"Se-segawa-san," stammers Kaori, "I...I dare you to endur a minute of Fujiwara-san and me pressing on your bladder!" "Oh, is that all?" Asks Onpu confidently as she nestles her rear between Hazuki's thighs and pulls the orange ojamajo's arms around her, placing the bespectacled girl's hands atop the idol's bladder bulge. As Kaori hops over and places her own hand atop Hazuki's and pushes down, Onpu comments, "Is that all you can manage?" as Kaori starts the count. As Kaori leans her weight on Onpu's bladder and counts, Reika can't help but notice the way her shutterbug keeps her other hand buried between her thighs and visibly trembles, prompting the blonde to walk up behind the pigtailed girl and swipe a finger up between the other girl's thighs, "Oh my, looks like my shutterbug is on the verge of losing it..." Kaori doesn't want to admit how right Reika is, and is more than a bit relieved when she reaches 60 and the hand pressing on ONpu's bladder is able to return to between her legs. "That was easy," comments Onpu as she turns to Reika and comments, "Why don't you take my seat and tell us how your bladder is feeling?" "Very well," Replies Reika, taking a seat between Hazuki's thighs as Onpu stands, the brunette going red from head to foot and pressing back against the tank as she finds herself so close to a naked girl other than her girlfriend, though Reika ignores this as she comments, "Well, I'm getting pretty full, not as bad as when Kaori-chan and I went to the bathroom at the library, but if not for our little contest, I probably would have gone already." and as Reika's time runs out, Reika addresses her own girlfriend, "Why don't you straddle Fujiwara's lap and tell us how you're doing, Kaori-chan?" Kaori resists, but between Onpu and Reika, the two more dominant girls soon have her sitting on Hazuki's lap, her own glasses nearly as foggy as Hazuki's as she places her hands on the other girl's shoulder for stability as she tries to speak, "I...I..." only to be cut off by a loud tinkling as her own dam shatters and pee starts pouring forcibly from the junior journalist. What, if any, penalty is Kaori subjected to for losing control? How does the dynamic of the game change now that there are only two girls still holding? -Reika and Onpu agree to call it a draw. -Reika and Onpu take turns challenging each other. -Hazuki and Kaori take turns giving both Reika and Onpu challenges. -Something else. If the contest is called, what happens next?