Though the summer sun had initially felt good on Kaori's pale skin, the lack of wind as Kaori makes her way through the foot paths of Misora soon leave her feeling parched, and despite the protests from her bladder, the bespectacled girl makes a detour to visit a line of vending machines not far out of her way. As the preteen photographer extracts a few 100 yen coins from the coin purse she keeps in her camera bag, she's distracted by someone calling her name, "Shimakura-san!", her hands brushing the button for the machine's largest can of tea as she glances up to find the source. Approaching her is Reika, the blonde's long hair held in a single braid instead of hanging loose as it does on most days, her usual orange dress having been replaced with a white v-neck tank top and matching, pleated skirt." Pulling the oversized can of tea from the machine, Kaori returns the greeting, "Good morning, Tamaki-san!" For several moments, Kaori feels her friend's gaze roaming over her before the blonde finally declares, "You look cute in that outfit, nice to see you showing a more feminine side for once." Popping her can open, Kaori takes a sip of the ice-cold tea to hide her blush at the rich girl's compliment as the pair start walking down the sidewalk in companionable silence, the tingling in Kaori's loins growing as the blonde's words replay in the pig-tailed girl's head. "So, what are you up to this morning?" Asks Reika, breaking the silence. "I was just heading to the library." replies Kaori, shifting from foot-to-foot as much from the slightly too warm pavement as from her bloated bladder or nervousness that her friend will notice her condition. "That sounds nice," starts Reika, "I've got nothing better to do, so I think I'll join you." "That sounds great!" replies Kaori as they continue towards the library, the number of people on the sidewalk increasing as they head towards downtown Misora. However, before they completely leave the residential districts behind, the pair come across a group of young children splashing in and around a garden sprinkler, the sight and sound of the water causing Kaori to press her thighs tightly together and distracting her from her footing. And the young girl soon pays for this distraction as some of the water from the children at play has soaked the sidewalk, and hitting a rather slippery patch of concrete worn smooth over many years, Kaori can only let out a cry as her foot slides out from under her and she falls flat on her back. Turning to check on her friend, the first thing Reika notices is that Kaori's skirt flipped up in her fall, leaving the sprawled girl's underwear, or rather lack thereof, on full display. Rushing to protect her friend's modesty, Reika cries out, "Are you okay, Shimakura-san?!" As she grabs one of Kaori's arms with one arm at the same time her other hand flips the lavender skirt back down. "I'm fine, just slipped." replies Kaori as she lets the blonde help her up before examining her clothes, letting out a sigh of relief as she's sure the damp spots on her skirt and top can be blamed on the sprinklers. The pair continue in silence until they reach the large fountain sitting in the square in front of the public library, and grabbing Kaori's hand, Reika leads her friend around the side of the fountain furthest from the thickest crowds and up side stairs to a portion of the library porch both deserted and hidden from the more travelled parts by several romanesque columns. Leaning in, Reika whispers in Kaori's ear, "You look very cute down there." before stepping back and lifting up her own skirt just enough for Kaori to see that she isn't the only naughty girl walking around Misora with nothing under her skirt. As Reika drops her skirt and heads for the entrance to the Library, Kaori remains stock still, not sure what's more surprising; that Reika likes how she looks down there, that Reika would walk around in a skirt without any panties, that Reika would show Kaori hers, or just how pretty the blonde looked without panties... "Are you coming, Shimakura-san?" Asks Reika, breaking Kaori out of her stupor and causing the photographer to jog to catch up to the rich girl. As Kaori steps into the library, a shiver runs up her spine as the breeze formed by the hot air of the summer day outside meeting the much colder air coming from the library's central AC brushes against her nether lips and her bladder contracts from the sudden drop in temperature. Though curiosity about what was going on with her privates had brought her to the library in the first place, curiosity over Reika's words has Kaori following the blonde even closer than usual, not really paying attention to what section of the library they're heading to, and before the bespectacled girl knows it, Reika has lead her into a private