"So, where should we go for lunch?" Asks Reika. "Um..." starts Kaori nervously, "I'm kind of in the mood for Ramen, if that's okay with you." "Hmmm..." replies Reika, "A bit plebian, but if that's what Kaori-chan wants, that's what I'll treat Kaori-chan to." "Huh?" replies Kaori as the blonde grabs her wrist as they reach the bottom of the Library's front steps and starts to briskly lead the bespectacled girl through the foot paths of Misora. Once she's recovered from the initial shock of her rich friend's sudden enthusiasm, Kaori comments, "I can pay for my own lunch." "Nonsense," replies Reika. "Being of clearly higher station, of course I'm going to treat my girlfriend on our first date, even if it is just Ramen. Going dutch just wouldn't do." "Gi-girlfriend?! Da-date?!" stammers the photographer, caught off guard by the blonde's declaration. "Of course! after what happened not half an hour ago, how could our relationship not have changed thusly?" replies Reika as the pair arrive in front of a ramen shop, and one looking rather high-end for such an establishment. As they're seated and place their orders, Kaori is grateful for the menu to help hide her blush from their waitress, but no sooner as the older girl has taken their orders and departed, Reika slides her chair around the table until it's practically touching Kaori's before leaning in to plant a kiss on the hottest part of the photographer's fiery cheek, the blonde seeming unconcerned that they're now in a crowded restaurant instead of somewhere with at least some simile of privacy. Leaning away from the kiss, Kaori stammers, "O-ojousama...we-we're in public." "Kaori-chan is so cute when she's flustered," replies Reika, putting a hand under the bespectacled girl's chin to turn her head so their eyes meet through those oval lenses, "and no need to be so formal, it's only natural for my girlfriend to address me as Reika-chan instead of like a loyal retainer would." With that, Reika leans in again, this time planting her lips squarely upon Kaori's lips, the pigtailed girl no longer having the willpower to fight her dominant girlfriend's affections. "Well, don't you two make a cute couple." comments their waitress as she returns with their meal, Kaori's face going crimson at being caught while Reika thanks the older girl for their food as if nothing out of the ordinary happened. The pair eat their ramen in mostly companionable silence, chasing the hot noodles with lots of tea, though Reika uses the hand not holding her chop sticks to sneak under the table to caress Kaori's thigh on more than one occasion. As they finish their meal and the waitress clears their table, Reika hands the girl a single bank note, the older girl's eyes lighting up as she spots the denomination, though Reika escorts Kaori to the register before the photographer can see just how much of a tip the blonde left. As they reach the register, Kaori reaches to pull her wallet from her camera bag only for Reika to stop her, "I told you, lunch is on me." "But I can pay my own..." replies Kaori weakly. "If you insist, you can pay next time." replies Reika, placing a finger to Kaori's lips as she hands the cashier a single bill and declares, "Keep the change." As the pair are about to leave, Reika spots a familiar face among the diners. Fujiwara Hazuki is sitting alone at a table, and if her rigid posture and bouncing knee are any indicator, Reika suspects the brunette, who has exchanged her usual cream-color top and orange skirt for an orange top with a white sailor collar and a white skirt, is in a state not unlike what she and her new girlfriend were prior to their impromptu bout of intimacy. Kaori follows as Reika approaches their classmate, the blonde calling out, "Good Afternoon, Fujiwara-san." "Go-Good Afternoon, Ta-tamaki-san, Shi-Shimakura-san." replies Hazuki, her voice revealing that the shy girl is nervous about something. "Why are you sitting alone, Fujiwara?" asks Reika to the more reserved rich girl, "Are you waiting for someone?" "On-onpu-chan was suppose to meet me here for lunch, but apparently, she's running a bit late." replies the orange ojamajo, adjusting her large, round glasses and crossing one leg over the other as she taps a sandalled foot against the restaurant's tiled floor. "Segawa-san?" asks Reika, more than a bit surprised, "I would've thought you'd be meeting Harukaze-san or Yada-san for a lunch date." a teasing tone slipping into her voice at the end. "It-it's not a date!" denies Hazuki, her lengs fogging over as pink dusts her cheeks. "If it's not a date, then why are you so nervous?" Asks Reika, not believing the girl's denial, but suspecting there's more to her fidgeting than simply being nervous about a date. Sitting up straight and schooling her features, Hazuki doubles down on her denial, "Onpu-chan and I are just friends." While the two rich girls converse, Kaori, feeling unusually shy and perhaps a bit fearful that Reika will announce the shift in their relationship to Hazuki if she cuts in can feel the first twinges as the broth and tea from her lunch start to work their way to her bladder, a process made all the quicker thanks to the ramen shop's air conditioning more than keeping the summer heat from outdoors at bay. However, before Kaori can speak up, the girl Hazuki has been waiting for arrives, the child idol with hair and eyes of amethyst dressed