fill, Hiko shows the elder rabbits to the chamber she and Tsubomi built to serve as their bedroom and nursery for their kits before showing the boys to their room and then retiring to her own chamber with Tsubomi, Futaba, and to the vixen's surprise, Usako in tow. As the girls all sit upon the straw mattress lying upon the stone floor, Hiko comments, "I expected Tsubomi-chan to do a good job in persuading Futaba to come to my bed, what with them being so close and Futaba being too naive to question an offer of delight, but I thought you'd be a harder nut to crack, Usako-chan, especially with what my nose has been telling me about you and Usataro-kun." In a tone more suited for a princess than a farmer's daughter, the taller girl retorts, "As if I'd sully myself with the likes of you, little fox!" the amount of venom in those last two words making Hiko grow hard within her hakama at the thought of turning the prideful woman before her into her submissive sex slave, barely registering further words as the blonde continues, "I'm just here to make sure you don't mistreat my darling, little sisters." Smiling internally at the thought that the younger girls might be the key to braking down their older sister's defenses, Hiko replies, "Tsubomi-chan can attest to my skills as a lover, but if you're worried about me forcing you to forego the pleasures you recieve from your brother, rest assured I have no qualms about my pets playing with others so long as they don't ignore me. I also have no intention of preventing you from utilyzing the herbs you've been using to ward off pregnancy." Before Usako can reply, Hiko turns to Tsubomi and asks sweetly, "Tsubomi-chan, why don't you warm up Futaba-chan for the fun we'll have tonight?" "Yes, Asahi-chan!" replies Tsubomi, shrugging out of her yukata before pinning her look alike against the bed, Hiko smiling internally at the nickname meaning 'morning sun' even as Usako scowls at the vixen. Futaba isn't sure how to respond as Tsubomi's lips meet her own and the slightly more experienced sister slides her tongue into the virgin's mouth. Tsubomi reaches her hands up to gently stroke Futaba's snow white ears, swallowing the moans this elicits from Futaba's throat. When Futaba reaches up to stroke Tsubomi's ears in return, the more experienced of the twins moves her hands down to undo her sister's Yukata. Spreading the fabric on the straw, Tsubomi drops her mouth to Futaba's tiny nipples, sucking and licking at the sensitive, little nubs. Futaba pulls her arms out of her sleeves before fisting one hand in Tsubomi's hair and resuming her stroking of the more experienced girl's ears as she moans loudly from having her nipples played with. Breaking free of Futaba's grasp, Tsubomi trails kisses down her sister's stomach, and upon reaching the virgin's crotch, pushes Futaba's thighs apart to bury her tongue in the other girl's folds. Tsubomi stops short of bringing her sister to her first orgasm, leaving that honor for Hiko to claim before starting to trail kisses back up. When Tsubomi is again eye-to-eye with Futaba, she positions herself so both girl's bunny cunnies are rubbing against the other's thigh as the two kiss and embrace, each lazily stroking one of their sister's ears. "Aww, aren't they just adorable!?" exclaims Hiko, facing Usako. "Ugh, I can't believe you corrupted Tsubomi-chan so thoroughly in just a week!" replies Usako, indignantly. "Corrupted?" replies Hiko, feigning confusion, "I may have given her a scare the first time as I hadn't yet convinced her I wasn't going to eat her, but by the second time, that little honey bunny was all too eager. If Futaba-chan proves half as energetic as Tsubomi-chan, those two might be more than I can handle!" Crossing her arms, Usako replies, "My sisters might've fallen for your false charms, and mother might not have much choice but to accept your offer, but I'm not buying your lies." "For being from a race that's practically synonymous with fertility and smelling intimately of you're brother even after a bath, you sure are a prude." replies Hiko before addressing the dominant in the passionate display of forbidden sisterly love, "Tsubomi-chan, I need you to flip Futaba-chan on top and spread her little bunny cunny." Without breaking the kiss she's sharing with her twin, Tsubomi rolls so Futaba is on top of her, repositioning their legs so Futaba is straddling Tsubomi's waist, both of them with their bunny cunnies on full display for the fox and their older sister. Tsubomi then moves her hands to Futaba's rear, giving the virgin's half moons a quick squeeze before moving