Fox and Bunny by Imouto Kitten Chapter 4: Fox meets a Bunny's Family It's been a week since Hiko found and took in Tsubomi and the pair have developed a rather nice and productive routine. Each day would begin with the vixen using her honey bunny to relieve her morning wood to their mutual pleasure before a morning of hunting and foraging for the fox while the bunny played in the den. After a light lunch, they spend the afternoons expanding the den, Hiko using fox fire to soften the stone enough for Tsubomi to burrow into and clear out before a relaxing bath during which Tsubomi would use her bunny cunny to help her mistress relax. Evenings then consisted of Tsubomi assisting Hiko with both cooking dinner, usually a veggie stew for the bunny and grilled meat for the fox while also brewing various potions. The somewhat timid bunny girl had proven more helpful than the vixen could've imagined, and Hiko decided halfway through the week that Tsubomi would be worth keeping around even if the fox girl were to grow bored of fucking the adorable little rabbit's bunny cunny. Hiko's estimate of a week had been mostly an attempt to make Tsubomi feel useful, but the industrious little rabbit had taken it as a challenge and was as eager to please outside the bedroom as in, and they had already managed to double the size of the existing bed chamber to give Hiko and her soon to be harem plenty of room for bedding together, dug out a second bed chamber for Tsubomi's brothers, and a third to serve both as a bed chamber for the bunny's parents and nursery for the nameless, baby bunnies. Furthermore, while it would take years of training to make Tsubomi a potion maker on par with Hiko, the rabbit's help had cut the time the fox needed to prepare the potions for binding the bunny's family by more than half. Hiko was now ready to meet Tsubomi's family and take them all as her vassals. Tieing a belt of pouches around her waist, most of them holding clay jars of potion or other things vital to the fox's plans, Hiko holds up a particularly plump carrot as she says, "Before we leave, I need you to eat this carrot." Mouth watering and licking her lips, Tsubomi all but snatches the offered veggie from the fox's grip before quickly devouring it, the fox smiling. The carrot had been dipped in a low powered elixir of control, not strong enough to strip the one dosed of their free will as Hiko didn't want mindless slaves, but powerful enough that the fox's call would be enough to bring a runaway scampering back to her side and make it easier to persuade those dosed to cooperate as long as she doesn't ask them to do something that would violate their core morals. Hiko has seven more carrots so treated and hopes Tsubomi's parents and siblings will be just as eager to eat the offering. "Now," starts Hiko, "Leave me to you're family's warren." Both girls transform and follow the tunnel out of the fox's den, scanning their surroundings for other predators before dashing out of the bushes that conceal the entrance. The black rabbit dashes through the autumn leaves littering the ground, the red fox not far behind her. After some time, they come to a clearing with a single large tree at its center and several rows of vegetables radiating out like the spokes of a wheel from its roots. Though its foliage has completely turned to their autumn coloring, there are no leaves littering the ground around the base of the trunk. Approaching the tree, Tsubomi uses her powerful hindlegs to thump the ground, creating small tremors. The black rabbit repeats this, encircling the tree and thumping the ground in particular places with particular rhythms, almost as if she's performing part of a ritual dance. Though not familiar with the customs of rabbits, Hiko surmises that the pattern serves as a way of communicating to the bunny's family in the warren beneath what is clearly a small farm. Suddenly, Tsubomi halts her thumping and dashes towards the tree, disappearing among its roots. Hiko follows, finding a tunnel hidden among the roots. Shorter than the one leading into the vixen's den, the tunnel opens out into an underground chamber with floor, walls, and ceiling of dirt, exposed roots poking out from above and several other tunnels leading off, though none large enough to let an adult human pass fully upright. Though Tsubomi enters the room immediately, Hiko hangs back just far enough to avoid detection, deciding to let her honey bunny enjoy her reunion with her family. As soon as the rabbit resumes her human-like form, a large, pear-shaped woman who looks more rabbit than human even in human form hops forward and gathers the young girl in a rib cracking hug, exclaiming with tears of joy, "My darling Tsubomi! You've returned to us!" "Mama," comes the girl's muffled reply, "I can't breathe." Loosening her grip and letting Tsubomi take a deep breath, the woman, clearly her