for the season in a lavender crop top with spaghetti straps and some matching denim shorts that are barely long enough to not be scandalous. "Hello, Hazuki-chan, sorry I'm late." greets the youngest of the gathered girls, "Oh, hi Tamaki-san, Shimakura-san, fancy meeting you here." adds the purple apprentice upon noticing the brunette already has company. "Good afternoon, Segawa-san." replies Reika to the child idol's greeting as the purple-haired girl boldly walks up to Hazuki and places a kiss on the tip of the slightly older ojamajo's nose, lingering long enough for the bespectacled girl's glasses to fog over. "Have you done as I asked?" Whispers Onpu barely loud enough for Reika and Kaori to overhear as she pulls Hazuki into a one-armed hug, the purple apprentice's free hand cupping Hazuki's abdomen right where the hem of the sailor top meets the waistband of the skirt, much too low to be an attempt to cup a budding breast, but way too high to be aiming for the now crimson-faced girl's hidden treasure. Seeming to smile at what she feels under her palm, Onpu gives Hazuki no time to react as she places a second kiss on the blushing brunette's parted lips. Kaori is nearly as shocked as Hazuki herself at Onpu's bold display of girl-on-girl affection that seems way too intimate for just being friends, but Reika only smiles as she asks, "So, Segawa-san, are you dating Fujiwara-san?" pulling her own bespectacled lover into a one armed hug as the words slide from her lips. "Pulling away from a thoroughly flustered Hazuki, Onpu responds, "Of course we're dating, though I suspect my little meganeko denied it before I arrived. She seems convinced that me having a girlfriend would hurt my career if it got out even though I keep telling her that we'd make an awesome duet with her the sugar to my spice and that letting slip that we're also a couple would only drive the boys crazy as they fantasize about having a threesome." While Hazuki looks ready to go supernova and to drop through the floor, Onpu turns a smiling face towards the couple ignorant of magic and asks, "You and Shimakura-san seem closer than usual... are you two dating as well?" "Why, yes we are!" replies Reika without hesitation as she tilts her head to give Kaori a kiss on the scalp, making the photographer's cheeks pinken, "In fact, we're on our first date." "How nice." comments Onpu, "You two make a cute couple." "Well, I think we'll let you and Fujiwara-san enjoy your date." adds Reika, leading Kaori out of the restaurant, Onpu calling a farewell to their backs. Once outside, Reika walks around the ramen shop's exterior, stopping when she finds an angle that lets her see Onpu and Hazuki's table that hopefully won't make it obvious the pair are spying on the other couple before asking her companion, "Kaori-chan, do you have that digital camcorder I bought you recently with you?" "Y-Yes, why?" Asks Kaori, the journalist finally finding her voice after the bombshell of learning there's another lesbian couple in their grade at Misora First Elementary and Reika's rather amorous outing of their budding relationship to said other couple. "Get it out," demands Reika, "I'm sure Fujiwara-san was in rather desperate need when we found her, she's too smart for it to be due to poor planning, and with how Segawa-san was acting, I suspect Fujiwara-san is deliberately holding on Segawa-san's orders... besides, given your position as the school's news hound, I'm sure you're just as curious as I am and would love to break a scoop like this." Her earlier shock and embarrassment forgotten, Kaori makes quick work of retrieving her camcorder from her camera bag, ensuring it has fresh batteries, and turning it towards the two ojamajo. Spotting a nearby bench, Reika takes a seat and pulls Kaori on to her lap to watch the camcorder's flip out screen over the bespectacled girl's shoulder. Though way too far to pick up any conversation even if they didn't have a window and a restaurant full of people between them, the zoom lens on the state-of-the-art camera that Kaori could've never afforded herself, but which she treasures more because it was a gift from the girl currently wrapping her arms around her than for its substantial price tag, allows the pair of voyeurs to observe Onpu and Hazuki as if they were standing next to their table. As they watch the same waitress who had taken their order jot down the Ojamajo's orders, Reika takes advantage of their current position to place a hand atop the protrusion of the photographer's piddle pot, gently rubbing it and reminding Kaori of the broth and tea quickly working through her system. Nibbling Kaori's earlobe, Reika whispers, "How about a little wager? If you can outlast Fujiwara-san, I'll give you a nice reward, but if she has the stronger bladder..." the blonde trailing off. "Wh-what's the reward?" Asks Kaori before adding, "and what if I lose?" softly stroking her shutterbug's swollen sack of liquid gold, slowly increasing pressure as she does so, Reika replies, "Hmmm... I think I'll keep the reward a secret for now, as for the penalty... I'll parade my wet, little shutterbug in front of Segawa-san and Fujiwara-san, informing them you insisted on spying on them even as you needed to go and seeing where things go from there." Reika gives Kaori several seconds to let the threat sit in before asking, "So, is my little shutterbug up to