lower to spread the bunny's nether lips. "Very good." says Hiko as she shrugs off her shirt and undoes the sash holding her hakama. As the red garment hits the ground and Usako gets her first glance of Hiko's blood red fox cock, the older rabbit exclaims, "You have a penis!?" "Of course," replies Hiko nonchalantly, "How else did you think I was going to sire some grandchildren for your mother?" "I don't know!" cries the shocked blonde, "I assume you had some black magic planned or something!" "Fox magic is powerful," starts Hiko, "but not even it can allow a normal girl to concieve without either a male's seed or the seed of one blessed as Inari is such as myself, and it is certainly not black." Smiling smuggly, Hiko asks, "So, how do I compare to your brother as far as equipment is concerned?", but recieves no response beyond Usako blushing deeply. Ignoring the older girl, the fox crawls up behind Futaba and presses her tip to the virgin's opening, "Futaba-chan, this might hurt a bit at first, but it'll soon feel better than anything you've ever experienced." Recieving no response beyond the two little bunny girls continuing their passionate make out session, Hiko grips Futaba's hips and thrusts her own forward, piercing the bunny's maidenhead and hilting the fox's cock cervix deep in the bunny girl's passage. Futaba breaks the kiss to let out a gasp of pain, but before she can offer any protests, Tsubomi pulls the now former virgin into another kiss. After giving Futaba a minute or two to adjust, Hiko pulls her hips back until only her tip is still in the bunny's cunny before thrusting forward again, the vixen enjoying the sensation of her new pet wrapped tightly around her member. Hiko tries to be gentle with her new pet, not wanting to give Usako the impression that the fox is an abusive mistress rather than an attentive lover, but less than half a dozen strokes into breaking in Futaba's bunny cunny, the vixen gives into her lust and starts pounding the rabbit's pussy with abandon. Draping herself over the two smaller girls, Hiko exclaims, "Tsubomi-chan, Futaba-chan's bunny cunny is every bit as hot and tight as yours! You deserve a reward for convincing such a cute girl with such a wonderful pussy to join us!" Too busy swallowing Futaba's pleasured moans to respond, Tsubomi is barely aware of something fluffy brushing against the inside of her thigh and her thus far ignored girlhood. It isn't until Hiko thrusts the furry appendage deep into Tsubomi's depths and starts wriggling it around and sliding it in and out that the bunny realizes that the fox girl is fucking her with the vixen's tail. Though a bit jealous of Futaba getting filled by Asahi-chan's carrot, Tsubomi finds having her mistress's tail wriggling inside her quite pleasurable and is soon moaning as much as Futaba, though the pair of bunny's remain fairly quiet thanks to swallowing each other's moans as they continue to kiss while rubbing their nipples and clitties against each other. Feeling herself nearing climax, Hiko braces an arm to either side of her little honey bunnies as she announces, "Futaba-chan, I'm gonna cum! I'm going to flood your little bunny warren with my hot seed!" Breaking the kiss, Tsubomi manages to let out between moans, "Futaba-chan, this is the best part!" though the bunny on the recieving end of Hiko's fox cock is too lost in the unfamiliar pleasure to form a coherent response. Then everything seems to happen all at once: Hiko thrusts her cock and tail as deeply as she can into Futaba and Tsubomi respectively, the vixen's expanding knot trappping Futaba upon the fox's member as it erupts with several ropes of thick, sticky semen, both girls clenching around the appendages within them as their juices soak their mistress from the waist down, and to top it all off, Hiko sinks her teeth into Futaba's neck in the same place as when she marked Tsubomi, the rabbit inadvertantly sinking her own teeth into Tsubomi's collar bone on the side opposite Hiko's healed mating bite, Tsubomi responding in kind. As all three release their bites, Hiko Rolls to the side to avoid collapsing on top of the smaller girls, coming to rest on her side spoonned up behind Futaba who is still stuck on the fox's cock as the vixen's now matted tail slides from Tsubomi's passage. Turning to face her litter mate, Tsubomi asks, "Wasn't that great, Futaba-chan!?" Panting, Futaba replies, "That was even better than Tsubomi-chan made it sound!" Smiling, Hiko interrupts the sister's little chat, "I'm glad you liked it, Futaba-chan, and while I hadn't planned on it, it looks like the two of you have