As Beth makes a hasty retreat, Onpu sits up, still holding the covers to her chest even as Momoko lets them drop to her lap, an awkward silence falling between the pair now that the moment has been broken. The silence is broken as a thunderous tremor tears through Onpu's tinkl tank, the child idol dropping the covers as she clamps both hands over her quivering girlhood, her fingers unconsciously pushing the deodorant cervix deep within her as she cries out, "[Oh Kami! I didn't realize how badly I need to go to the little girl's room!]" Getting the gist of Onpu's exclamation, Momoko replies in broken Japanese, "[I need pee lots too.]" as the blonde climbs out of bed and stretches, her bladder bulge on full display as she offers a hand to help Onpu to her feet. The pair quickly pull their sleep clothes back on, neither bothering to retrieve their underwear before Momoko, knowing the layout almost as well as her family's old apartment, leads the way to the bathroom. However, as the two ojamajo approach their destination, they can hear the shower running, Momoko commenting, "Beth must have decided to take a shower after she ran off." As both of their piddle pots pulse from the sound of running water, Momoko knocks on the bathroom door, but recieving no answer, she suggests, "Might as well see if Beth's Mom has breakfast ready." As the pair pad into the kitchen, they can smell a mixture of sweet and savory aromas, and find the older, dark-skinned woman, her hair the same purple as her daughter's curly lockes in the process of placing a platter of pancakes on the table next to one of sausage and bacon. Noticing the two girls, Beth's mother greets them, "Good Morning, Momoko, Onpu, where's Beth?" Good morning, Auntie," Momoko returns the greeting about the same time Onpu greets, "Ohayou Gozaimasu, Oba-chan." As the pair of girls take their seats at the table, Momoko answers the question, "Beth is in the shower." tempted to keep the awkward incident from the moka-skinned girl's mother. "I hope she isn't in there too long." replies Beth's mother, "It would be a shame for her breakfast to go cold." turning her attention to her other guest, the older woman comments, "Onpu, Momoko told me your favorite food is crepes... I'm afraid I don't know how to make those, but I hope the pan cakes are to your liking." After a bit of pantomime and translation into broken Japanese by Momoko, Onpu replies, "[Hot cakes are fine, Oba-chan, thank you for the meal." before the child idol picks up her knife and fork and with a cry of "Itadakimasu!" and digs in, Momoko shortly behind her, only hesitating long enough to translate Onpu's words into English. ### Meanwhile, Beth is sitting in the bathtub, hugging her knees to her chest in humiliation as she rocks back and forth, cold water from the shower cascading down upon her, but doing little to quail the heat in her cheeks from embarrassment or the heat in her nethers from arousal as the scene of the two Japanese girls she witnessed replays over in her head, the dark-skinned girl wishing things had gone differently even as she ignores the throbbing of her own bulging bladder. Eventually, the heat between her legs becomes more than Beth can bear, and her fingers find their way to her virgin girlhood, resuming their explorations from earlier. As this is happening, Beth's daydream of the two Japanese girls morphs into the little, moka-skinned girl wondering what it would be like to be sandwiched between the two taller girls, their hands roaming all over Beth's compact body. The fantasy is almost too much for the young girl, and before she realizes it, her tiny frame is trembling in what she will only much later come to identify as her very first orgasm, the diminutive girl too lost in her own pleasure to notice as her throbbing tinkle tank takes advantage of her distracted state to release it's contents, her hot pee steaming as it mixes with the cold water from the shower. Meanwhile, back in the kitchen, Momoko and Onpu are enjoying their breakfast of sausage, bacon, and pancakes, chasing the savory meats and sweet confection with plentiful pints of orange juice, Beth's mother refilling their glasses almost as quickly as they drain them. Onpu's tinkle tank gives a throb that's strong enough to force a few drops of pee out to dampen the crotch of her pajamas, and Momoko isn't far behind, but both girls are enjoying the food too much to give it much thought, so they push their leaks out of mind as Beth's mother encourages, "Eat up, growing girls need their energy!" ### As her pee and sexual tension drains out of her small frame, Beth shivers from the cold water streaming down upon her, and shutting off the flow, the little, moka-skinned girl rises to shakey legs, bracing herself against the shower wall for a few moments before grabbing a towel to dry off with. Skin dried, hair damp, and composure mostly restored, Beth wraps the towel around her body and heads to her room to get dressed. ### Several minutes later, Onpu and Momoko are patting their bellies and telling Beth's mother they couldn't eat another bite as Beth enters the kitchen, Beth's cheeks heating up once more upon seeing the pair of ojamajo. However, before Beth can try to break the ice, the pair jump out of their seats and dash out of the kitchen, clearly heading in the direction of the now vacant bathroom. Somewhat relieved that she doesn't yet have to confront her best friend and her new friend from Japan quite yet, Beth heads over to the table and plops her spandex-covered rear into her usual seat as her mother greets her,, "Good morning, sweetie." "Good Morning, Mama." replies the girl as her plate is loaded up with sausage and pancakes and she digs in, momentarily forgetting about the awkward situation from earlier. Meanwhile, Onpu and Momoko reach the bathroom before realizing there's two of them, but only the one toilet. "Rock, Paper Scissors?" asks Momoko in English, one hand jammed between her legs, her other hand making a fist, spreading out, and then the peace sign in succession. A hand of her own jammed between her legs, Onpu nods before raising her own free hand, ready to play the simple game. Distracted by their shared desperation, neither girl can really think clearly, their first game ending up rock-rock, their second paper-paper, and their third scissors-scissors. After three draws in a