Beth nearly runs into her other blonde friend as she enters her home's entryway, prompting Mary to ask, "Where's the fire, Beth? And where's Momoko and that friend she met in Japan?" "They're getting dressed." replies Beth. Meanwhile, Momoko lets out a sigh of relief as her and Onpu return to the guest room, the green-eyed girl uncertain what she would've done had Beth's mom noticed her extra bit of anatomy. Stripping out of her Pajamas, Momoko pulls on her usual orange top, but instead of her usual skirt, she instead pulls on a pair of white shorts to match Beth's, only to realize that it does an even poorer job of concealing her futahood than her pajamas did. The thought of transforming and undoing the spell crosses her mind, but as she reaches for her tap, her emerald eyes land on Onpu's beautiful, bare bottom just before the idol's lavender t-shirt dress falls to cover it, Onpu apparently having decided to not only forego her shorts, but to go commando, the realization making Momoko's member throb in need. The emerald-eyed girl desperately wants to bend the child idol over and slam her futahood cervix deep in the purple ojamajo's pussy, perhaps even try to force her tip even deeperrrr into the younger girl's womb, especially after Onpu had deny letting Momoko give her a creampie and how the blonde had been interrupted while fucking Beth, but common sense eventually wins out, the yellow Ojamajo activating her tap as she decides the risk of getting caught is too high at the moment, "Pretty-Witchy Momoko-chi! Perutan Pepton Paralila Pon! Return me to normal!" Onpu turns to the older girl just in time to see Momoko return to her street clothes, spotting the spandex shorts and the notable absence of a girlcock forming a bulge in front. Meanwhile, Beth tries to make small talk with Mary, but she can't help but replay the scenes from earlier that morning, the sight of the two ojamajo playing with each other and later of Onpu bouncing in Momoko's lap, now recontextualized by the knowledge of Momoko having something between her legs she certainly hadn't had during any of their sleepovers prior to the Asuka family moving to Japan... and while Beth's pussy was sore in a way that made her understand why some of the older, more vulgar boys in the neighborhood sometimes called their junk 'bitch breakers" when they thought no innocent, little girls were in earshot, the pain had started to fade when her mom had knocked on the bathroom door and Beth couldn't help wondering if she would've started enjoying it had Momoko been allowed to finish. Noticing just how unusually quiet Beth is being and spotting a faint blush despite the moka skinned girl's dark complexion, Mary eventually decides to ask, "Is something bothering you Beth?" "No-nothing!" replies the short girl, her denial way too quick for Mary to buy. "Uh-huh," replies the rich girl skeptically, "Your cheeks must be burning if I can see them reddening... Come on, did you, Momoko, and that other Japanese girl gossip about cute, Japanese boys without me or something?" ### Closing the distance between them, Onpu drops to a husky whisper as she comments, "[Undid the spell so soon, Momo-chan? And here I was kind of hoping for another round." Though the blonde can barely understand the idol, she can't help feeling a heat between her legs as the purple eyed girl comes up behind the emerald eyed girl and gently kneads the patissiere's perky posterior through the stretchy shorts as she adds, "[Though, with how well these shorts show off Momo-chan's butt, it's tempting to give myself a dick and give Momo-chan a taste of what Momo-chan gave Beth-chan and me.]" Momoko lets out a moan at Onpu's ministrations, only to let out a gasp as Onpu gives her a playful smack of the bottom as the idol heads for the bedroom door, adding "[But we shouldn't leave Beth-chan and Mary-san waiting.]" ### "It's nothing like that!" Inssists Beth in reply to Mary's rather pointed question, "They've said nothing about the boys in Japan!" "Then, did you get hot and bothered telling them about the boys around here?" retorts Mary mercilessly. "Good morning, Mary!" calls Momoko, Beth letting out a sigh of relief in hopes that the white girl will be too distracted to continue grilling her. "Oh, Hellow Momo-" Mary starts to return her fellow blonde's greeting, only for her to trail off and her eyes to sparkle with awe as she locks eyes with Onpu for the first time, the idol likewise struck silent, unprepared for just how strong the resemblance between the girl in front of her and a certain Ojou back in Misora is. "Oh my god! She's just so darn cute!" cries Mary before glomping onto the purple-haired girl, Onpu too surprised by the strong resemblance between Mary and