As the photographer and her friend follow the two witch apprentices, both Kaori and Hazuki are clearly in need of a toilet, though the junior journalist seems more composed. Onpu eventually stops at a branch in the path, her pause a bit longer than Reika and Kaori suspected, the trailing couple ducking into a side alley as they see Onpu glance over her shoulder, fearful they got a bit too close and were heard trailing the ojamajo. As they peek out of their hiding spot, Kaori and Reika can hear Onpu asking Hazuki, "Hazuki-chan, should we go to your house or mine for our private fun?", Hazuki trembling like the proverbial leaf and struggling to reply. "Pl-please, On-Onpu-chan, let's head to my house." stammers the bespectacled ojamajo, clutching the hem of her skirt in an obvious effort to not grab her crotch as she shifts from foot-to-foot." "Fine by me, Hazuki-chan." replies Onpu, walking down the fork leading towards the Fujiwara house. Letting out a sigh of relief at apparently avoiding detection, Reika and Kaori resume shadowing the idol and her desperate friend, keeping a bit more distance between them. Eventually, the traditional, Japanese-style mansion where Hazuki's family lives comes into sight, and having never seen it before, Kaori can't help crying out, "Wow! It's almost as big as yours Ojousama!" Prompting Reika to clamp a hand over Kaori's mouth and pull the pig-tailed girl into some nearby shrubbery as Onpu looks around. As the Ojamajo head up the trail to Hazuki's front door, their stalkers continue to use the shrubs as cover to get near the house, but as Hazuki is fumbling for her key to unlock the door, hoping to avoid one of Baaya's overenergetic greetings, Onpu walks up to the shrub the pair of girls is hiding in, commenting, "I think we have some extra company, Hazuki-chan." before reaching into the shrub, and getting a fistful of shirt in each hand, pulls Reika and Kaori to their feet, the pair's eyes widening at being caught. In a tone far too cheerful for someone who just caught a couple of stalkers, Onpu comments, "Look Hazuki-chan, our fellow love birds decided to follow us despite having left the restaurant shortly after we arrived... What do you say we invite them in for a nice afternoon of getting to know each other?" Blushing at the revelation that the other couple were following them, but too desperate to think straight, Hazuki simply nods her head as she stammers, "Su-sure." as she opens the door for the other three to enter the traditional house. Though only mildly impressive compared to the Tamaki Family mansion, Reika can't help but to politely compliment her fellow rich girl, "Quite a nice place you have here, Fujiwara-san." "Yes, quite impressive." adds Kaori, slipping back into her loyal retainer habits as Onpu leads the pair on a tour of her girlfriend's home, the quietest ojamajo currently too distracted to play hostess properly. Along the way, Hazuki tries to silently make a detour for a bathroom, only for Onpu to nuddddge her back on the well worn path as the idol announces, "And here is Hazuki-chan's bedroom." As she ushers the other three in. As Kaori closes the bedroom door behind her, last of the quartet to enter, she takes in her fellow bespectacled girl's inner sanctum, smaller than Reika's but much larger than her own room at home. Kaori is brought out of her observation as Onpu speaks, "Hazuki-chan, why don't you call baaya-san to bring us some refreshments?" the mention of refreshments causes Kaori's piddle pot to give a pang as Hazuki replies, "Su-sure," and walks over to her desk and starts dialing on an older style phone. Holding the reciever to her ear, the brunette speaks into the mouthpiece, "Ba-baaya-san, wo-would yo-you mind bringing some refreshments for me and my guests?" after a pause, she adds, "There's four of us in total... th-thank you, Baaya-san." As Hazuki hangs up the phone and walks stiffly back towards the group, Onpu steps up behind her girlfriend, hugging the sailor-suited girl tightly as the idol asks, "So why were you two following us? Could it be you noticed how I was teasing Hazuki-chan's tinkle tank when we met at the restaurant?" With this, Onpu places her hand upon the bulge of the brunette's bursting bladder and presses lightly, the orange apprentice going as red as Doremi's hair and her glasses fogging over as she lets out an incoherent squeak. "Perhaps you figured out I told Hazuki-chan to hold her pee all night and all morning and were hoping to catch her having an accident on film..." Deciding to tease her fellow ojamajo, Onpu reaches a hand under her captive's pleated skirt, partially exposing creme-colored panties as Onpu teases at Hazuki's hidden treasure with her finger tips while simultaneously pressing the heel of her palm into the brunette's bloated, bulging bladder, the bespectacled girl letting out another squeak as a faint hiss fills the room and a slightly darker spot appears beneath Onpu's fingers. At that moment, a knock is heard at the door. "What's this, leaking already?" asks Onpu teasingly, running a finger