Fox and Bunny by Imouto Kitten chapter 1: Fox Catches a Bunny The fox lurked through the woods, it's bright orange fur blending well into the autumn foliage. It was hunting its dinner and had been stalking a black coated rabbit for some time. The predator had made several swipes at its prey, nothing that would immediately kill it, but enough to tear out locks of fur and leave the rabbit terrified and exhausted. Growing bored with its game, the rabbit no longer able to continue its pitiful attempts at escape, the fox decides it's time to finish it. Leaping out of the rabbit's blind spot, the fox pounces upon and pins her prey to the leaf strewn ground, her prey letting out a terrified squeak. Dropping her illusion, the predator reveals that she's no ordinary fox, her true form resembling a human girl on the verge of her first monthly bleeding, though of a beauty rare among humans, her long, copper hair seeming to glow in the sunlight shining through the thinned canopy, her pale skin as flawless as a china doll, and the fur of her large ears and bushy tail every bit as vibrant and silky as her hair. Licking her lips, the foxgirl declares, "Such a plump, little bunny. You'll fill my belly quite nicely." as she slowly reaches a clawed finger to slit the rabbit's throat, hunger shining in the predator's fiery eyes. As the vixen's claw approaches her prey's jugular, the rabbit lets out a shreek of terror that shifts to words as she too reveals herself to be more than a common forest animal, "Pl-please don't eat me! I'm too young to die!" The bunny girl the vixen now finds herself straddling appears to be even younger by human standards, though the vixen knows both their kinds tend to be older than they look when judged by human aesthetics. Though not one to eat fellow sentients, the foxgirl doesn't want to sacrifice her position of dominance over a clearly weaker creature and asks, "And why should I spare such a tasty little morsel from becoming my supper?" Still under the impression she's truly pleading for her life, the bunny replies, "Please! I'll do anything! Just don't eat me!" With that plea, the vixen starts roaming her eyes over her captive, the hunger for food in her eyes melting into hunger of a different sort, a certain appendage remaining out of sight thanks only to the loose fit of the foxgirl's hakama. Though the rabbit's clothes are little more than rags, her raven hair badly tangled with twigs, leaves, and other detritus, and her floppy ears and fluffy cottonball tail, likely a snow white when pristine, stained with mud, all the result of the chase that lead up to the bunny girl's capture, the vixen can tell her captive would be a young beauty to rival herself if properly groomed. With a devilish grin, the foxgirl announces, "You aren't unpleasant to look at, so I've decided I won't use you for sustenance if you can satisfy my carnal urges." Too naive to understand what's happening, the bunnygirl replies, "Ka-karnel urges?" Detecting her captive's naivete, the vixen asks, "What do you know of mating?" "I've seen mama and papa mating a time or two, but all they would tell me when I asked is that I was too young for mating and that that's where little, baby bunnies come from." replies the rabbit, still not understanding her captor's intentions. Undoing the sash that holds her hakama in place, the vixen lets the garment pool around her knees, revealing a bright red foxcock right above her pussy. "Basically, I'm going to do to you the kind of things a papa does to a mama when they mate." explains the foxgirl. Noticing the shocked expression on the bunny's face, she adds, "Were you surprised to see me with both boy parts and girl parts? Can't say I'm surprised, even among kitsune of noble birth it's rare for one to be blessed as Lady Inari is, and I don't think I've heard of anyone not of fox descent being so blessed." Giving her member a few strokes to ensure she's fully erect, the fox presses the tip of her futahood to the bunny girl's mouth. "For starters, I want you to suck my member like you would your mother's teet, but I warn you, for every scrape of your teeth I feel, that's a bite I'll savor from your flesh without the mercy of a quick death." Fearing for her life, the bunny opens her mouth and starts sucking greedily. She can only fit about half of the futa's fox cock in her mouth, but the predator doesn't seem to mind, and while the bunny has no idea what she's doing, she hopes the moans escaping her captor's throat are an indicator she's doing a good job of convincing the foxgirl to spare her life. After a few minutes, the bunny girl can see the base of her captor's member swell to roughly twice the diameter and not long after, gets another surprise as the fox unloads her seed in the bunny's mouth. Once empty, the fox pulls her member from her captive's mouth, commenting, "Not bad for it obviously being your first time sucking cock. I think I'll reward you by eating you out." Misinterpreting her captor's words, the terrified bunny girl pleads, "NO! Please don-" but is cut off by her own scream and squeezes her eyes shut as the foxgirl uses her sharp claws to remove the tattered remains of the bunny girl's clothing. At the same time, the rabbit's bladder starts emptying itself in mortal terror. "How adorable, the scared little bunny is peeing herself in fright!" comments the fox girl in an amused tone. Opening her eyes, the bunny realizes that not only is she still alive, but that she's uninjured from the most recent claw slash, but her relief