reading room. Gathering her courage, but still speaking barely above a whisper to ensure she can't be heard beyond the room, Kaori asks, "What was that about on the porch?" Closing the door and pushing the button to lock it, Reika turns to her friend, and dropping some of the formality the pair display in public, replies, "I meant what I said, "Kaori-chan looks very cute in that skirt, and even cuter underneath it..." Closing the distance, Reika pulls Kaori into a hug and whispers in the pig-tailed girl's ear, "And I only thought it fair you got to see mine since I saw yours." Before placing a kiss on the side of Kaori's neck. Kaori is caught off guard by how good Reika's lips feel upon her neck, initially leaning into the embrace before her mind can catch up to the situation, and remembering that they're technically in a public place, pulling away slowly, even reluctantly as she asks, "What was that for, Reika-chan?" the affectionate address slipping past the photographer's lips before she realizes. "I'm not sure why... but I just had an urge to kiss, what did you think of mine?" "Huh?" replies Kaori, caught off guard once again as she tries to stutter a reply, "It-it's very... cu-cute...I mean...pretty-" Giggling at how tongue tied the pigtailed girl is, Reika silences Kaori with a kiss on the lips, Kaori's girlhood gushing in response though Kaori is reassured by the pounding of her piddle pot that her waste waters are still well contained. Breaking the kiss much too soon for Kaori's liking, the bolder girl whispers in the shyer girl's ear, "Would you like a closer look?" and at Kaori's nod, the Blonde releases her hold on her friend, and spreading her legs apart and leaning against the wall for support, Reika lifts her skirt, exposing her bald pubic mound as Kaori drops to her knees. Between showering with the other girls after gym class, the occasional trip to the bath house, and numerous sleepovers which included bathing together, this is far from the first time Kaori has seen another girl naked, and far from the first time she's specifically seen Reika naked, but she's never seen another girl's private place so close up before, and Kaori feels something stirring in her belly that she's sure is unrelated to the roaring rapids ready to rupture her personal reservoir. Kaori lifts a hand to Reika's girlhood, but stops short of making contact only to hear the blonde comment, "You can touch it if you want." Needing no further encouragement, Kaori's fingers brush against Reika's outer lips, the blonde shivering at the contact as she stifles a moan. Encouraged by her friend's reaction, Kaori traces her fingers along Reika's slit and the pair of valleys where inner thigh meets crotch, the blonde's love juices soon covering Kaori's hand as she bites her lip to avoid making too much noise at the photographer's touch. Continuing to rub at her friend's precious place, an intoxicating scent reach's the bespectacled girl's nose and her mouth starts to water. Trying to find the source of the irresistible scent, Kaori tilts her head upward, and as she does so, she catches sight of a swollen sac resting just below the blonde's waistband. Concluding that the more outgoing girl must be holding a fairly notable amount of pe as well, though surely much less than the ocean weighing down on Kaori's own pantyless privates, the temptation to touch that throbbing tinkle tank is too much, the photographer straightening up to place her free hand upon the protrusion in Reika's lower abdomen. As Kaori starts to massage her friend's personal pond of pee, the blonde's legs start to tremble as she protests, "Careful, Kaori-chan, I haven't been since bedti-" Only to be cut off by a loud moan as the photographer finds the source of that heavenly scent, and mind clouded by whatever has come over her, the photographer has buried her tongue in the rich girl's folds, lapping away at the blonde's girl juice as a hand continues rubbing the swollen waste water reservoir. However, Kaori hasn't completely lost herself in her lust, and as a nearby clock tower rings out the Westminster Chimes to announce that it's mid-morning, the pig-tailed girl remembers that they're in a public place and pulls away from her friend's crotch, the blonde's pleasured moans turning to frustrated groans, Kaori barely hearing a mumbled, "So close." fall from Reika's lips. "Huh?" questions the bespectacled girl, tilting her head in confusion, "What do you mean, 'so close'?" Straightening up as she tries to regain her composure, Reika replies, "With how skilled you are with your fingers, I'm assuming Kaori-chan has touched herself down there on more than one occasion." As Kaori's face turns red and she silently nods, the blonde continues, "Well, you know how the good feelings keep growing and