row, they abandon the game, simply dashing through the bathroom door, both girls yanking their pajama pants to their ankles as they race for their salvation. Momoko proves slightly faster, plopping down on the toilet as Onpu stands half-naked in the middle of the bathroom, having paused to push the door shut behind them. But as the sound of Momoko's tinkle pouring into the toilet fills the room, and spotting the golden stream visible between the blonde's parted thighs, Onpu isn't ready to give up, and thinking quickly, straddles the older girl's lap, the idol's butt coming to rest on the front edge of the toilet seat, her pajama bottoms tangling with Momoko's just in time for Onpu's dam to burst, a second stream of pee joining the first. Glancing down, there's just enough space between the ojamajo for them to witness their streams crossing as they both let out sighs of relief at taking a long over due pee. After over a minute of constant peeing, the two girls finally trickle to a halt before lifting their gazes from their crotches, emerald green eyes locking on to amethyst ones. The pair of Japanese girls stare into each other's eyes for quite some time before they close the distance between them, their lips meeting in a passionate kiss that soon deepens, their tongues dancing back and forth between Onpu's mouth and Momoko's. As the pair kiss, Momoko's hands find their way to Onpu's perky posterior, kneading the idol's half moons before pulling the younger girl closer to sit more atop the blonde's thighs instead of between them. Taking advantage of the gap this creates, Momoko continues to kneed one buttock as her other hand snakes its way to Onpu's girlhood, the blonde wasting no time in sinking her middle and ring fingers into the child idol's depths. As Momoko's fingers slide in and out of her pussy, Onpu moans into the older girl's mouth and tries to think of a way to reciprocate, but quickly concludes their current position offers no opening for Onpu to retaliate. After several minutes of her assault on the younger girl's hidden treasure, her hand thoroughly drenched in the idol's juices, Momoko breaks the lip lock to trail kisses along Onpu's cheek en route to nibble on the purple-haired girl's earlobe. "I think Onpu-chan's hot, horny hole wants something more than my fingers to suck on." comments Momoko in English, and leaving the younger girl confused for a moment, Momoko pulls her hand away from the idol's core long enough to activate her Parara tap, summoning her poron without bothering with transforming since her position would make the dance-like motions impossible. "Perutan Pepton Paralila Pon!" cries Momoko, "Give me a manly cock!" As the spell goes to work, Momoko's clit swells and changes shape, and within seconds, Onpu finds herself sitting in the crook between pubic mound and girlcock, a shaft as thick as either girl's wrist and a foot long nestled between the idol's half-moons. Unsummoning her poron and returning to kneading Onpu's lovely rear, Momoko starts grinding the younger girl against her new bit of anatomy, prompting her to ask, "Momo-chan, {what are you doing?]" Instead of a verbal reply, Momoko lifts the younger girl up until the blonde can bring the tip of her girl cock to prod at Onpu's entrance, silently asking permission to stick it in. ### Unaware that the pair of Ojamajo have resumed their earlier activities, Beth finishes her own breakfast, having eaten as much as the taller girls despite her short stature, quite use to her mother's tendency to overfeed people at her kitchen table. Confronted with the prospect of facing Momoko and Onpu and possibly what happened earlier that morning, Beth decides to ask her mother for advice. "Um, Mama..." asks the moka-skinned girl nervously. "What is it, sweetie?" replies her mother, picking up on her daughter's nerves, "Is something bothering you?" "Um, well..." starts Beth, "You see... when I went to check if Momoko and Onpu were up... I...I kinda of walked in on... themkissingandtouchingeachotherbetweenthe legs." Saying the last bit almost too quickly to be understood, a crimson blush penetrating her dark skin upon her cheeks. "Oh, do we have a couple of little lesbians staying in our guest bedroom?" replies Beth's mother, and upon seeing the strickened look upon her daughter's face, quickly adds, "Don't worry, I'm not one of those bigots that have an issue with same-sex relationships.," as she kneels next to her daughter's chair and pulls Beth into a hug, "and I hope I've raised you better than to take any of those people's hateful words to heart." Partially relieved at her mother's assurance, Beth continues in a whisper, "But there's more, Mama... I couldn't help watching them... and it made me feel all tingly... especially between my legs... and I couldn't help touching myself like they were touching each other." "Oh my, my baby is growing up," teases the mother, trying to get the girl to relax, "And it sounds like she's got a crush on her best friend and the little friend she brought back from Japan." Her whole face now crimson, the embarrassed girl cries out, "Mama!" Patting her daughter on the head, the older woman replies, "It's okay, Beth, I know Momoko is a good girl, and while I barely know Onpu, I'm sure she's a good girl as well. The three of you are young, and young love doesn't always last, but it's okay if you want to persue a summer romance with one or both of them while they're here." "Th-thank you, Mama," replies the red-faced girl, "But I also kinda tripped, letting them know I was spying on them, and then I got scared and ran out of the room in a panic." As Beth finishes recounting the incident, she decides to leave out the part about her crying in the shower. "Well," Starts Beth's mother in a reassuring tone, "It's natural to be a bit embarrassed when something like that happens, but I'm sure they're just as embarrassed, and if your friendship with Momoko is as strong as I think it is, I'm sure it'll survive the three of you clearing the air." Giving her daughter one last head pat, she adds, "Now, why don't you go talk with Momoko and Onpu while I get the breakfast dishes cleaned up?" Though still a bit nervous about the impending confrontation, Beth hugs her mom as she says, "Thank you, Mama." before gathering her courage and heading off to check if Momoko and Onpu are done in the bathroom.