mother, continues, "We thought you had gotten eaten by a fox or something. It's such a relief to see you back home, safe and sound." As her mother steps back, a trio of dirty, shabbily dress children, a pair of identical looking boys and a girl who is Tsubomi's mirror image dogpile the prodigal daughter as they shout in unison, Welcome back, "Tsubomi-chan!" As an balding man with a beard, the children's father, and a pair of older, but still youthful rabits, one a boy, the other a girl step forward to stand by the warren's matriarch. After watching the happy reunion for some time, Hiko enters the warren proper and takes her human form before clearing her throat, "I hate to break-up this loving, family reunion, but I have business to discuss with the family of my recently acquired pet." Noticing the intruder within her domain, the mother rabit pushes her younger children behind her and screams, "FOX IN THE WARREN!" as she leaps forward to place herself between the predator and her family as her husband and the two eldest of her children still at home take up defensive positions around Tsubomi and her litter mates. "Begone, you foul beast!" Spreading her arms in a disarming fashion even as she dons a toothy smile, Hiko replies, "Pax, mother rabbit, I mean you and your brood no harm. Besides, if I wanted to, I could've slit all your throats before you ever knew I was here." As the vixen stares down the rabbit matron, looking rather relaxed despite the elder woman's intimidating size, Hiko takes in the sights and smells of the warren and it's occupants. Glancing at the huddle of Tsubomi and her litter mates, the vixen can see what Tsubomi meant when she had said that her and Futaba looked alike and that their brothers Ninjin and Daikon were the same, but the fox's keen nose can easily distinguish Tsubomi from Futaba and Ninjin from Daikon even though there scents are mingled, probably from the litter having slept in the same pile for most of their lives. Usako is a rare beauty with blonde hair and looking far cleaner and better dressed than the rest of the family while her twin Usataro is quite well-toned, his lack of a shirt showing off a tanned physique that speaks of a life toiling in the field and giving off the impression that he's the strongest of the group except maybe for the mother rabbit herself. Hiko can smell that the elder sibling's scents are even more mingled and that Usako smells strongly of herbs the fox knows are used to prevent pregnancy, concluding that the pair share an incestuous relationship, the vixen frowning internally at how this might complicate her plans. Glancing at the children's father, Hiko can tell the middle-aged man is a fairly submissive creature past his prime but not yet starting the decline of ungraceful aging and would conclude he was the type to let his wife rule the warren even if said wife wasn't already glaring down at the fox. Hiko can also see a bunch of rabbit kits huddled in a indentation in the floor near the back wall, but pays little notice to the baby bunnies. It is the mother rabbit who finally ends the staredown by asking, "If you do not wish to make meals of my family, what do you want with us, little fox?" Letting the little comment slide, especially since the mother rabit is easily the tallest one in the room and Hiko only has a height advantage over Tsubomi's littermates and the kits, the fox replies, "I spared Tsubomi, second or third of your daughters still at home, from becoming my dinner, and have claimed her as my mate by rite of the hunt. In return for her agreeing to share my bed, I've promised to refrain from knowingly eating any of her family. I come to offer her sisters my protection in return for joining her in my bed, and have agreed to allow each to choose a brother who will enjoy my protection so long as they don't let their sister come to greater harm than themselves." "And what do you want from me and my husband?" Asks the mother rabbit, concealing her discomfort at the thought of the predator before her violating her children. "I originally had no interest in you," starts Hiko, scratching her chin in thought, "but, considering that you seem to be of excellent breeding stock, I'm willing to extend protection to you in exchange for first suitor rights to any future daughters who come of age and for your assistance in raising any grandchildren I sire on your daughters." "That seems surprisingly generous..." Replies the mother rabbit, not fully trusting the Fox's words but knowing that the protection of an apex predator could be quite valueable to those at the bottom of the food chain such as her family. "How do I know this isn't a trick?" If you don't believe me, why don't you ask Tsubomi-chan how I treated her during our first week together?" replies the Vixen. Deciding to risk it, the matriarch turns her back to the vixen as she addresses the daughter