Fox and Bunny by Imouto Kitten Chapter 3: Fox Wakes Up With a Bunny As Tsubomi rouses from her sleep the next morning, the bunny girl notices several things unfamiliar about her surroundings. For starters, she's wearing what appears to be a brand new Yukata instead of repeatedly patched hand-me-downs and there's a proper mattress beneath her instead of the dirt floor of her family's warren, but most peculiar is that, instead of being huddled with her litter mates, she has a single bed partner spooned up behind her, their arms wrapped around her, and whoever it is, they are too tall to be her litter mates, but not large enough to be Mama, Papa, Usako, or Usataro. Curiosity getting the better of her, Tsubomi turns around in the arms holding her and comes face-to-face with a grinning fox girl, the predators sharp, pointed pearly whites on full display as she asks, "Did my lovely, little, honey bunny sleep well?" Prey instinct kicking in faster than memories from the day before can filter through her still half asleep mind, Tsubomi shrieks, "Don't eat me! Get away!" As she tries to kick the predator away from her. Though well rested and mostly healed from the superficial injuries she recieved during their chase the day before, Tsubomi is still no match for the vixen's strength as Hiko holds the bunny girl tightly against her chest, softly cooing in the panicked girl's ear as she runs one hand through the bunny's raven locks and uses the other to stroke the smaller girl's back and fluffy tail. Eventually, Tsubomi relaxes into the embrace as memories of the fox girl sparing her life, taking her home, and treating her more like an honored guest than a newly captured slave flood back to her. When the bunny is fully calm, Hiko speaks, "Sorry for scaring you. I should've known waking up in an unfamiliar place to find yourself sharing a bed with a being that would normally find your kind tasty and delicious would be more than enough to send you into fight or flight mode." "Sorry for trying to attack you, Lady Hiko." Says Tsubomi in a near whisper. "Nonsense!" Replies Hiko, "It's my fault for not doing a better job of considering your feelings." Shifting their position so Tsubomi is on her back with Hiko over her, the vixen continues, "By way of apology, allow me to show you more of the pleasures of a woman." With that, Hiko tenderly kisses Tsubomi's lips as a hand goes down to undo the sash of the bunny's blue yukata. As Tsubomi returns the kiss, Hiko parts her lips, inviting the bunny's tongue into the fox's mouth, and before long, their tongues are sharing an intimate and intricate dance. Breaking the kiss, Hiko's lips ghost along Tsubomi's cheek and down the bunny's neck to the bite mark the fox left when she claimed the smaller girl as her pet, licking at the now incredibly sensitive spot, making Tsubomi writhe beneath her. At the same time, the fox girl reaches a hand up to stroke one of the rabbit's long, white ears enjoying both the softness of bunny fur under her fingertips and the moans the act elicit from the smaller girl's throat. Sitting up, Hiko spreads out the bunny's Yukata, leaving Tsubomi completely exposed except for the arms below the elbow as the vixen's eyes hungrily roam over her pet's immature, but flawless body. Hiko can feel herself growing hard beneath the white fabric of her own Yukata, but she ignores her own arousal as she lays out her plan of attack for reducing her pet to a quivering, incoherent blob of bunny. Deciding on her target, Hiko homes in on one of Tsubomi's elbows and trails kisses up the bunny's arm to the shoulder, accross the bunny's collar bone and down the other arm to the opposite elbow before trailing kisses back up to the shoulder and down to Tsubomi's flat chest. Planting an open mouth kiss over one of Tsubomi's nipples, Hiko sucks greedily, twirling her tongue around the little nub until it's as hard as a pebble, enjoying the sound of the bunny's mewling and the way she continues to squirm under the vixen's ministrations. Unlatching from the one nippple, Hiko rubs it between thumb and forefinger as she repeats her oral treatment on the other nipple. Done with her oral examination of the bunny's chest, Hiko continues to gently pinch and tug at Tsubomi's nipples as she makes her way down, kissing all over the smaller girl's trim tummy. Observing that the bunny lacks additional nipples, the fox wonders if Tsubomi will be forced into animal form to nurse any litters she bares the vixen, or if secondary nippls will develop as part of the pregnancy. Hiko is forced to release the bunny's nipples as she reaches Tsubomi's navel, a ticklish giggle breaking into the girl's moans as the fox licks inside the little indentation. Continueing further down, Hiko notices Tsubomi's bladder bulging out from the bunnny's belly, suspecting the smaller girl is either ignoring her waste waters in favor of not interrupting her mistress's treatment, or is simply too overcome with pleasure to notice the need. In either case, Hiko places a kiss atop the bulge without comment and continues her trail to within striking distance of Tsubomi's excited girlhood. Being