As she enters the kitchen, Kaori is greeted by a taller, more mature looking version of herself, matching, oval frame eyeglasses included, and a cry of, "Good morning, Kaori dear." as the older woman approaches and bends down to place a kiss on the photographer's forehead. As the woman retreats, Kaori returns the greeting, "Good morning, Mama!" before taking her seat at the table. "I just finished the first batch," comments Kaori's mother as she places dishes on the table, "so there'll be more if you want it." Spotting the platter of hotcakes and the various bowls of baked fruit her mother has laid out, Kaori quickly fills her plate with the buttery, fluffy, pan-fried pastry before topping the stack with a mixture of apples, strawberries, and blueberries and a drizzle of maple syrup. As the bespectacled girl starts to eat, the hotcakes cause her to become thirsty and Kaori pours herself a glass of orange juice. Her bladder gives a warning pang as the first mouthful of liquid slides down her throat, but instead of deterring her, the pig-tailed girl can only think, 'I wonder just how far I can push myself.' as she proceeds to guzzle down the rest of her glass and refill it, this time with Grape juice. As Kaori continues her breakfast, her mother turns from the stove to deposit a fresh batch of hotcakes on the main serving platter and noticing that all the juice containers are noticeably lower, comments, "My, my little girl is thirsty this morning." Only for Kaori to stuff a large forkful of fruit and hot cake in her mouth as an excuse to not respond. By the time Kaori is done filling her stomach, she's lost count of how many glasses of the various fruit juices she's drank as she comtemplates what to do next, her hands and face quite messy from the syrup. Guzzling down one last glass of juice, Kaori deposits her utensils on her plate before standing up, holding the plate upright in her free hand as she carries glass and plate to the sink. Her piddle pot pulses at the sound of running water as she starts to rinse her dishes, her pajama clad thighs snapping together reflexively as leftover juice, crumbs, and syrup are washed down the drain. Noticing her daughter's stiff posture, Kaori's mother asks, "Are you okay, Kaori?" Sitting her plate and glass with the frying pan her mother has yet to wash, Kaori hastily wipes her mouth with her wet hands to remove the lingering crumbs glued to her face with sticky syrup before retreating from the kitchen with a half-mumbled, "Just need to pee." A short walk later finds Kaori in the bathroom, her tinkle tank throbbing at the sight of the toilet, but the bespectacled girl ignores the porcelain fixture as she starts to unbutton her pajama shirt As she discards the fluffy garment in a nearby hamper, the preteen photographer can't help admiring her barely budding breasts in the mirror. Cupping her not quite A-cups, her nipples inexplicably having become hard like fleshy pebbles seemingly in connection to the thrill of holding a full night's pee and anticipating all that juice working through her system, Kaori wonders if she'll ever catch up to Okuyama-san, or more impressively, Kano-san even as she questions whether large breasts would be worth it or would just get in the way of her work as a journalist. Shaking her head, the bespectacled girl glances further down to see her bladder bulging noticeably, stretching the waistband of her pajama pants. She caresses her protruding piddle pot for a few seconds, feeling her pent-up pee pulsing beneath her fingertips before deciding she needs to hurry up and shower, quickly removing both her pajama bottoms and her panties, the white cotton clearly showing splatter from her earlier leak. The preteen's piddle pot pulses in protest as she starts the shower and redoubles its distress signals as she steps under the warm spray, but instead of giving in, Kaori merely savors the sensation of her waste waters splashing against the walls of her personal reservoir. Grabbing a toothbrush and tooth paste from a shower shelf, Kaori sets to the task of scrubbing her teeth clean of her sugary breakfast as she enjoys the warm water washing over her, dispelling the last remnants of sleep and invigorating her muscles. Toothbrush protruding from her foamy mouth, Kaori grabs a bar of moisturizing soap her best friend, Reika, had recommended and works up a lather on a washcloth before starting to wash her body, starting with her arms and shoulders, but soon moving to her nearly flat chest and usually trim tummy, her grapefruit-sized bladder