Fox and Bunny by Imouto Kitten Chapter 2: Fox Takes a Bunny Home Still carrying her new pet over her shoulder, the fox girl comes to a river and follows it up stream to a small waterfall and then follows the cliff face to a non-descript cluster of evergreen bushes. "These bushes conceal the entrance to my den." declares the fox as she lowers the disheveled and naked bunny girl to the dirt. "Return to beast form and you should have no trouble accessing the tunnel hidden among the roots. Go first and I'll follow so you can't escape." Shifting back into the black rabbit the fox had stalked earlier that day, the bunny crawls into the under brush and quickly finds the tunnel the fox mentioned. The fox likewise returns to animal form and follows, close enough for the rabbit to feel the predator's breath on her haunches. The tunnel is long and narrow, too narrow for a human hunter or anything that might hunt a fox to pass, too narrow even for the fox in her human form and even the bunny would struggle to squeeze through in human form. The tunnel leads into the cliffside and dirt quickly gives way to first rough and then polish stone. Eventually, the tunnel opens out into a hemispherical room roughly three meters in radius, the floor and dome ceiling both of solid, smooth stone, a low fire burning in a pit in the center and tunnels large enough for walking in human form leading in multiple directions. Despite ovbiously being well protected and deep underground, the air in the room is as fresh as an open field rather than musty as very deep burrows tend to be. Returning to human form and glancing around in awe at the well-built, though sparsely furnished room, the bunny girl exclaims, "Wow! My Lady's den is so much nicer than my family's warren!" Only to be startled out of her appreciation by a loud clattering from the entrance. of the dwelling. Looking over, she sees her mistress, back in human form has dropped a heavy metal grating over the entrance, a grating the bunny suspects even the fox is unable to budge without the use of magic. Walking up to her new pet and running a clawed finger up the shorter girl's side, eliciting a shiver of both fear and pleasure from the bunny, the fox says, "I'm glad my little honey bunny likes her new home." Twirling a claw around the bunny's exposed nipple, she adds, "Where are my manners, I've invited you into my home, but I've yet to introduce myself. My name is Hiko." Bowing low enough for her floppy ears to brush the stone floor, the bunny replies, "Thank you for welcoming me into your home, Lady Hiko. My name is Tsubomi." Placing a claw under the girl's chin to make her look the fox in the eye, Hiko replies, "MY dear little Tsubomi-chan, there's no need to be so formal with me while here in my den. I've claimed you as my own through rite of a predator sparing the life of their prey, but I intend to treat you like a proper lover rather than a slave, so feel free to be familiar with me in private." "Yes, La... I mean yes, Hiko." replies the bunny. "Not the affectionate address I'd like, but it's a start. Now, I'm quite hungry from a hunt that didn't end in a meal of fresh meat and claiming my new pet, but I think getting you cleaned up and into some fresh clothes before you catch cold is a more pressing matter." Taking Tsubomi by the hand, Hiko leads her down one of the tunnels from the hearth room to a smaller stone chamber, this one dominated by a large stone basin into which water is constantly pouring from a hole in the ceiling only to flow out through a hole in the wall. From the steam rising off the water, it's obvious that Hiko must've redirected a hot spring to build this bath chamber. Pointing to a block of wood, Hiko orders Tsubomi, "Sit." the bunny complying without comment. Kneeling behind the smaller girl, Hiko starts working to pull twigs, leaves, and other detritus from the rabbit's tangled hair, combing her claws through the strands and being careful not to tug on the bunny's scalp when she finds a knot. As she works to remove the signs of her stalking the rabbit before she knew of her true nature, the fox asks, "So, Tsubomi-chan, tell me about your family." "Well," Starts Tsubomi, "I have three litter mates, a sister named Futaba and two brothers named Ninjin and Daikon. People say me and Futaba look identical and they say the same of our brothers,, but Mama Papa, and our older siblings have no trouble telling us apart. I'm not sure how many litters Mama and Papa had before mine, but most of them have moved out of the warren to start their own families, and only Usako-neechan and Usataro-niichan have stuck around to help Mama and Papa with my litter mates, me, and the baby bunnies. Mama is still nursing a litter of baby bunnies, but Mama and Papa says it's bad luck to name baby bunnies before they've been weened." As Tsubomi tells Hiko of the bunny's family, the fox thinks over how best to bind each of them to herself, growing hard within her hakama at the thought of adding two more bunny girls to her bed, one as cute as the one she's already ensnared and the other hopefully at the height of Maidenhood and thinking it a stroke of good luck that each of the girls has exactly one brother to serve as her protector. Having done as much as she can with Tsubomi's hair while it's dry, Hiko does her best to rake dirt from the white fur on the bunny's long ears and to likewise clean the smaller