As the morning sun streams through the window, Momoko stirs from her slumber to find herself in an unfamiliar bed, it taking several long seconds for her to recall that she is back in New York and staying with one of her friends as she visits her old home. As the warm sun on her face chases sleep away, a warmth against her back draws her attention, and rolling over, she finds that she is not alone. She had ended up sharing a bed in the guest room with Onpu, the child idol and fellow witch apprentice Momoko had invited to join her on this vacation to the far side of the globe, and as her green eyes roam over the younger girl, still sound asleep thanks to being in Momoko's shadow, the blonde can't help thinking how adorable the purple haired girl is, curled up in the fetal position and wrapped in fluffy, purple pajamas. If she's honest with herself, Onpu being one of the cutest girls she's ever met was a big part of why she had invited the child idol to come with her to America, but as she watches the purple apprentice sleep, all but spooned up behind the younger girl, Momoko can't help but get naughty thoughts as she feels a tingle building between her thighs, partly due to a slight twinge suggesting she should go take a morning pee, but also partly unrelated to her bladder. Unable to resist the adorable girl laying next to her, but also deciding to move slowly to avoid spooking the child idol if she wakes suddenly, Momoko carefully snakes one arm through the gap between Onpu's neck and the pillow before gently laying her other arm over the purple-haired girl. As the blonde embraces the sleeping singer, Onpu snuggles back against the older girl, her plump, little rump pressing against Momoko's bladder, the twinge spiking to something the green-eyed girl is sure would've woke her had the sun not done so already, though not yet at the point of desperation. Now properly spooning the younger girl, Momoko can't resist the pale strip of skin exposed between Onpu's amethyst lockes and the idol's lavender pajama top, the blonde gently lowering her lips to her cuddle partner's neck, softly suckling at thesupple flesh. At the same time, Momoko's hand seeks out the waistband of those purple pajama pants, and sliding past the elastic, comes to rest on the sleeping girl's lower abdomen, Onpu's slightly protruding piddle pot pressing against Momoko's palm, only partially covered by Onpu's undies. Feeling both of their tinkle tanks throb in tandem, Momoko wonders how Onpu can sleep through such a clear need to pee before teasingly tickling the bulge of the actress's waste water reservoir. This action causes Onpu to squirm in Momoko's embrace and to mumble something in her sleep that sounds like her moaning someone's name, though Momoko can't quite make it out, somewhat distracted by the sleeping girl's butt baring down on the blonde's own bladder which seems to be quickly approaching bursting now that the green-eyed girl is wide awake. As Momoko continues suckling at Onpu's neck and teasing the taut tinkle tank throbbing under her fingertips, she can't help wonder what it would feel like if she were a boy, her morning wood trapped between the squirming, sleeping beauty's bubble butt and her own throbbing tinkle tank. Discarding thoughts of what ifs that would require magic to act upon, Momoko continues suckling at Onpu's neck as her hand continues caressing the swell of the sleeping girl's tinkle tank. Meanwhile, the arm pinned under the purple apprentice snakes it's way under her pajama top, Momoko's hand coming to rest atop one of Onpu's budding breasts. Momoko gives Onpu's mostly flat chest a squeeze and can feel the child idol's nipple harden in response, the fleshy pebble pressing against the patissiere's palm. As Momoko continues fondling the younger girl, the sleeping girl wriggles ever more energetically, placing more pressure upon the blonde's bulging bladder everytime the amethyst-haired girl jerks against the older girl's body. After several minutes of teasing neck, chest, and bladder, the unconscious girl lets out a cry of "[Hazuki-chan, if you don't stop... I'm going to... I'm going to PEE!" her squirming extending to shaking her head back and forth. Momoko doesn't fully understand the child idol's words, her Japanese still rather rudimentary, but the sight of Onpu's lips rounded in a plea for mercy is too much to resist, and as Onpu turns her head towards Momoko in her sleep, the blonde times it so her lips meet Onpu's, stealing a full on kiss from the sleeping girl. At the same time, Momoko presses down on Onpu's pulsing piddle pot for a little payback for how the younger girl's butt is pressed against the bulge of the blonde's bladder while also gently pressing a hardened nipple between thumb and forefinger. This combination finally manages to wake the sleeping girl, and Momoko still has her lips upon Onpu's with one hand in the idol's pajama pants and the other up the purple apprentice's shirt as Onpu's eyelids open and amethyst orbs stare straight into emerald ones. A beat of silence passes between the two girls before Momoko leaps to the far side