she had believed to be her most recent loss to predation, "Dear little Tsubomi, how has this... young lady been treating you?" Smiling widely, Tsubomi replies, "Living with lady Hiko is very nice. She was a bit scary at first, but she's treated me well. Her den is really nice, with stone walls, it's own hot spring, and it's several times larger than our warren, especially after I helped lady Hiko expand it to make room for all of us to move in. Lady Hiko makes a very yummy carrot stew for someone who eats meat, and the way she makes me feel with her tongue or when she sticks her carrot up my warren is absolutely wonderful!" Though a bit disconcerted by her daughter casually discussing mating in front of the family, the mother rabbit senses that Tsubomi is being truthful and hasn't been decieved or coerced and can only conclude that the predator that has invaded her home is being honest. "I won't force my daughters to go to your bed," starts the mother rabbit, "but if they are willing, I suppose accepting you as a daughter-in-law is a small price to pay to ensure my family is safe from those who would only see us as food." "Speaking of food," starts Hiko, pulling the bundle of carrots from the largest of the pouches tied around her waist, "As an initial token of good will towards my new vassals, I have prepared an offering of what Tsubomi assures me is the shared favorite food of her family." Still not entirely convinced the vixen isn't playing a long con, the mother rabbit glances at Tsubomi as she asks, "How do we know these aren't poisoned?" Instead of Hiko, it is her honey bunny who speaks up in her defense, "I helped lady hiko prepare those carrots, and I ate mine before we even left her den." Taking the young girl's word as assurance, the parents and her siblings each take one of the bright orange veggies and eat them, Tsubomi's litter mates showing the same impatience she did herself while the older rabbits take time to savor the offering. Smiling internally at having succeeded in dosing the entire family with the elixer that will ensure none of them attempt open rebellion, Hiko pulls out a jar filled with an orange liquid as she starts to explain, "This potion will mask your kit's scent from most predators. Simply dribble a few drops on their tongues the next time you nurse them. It's not the strongest protection I can give them, but anything stronger might be harmful at their age, and since they'll likely remain in the new nursery Tsubomi helped me build back at my den for quite some time, it'll probably be more than sufficient." The matriarch takes the jar, and after opening it, takes a whiff and sip, and deciding it's not likely to be poisoned, heads over to feed her youngest litter. "I've marked Tsubomi as my mate, and intend to do the same with her sisters, which provides a very strong form of protection as only someone vastly stronger than myself or supremely stupid would dare touch someone marked as a kitsune's mate. I originally planned to do this before returning to my den, but now that I see the conditions you live under, I'd rather wait until we get back to my den." Done with her explanations for the time being, Hiko looks over the family taking in how worn and faded their clothing is, even USako, the nicest dressed in something the fox would consider unacceptable before asking, "Do you need any help packing? You don't seem to have much beyond the clothes on your backs, and I can provide much nicer clothes for all of you." "Well," says the father rabbit, speaking up for the first time, "It's about time to start harvesting for winter, and while Usataro and I aren't bad at growing food, even this small field of ours takes about a week to harvest." Having prepared for such a possibility, Hiko pulls a stack of origami figures from a pouch, and infusing them with a bit of fox magic enlarges and animates them, "I've spent this past week foraging and hunting, and my storeroom is well stocked with grain and vegetables for the coming winter, but adding your harvest to the stores can't hurt and it would be a waste to leave your crops to rot. They aren't very smart, but these paper figures should be able to save you and your son quite a bit of time and labor." And indeed, the veritible army of magical constructs allows the two rabbit men to finish the harvest in a few hours rather than several days. Thanks to Hiko coming prepared with several shrunken baskets and the family of rabbits having few material possessions, it isn't long before the family is ready to follow their new mistress to their new home. The mother rabbit hefts a basket containing her youngest litter while Hiko and the other rabbits each carry a basket of freshly harvested produce. As Hiko leads her new vassels back to her den, it's all she can do to contain her excitement at the prospect of sharing her bed with not one, but three bunny girls.