Reaching her destination, Beth finds the bathroom door closed and raises her hand, balled into a small fist, to knock, not wanting to simply barge in like how the earlier incident had started. With a nod, Onpu starts to bear down, Momoko's member sliding easily into the idol's depths, the blonde letting out a moan of pleasure as her girl cock is wrapped in the younger girl's warm folds. With the total lack of resistence, Momoko can guess that Onpu isn't a virgin, but before the older girl can think to ask who had the honor of popping the popstar's cherry, Onpu has captured her lips once more and has started bouncing in the blonde's lap. As Onpu rides Momoko's futahood, the pair's moans muffled by their prolonged lip lock, neither ojamajo can spare any attention for their surroundings, neither hearing the knock, knock, knock of Beth's fist rapping on the bathroom door, nor the click as the nob turns. As such, both of the Japanese girls are oblivious when, having gotten no response to her knocking and having found the door unlocked, Beth opens the door and pokes her head in. Having half-expected the bathroom to be empty, Beth's eyes go wide at the sight of Momoko sitting on the toilet with Onpu bouncing on her lap, the child idol inadvertantly mooning her fellow purple-haired girl as Momoko hugs the purple apprentice tightly, one hand buried in the girl's amethyst lockes and the other trailing up the back of the lavender pajama top. Though their position doesn't expose as much to Beth's eyes as when she walked in on them earlier, the little, moka-skinned girl can feel her earlier arousal returning with a vengence, threatening to soak through both her panties and her spandex shorts. One hand still on the doorknob, Beth's other hand dashes down the front of her shorts to resume stroking her enflamed petals as the moka-skinned girl slowly creeps into the bathroom, biting the inside of her cheek to keep her own moans at bay as she slowly closes the door behind her, the click of the door latching and her turning the lock deafening to her ears as her heart pounds and she hopes the pair haven't noticed her intrusion. Leaning against the locked door, Beth continues to furiously rub at her girlhood, grinding the heel of her palm against her immature clit as several dainty fingers slide back and forth through an opening in her hymen, her dark eyes transfixed by the sight of the foreign pop-star bouncing on her best friends lap as the pair make out. Though she can't comprehend why Onpu would be bouncing like that, she can't help imagining if Momoko were a boy and how that would give the other purple-haired girl a reason to be bouncing. Suddenly, Onpu breaks the kiss, commenting, "[I can feel Momo-chan's thing twitching like crazy! Is Momo-chan about to cum?]" Though Beth can't understand what Onpu just said, Momoko's reply is crystal clear, if somewhat confusing, "Onpu... I...I'm going to cum!" Though Beth can't see anything Onpu is doing to cause such a reaction from the blonde, the thought of seeing her best friend lost in the throes of orgasm drive Beth to increase the intensity of her self-pleasure. "[Do it, Momo-chan.]" Whispers Onpu in Momoko's ear, Beth barely able to hear the idol's words, "[Cum in me. Shoot your load inside me and fill my womb to the brim.]" Though neither Beth nor Momoko can understand Onpu's words, the idol's tone certainly has an effect on the blonde as Beth lifts her gaze from Onpppu's pretty posterior to see her friend's face scrunched up in pleasure. "Onpu!" Cries Momoko, "I can't hold it anymore!" But contrary to her words, a devilish smile crosses Onpu's face as she suddenly stands up, Momoko's girl cock throbbing with need at the loss of sensation right at the edge. Crying out in needy lust, Momoko protests, "Why did you st-?" only to halt mid word as she opens her eyes and her emerald orbs meet amethyst ones, but not those of the girl who was just riding her, but instead those of her best friend. The realization that Beth was watching gives Momoko that final push, her girl cock erupting, spraying her seed all over Onpu's pajama top and lower belly... not that Beth notices this, the realization that she's been caught pushing her over the edge as well, her eyes squeezing shut as the little, moka-skinned girl trembles like a leaf, her passage clamping down on her digits as her legs fold uppp beneath her and she falls to her knees. "[Oh my,]" comments Onpu, gripping the hemn of her top and stretching it out to show off the cum splattered all over it, "[Just look at the mess you made, Momo-chan! I ought to punish that naughty girl cock for getting your cream filling everywhere...]" But before Onpu can describe how she might punish Momoko's futahood, Beth recovers from her climax, and thanks to her kneeling position, the first thing she sees upon opening her eyes is Momoko's still erect member, the moka-skinned girl crying out, "Oh my god! It's huge!"alerting Onpu to her presence, the idol turning around, purple eyes meeting purple eyes, the one pair going wide at being caught once more, the other dropping down to spot the hand in Beth's shorts. "[Oh, looks like Beth decided to spy on us again.]" Comments Onpu with a smile as she takes a step towards the shorter girl. The resolve that had pushed her into this situation draining away, Beth tries to escape, but as she bolts to her feet, the locked door manages to slow her down just enough for Onpu to grab the arm belonging to the hand that Beth was just moments ago using to masturbate. Leading the shorter purple-haired girl over to the toilet, Onnnpu wraps the hand still damp with Beth's juices around Momoko's girl cock, encouraging the dark-skinned girl to jack off her friend as the idol drops to her knees to whisper in Beth's ear, "[Isn't Momo-chan's