successfully marked each other as lovers. The mating bites I gave each of you will tell most predators you belong to me and have forged a connection that will let me sense when either of you are in danger and home in on your location, but those bites you gave each other as I marked Futaba," The fox pauses to run a finger over the bites in question, "Were done at the right time to form a connection that will allow the two of you sense each other's location and when either is in danger. That might prove useful." Once Hiko's knot has deflated enough to let her pull out of Futaba, she turns her attention to the older rabbit who has been studying the scene intently, "So, Usako-chan, do you approve of how I interact with your sisters?" "Well," starts the older girl, "I suppose I didn't see any obvious abuse, and my sisters seem unhurt aside from you deflowering Futaba," Crossing her arms and looking away in feigned disinterest, Usako continues, "But it'll take more than that to make me spread my legs for a beast like you!" Despite the blonde's protests, Hiko can smell the older rabbit's arousal, the scent nearly driving the vixen mad as she concludes that Usako is really quite jealous of what her sister's just went through, but is too proud to admit it. With a toothy grin, Hiko turns to the two younger bunny girls and asks, "Tsubomi-chan, Futaba-chan, why don't you help Usako-chan loosen up a bit?" Recovering from their earlier activity, the two little bunnies stand up, naked as the day they were born and let out a cry of "Yes, Asahi-chan!" before dashing towards their older sister, tackling the blonde to the ground as the two raven-haired girls cry, "Tsuki-chan!" Before Usako can recover from being double teamed by her little sisters the younger rabbits have pulled open the top of the blonde's yukata to reveal her perky, grapefruit-sized breasts. Each girl proceeds to knead one of the mamaries with their much smaller hands before taking the nipple into their mouths. Dropping her haughty tone and failing to suppress a moan of pleasure at having her breasts played with, Usako lets out half-hearted protests, "Tsubomi-chan, Futaba-chan, please, please stop this." but between enjoying how her sisters are making her feel and not wanting to hurt either of the little girls, Usako can't bring herself to throw Tsubomi and Futaba off of her, and in fact, her hands move of their own accord to run fingers through the younger rabbits' dark hair. Growing hard again at the display before her, Hiko comments, "What a beautiful sight to see sisters getting along so well." before crawling over and gently running a clawed finger along the sole of the blonde's foot, sending a shiver up the older bunny's spine. Hiko spends a minute or two massaging the unbelieveably soft and delicate foot before bending down to run her tongue over and between each toe. The vixen then proceeds to trail kisses up the inside of Usako's leg and thigh, causing the white yukata to ride up in the process, the blonde rabbit too lost in pleasure to continue pretending she doesn't want this. Stopping just short of forcing the garment up far enough to expose the blonde's bunny cunny, Hiko releases the one leg to massage the other foot. After trailing kisses up Usako's other thigh, Hiko pushes the blonde's long, porcelain pale, and silky smooth legs apart, forcing the yukata to ride up far enough to expose the prize the vixen has been working towards. Running a finger along Usako's slit only for it to come away coated in copious amounts of the blonde's secretions, Hiko comments, "All those earlier protests, and you're absolutely soaked! And the scent of your arousal is more intoxicating than the finest sake! I wonder if you taste as good as you look and smell..." but before Usako can muster a reply, the vixen has sealed her lips around the blonde bunny's vulva and plunge her tongue deep in to the older girl's bunny cunny. Having her little sisters kneading and suckling at her breasts and the fox's tongue wriggling around inside her is more than Usako can take and she cums almost immediately, letting out a very unlady-like squeak as she throws her head back in orgasm. After lapping up the blonde's release, Hiko pulls her face away from the rabbit's crotch and licks her lips as she comments, "My, my, I didn't think you would cum so quickly. Either you're less experienced than I thought, or you're brother isn't nearly as talented as myself in the ways of pleasure." Rising to her knees, Hiko lines up her tip with Usako's opening as she starts to ask, "So, Tsuki-cha-" "Only my brothers and sisters get to call