is soon replaced with embarrassment as she realizes that she is both naked and, as the fox girl had said, peeing herself. "Some predators might be repulsed by their prey soiling themselves like you have," starts the vixen as she leans down to whisper in the bunny's ear, "but seeing you pee yourself only makes you look more delicious." With that, the fox moves down the bunny's body to swirl her tongue around one of the nipples of the smaller girl's flat chest. The rabbit shivers in both pleasure at being licked in such a sensitive place and fear that the predator's tasting could turn into agonizing bites at any moment. After treating the bunny's other nipple, the vixen continues down her captive's belly and eventually reaches the bunny's cuny, enjoying the mixture of pleasure and terror she's inducing in the smaller girl. Grabbing the bunny girl's knees and spreading her thighs wide apart, lifting the rabbit's rear off the ground in the process, the vixen opens her mouth as wide as she can, showing off her sharp teeth before surrounding the entirety of the bunny's vulva with her mouth, the smaller girl's panicked scream music to the fox's ears as her teeth stop just short of drawing blood. After a minute or two to let the poor bunny's heart recover from the most recent scare, the vixen starts exploring the delicious fruit she has in her jaws. Despite the fear that her captor will close her jaws, taking a large bite out of the bunny in the process, the rabbit can't help moaning in pleasure at the unfamiliar sensation of a warm, wet tongue sliding along her slit and over her clit and wraps her legs around the vixen's neck on reflex. As she eats out the bunny girl, the vixen savors the flavor of her captive's juices. When she's decided the rabbit is ready for penetration, the vixen slides her tongue into the bunny's cunny and soon meets with the rabbit's hymen, confirming her suspicions that the young rabbit she's caught is a virgin. Pulling her tongue back and then thrusting it forward,the foxgirl pierces the rabbit's maidenhead, plunging her long tongue deep into the bunny's cunny, the taste of virgin blood stirring predator instincts and nearly making her forget that she's decided not to eat this catch. The cry of pain that accompanies the rabbit's shattered hymen is soon replaced with cries of joy as the bunny girl succumbs to the pleasure her captor is delivering to her core, almost forgetting that she's in the clutches of a dangerous predator. After several minutes, the vixen can feel her captive's passage constrict her tongue to the point she can't pull it out, a sure sign that the rabbit is experiencing her first ever orgasm. When the bunny girl finally goes limp enough for the fox girl to extract her tongue from the bunny's cunny and her head from the bunny's legs, she lowers the rabbit to the ground. Licking her lips, the predator comments, "You taste so good, it would be a waste to make you my dinner and not be able to enjoy your nectar again and again." Feeling herself harden again, she adds, "Now, I want you to get on your hands and knees and shake that cute, little bunny butt of yours." Not knowing what's about to come, but fearing disobedience might make the predator before her change her mind about not eating the rabbit, the bunny girl does as instructed. As the bunny sways her hips, the vixen grabs the bunny's fluffy tail before commenting, "You've got a very soft tail. I bet it would be even softer than my own if it wasn't so dirty." As the vixen releases her tail, the rabbit can feel hands gripping her hips and something hard and pointed poking her where the vixen's tongue had gone inside her minutes earlier. Without any further warning, the fox girl thrusts her hips forward, hilting herself within the bunny's depths, both girls letting out a loud gasp, the bunny girl at being suddenly filled with something so much harder and thicker than the tongue that had taken her virginity and the fox girl at being engulfed in a warm tightness beyond anything she's previously experienced. The fox girl pulls back until only her tip is in the rabbit and then thrusts forward again with greater force, making the bunny gasp even louder. As she sets a pace of slow withdrawals and hard, fast thrusts, the fox girl drapes herself over the smaller girl, and reaching under to pinch the bunny's nipples, whispers, "Your sweet, little bunny cunny is so hot and tight! If you're still this tight when I'm done breaking you in, you just might ruin my ability to enjoy other girls." The bunny girl didn't really understand what the fox was saying, and even if she did, she couldn't respond thanks to the overwhelming pleasure radiating from between her legs, and then the vixen picked up the pace and moved one hand down to pinch the bunny's tiny clit, increasing the rabbit's pleasure ten fold. After a few minutes of intense rutting, the fox girl wonders aloud, "I wonder if our kinds can interbreed. I'd bet you'd look cute with a belly full of bunnies or kits! Oh well, only one way to find out!" These words manage to penetrate the rabbit's pleasure fogged mind, but the only response she can manage is, "Huh?" Realizing she should dispel at least this much of the bunny's naivete, the fox slows her pace as she explains, "That stuff I squirted in your mouth earlier was my seed. Deep in a girl's belly is her womb. When a papa plants his seed in a mama's womb, it causes babies to grow in the mama's womb. I'm using the hole papas use to plant their seed in a mama's womb." To drive her