so close to the source, the intoxicating scent of the bunny's arousal is nearly overwhelming to the vixen's sensitive nose, and Hiko can tell that Tsubomi is as eager to be licked as the fox is to taste her, but instead of delving straight for the mouth-watering peach mere inches from her lips, Hiko lets the anticipation continue to build, knowing the taste, and the climax she'll give her pet, will both be all the sweeter for the delay. Ignoring Tsubomi's girlhood altogether, Hiko trails kisses down the inside of the bunny's thigh, and if the smaller girl is frustrated by the detour, she doesn't let on to the fact. Upon reaching the bunny's feet, Hiko gives Tsubomi's sole a long, slow lick before turning her attention to her tiny toes, sucking on and licking between each diminutive digit. The fox then trails up the outside of the bunny's leg and thigh, accross the bunny's naval, and down the outside of the bunny's opposite leg and thigh to repeat the process with the other foot. It is only after trailing up the inside of the second thigh that Hiko's tongue teases at Tsubomi's folds, but the fox only gets a few quick tastes in before pulling away. Tsubomi opens her mouth to protest, but is cut off by Hiko plunging the index and middle fingers of one hand into the bunny's cunny while using the thumb and forefinger of the other hand to pinch the girl's tiny, twitching clitty. One hand rubbing, the other hand thrusting, Hiko starts to pleasure her little honey bunny in earnest, Tsubomi's moans reaching a fever pitch as the bunny plays with her own nipples and thumps a leg in time with her mistress's thrusting digits and with enough force to send tremors through the stone floor even with the straw mattress to dampen each thump. Curling her fingers to better stimulate Tsubomi's g-spot, Hiko soon brings the bunny to the verge of orgasm and holds her there, repeatedly teasing, but never letting the girl tip over the edge. After what seems like an eternity of pleasant torture for Tsubomi, Hiko withdraws her hands, leaving the panting bunny, desperate for release but too exhausted to finish herself off laying on her spread out yukata to catch her breath and calm down a bit. As soon as Tsubomi has caught her breath enough to speak, she finds her rear lifted off the ground, her legs thrown over her mistress's shoulders, and the fox's tongue wriggling all along her passage, but even as the bunny starts to enjoy Hiko's renewed ministrations, the bunny's bladder alerts her to a more pressing need. Tsubomi had felt the first twinge before Hiko had first locked lips with the bunny and suspects her bladder had been what initially woke her, but she had ignored it in favor of seeing how her Mistress would play with her, but now, her taut tinkle tank was throbbing, in as much need, if not moreso, of relief as the bunny's frustrated sex drive Hoping her mistress won't be angered, Tsubomi manages to whine, "La-Lady Hiko, I-I-i... I need to tinkle!" Pausing in her licking, Hiko replies, "So you finally admit it? It's okay, I don't want you holding so long your little, bulging bunny bladder bursts, so go ahead, just let all of that pent-up piddle pour out." Before resuming lapping away at Tsubomi's delicious nectar. Mortified by the suggestion, Tsubomi covers her blushing face as she replies, "I...I couldn't do that! Not while you're...!" but the decision is taken out of the bunny's hands as the coil of pleasure Hiko has been diligently working to coil ever more tightly all morning, finally snaps. Tsubomi's world is reduced to pure euphoria even as her body, no longer under her conscious control, wraps its strong legs around the fox's neck, arches its back into a quarter circle and releases its bladder. Finding the scream of pleasure emitting from her pet's throat beautiful, Hiko eagerly drinks down the combination of bladder and girl juices gushing into her mouth, complaining neither of the taste or of her tongue being trapped in the vice-like grip of the bunny's cunny. When Tsubomi finally relaxes her grip, Hiko gently lowers the bunny to the mattress admiring her work as the smaller girl basks in her afterglow. When she finally regains her senses, Tsubomi opens her eyes, and noticing the tent in her mistress's yukata, asks, "Is Hiko-chan going to stuff me with her carrot now?" Placing a finger to her chin, Hiko says, "That sounds like a lot of fun, but I think I'd like to see if my little honey bunny learned anything from the experience she just went through." With that, the fox undoes her sash before laying down, the white fabric spread out beneath her as she puts her lithe body on display for her pet, the vixen's vulpine member pointing proudly towards the ceiling. "Come on, explore your mistress's body." Discarding her yukata all together, Tsubomi raises to shaking legs and walks over to her mistress. Though tempted to immediately impale herself on the fox's cock, Tsubomi instead plops down on Hiko's stomach, straddling the taller girl's midsection. Leaning forward, the bunny captures the fox's lips in a kiss while reaching up to stroke the fox's large, pointed ears. Tsubomi's motions