girl's fluffy tail. Once satisfied she's done as much as she can by hand, she stands and walks in front of Tsubomi. Reaching for the sash around her waste, Hiko commands, "Before we get in the bath, I want you to watch me undress." before untieing the sash and letting her hakama pool around her ankles before sliding the fabric of her shirt off her shoulders and letting it fall as well. As Hiko steps out of the pile of discarded clothing, Tsubomi gets her first look of her mistress in all her glory. Hiko's body is lithe and well toned, with gently curving hips and breasts that are small, but perfectly formed, her figure framed quite nicely by her long, copper hair. The only thing preventing the foxgirl from being the platonic ideal of youthful feminine beauty is the crimson vulpine member standing proudly at attention right above the fox's vulva and pointing straight at the bunny girl. Hiko can see her pet's lust-filled eyes roaming over her body and smiles when they lock on her erection and Tsubomi licks her lips. Placing her hands on her hips, Hiko asks, "Does my little honey bunny like what she sees?" before giving her hips a few thrusts in Tsubomi's direction, the bunny shivering, though Hiko doesn't know if in anticipation or from being cold having gone so long without clothing. Snapping out of her trance, Tsubomi replies, "Lady Hiko is beautiful! Almost as beautiful as Usako-neechan!", the fox's cock twitches at these words, as much from the little bunny's praise as from the possible confirmation that the bunny's older sister is as beautiful as any princess. Scooping up the smaller girl bridal style, Hiko steps into the bath and walks over to the shower of incoming water. As the fox stands the bunny under the spray, the water turns brown with the dirt rinsing from Tsubomi's hair and fur, even with the constant current pulling dirty water away. As the water washes things away, Hiko scrubs at Tsubomi's ears and tail and combs her clawed fingers through the bunny's raven locks to finish detangling it. Once the water is finally running clean once more, Hiko kneels behind Tsubomi, her hardened member sliding between the smaller girl's thighs and grazing the bunny's clit. As the fox pinches the bunny's nipples, Tsubomi wraps her hands around Hiko's member and starts grinding her little bunny cunny against the fox's cock. Reaching a claw down to play with Tsubomi's clit, Hiko asks, "Does my little honey bunny want me to make another try at putting little baby bunnies in her cozy little bunny cunny?" Her fear from that afternoon mostly forgotten in favor of her new found lust, Tsubomi shouts over the rushing water, "YES!" Letting go of the bunny so suddenly she falls into the water and thrashes a bit before regaining her feet, Hiko commands, "Then beg for it!" Stepping out from under the spray, Tsubomi gives her mistress her first good look at the now clean bunny girl. No longer tangled, the rabbit's long, straight locks stream down her back, ending just above her tail, which although not currently fluffy thanks to it's soaked state is now white as fresh fallen snow, as are the bunny's waterlogged ears. Leaning over the side of the tub, her elbows propped on the floor, her pussy just above the water and her tail pointing skyward, Tsubomi whines needily, "Please, Hiko-chan, Please stuff my warren with your big, juicy carrot!" Approaching the bunny, the fox asks, "My carrot?" "Yeah," starts Tsubomi, "You're thing, carrots aren't usually so red, but the shape and color reminds me of a carrot, and while it tastes nothing like a carrot, it's as yummy as a carrot." "And your warren?" "Well," Tsubomi blushes a bit, "You said that where you stick your carrot is where baby bunnies live before they're ready to live outside, so that makes it a warren for baby bunnies." "I guess that makes sense," replies Hiko finding the bunny's antics adorable, "Such a cute euphemism for a cute little bunny to use. I like it." "Does that mean you'll do it?" Asks the bunny excitedly. Walking up behind Tsubomi and kneeling, Hiko grabs the bunny's hips and presses her tip into the bunny's waiting cunny, but only the tip. The shallow penetration is just enough to tease Tsubomi who starts squirming and trying to push back onto her mistress's member, but Hiko's strong grip holds the bunny firmly in place. Nearly delirious with arousal, Tsubomi yells out, "Please, Hiko-chan! Ram that big, juicy carrot deep in my cozy, little warren! Make me feel all yummy in my tummy! Spray your hot carrot juice all over my insides!" An animalistic undertone to her words, Hiko replies, "That's what I like to hear!" Before pulling back on Tsubomi's hips to impale the bunny knot deep on the fox's member. Instead of leaving the smaller girl draped over the tub wall, Hiko lifts Tsubomi up before finding a place to sit that lets the fox lean back against the sidewall of the basin and rest her arms on top of the wall as Tsubomi sits in her lap. Taking a hint from how her mistress has position them, Tsubomi starts vigorously bouncing in the fox girl's lap, the strong muscles she developed from hopping around as a rabbit and kicking lesser predators off of her well suited to riding cock. "Keep that up, my little honey bunny, and I'll be shooting you full of my seed in no time!" comments Hiko, pleased with Tsubomi's initiative, speed, and stamina. In fact, Hiko can feel her climax approaching so