of the bed as if burned or shocked, a rapid fire chorus of "Sorrrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorry!" falling from her lips. Wilting a bit at the loss of the older girl's body heat pressed against her and the loss of contact on her sensitive areas, Onpu frowns at her bed partner,, unable to understand what the blonde is saying but making an educated guess. Crawling towards the patissiere and speaking slowly in hopes of bridging the language barrier, Onpu replies, "[It's okay, Momo-chan. I actually kind of enjoyed what you were doing." Pushing the blonde down on her back so her chartreuse locks come to rest upon one of the pillows, Onpu continues, "But if Momo-chan is feeling guilty, I don't mind taking the reigns." as the amethyst-haired girl straddles Momoko, the younger girl's rear landing just below the blonde's bladder bulge, the child idol's thighs resting to either side of the patissiere's pulsating piddle pot. Feeling the older girl's tinkle tank throbbing against her needy girlhood despite the many layers of fabric separating them, Onpu can't help grinding against the patissiere's pulsing piddle pot, moaning softly as she comments, "[Wow, Momo-chan really has to go, doesn't she?]" Though not sitting directly atop her waste water reservoir, Onpu's actions are still torturous to the older girl as her thighs and twat tremble with the effort of containing the tinkle threatening to soak the older preteen's panties in something other than the girl juices already seeping into an ever moistening gusset. "Onpu, I-I can't take it!" cries the blonde, twisting her legs into a pretzel as the younger girl continues her ministrations, "If you don't stop...I'm...I'm going to wet the bed!" Leaning over the protesting patissiere, the height difference forcing her to slide forward a bit to make herself eye-to-eye with the blonde, that cute, little bubble butt that drives young boys and dirty old men all over Japan crazy whenever the child idol models tight shorts or performs a role that puts her in yoga pants now resting directly upon Momoko's taut tinkle tank, the amethyst-haired girl simply says, "[Oh, be quiet.]" Before capturing the older girl's lips in a searing kiss that makes the one Momoko gave Onpu while she was a sleep seem chaste by comparison. As Onpu's tongue engages Momoko's in a decadent dance, a mixture of passion and mischief shining within those amethyst orbs, Onpu starts bouncing her beautiful butt atop the blonde's bloated, bound to burst bladder bulge, swallowing the older girl's scream of protest as she wriggles and writhes in desperation. But Onpu isn't content to simply kiss the older girl and torture the terribly throbbing, tremendously taut tinkle tank trembling against her nether regions, and as she continues the make out session, Onpu guides Momoko's hands to the purple-haired popstar's perky, pajama-clad posterior. Instinctually, Momoko takes advantage of where the child idol placed her hands, gripping the purple apprentice's perky posterior tightly enough to prevent the popstar from bouncing upon the blonde's bloated, bursting bladder, but the Japanese-American doesn't stop there. Supporting the smaller girl's weight with one hand, Momoko uses her other hand to grab the waistband of the popstar's purple pajama pants pulling them and panties down in one stroke, exposeing the younger girl's beautiful, bubble butt to the open air. With years of experience in the kitchen, Momoko expertly kneads Onpu's supple half-moons like fresh dough, swallowing the moans this draws from the purple-haired girl's throat, the blonde nearly forgetting about the pressure building within her waste water reservoir now that she's distracted Onpu from bouncing on her bladder. Eventually, Momoko's skilled hands slide down, the patissiere's fingers dancing upon the younger girl's petals before sliding a pair of fingers up the popstar's preteen pussy. Breaking their kiss, Onpu cries out, "[Momo-chan, that feels nice... I-I need more!]" Smiling up at Onpu, Momoko rolls so she's kneeling over the younger girl before making quick work of removing the child idol's panties and pajama pants the rest of the way. "Wow, so pretty!" exclaims Momoko upon getting her first unobstructed view of Onpu's glistening girlhood and bulging bladder. Reaching for her own waistband, the blonde nearly rips her pajamas in her haste to strip down to better match her purple-haired bunkmate, the younger girl following suite with her own pajama top. As soon as both girls are naked, Momoko all but pounces upon Onpu, her lips crashing upon the purple apprentice's lips in a passionate kiss as the blonde grinds her girlhood against the child idol's thigh and her hand returning to the pop-star's pretty pussy, all four fingers thrusting into the diva's depths as Momoko's thumb flicks across the short girl's clit. While the pair of Japanese girls continue to make out, the short, moka-skinned girl playing hostess to the pair during their visit to the Big Apple is walking down the hall, her dark purple hair out of it's usual ponytail and quite messy as she lets out a yawn