over the darkened spot on her girlfriend's panties. "I know Hazuki-chan can hold it better than this." "So-sorry, On-onpu-chan!" replies the flustered brunette, "Yo-you... you pressing on on my bladder in front of our other guests and the knock at the door startled me." Hazuki wriggles out of Onpu's embrace to answer the door, the idol letting her escape, but not without a playful smack to her skirt-covered bottom. Seeing the other bespectacled girl spring a leak, even one so brief has Kaori's own, quickly swelling piddle pot producing a much more powerful pang, the photographer pressing her thighs together in desperate effort to not leave a darkened spot upon her own undies... only to remember that she's not even wearing undies to catch a leak. After dismissing Baaya as quickly as she can without being rude, Hazuki walks back towards the gathered girls, sitting a tray with pitchers of lemonade and iced coffee along with four glasses upon her desk as Onpu resumes her earlier line of inquiry, "So, why were you following us?" Deciding there's not much point in denying anything, Reika replies, "I suppose we were curious if Fujiwara-san really was in need of the ladies' room or if there was something else making her even more skittish than usual." Sidling up behind Kaori, Reika adds, "My own little shutterbug had quite a bit to drink both during and after our lunch," before copying Onpu's earlier motions, giving the pair of Ojamajo a glimpse of Kaori's bare girlhood as Reika presses the photographer's bladder and teases the now tomato-colored girl's glistening petals as the blonde suggests, "What do you say, Segawa-san? Want to see which of our adorable meganeko can hold her pee better?" Releasing Kaori, Reika walks over to where Hazuki set down the tray, noticing a plate of cookies behind the pitchers as she grabs a glass, "Though, either way, I think my Shutterbug is overdue for another glass." Onpu looks back and forth between the two brunettes as if sizing up their relative levels of desperation before declaring with a smile, "That's a great idea!" "On-Onpu-chan!" cries Hazuki, her glasses clouded and cracked, "Th-there's no way I can out last Shimakura!" Ignoring her girlfriend's outburst, Onpu adds, "But why just pit our blushing meganeko against each other? Why not have a contest between the four of us?" "Hmmm... that does sound nice..." Comments Reika pouring herself and Kaori each a glass of lemonade, taking a big sip before pressing the other glass to Kaori's lips. As the pair of non-ojamajo drink, Onpu asks, "So are the two of you going to show us your bladder bulges?" the Idol letting the question hang in the air as she fills the remaining pair of glasses with lemonade as well. When neither Kaori or Reika volunteer for some urinary show and tell, Onpu reaches for the waistband of her shorts and pops open the button, "Here, I'll show you mine." the zipper coming undone on it's own as a grapefruit-sized bulge bursts from its denim confines. After giving the other three girls a good look, Onpu sucks in her tummy, rebuttons her shorts, and forces her zipper up, the shorts compressing the bulge to the point one wouldn't notice it if they hadn't witnessed the reveal. "Now, it's your turn." Comments Onpu as she takes a pull of her own lemonade and presses the fourth glass to Hazuki's lips, the orange ojamajo sagging in defeat as she obeys her girlfriend's silent order to drink. Hesitantly, Reika and Kaori lift their skirts, both of them blushing as their lack of undies is revealed, Reika's cheeks dusted pink while Kaori is doing an impressive impression of a tomato. "Hmmm..." murmurs Onpu, "Looks like Shimakura is holding at least as much as I am, though clearly with less pressure since she isn't squeezed into tight shorts that show off her butt." the photographer growing even more crimson at the idols commentary as she drops her skirt to hide her grapefruit-sized bulge and her naked girlhood. Turning to Reika, Onpu comments, "Looks like Reika has some catching up to do with that flat tummy. Perhaps she should take two drinks for every drink the other three of us take?" Tapping a finger to her chin, the child idol continues, "There's an idea, we could take turns giving each other challenges, kind of like truth or dare, but without the truth... Hazuki and I actually did something like that our first night as a couple, but I bet it would be even more fun with more than two people." Kaori crosses her fingers and legs as she silently prays that Reika rejects Onpu's suggestion of a holding game with dares, only for her stomach to drop like a lead weight atop her bladder as the blonde replies, "Sounds interesting, and I'll accept the extra drink if it counts as your first challenge to me, Segawa-san." and when Kaori glances at her fellow meganeko, the expression on Hazuki's face speaks volumes that the brunette realizes just how much the pair are at their more dominant girlfriends' mercies. "Fine by me." replies Onpu, refilling Reika's glass as the blonde empties it. Tapping a finger to her chin, Reika looks