The trio sigh internally when Mary doesn't comment on what they were doing before she returned, assuming they got away with pretending to be innocent as the quartet devy up the snacks, Mary having gotten her, Momoko's and Beth's favorites, plus a vareity of other snacks, having no idea what Onpu likes, the purple haired girl trying a few different things based on the other's recommendations, not being familiar with American junk food. Eventually, Mary interrupts their little informal brunch by asking, "So, where should we go after we finish our snack?" The other three squirming a bit in their seat, wishing they could continue from earlier. Where do the girls go next? Continue their walk in the park. Go to Mary's house. Return to Beth's house. Go to the New York MAHO-Dou. Stay here and come clean to Mary. Somewhere else. And what do they do wer ever they go? I leave this question wide open.