growing until they just kind of explode and your mind goes blank as your whole body trembles?" nodding again, Kaori replies, "Yeah, I've had that happen a few times..." Dropping to her knees to look Kaori in the eye, Reika concludes, "Well, you stopped licking me just before I reached that explosion... and now the itch is worse than I can ever remember it being before." With that, Reika captures Kaori's lips in another kiss, pushing the photographer to the floor as the blonde grinds her glistening girlhood against the pig-tailed girl's thigh, the rich girl's knee pressing against the bespectacled girl's core nearly an afterthought as the pair swallow each other's moans. Before long, Kaori can feel that same sensation her friend was describing moments earlier building, but at the same time, her tremendously taut tinkle tank throbs terribly as if to warn her that giving in to her desires might prove quite wet. Kaori wants to let Reika finish, nearly as desperate for climax as the blonde, so it takes a while for the fact that they could be one pleasured scream away from someone deciding to investigate and walking in on them to prompt her to reluctantly comment, "Re-Reika-chan, if...if we don't stop... someone might find us-" "I don't care!" replies the blonde, crashing her lips upon Kaori's and grinding against the pig-tailed girl's thigh with ever increasing vigor. Kaori is ready to give into the more dominating girl's desires as she so often does when another tremendous throb from her tinkle tank threatens to unleash a torrent to soak both their skirts and the reading room floor. Breaking the kiss, Kaori lets out a strangled cry of, "If Reika-chan doesn't stop, I'm going to pee!" and hoping the blonde will show some mercy. Kaori can see reluctance in the blonde's eyes as she slows in her grinding and rises to a kneeling position, but before Kaori can think about getting up, the more dominant girl has turned around and shoved her rear in the photographer's face, the scent of arousal coming off the blonde's girlhood invading Kaori's nostrils. "If you don't want to share in that wonderful sensation, at least finish me off!" cries Reika, practically sitting atop her bespectacled friend's face. Reaching up to fondle Reika's absolutely perfect half-moons, Kaori buries her tongue in the blonde's folds, seeking out the source of that heavenly, intoxicating aroma, Reika moaning loudly under Kaori's ministrations, the one girl's inexperience in recieving cunnilingus making up for the other's lack of experience in giving it. Within a minute, Reika is grinding her girlhood against Kaori's mouth, exclaiming, "YES! Almost there!" over and over until with one last cry of pleasure, the blonde throws her head back and sprays Kaori's face in her juices. Closing her eyes and opening her mouth as wide as possible, Kaori catches as much of Reika's release on her tongue as she can manage, not turning her head even as a tangy undertone and a more pungent scent join the aromas and flavors assaulting the photographer's senses, even as her tinkle tank throbs terribly as more liquid slides down her throat and her own loins threaten to burn her alive for insisting the blonde halt her attentions upon the bespectacled girl's feminine folds. It is only when Reika cries out, "Oh my, I'm so sorry, Kaori-chan!" that the pig-tailed girl snaps back to reality. "Huh?" as the photographer, her head still swimming from the lingering taste and scent of her best friend, "Why are you apologizing?" Blushing, the blonde replies, "Well... I leaked a bit when you gave me that amazingly good feeling." Before Kaori can decide whether to be disgusted that she just drank some of her friend's pee or admit that she enjoyed it, her own piddle pot produces a powerful pulse of protest, making Kaori grab her crotch and let out a whimper, "I don't think I can hold it much longer..." Though she can feel her own tinkle tank throbbing terribly, especially given how she managed to mostly thwart it's efforts to use Kaori's mouth as a urinal, Reika is sure she's the more composed of the pair at the moment. Reaching one hand under her skirt to cup her glistening girlhood, Reika winces as she bends over to offer her other hand to Kaori, the photographer seeming reluctant to pull a hand away from her own crotch to accept the blonde's assistence. Once both girls are on their feet, both their thighs trembling with the strain of keeping their waste waters contained, the pair exit the private reading room in search of the ladies' room. Fortunately, their destination isn't hard to find, but when they get there, there is a line of at least a dozen girls already standing there. The pair join the line, hoping none of the girls ahead of them will take long, but as the budding couple wait their turn, seconds feeling