over the other three girls before pointing at Hazuki, "Since Fujiwara-san is the only one wearing anything under her skirt, I dare you to remove your panties!" "Wh-what?!" exclaims the orange Ojamajo, her glasses clouding over and cracking, "That seems a bit..." "Oh, come on, Hazuki-chan." interjects Onpu, "Even I'm going commando under my shorts." "I know, but... KYA!" This time, the brunette is cut off by her own cry as Onpu forces the issue, reaching under her girlfriend's skirt and yanking her fellow witch apprentice's undies to her ankles, briefly flashing the other couple in the process. Prize in hand, Onpu notices a damp spot the size of a 500 yen coin, commenting, "Oh my, did Hazuki-chan have another leak?" "Ignoring the purple apprentice's comments, anger mixes with the embarrassment on Hazuki's face as she declares, "Onpu-chan, I dare you to strip naked!" "No problem." replies Onpu, quickly removing her outfit, confirming her claim of not wearing anything under her shorts and leaving her bladder bulge on full display, "Not sure what Hazuki-chan is getting so worked up for, we're all girls here and it's not that different from changing for gym class or going to a bathhouse." Turning to the other bespectacled girl, Onpu adds, "Shimakura-san, why don't you describe how your bladder is feeling?" "Um... well," starts Kaori, a bit caught off guard by the question, "Well, it is getting a bit urgent, but it's nowhere near the worse I've had to go..." blushing, she adds in a near whisper, "it does feel kind of nice..." Sipping at her drink, Kaori glances between Reika and Hazuki, not quite sure which girl to single out, much less what challenge to make. Eventually, Kaori points at Hazuki and declares, "Fujiwara-san, I dare you to squat on the floor until dared again!" "S-Squat?" questions the brunette, "Th-there's no way I could do that!" "Of course you can, Hazuki-chan!" encourages Onpu, "Here, I'll help you." and before the orange ojamajo can protest further, Onpu is hugging her from behind and forcing the slightly older girl's shakey knees apart and to bend until Hazuki's legs can no longer keep her upright and she drops into a squat as Onpu kneels behind her , holding her steady until Hazuki can regain her balance. "Now, was that so hard?" Asks Onpu, standing up and patting her girlfriend on the head. "Oh kami! It feels like my bladder is going to split open!" cries Hazuki between pants and periodically clenched teeth. Hazuki continues to whimper in desperation for many long seconds before Reika speaks up, "So, what's your next dare, Fujiwara-san?" Hazuki wants to get revenge on Kaori, but not wanting to set a precedent that could lead to two of the girls getting into a dare war and leaving the other pair out, she instead addresses the one who reminded her of her surroundings. "Ta-tamaki-san... I-I dare you to strip naked as well." "Oh, is Hazuki-chan looking to add another girlfriend?" teases Onpu as Tamaki lets her skirt drop to the floor and pulls her shirt over her head, revealing a figure just a bit curvier than the child idol, the sight making Kaori blush despite having seen the blonde naked before. And Reika catches her girlfriend blushing when she turns to her shutterbug, "Kaori-chan, I dare you... oh, do you like what you see?" "Ye-yes, ojousama is very pretty!" replies Kaori. "Glad to hear you have good taste, but I hope you weren't hoping flattery would earn you mercy." Replies Reika before resuming her dare, "Kaori-chan, I dare you to squat down like Fujiwara!" "Ye-yes, ojousama!" replies Kaori, though her stiff motions as she bends her knees show that she isn't much happier about this dare than Hazuki was when Kaori dished it out. "Se-segawa-san," Kaori prepares to give Onpu a dare. "Kyaaa!" when Hazuki lets out a high-pitch squeal, and when the other three girls glance her way, they spot a yellow spot upon the creme-colored carpet right below where the brunette's pussy is peeking out from behind her skirt. "Oh my, looks like Hazuki-chan sprung a little leak!" comments Onpu. "What do you think her penalty should be?" Tapping a finger to her chin, the idol suggest, "I say she has to stay squatting for an extra round... and has to down a full glass." "That sounds marvelous, Segawa-san." agrees Tamaki immediately, and with no protest from Kaori, the idol refills Hazuki's half-empty glass from the pitcher before tilting the brunette's head back. "Pl-please, have mercy!" cries Hazuki, only for her girlfriend to pour the lemonade down her throat. But Onpu isn't done pushing her fellow witch apprentice, waiting just long enough for the bespectacled girl to stop spluttering before adding, "I think it's time Hazuki-chan stripped as well." and before the orange Ojamajo can muster a protest, Onpu has grabbed the waistband of the white, pleated skirt and the hem of the orange sailor top and yanked both garments over the brunette's head, the girl going beat red as she tries to conceal her nudity, losing ballance and landing on her butt in the process. "No need to hide, Hazuki-chan, me and Tamaki are