bulge now on full display. As Kaori washes the protrusion of her pounding piddle pot and prepares to go further south, she again feels that tingle that insists she play with herself and wonders if she should give into temptation. Forcing her thighs apart despite her bladder's insistence she either keep them pressed together or let out the deluge of golden liquid she's forcing the over taxed organ to accomodate, Kaori swipes the wash cloth over her girlhood, letting out a moan she hopes her mother can't hear over the shower running as the rough cloth grazes the unusually sensitive skin of the preteen's pussy lips. Wanting more, Kaori presses the washcloth firmly against her crotch, scrubbing vigorously as if trying to wash away something foul, her girlhood starting to throb in time with her bladder and her racing heart soon joining in the pulsations spreading through the young girl's body. However, as she senses herself nearing the edge of that indescribably intense and wonderfully delightful sensation that had accompanied her near bedwetting, and fearing her bladder won't stop at a minor leak this time, she drops the washcloth and leans against the shower wall, forehead resting on crossed forearms as she breathes heavily, trying to calm herself down. Once her breathing has returned to normal, Kaori makes quick work of washing her thighs, legs, and feet, ignoring the incessant throbbing in her tinkle tank and the tingling in her girlhood before rinsing off and getting out of the shower. Toweling off and wrapping the fluffy towel around her, the bespectacled girl returns to her bedroom to get dressed, starting by pulling out her underwear drawer to spot the usual assortment of mostly cotton panties, though her hand does brush against an unopened package of silk panties Reika had given her as a birthday present. Ignoring the unopened package of silken unmentionables, Kaori picks up a pair of pink-and-blue striped panties and is about to lift a leg to put them on when the thought of how thrilling it might be to forego underwear crosses her mind. Tossing the cotton garment back in the drawer, the pig-tailed girl slams it shut before heading to her closet and pulling out one of her many copies of a functional outfit consisting of lavender slacks and a blue-collared shirt. Shimmying the pants up her slender thighs, the preteen photographer realizes a problem as she goes to button her pants. Thanks to her bulging bladder, what would usually be a snug, but comfortable fit would now make her waistband cut painfully into her piddle pot. Discarding the pants, Kaori returns to her closet, and after rummaging a bit, she finds a lavender skirt that should fit over her bulging bladder nicely, and though she briefly questions her decision to go pantiless, she steps into the dress, telling herself, 'If I back down over something as unimportant as modesty, it'll be all the easier to give up on a scoop the moment I run into an obstacle.' Hiking the waistband of the skirt to rest just above her protruding piddle pot, Kaori notices the hem falls just to the tips of her fingers, leaving her knees exposed. Plenty long for modesty as long as no one tries to peek up her skirt, though a stiff breeze might give any passers by a show, but this only seems to enhance her excitement as she reaches for her shirt. However, as Kaori is about to pull on her shirt, she can hear Reika scolding her that her usual ensemble is fine, but the shirt doesn't go with the skirt and again, the bespectacled girl steps into her closet. She emerges less than a minute later with a spaghetti strap top in a sky blue, and pulling it on, she finds it leaves her shoulders completely exposed and that it would show a bit of cleavage if she had any to show. She also decides it's supposed to be a middriff top, but with how she's hiked up her skirt, hem and waistband are barely touching. Deciding that her fashion conscious friend would approve and that it's appropriate for visiting the library during summer vacation, Kaori shoulders her camera bag and heads for the front door of her family's modest home. Deciding to go barefoot, Kaori slips a pair of flip-flops into a side compartment of her bag just in case and calls out, "I'm leaving!" As she heads out the door. As she leaves, she barely hears her mom's reply of "Have a good day, Kaori dear. Stepping into the sun, Kaori can't help thinking, 'This is perfect beach weather, I should really talk with Reika about arranging a trip.' as she starts walking down the path leading towards the local library.