the challenge?" "Ye-yes!" declares the bespectacled photographer before regaining her confidence to make a boast, "Besides, I peed shortly before lunch, Fujiwara-san looks like she's been holding all-day... or even skipped her morning pee." "I like seeing you so confident," comments Reika, "but don't think I'm going to go easy on my little shutterbug." With that, Reika presses firmly upon Kaori's protruding piddle pot, a powerful pulse meeting the action. Meanwhile, at the table, the pair of Ojamajo chat away as they await their lunch, neither yet aware of the other couple spying on them as Hazuki slides her chair closer to Onpu and whispers in the idol's ear, "Onpu-chan, that was way too far for public displays of affection! What if a bystander had recognized you and overheard! and how many times do I have to tell you I have too much stage fright to do more than pretend to be one of the girls in your backup band?" "Calm down, Hazuki-chan," soothes Onpu, "I'd gladly announce that I have a girlfriend on my radio show if you'd let me, I don't care if some hometown rumors start as long as they're true... and besides, I keep telling you your voice is nearly as beautiful as your violin playing... and you certainly didn't seem to have any stage fright during your last violin recital." "Classical and Idol concerts are completely different!" insists Hazuki, "When I play the violin before a silent audience, I can close my eyes and pretend I'm all alone... if I formed an Idol Duo with you, I'd have to actually engage with the crowd... the only reason I wasn't a nervous wreck when Doremi-chan, Ai-chan, and I pretended to be your backup band is because I knew the keyboard wasn't actually connected to the sound system and if anyone's attention wavered from you, it would be towards Doremi as the guitarist... and if anyone recognized me from that performance, I'd probably be expected to do some keyboard solos when that's more Doremi-chan's instrument." Instead of listening to her girlfriend's rant, most of which she's heard before, Onpu places a hand on Hazuki's knee, slowly sliding her fingers up the inside of the brunette's thigh, pausing only briefly at the hem of the white, pleated skirt as if choosing a path at a fork in the road before eventually taking the high road to cup Hazuki's hardened tinkle tank, the bespectacled girl losing steam as she lets out a squeak of "On-onpu-chan." Naturally, without the camera being able to pick up audio, Kaori and Reika only see the other couple trading whispers, completely unaware of what's being said, though assuming something romantic as they spot the idol's handmaking it's journey from Hazuki's knee to the shy girl's bladder bulge. Leaning in, Onpu silences Hazuki's protests with a kiss on the lips, the brunette's glasses clouding over and her cheeks going redder than Doremi's odango, Kaori's camera capturing the kiss in full HD. At the same time, Onpu's hand starts moving faster, less caressing the brainy brunette's bulging bladder and more like the purple-haired girl is trying to shake a bottle of water. Seeing the idol's actions on the camcorder's display, Reika does her best to mirror them on Kaori's protruding piddle pot, but when Kaori doesn't seem to squirm as much as Hazuki, she sneaks a hand under the shutterbug's skirt to tease the junior journalist's girlhood as the blonde looks around for something to help level the playing field between the pair of meganeko. While Reika is distracted with her search and Kaori by her girlfriend's heavy petting, the pair of voyeurs miss Hazuki stiffening up a bit just before the same waitress that had brought Reika and Kaori's lunch delivers Onpu and Hazuki's lunch, though they can guess from the full-face blush Hazuki has and the waitress apparent bout of giggles that she had a similar reaction to catching the pair of Ojamajo she had had for the rich girl and her shutterbug. "Hey, Kaori-chan," Reika whispers in the pig-tailed girl's ear, "I think Fujiwara might be at a bit of a disadvantage at the moment... there's a nearby water fountain, and a vending machine with jumbo cans of iced coffee. How about I get you a drink?" Meanwhile, still unaware of their audience, Hazuki scolds her girlfriend as she breaks apart a pair of chopsticks, "Onpu-chan, you nearly made me lose it just then. Are you trying to make me have a public accident?" "Maybe I am," replies Onpu, waiting for the brunette to slurp up a long strand of noodles before asking, "Is Hazuki-chan really that worried about that happening?" Making the orange ojamajo splutter as the purple Ojamajo breaks apart her own chopsticks and digs into her own lunch. "I-I'm n-not th-thirsty" stammers Kaori, struggling to keep her camera steady as Reika continues teasing her. "What's the matter, Kaori-chan?" asks Reika, "Afraid you won't be able to outlast Fujiwara without an advantage? And besides, it's hot out, you need to stay hydrated... I couldn't live with myself if I let my cute, little shutterbug develop heat stroke." Despite her reluctance, the flustered photographer doesn't put up much resistance as Reika stands, pushing Kaori to her feet as well and leads the girl towards the water fountain, only pausing to let the pig-tailed girl sit the camera on the bench, still pointed towards Onpu and Hazuki's table as the pair of Ojamajo start eating their ramen. Once at the water fountain, Reika