and rubs the sleep from one eye. Naturally, Beth is unprepared for what awaits her in her home's guest bedroom, her question of, 'Momoko, Onpu, are you up yet?' dying in her throat as she opens the door, her purple eyes going wide at the sight of her best friend laying naked atop the purple-haired Japanese girl, the pair kissing without a care in the world, Momoko's hand all but buried in the foreign singer's snatch. With barely a sound, Beth pulls the door closed once more before her knees give out as the shock washes over her, landing on her butt as she leans against the door as she tries to process what she just saw. Unaware of having been seen, Onpu breaks the kiss, crying out, "Motto, motto, Momo-chan!", her cry barely reaching Beth's ears through the closed door. Recovering from the initial shock of the sight of two girls lost in the throws of passion, Beth can feel her panties growing warm and wet with what she will only later realize is arousal. Gripping the doorknob and pulling herself up into a kneeling position, the little brown girl quietly turns the knob and pushes the door open a crack just in time to witness Momoko spreading her fingers, stretching the purple-haird Japanese girl's opening enough to let the spying American see straight up her fellow purplette's pussy. Such snatch stretching looks like it should hurt, but if the moans escaping Onpu's throat are any indicator, the child idol is enjoying Momoko's treatment quite a bit. As she watches, Beth is barely aware of one hand sliding up her tank top to roll the fleshy pebble of one of her nipples between thumb and forefinger as her other hand slides down her shorts, her own hands unconsciously emulating on her own pussy what Momoko's fingers are doing to Onpu's, though without such extreme stretching, the moka-skinned girl instinctually biting her lip to hold back the moans that might alert the pair of asian beauties to their secret audience. As she continues her voyeurism, a twinge from Beth's bladder informs her that she hasn't gone to the little girls' room since the night before, leaving the short, purple-haired girl torn between several desires. However, before the one purple-haired girl can resolve her internal conflict, the other cries out, "[Momo-chan! I need something hard and thick inside me!" Sitting up, Momoko looks around the room for anything she can use as a makeshift toy, not all that sure of what Onpu said, but getting the gist that the child idol isn't satisfied with the blonde's fingers. Eventually, the Japanese-American spots something appropriate sitting on a night stand, namely a container of deodorant. Grabbing the powder blue cylinder, the cross-section an ellipse and the cap an elliptical dome, Momoko finds it to be about as wide as her palm and as tall as her hand is long. Recognizing the item she had loaned her friend the night before, all Beth can think as she watches the blonde slide the domed lid of the deodorant along Onpu's slit is, 'There's no way that'll fit!' But when Momoko pushes against the knob on the bottom of the deodorant, Beth is surprised to see it slide inside the other purple-haired girl with little resistence, her eyes widening as the hygiene product vanishes into the child idol's depths. As Momoko starts sliding the improvised dildo in and out of Onpu's passage, the child idol's juices thoroughly coating the powder blue plastic, Beth can't help but shove both hands down her shorts, rubbing vigorously at her own enflamed loins as her jaw drops both from amazement at the scene she's witnessing and at the need to bring in more air thanks to her exertion. Beth gets so lost in what she's watching the pair of little, asian girls doing and the act of self pleasure that she doesn't realize that she's starting to lean against the open door, and naturally, the friction provided by the hinges can only handle so much. When the door starts to swing further open, Beth is too lost in voyeurism to accomodate, and before she realizes it, the door is slamming into the wall behind it as Beth falls face first into the room, landing with a thud and with both hands still down the front of her shorts and pressed firmly against the little brown girl's crotch. Naturally, Momoko and Onpu both bolt upright at the noise, spottting their host laying on the floor, the deodorant barely peeking out of Onpu's pussy. Before Beth can recover from her fall, the pair of Japanese girls grab the covers and yank them up, Onpu's cheeks burning at how shamelessly she had been acting mere moments earlier as she lays down and pretends to be sleeping. Meanwhile, bolder in part due to her American up bringing, Momoko stays up right as she declares, "This isn't what it looks like, Beth." Lifting her face from the carpet, Beth replies, "Um, I didn't see anything," as she yanks her hands from her shorts and tries to hide her hands, still slick with her juices behind her back. it's not like I was spying on the two of you playing with each other or anything..." trailing off as she realizes too late she just accidentally told on herself as she bolts from the room with a cry of "Sorry!"