me that!" yells Usako, cutting off Hiko and regaining some of her earlier defiance. Taking the interruption in stride and prodding at Usako's opening, Hiko replies, "But it's such a cute nickname, and I don't mind if you call me Asahi-chan like my little honey bunnies do." Pressing her tip inside and stroking her shaft, Hiko asks, "Anyways, are you ready to take your mistress's fox cock?" "NO!" screams the blonde bunny girl, "Please, don't do this to me!" Continueing to tease the rabbit with her tip, Hiko replies calmly, "Are you sure? I can tell that you're on the verge of going crazy with lust, but if you really want me to stop, I'm sure Futaba-chan wouldn't mind a second round, and I know Tsubomi-chan would love a turn..." Making no move to remove her tip from Usako, the vixen rubs her thumb over the blonde's throbbing clit. Her self-control shattering with the clitoral stimulation, Usako suddenly wraps her legs around the fox's waist and bucks her hips at the same time she pushes her heels into the vixen's butt, forcing the fox's member deep inside her. Pulling her hand away from the rabbit's clit, Hiko resists the urge to meet Usako's movements with thrusts of her own as the blonde, lost in lust, starts bucking wildly against the vixen's cock. Smiling at having made the older girl lose control so completely without need of forcing herself upon her, Hiko comments, "Your sisters are much tighter, but the way you clench and unclench around my member is exquisite!" Before the fox reaches her hands out to stroke Tsubomi's and Futaba's fluffy tails as the younger girls continue playing with their older sister's breasts. The fox then gives each of her little honey bunnies' half-moons a quick squeeze before sliding her index and middle fingers into their sopping wet bunny cunnies, curling the digits into their g-spots as the fox's thumbs rub their tiny clitties. Having their bunny cunnies fingered makes Tsubomi and Futaba moan around the nipples they are sucking on, causing Usako to moan louder and increase the pace at which she's bucking against the fox cock buried within her, the only bit of pride the elder bunny girl retains being that she hasn't begged the vixen to help bring her to completion. Feeling herself nearing another climax, Hiko warns Usako, "Tsuki-chan, if you don't stop, you're going to make me spill my seed deep in your belly and you're going to make my knot swell up inside you!" Not that Hiko genuinely wants the rabbit to stop. A mating bite delivered during a shared climax is one of the simplest and most straightforward means Hiko can use to mark her pets and comes with the added benefit of keying those marked in such a manner into her danger sense, making it easier to protect her pets, but Usako has such flawless skin that the vixen does not want to mar it with her teeth, and Usako has enough of a height advantage over the fox girl to make biting the blonde's neck while knotted within her difficult. Instead, Hiko has decided to use a weaker ritual that won't let the fox sense when Usako is in danger, and will be less effective in marking the bunny girl as off limits to other predators, but should do until the vixen can prepare something better. The first step had been teasing Usako until she impaled herself on Hiko's fox cock of her own volition, and making the rabbit do all the work was step two. The offer for Usako to stop was step three. Desperate for her own climax, and not having to worry about pregnancy thanks to the herbs she's been using, Usako ignores Hiko's warning and continues bucking her hips even as she hugs her little sisters tightly to her bosom. When Usako's orgasm finally comes, she hugs Hiko's waist as tightly as possible, forcing the fox's member as deep inside her as possible as she lets out a high pitched squeak that would be inaudible to human ears. Feeling Usako's passage clench her nearly as tightly as Tsubomi or Futaba do without clenching, Hiko erupts deep inside the blonde as her knot swells, trapping her within her latest conquest and completing the ritual marking the rabbit as her pet. At the same time, the two younger rabbits clench around the fox's fingers in their own climax before collapsing to either side of their older sister. With all four girls spent, Hiko lies atop Usako, using the taller girl as a body pillow and still knotted in the blonde's passage as Tsubomi and Futaba snuggle up under each of their older sister's arms. As she watches her pets drift off to sleep, Hiko uses a bit of fox magic to levitate a quilt over to cover their mostly naked bodies before letting sleep claim her as well.