gently nudges Kaori between the shoulder blades, prompting the more reserved girl to bend over and drink, Kaori guzzling greedily as cool water erupts from the fountain, the photographer only realizing just how much of a lie she had stammered not a minute ago as she drinks deeply despite desperate demands to the contrary from her rapidly filling waste water reservoir. As Kaori drinks, Reika can't help but notice the way the photographer's posture makes her perky posterior stick out or the way the back of her shutterbug's skirt is too short to completely conceal the back of the bent over girl's thighs... and the blonde can't help wondering if she would be getting a pantyshot from this angle if Kaori wasn't currently going commando. Kaori's cute, little bubble butt proves too much of a temptation for the blonde as Reika lifts her hand, fingers spread wide and without warning, brings it down upon the photographer's perky posterior with a resounding smack, Kaori spluttering on a mouthful of water more out of shock than pain. "Ojousama!" cries the bespectacled girl once her airways are clear, falling into old habits, only to be cut off by a moan as Reika sneaks a hand under Kaori's skirt to swipe a finger along the flustered girl's slit. "Hmmm... I think you might've leaked a bit just then." comments Reika as she walks past her girlfriend as if nothing untoward had just happened and slots a 500 yen coin into the vending machine, purchasing two of the largest iced coffees as she adds, "You're going to need to be better prepared for the unexpected if you want to beat Fujiwara." Wondering just what she's gotten herself into, Kaori straightens up just in time to see Reika pop open one of the coffee cans and press the cold beverage between the bespectacled girl's budding breasts. Meanwhile, the two ojamajo enjoy their ramen in companionable near silence, only the sound of their slurping standing out from the background bustle of the restaurant. However, Onpu can't help notice Hazuki becoming increasingly squirmy in her seat, the purple-haired girl hiding a smile behind a long strand of noodles as she covertly studies her girlfriend's growing desperation. Shivering slightly from the cold coffee pressed against her chest, Kaori accepts it with a quiet, "Thank you, Reika-chan." but simply holds the can in both hands even as Reika starts sipping her own coffee. The pair of voyeurs return to the bench just in time to witness Hazuki and Onpu finishing their noodles, Hazuki clearly quite fidgety. as she leans in to whisper something in Onpu's ear. Quietly, so only the idol can hear, the brunette pleads, "Please, Onpu-chan, let me go to the ladies' room." Tapping a finger against her chin as if thinking it over, Onpu eventually replies, "Maybe after we've had dessert," before adding in a whisper, "and of course, only if I come with." With that, Onpu flags down their waitress, letting her clear away their empty bowls as the pair order dessert. As Reika and Kaori watch Onpu and Hazuki eat dessert, the blonde snakes her hand under the photographer's skirt, her fingers performing a feather light dance upon the pigtailed girl's petals as the rich girl whispers, "Kaori-chan, you aren't drinking your coffee... You don't want it to heat up from the summer sun, do you?" "N-no, Reika-chan," replies Kaori, the hand holding her camera struggling to remain steady as the bespectacled girl lifts her can hesitantly to her lips and takes a sip. Smiling at the sight of her shutterbug adding extra liquid to what's already working its way through her system, Reika runs her index finger along Kaori's slit, making the photographer moan into her drink. Reika's smile grows into a cheshire grin as Kaori seems to catch on, rewarding the photographer with a delightful pinch of her clit when she audibly gulps down a whole mouthful of the chilled coffee. This little game of the dominant girl quietly encouraging her more submissive half to drink through sensual touches continues until they notice Onpu and Hazuki stand up and head for the register, the purple-haired girl strolling confidently as ever while her brunette companion follows with an almost march-like stiffness. Out of sight of Kaori's Camera, Onpu pays for her and Hazuki's lunch as the bespectacled ojamajo inches towards the restrooms across from the counter, but before she can reach for the door handle, Onpu grabs her hand and drags her out of the restaurant. "On-onpu-chan, I-i ne-need the la-ladies' room..." squeaks Hazuki barely above a whisper, only for the purple-haired girl to continue on as if she hadn't heard. As the pair of Ojamajo leave the restaurant, Reika spots them, whispering to Kaori, "Looks like the other girls have finished their lunch." "Sh-should we follow them?" asks Kaori. "My shutterbug must be more flustered than she's letting on if she's questioning whether to pursue a scoop," Teases Reika in reply, Helping the bespectacled girl to her feet before adding in a whisper, "Or are you starting to feel as desperate as Fujiwara clearly is?" Blushing, Kaori retorts, "I'm just off my game because of how much you're teasing me." as she packs away her camcorder, lacking no good means of keeping it steady while walking, but pulls out a still camera with a neck strap before the pair follow behind the other couple at a distance that should keep their foot steps out of earshot of their quarry.