are far more tentative and awkward than Hiko's had been, but the Vixen nonetheless moans into the kiss to encourage the little bunny. Breaking the kiss, Tsubomi, more impatient than her mistress, trails kisses directly from Hiko's lips down to the fox's breasts, the bunny's butt sliding down to make contact with the vixen's erection in the process. Hiko's breasts are still fairly small, small enough she wouldn't need to bind them to practice archery unimpeded, but Tsubomi's hands are tiny enough it takes both hands for the bunny to properly cup one of the fox's mammaries. The raven-hair girl's suckling is more like that of a babe at its mother's teat than a lover stimulating their partner, but Hiko still lets out an appreciative rumble at the attention and runs her clawed fingers through the shorter girl's hair. As she tends to her mistress's breasts, Tsubomi can't help grinding her bunny butt against the fox's member. After some time, Tsubomi crawls between Hiko's legs and sniffs at the fox's pussy. Finding the scent pleasant, the bunny sticks out her tongue to give her mistress's girlhood a tentative lick and enjoying the taste, gives a longer lick, delving first as her tongue will reach into the fox and then licking up the underside of the fox's cock. Reaching Hiko's tip, Tsubomi engulfes her mistress's cockhead, using one hand to stroke the member's shaft as her other hand slides into the fox's pussy. Tsubomi manages to get her arm inside Hiko to the elbow and the bunny forms a fist as she starts to fuck the taller girl with her arm. Hiko, a bit overwhelmed from being fisted and getting a blowjob at the same time, starts panting heavily, and it isn't long before the fox reaches a double orgasm, her passage tightening around the bunny's arm as the fox's knot swells and the bunny's cheeks bulge with Hiko's release. Unable to wait any longer and not caring that her arm is covered in her mistress's vaginal fluids, Tsubomi stands up as soon as she swallows the last of Hiko's seed, and while the fox girl is still out of it from her orgasm, squats down and impales herself on the Vixen's hypersensitive prick, the bunny's cunny lips kissing the top of Hiko's still inflated knot. Hiko writhes in pleasant agony as Tsubomi rides the fox through her refactory period, the vixen's prick fully hilting in the bunny as soon as her knot deflates enough to allow such. Recovering from her pet's surprisingly aggressive move and not wanting a repeat of her premature ejaculation from their bath the night before, Hiko grips Tsubomi's hips tightly to regain control of the situation. Hiko thrusts up into her honey bunny's cunny with slower, more deliberate movements, trying to prolong the experience for both mistress and pet, but it's hard to maintain self control with Tsubomi's passage spasming, clenching and unclenching around her shaft, and it isn't long before Hiko is erupting deep in the bunny's belly, the rabbit climaxing in kind to milk the fox dry. As the pair lay in afterglow, stuck together until the vixen's knot deflates again, Tsubomi suckles at Hiko's nipple as the fox runs one hand through the bunny's raven locks and uses the other to stroke the bunny's fluffy tail. Breaking the pleasant silence, Hiko says, "I wish I could lay here all day enjoying the feeling of my honey bunny's cunny wrapped around me." Letting out a sigh, she continues, "But my meat stores are dangerously low, especially since the plump, little bunny I caught yesterday proved completely unsuitable for food, and if I'm going to be playing host for more rabbits, I'm going to need to bolster my stores of grains and produce." "Would you like me to help you forage?" Asks Tsubomi, wanting to repay her mistress for sparing her life and showing her so many wonderful new pleasures. "No, I'd rather my honey bunny stay in the safety of my den." Replies Hiko, but seeing the smaller girl's expression and sensing Tsubomi's desire to be useful, "But I might need you're help expanding my den." "Really?" Asks the buny in confusion, "But you've managed to build such an impressive den already." "My fox magic helps greatly, and lets me dig into solid rock that most burrowers could never penetrate, but it is still labor intensive to burrow out such a large space. If you are half as good at digging as you are at using those legs of yours, you're help should be enough to accomplish in a week what might take me a month alone." Once Hiko's knot deflates enough to let them separate, they quickly wash up and dress. Realizing that Tsubomi is still very much a child unused to being cooped up, Hiko uses her fox magic to summon a few spinning tops and animated dolls for the bunny to entertain herself before taking on her beast form and taking the tunnel out of the den, closing the grate behind her. Reaching the surface, Hiko scans the forest before leaving the bushes that conceal the entrance to her home, considering the supplies she needs to gather not only to ensure she and her pets will have enough food for the coming winter, but that she'll need to expand her den and prepare the potions and rituals she will use to bind her new retainers.