point home, the fox girl resumes her thrusts as she exclaims, "And I have every intention of planting my seed in your little rabbit womb!" As realization dawns on her, the bunny girl screams, "NO! I'm too young to be a Mama!" as she squirms in the vixen's grip. Hugging her intended cum dump tighter, the vixen coos in the bunny's ear, "If that's true, you have nothing to worry about from me planting my seed in you, though I intend to continue doing so on a regular basis until either you're old enough to bare young or I'm convinced our kinds are incompatible." With that, the vixen increases her pace, frantically pounding the bunny's cunny, impatient to flood the rabbit's immature womb with her hot, potent seed. As her captor fucks her relentlessly, the bunny girl continues her struggles to escape, but is no match for the vixen's strength, and despite the terror of either baring this predator's children or being eaten for being unable to do so, the small girl can't help but moan loudly from having her pussy pounded and her clit rubbed furiously by the vixen hellbent on putting a litter in her belly. With a hand on the bunny's flat chest, the fox girl can feel the smaller girl's heart beating rapidly as if it's ready to burst, and feeling her climax approaching, brushes the rabbit's tangled hair to one side to expose the bunny's pale neck as she whispers, "I'm almost there. Your hot, tight bunny cunny is about to make me plant my seed deep in your womb. Whether bunnies or kits, I hope you bare me a large, healthy litter of young." Feeling herself right on the verge, the fox girl punctuates each of her last words with a thrust that would leave the bunny girl pressed into the dirt if she wasn't being hugged tightly against the fox's belly, "Here. It. Comes!" As the vixen hilts herself in the rabbit one last time, the smaller girl lets out a squeak of surprise as the fox's knot swells just inside her young bunny cunny, a shriek of terror as she feels her captor's hot seed spray her womb, a scream of pain as the predator's teeth sink into her exposed neck, and a moan of pleasure as her own earth shattering orgasm washes over her. All of this is music to the fox's ears as she wills her seed to seek out and fertilize the rabbit's eggs, her bite sealing a ritual that marks the bunny girl as the vixen's property and will ward off other predators less inclined to spare the rabbit from becoming lunch, and nearly has a second orgasm as the bunny's cunny clenches tight enough to make withdrawal impossible even without the knot. As their shared climax subsides, the fox girl sits cross legged on the ground, pulling the bunny girl into her lap, the pair still tied by the vixen's knot. Rubbing the smaller girl's belly over her womb, the predator comments, "The deed is done. With any luck, your belly will soon start swelling with my children." Sniffling and on the verge of full crying, the bunny asks, "Are you going to eat me if my belly doesn't swell with your children?" Nuzzling the bunny's neck, licking the bite mark she left minutes earlier, the vixen replies, "It would be a waste to eat such a sweet, little girl. Even if you prove useless as a mate, I plan to keep you around as a pet. I even cast a spell that should ward off anyone else who would eat you and will alert me if you are ever in danger." Pinching the bunny's tiny clit, making the small girl squirm in the vixen's lap, the fox girl continues, "Besides, that vicegrip your sweet, little bunny cunny has whenever you climax is worth keeping my cute, little honey bunny around all by itself." By the time the vixen's knot has deflated enough for the pair to separate, the bunny has climaxed twice more. "I'd love to fuck my sweet honey bunny some more, but I think I should get you back to my den and in some new clothes before you catch cold." As she speaks, the Vixen pulls up her hakama and reties her sash before lifting the smaller girl and throwing her over the vixen's shoulder, resting a hand on the bunny's puffball tail to keep the rabbit from falling. As her new mistress carries her to her new home, the bunny girl asks, "What about my Mama and Papa and brothers and sisters?" "From now on, you'll live with me to pleasure me and be pleasured by me as I see fit, but I am not a cruel mistress. As long as you are a good little girl, I'll allow you to see your family and will refrain from knowingly eating any of them. I won't, however, be extending my protection to them unless they offer to join you as one of my pets." Pausing for a moment to think, the vixen adds, "Since I haven't much interest in male pets, I guess I'll let you and any of your sisters who offer their bodies to me to pick a brother to serve as a bodyguard and I'll protect them as well as long as they never allow the sister that chose him to come to greater harm than himself." Reassured by the vixen's words, the bunny replies, "That is a most gracious offer from my lady who could surely devour my entire family if she so chose." Letting affection into her tone, the fox girl replies, "It sounds like you are starting to learn your place, my little honey bunny, though I hope you can think of a more afectionate means of addressing me." The rest of the walk back to the fox's den is spent in relative silence, the crinkle of autumn leaves underfoot and the wind whistling through the trees the only sounds as the vixen thinks of how she's going to meticulously groom her new pet and the bunny thinking of how to fulfill her mistress's request to be addressed with affection.