naked and we're all girls here." comments Onpu. "Besides, Fujiwara is a very pretty girl." adds Reika, only making the brunette turn even redder. But despite the teasing, Hazuki manages to regain her composure enough to dare Kaori, "Shimakura, I dare you to sit on the toilet without peeing!" "Oh, good one!" Comments Reika, "I guess we should probably move our game to the bathroom to make sure Kaori-chan follows through." With that, Reika and Onpu help their respective girlfriends to their feet, and Onpu leads the way to Hazuki's en suite. As the quartet enter the en suite, Reika comments, "I think Kaori-chan is a bit overdressed." "I agree," replies Onpu, "That skirt could easily hide a leak while she's sitting on the toilet." And before Kaori knows it, she's been stripped of everything but her glasses and hair ties, and is sitting on the toilet, the pair of more dominant girls kneeling to either side of her, each with a hand on one of the photographers knees to make sure she keeps her thighs parted so any leaks will be easily seen. Though her tinkle tank throbs terribly and she's almost certain that Reika and Onpu are deliberately counting slower than necessary for keeping time, Kaori manages to withstand the urge to let go into the bowl beneath her long enough for Reika and Onpu to reach sixty, at which point, she declares, "Ojousama, I dare you to sit here for a minute without peeing!" "Sounds easy," replies Reika before taking Kaori's place, confidently placing her feet and knees shoulder width apart and showing no signs of desperation though there is now a slight bulge visible above her mound of venus. Kaori stands with her thighs pressed firmly together as she counts off sixty seconds of her girlfriend resisting the urge to do what comes naturally, only to end up torn between impressed by Reika's poise and disappointed the blonde showed no outward signs of strain whenn the count runs out. Standing up, Reika declares, "Your turn, Segawa-san." and as the idol takes her turn on the porcelain throne with Reika counting off the seconds, Onpu shows the same level of unconcerned poise. Having completed the toilet challenge as well, Onpu turns to Hazuki, who has been silent since daring Kaori, the brunette looking like she's seen a ghost as Onpu says what the orange Ojamajo most fears, "Hazuki-chan, your turn to sit on the toilet!" "Th-there's no way," protests Hazuki. "Come now, the rest of us managed it." replies Onpu, pulling her girlfriend to her feet and pushing her towards the toilet. Hazuki's posture is incredibly stiff as she takes her seat, thighs pressed firmly together. "That won't do," comments Onpu, kneeling in front of Hazuki and prying the shy girl's knees apart, "The rest of us did it with our thighs parted..." Only for the dam to break before the idol's eyes as a powerful stream jets from Hazuki's feminine folds as soon as Onpu pulls her thighs apart enough to give a good view. Glasses fogging over and cracking as her whole face goes redder than Doremi's hair, Hazuki mumbles, "Don't look." as she buries her face in both hands. No one bothers to count, but all three of the onlookers are certain Hazuki spends longer than any of them did sitting on the toilet, as by the time her stream finally trickles to a halt, the water has turned a bright, almost neon yellow, the water level has risen noticeably, and the formerly prominent protrusion of Hazuki's piddle pot has vanished, leaving the girl's trim tummy completely flat. "Well," comments Onpu as the last few drops of her girlfriend's pee fall into the bowl, "That was a very hot show, but Hazuki-chan needs to take a penalty for being the first to lose... I suggest we make her stay on the toilet so that the rest of us will have to nestle between her thighs to use it... at least until one of us think of something better... and since Hazuki-chan is out of the game, I guess I should give someone else a dare..." Turning to the other couple, Onpu taps her chin in thought before declaring, "Shimakura, I dare you to run your hands under warm water in the sink!" "Wh-what!" cries the still desperate of the meganeko at Onpu's words, thighs pressed together and a hand clamped over her crotch as she bounces in place. "Come on, my dear Shutterbug," coaxes Reika, guiding her trembling girlfriend over to the sink and starting the water, Kaori flinching at the sound, but Reika and Onpu not showing any sign of it bothering them despite their bladder bulges not being much smaller than Kaori's. Though she fights against it, kaori is no match in her current condition as Reika forces her hands under the running water, Kaori's trembling growing stronger as she strains to not let her personal faucet unleash a warm stream even more powerful than the one pouring into the sink. Reika shows mercy after a 30 count, but Kaori's desperation doesn't taper off much, if at all, the photographer clapping both hands over her girlhood and breaking into a full potty dance... her gaze going back and forth between the girl who ordered her latest torment and the girl who executed it.