quickly that her plan to stop Tsubomi and make her beg to be filled with baby bunnies is spoiled as Tsubomi slams her hips down, Hiko's knot swelling before Tsubomi can lift up again and as the bunny gives her Mistress's prick a squeeze, "OH INARI-KAMI! My carrot is erupting deep in my litle honey bunny's cozy bunny cunny!" those words of praise sending Tsubomi over the edgee, squeezing her mistress's prick even harder and milking as much 'carrot juice' as possible. After both girls have ridden out their orgasms, they relax in the hot water for some time, and it's only when Tsubomi says, "Hiko, I don't feel so good." that either makes any effort to get out. Thinking she might know the problem, Hiko asks, "How often do you have hot baths?" "This is my first." Replies Tsubomi, looking quite woozy. "Mama and Papa always said it was too dangerous to take the time to bathe in a hot spring." "You must be overheated from lack of experience with hot springs." replies Hiko before lifting the smaller girl out of the water, her now limp member sliding from the bunny's cunny. After most of the water has dripped off the pair, Hiko steps out and lays the bunny on the stone floor. Her arms now free, Hiko makes two fists before opening them to reveal two balls of bright blue fox fire. Placing the magical flames to her shoulders, she runs the fire down her arms, the water on her skin flashing to steam as she does so. She then glides the fire down her front and up her back before bending over to do her legs. Now dry except for her hair, tail and ears, Hiko turns to Tsubomi to find the wet and naked bunny girl curled into a ball and shivering. Realizing the transition from the hot water to the relatively cold air must have been too much for the smaller girl, Hiko scoops up Tsubomi and clutches her to her chest before speaking in a worried tone, "I'd offer to dry you with my fox fire, but I'm pretty sure I'm the only one it won't burn." Hiko quickly returns to the hearth room with her young charge in hand. Laying the shivering bunny alongside the fire pit, Hiko summons another handful of the mystical blue fire and tosses it into the pit, the dimly lit embers erupting into a fire worthy to combat the most frigid of winter nights, bathing the domed room in a inviting orange light. Once Hiko is satisfied that Tsubomi is warming up properly and drying off from the bath, she leaves the smaller girl by the fire and takes a different tunnel from the one that leads to the bath. When she returns, Hiko is wearing a simple, white sleeping Yukata and carrying a bundle of blue fabric, which turns out to be a smaller Yukata for Tsubomi. After helping the bunny into the garment, Hiko asks, "Is my little honey bunny feeling better?" "Yeah," replies Tsubomi weakly, "I'm feeling kinda hungry and really sleepy, but I'm no longer too hot or too cold." Letting out a sigh of relief, Hiko says, "I'm glad to hear that, and I think I can help with the hunger." Cradling Tsubomi in her arms once more, Hiko takes a third tunnel to a room with a stone table and a smaller fire pit over which a large, black pot is hung. Placing Tsubomi at the table, Hiko asks, "I take it you don't eat much meat?" "Nah, my kind is pretty strictly herbivorous." answers Tsubomi, hoping she won't offend the predator. "I prefer meat, but I guess it's a good thing I keep some grains and vegetables in my storeroom for when the hunt is poor." Replies the fox, as she disappears into an adjacent chamber that Tsubomi figures must be the store room. When she returns, Hiko has a loaf of bread along with a couple of carrots and long white Radishes, Tsubomi salivating at the sight of the orange and white veggies. Smirking, Hiko comments, "With the way you compared my cock to a carrot, I figured you were a fan, and I've heard rabbits are fond of radishes as well." "They're two of my favorites!" replies the bunny, barely resisting the urge to tackle her mistress to get at the yummy root vegetables. Laying the food in front of Tsubomi, Hiko pulls a comb and brush from the sash of her Yukata and as Tsubomi starts to gnaw on the hard roots of her favorite food, Hiko starts combing through the bunny's long, beautiful hair before using the brush to fluff up her ears and tail. By the time Hiko has finished grooming her pet, the bunny has devoured all of the carrots and radishes, both roots and greens while leaving the bread untouched and is starting to doze where she sits. Quickly downing the bread in hopes of staying off hunger until she can make another attempt to catch some real food, Hiko declares, "I think it's time for bed!" before scooping up the bunny once more. Letting out a yawn, Tsubomi asks, "Where will I be sleeping?" her ears and eyes starting to droop as she speaks. Smiling down at her little honey bunny, the fox replies, "You'll be sleeping with me of course." As she passes through the hearth room and takes the tunnel she retrieved the clothes from. Tsubomi is already fast asleep when Hiko lays her down on the straw mattress, and can't help commenting, "She's so adorable when she's sleeping." Sighing a bit in disappointment, she adds, "I was hoping I could fall asleep while inside her wonderful, little bunny cunny, but I guess that will have to wait for another night." With that, the fox kisses her lover on the forehead before curling protectively around the smaller girl and letting sleep claim her as well.