Tamaki, yet too off balanced by the vastly different reaction to first meeting the idol, the reaction all the more surprising as Onpu was sure she was a complete unknown this side of the pacific. Partially regaining her senses, but not letting go of the idol, Mary turns to Momoko and ask, "Hey, Momoko, I think Beth is hiding something, any idea what it is?" Recovering from her shock, Onpu notices the subtle blush on Beth's dark skin, and while she doesn't understan Mary's question, Onpu can make an educated guess as she replies, "[I have no idea why Beth-chan would be hiding something, but it's kind of eery how much Mary-san and Tamaki-san look alike... It's almost like you were twins separated at birth or something.]" "Huh?" replies Mary, a look of utter non-comprehension on her face at hearing the girl's she's hugging speak Japanese. "Onpu says she has no idea why Beth would be hiding something." replies Momoko, "and she was commenting on how you and Reika, another of the friends I've made in Japan could be twins because of how much the two of you look alike." Sighing in relief that it sounds like the two Japanese girls intend to keep that morning's activities between the three of them, Beth pipes up, "So where should we go?" After Momoko repeats the question in stilted Japanese, Onpu replies, "[I was wanting to check out Central Park.]" and after Momoko relays her newest friend's response, the quartet quickly agree as they head out, making their way to the park. Mary flags down a Taxi for the quartet, not wanting to get hot and sweaty just getting to the park, and as the four girls squeeze into the cab's back seat, the white girl can't help but notice how quiet her companions are. She's willing to pass off the purple-haired Japanese girl's silence as being unable to speak English, but the silence of her two friends just reinforces her suspicions that they're hiding something, but she doesn't bring it up quite yet, sure they would stay clammed up with the cabbie in the driver's seat. Upon reaching the park, Mary pays the fair and decides to lead the group down one of the more scenic paths away from the larger crowds, and it's only when the four are far from any potential eavesdroppers that Mary broaches the subject once more, "So, now that it's just us girls and there's no need to worry that Beth's mom will overhear, mind telling me what the big secret is?" "I...I told you, there's no secret!" retorts Beth, her cheeks darkening once more at her unconvincing denial. "Mary, you, me, and Beth have been friends since Kindergarten," adds Momoko, "Why would there be any secrets between us?" the green-eyed blonde managing a much better poker face thanks in no small part to keeping her status as a witch apprentice a secret from both of the american girls for over a year. Though not convinced, Mary pretends to drop the subject, plotting how she can trick the little black girl into spilling the beans. The group continue their walk in the park for several minutes before Mary finally gets an idea, and stopping in front of the next bench they pass, she suggests, "Hey, it's awfully hot out today. I know where some vending machines not too far from here are. Why don't you three take a seat and I'll go get us some refreshments." After Momoko translates for Onpu, the idol takes a seat, wiping sweat from her brow as she replies, "[That sounds like a great idea.]" and With Beth and Momoko's agreement following shortly, Mary departs. When Beth thinks Mary is out of earshot, the short girl lets out a sigh of relief as she addresses her green-eyed friend, "Thank you, Momoko, for keeping what happened this morning a secret." "No problem, Beth." replies Momoko, "I could tell you weren't ready to share what happened between the three of us." Moving so she's on Beth's other side from Momoko, Onpu asks, "[So, Beth-chan, was watching me bouncing on Momo-chan's lap as exciting for you as watching Momo-chan plow your pussy was for me?]" "Onpu asked if you liked watching her and me... and I'd like to know if you enjoyed what you and me did." adds Momoko, her oldest friend's cheeks darkening further. "We-well..." stammers the short girl, eyes darting as if looking for an escape route, "It was surprising to see you and Onpu playing with each other like that.... and even more surprising to see Momoko with a boy's thing... but i...I just couldn't tear my eyes away... and it kind of hurt when you put your thing in me, but it was starting to feel good by the time my mom almost caught us... I...I kind of want to do that again." However, while the three discuss what happened earlier, unbeknownst to the trio, instead of going for snacks, the fourth member of their little group had instead doubled back behind the greenery