girlcock magnificent? Doesn't it feel so hard and hot in your hand?]" As Onpu speaks, her words entrancing Beth inspite of the language barrier, Onpu presses herself against Beth's back, not caring if Momoko's cum gets on Beth's shirt as Onpu pulls down the shorter girl's shorts and undies. As Onpu slides a finger back and forth between Beth's nether lips, continuing to whisper in her ear, "{It felt amazing having Momo-chan inside me... don't you think it would be just as amazing for you to feel her inside you?]" prodding at Beth's vergin opening as she finishes. Moaning as Onpu's fingers dance across her chocolate cunny's puffy outer folds, it's all Beth can do to focus enough to stammer out, "Wh-when did... when did Momoko grow a cock!? I thought only boys had these things!" Ignoring the dark-skinned girl's question, Onpu grips Beth firmly by the knees and pulling up and out, lifts the shorter girl clear off her feet, beth's panties and spandex shorts dangling from one foot as the moka-skinned girl's legs are spread wide, leaving her chocolate cunny on full display for Momoko's emerald eyes. The last dribbles of the blonde's climax beading at her tip, Momoko's girlcock twitches visibly as Onpu tempts her fellow witch apprentice, "Momo-chan, doesn't Beth-chan have a really pretty pussy? Don't you just want to stuff all of that glorious girlcock deep inside her no doubt cozy, chocolate cunny?" before bringing the smaller girl closer to her friend's throbbing futahood until Beth's pussy is kissing the head of Momoko's girlcock. As Onpu holds Beth there, Momoko squeezes her eyes shut and clutches the rim of the toilet seat, seamingly struggling to keep her urges under control, giving Beth several precious moments to realize just how long and thick the futa fuck meat parting her puffffy pussy lips is. "No way..." Whispers Beth as her eyes widen before she shouts, "There's no way that monster will fit inside me!" but as she tries to squirm out of Onpu's grip, the idol drops the smaller girl, both Beth and Momoko letting out loud gasps as the moka-skinned girl's weight forces the blonde's bitch breaker all the way to the hilt within the small girl's depths. "OH MY GOD!" cries Momoko as she is engulfed by her oldest friend's pulsing passage, "Beth, you're so much tighter than Onpu!" If Beth could think straight, she'd swear Momoko's girlcock had just punched through not only her cherry and cervix like a spear through wet tissue, but even through the top of her womb, and glancing down, barely taking in the sight of her tummy sporting a penis-shaped protrusion that starts where she is impaled on the massive member and reaching up past her naval and nearly to her sternum, that really seems to be the case. And yet, there is pleasure mixed with the pain as the nearly delirious girl lets out a jumbled reply of, " big... so deep..." But before Beth can fully adjust to the intrusion, Momoko is gripping her friend's hips, but instead of pistoning the smaller girl on her lap, Momoko drops to her knees on the floor, laying Beth down upon the tiles as the blonde starts humping in earnest. As she watches Momoko fucking Beth, getting a good view not only of Momoko's massive member repeatedly plunging into Beth's tight twat, but of the patissiere's own pretty pussy and plump rump, Onpu feels her own arousal growing. Reaching a hand for her glistening girlhood, still soaked from where she rode Momoko's massive member, Onpu sinks her three middle fingers into her depths, sliding the dainty digits in and out as her thumb presses down on her clit, grinding the tiny bundle of nerves against her pubic bone as she continues to watch the inter-racial futanari-on-female fucking before her. Pinned beneath her much taller friend, Beth has little recourse but to endure as the patissiere's prodigious prick powerfully pounds the petite preteen's puny pussy, each tremendous thrust threatening to tear her tiny twatty to tatters and sending tremors through her small body, the moka-skinned girl's cries of "Momoko, slow down!", "Momoko, it's too big!", and "Momoko, it hurts!" falling on deaf ears as the blonde's emerald eyes roll back and she loses herself in the cock caressing confines of the chocolate cutie's chocolate cunny. However, before either ojamajo can reach orgasm or even Beth can adjust to the thick intruder stretching her snatch, there's a knock at the door, all three girls freezing as Beth's mom calls through the door, "Beth dear, Momoko, Onpu, are you in there? Mary's here." Beth is the one to speak up, calling, "Be out in a minute, Mama!" as Momoko suddenly pulls out of her friends now gaping girlhood, looking around for her discarded pajama pants as Onpu tries to clean Momoko's cum from her top with a wet washcloth. Soon, the trio are some semblance of presentable, some spots on the front of the idol's top and the back of Beth's top dark with moisture the most visible sign of their interrupted activities. As Beth opens the door and her mother spots the trio, the older woman gives them a knowing smile as she reiterates, "Mary is in the entry way." As beth replies, "Thanks for letting me know, Mama.", Momoko sidles up behind her short friend, hoping the older woman doesn't notice the tent the futa is pitching in her pajama pants. However, it's the wet spot on Onpu's pajamas the mother notices, commenting, "What's with that wet spot? And what was all that noise about?", the slight teasing tone of her voice suggesting she suspects more than she's letting on. "No-nothing, Mama!" cries Beth before adding, "I should go greet Mary." running off before her mother can question her further. "No running in the house!" calls Beth's mother to her retreating daughter before telling the pair of Japanese girls, "You two should go get dressed." before walking off.