like minutes, minutes feeling like hours, their tinkle tanks throb nearly incessantly... and then, as they get close enough to see the girls going in and out, they realize something that makes it feel like a lead weight has been dropped on top of their bloated, bursting bladders: It's a single occupancy restroom. "Umm..." starts Reika in a nervous whisper, "When did you last use the... facilities?" finishing weakly, unable to think of a more polite way of asking the question with the persistent pressure pulsing powerfully within her painfully pounding, prodigiously protruding, poised to pop piddle pot. "Um... I'm not sure," replies Kaori, just as quietly, "I didn't go before bed, and I skipped a morning pee, so..." as the bespectacled girl trails off, she fails to notice Reika's expression falling. "I went before bed," replies Reika before reluctantly adding, "so you should go first." Reika doesn't want to wait any longer than necessary, but the blonde can't bring herself to force Kaori to hold it while she seeks relief. "No,, Ojou-sama should go first." replies Kaori, wanting to accept the offer, but likewise unwilling to put her own needs before her friend's... or is Reika her girlfriend now? needs. The two continue to insist the other goes first until they find themselves alone in front of the restroom door, everyone ahead of them having done their business and left and no one having joined the line after them. Eventually, Reika gets an idea, declaring, "Let's go together." and before Kaori can process the statement, Reika has dragged the pig-tailed girl inside the bathroom, locked the door, and approached the, thankfully in this case, western-style toilet. Finally catching up to the situation, Kaori asks, "What do you mean, together?" Hiking up her skirt and hoping she doesn't have to explain further, Reika replies, "You can straddle my lap." Before plopping upon the toilet seat, knees held apart as her stream jets full force from her girlhood. Nearly losing it at the sight and sound of Reika's stream, Kaori hastily hikes up her own skirt and plops down on Reika's lap, the two girls facing each other, Kaori's bare bottom nestling between Reika's knees in the nick of time as Kaori's stream joins Reika's, the twin tinkle torrents crossing beneath the pair as they bask in shared relief, the pair embracing as they relax as the strain of holding their respective tinkle tides seeps away. After what seems like an eternity, their combined streams taper to a trickle and then finally stop, the bathroom growing quiet aside from the two girls sighing in relief, only for the silence to be broken as a nearby clock tower rings out the Westminster chimes for noon. As the urgency of one need passes, another need reasserts itself, and ignoring the chimes for the moment, the pair bring their lips together once more, their tongues soon dancing back and forth between their joined mouths, their surroundings forgotten once more. As the pair make out, Reika's hand traces Kaori's spine through the photographer's top, eventually coming to rest under the pig-tailed girl's skirt, gently squeezing a perfectly plump half-moon before continuing further south. As the blonde's fingers graze the bespectacled girl's enflamed folds, still glistening with both her love juices and her piddle, Kaori let's out a moan that would've alerted anyone passing by the locked door to their activities if not for Reika being there to swallow it. Kaori squirms upon Reika's lap, but having no reason to hold back anymore, she puts up no resistence as Reika slides first one, then two dainty fingers within the photographer's depths. Soon, the blonde is furiously finger fucking her friend, Reika's other hand on the back of Kaori's head to maintain their lip lock the only thing keeping the bespectacled girl quiet as those dainty digits wriggle wildly within her immature womanhood. Before long, Kaori's cozy cunny tightens like a vice around Reika's invading fingers, the pig-tailed girl trembling like a leaf in a hurricane as she finally careens over the edge, the climax she deferred while they were in the reading room all the stronger for the delay. As Kaori collapses in afterglow against Reika's chest, Reika lets her friend's lips slip from her own as she asks, "Did you enjoy that, my little shutterbug?" "Th-that was great." pants Kaori, still breathless from the experience. The pair fall into companionable silence for a minute or two before a loud growl from their stomachs remind them of the time. "I guess we should get some lunch." comments Reika. "Yeah," replies Kaori, "I guess our research trip is a bust though." After taking turns dabbing their girlhoods with toilet paper, the pair quickly wash their hands and make sure they're presentable before exiting the bathroom and the library.