lining the path and was eavesdropping from a bush right behind the bench where the two Japanese girls had the black girl surrounded. Mary didn't have a clear picture of the morning's events, and the Japanese wasn't the only part of the converssation that didn't make sense, but she understood enough to know something was up and it sounded like the trio had a blossoming, forbidden love affair going on. Mary isn't sure what to do with what she just heard, but just when she's thinking she should actually hit up the vending machines so the others don't suspect anything, she spots Onpu leaning over to give Beth a kiss on the cheek, though only Beth herself hears the foreign words as the idol whispers, "[Beth-chan is really cute.]" "I'd be happy to continue what we started." replies Momoko to Beth's comments, reaching a hand between the shorter girl's chubby, chocolate thighs to rub her through her shorts, Beth's entire face heating up as she squirms under the attentions of the two Japanese girls. "Uh, Momoko," moans Beth, unsure how to react to how forward her friend is being, especially in such a semi-public place, and yet it isn't long before Beth's own hand finds it's way to her friend's crotch as well. And then the little black girl is hit with another surprise at what she finds, or rather doesn't find, and curiosity overpowering any nervousness at the situation, Beth's hand finds its way down Momoko's shorts to confirm her suspicions. "Huh, it's gone! Momoko's boy thing is gone!" cries the chocolate cutie before a little bit of logic breaks through her confusion and she asks, "Was it just a fancy toy all along?" "Oh yeah,, Japan has all kinds of advanced technology, and the toys you can get there for private play are no exception." replies Momoko, quickly latching on to Beth's words as a ways of explaining away her and Onpu's somewhat reckless use of magic earlier that morning as she continues to rub at Beth's crotch, the shorter girl letting out a moan. "[Oh yeah]," Adds Onpu, cupping one of the black girl's breast buds through her top, "[Strapless strap-on... and supposedly indistinguishable from the real thing.]" Momoko translating for Beth's, and unknowingly, Mary's benefit. As Mary listens in, her hand absent-mindedly slides under her skirt to tease at her own feminine folds through her panties, the spying blonde not really conscious of the effect the scene before her is having on her or the slight thrill she gets from witnessing something she certainly isn't supposed to. But Momoko's ministrations don't distract Beth for long as she asks between moans, "Uh, but what about that sticky stuff?" "[Mostly water,]" comments Onpu after Momoko translates as a means of stalling for an answer, "[Though it was mixed with a special feminine wash to give it the right texture and consistency.]" As the pair of Japanese girls continue to molest the smaller, moka-skinned girl, Mary lets a moan slip pass her lips, placing a hand over her mouth as she realizes just what she's been doing, and as much as she would like to continue watching, she decides she better hit up the vending machines before she gives herself away. "But it had such an odd scent." comments Beth, thinking over what she remembered of the supposedly fake semen, "Surelly, it would have a more floral scent if it was just unusually thick feminine wash." "Uh..." replies Momoko, trying to think of an explanation short of revealing magic and running the risk that Beth will trigger the witch frog curse. "It's supposed to smell like the real thing." Whispers Onpu in Beth's ear, barely audible to Momoko who has to ask the idol to repeat herself before translating. Seeming to accept the answer, Beth adds, "I think I'd like to try using the strap-on on Momoko." "Hmmm..." murmurs Momoko in response, "That sounds nice, but I left it back at your place." Before their conversation can continue, Mary returns from the vending machines, her arms filled with a variety of canned soda and single serve bags of chips, the trio hastily pulling their hands away from each other and putting them in their laps. The trio sigh internally when Mary doesn't comment on what they were doing before she returned, assuming they got away with pretending to be innocent as the quartet devy up the snacks, Mary having gotten her, Momoko's and Beth's favorites, plus a variety of other snacks, having no idea what Onpu likes, the purple haired girl trying a few different things based on the other's recommendations, not being familiar with American junk food. Eventually, Mary interrupts their little informal brunch by asking, "So, where should we go after we finish our snack?" The other three squirming a bit in their seat, wishing they could continue from earlier.