The morning sun is barely filtering through the curtains of her bedroom windows as Shimakura Kaori is drawn into the waking world by a warm fullness in her lower belly. The young photographer had drank a rather large mug of warm milk before going to bed without visiting the toilet, and now, the half-asleep preteen nearly purrs at how pleasantly plump her piddle pot had grown in the night, her pajama-clad thighs rubbing together subconsciously. Barely opening her eyes, she squints at the alarm clock on her nightstand, the large digits, glowing a bright, neon green, blurry without her glasses to discover she has a little less than half-an-hour until her alarm goes off. Not nearly long enough to try for more sleep, but her fluffy pajamas and blankets make her bed far too comfy to leave easily unless necessary, and although her full bladder is being rather insistent that she get up and go pee, she rather enjoys the sensations of a full bladder and can feel a tingle building in her undies, one unrelated to needing to urinate, but which she's recently learned seems to be intensified if she addresses it while on a full tinkle tank. With a half-formed thought of 'too comfy to get up' Kaori hugs her pillow tightly to her chest, the simple action pressing the fluffy fleece of her pajama shirt against the surprisingly sensitive nipples of her budding breasts, a pleased murmur muffled against the pillow as she rolls over on her stomach. The shift in position places pressure upon the preteen's piddle pot, the pleasant pulsing of pent-up pee all the more prominent as a result. Though the aspiring journalist is initially satisfied to simply savor the sensations as a whole night's worth of waste water washes warmly over the walls of her personal reservoir while wrapped in the warmth of her night clothes and bedding, Kaori can feel the other tingling in her tummy growing and it soon surpasses the point where rubbing her thighs together is enough to keep desire at bay. Almost without thought or bidding, one of her hands slowly trails down her body to cup her precious place through her pajama pants, the slight bulge of her bladder pressing against the pulse point in her wrist, making her all the more aware of her tinkle tank throbbing tantalizingly in time with her heartbeat as she starts rubbing herself through her bottoms. This isn't the girl's first time pleasuring herself in such a manner, or even the first time while holding back such a flood of pent-up piddle, but she's still inexperienced enough that even such indirect stimulation is enough to make her pleasured murmurs grow in to full moans of delight, though thankfully muffled against the pillow her other arm is holding in a deathgrip, the thought of alerting her parents and having them walk in on such a scene mortifying. However, it isn't very long before Kaori's immature flower is demanding more, and the girl pulls her hand back just enough and lifts her butt in the air just enough to allow her hand to slip past not only the waistband of her pajamas, but the waistband of her panties as well to cup her girlhood directly, her hairless mound fitting perfectly in her palm as her dainty thumb and pinky rest in the grooves where thigh and crotch meet, her index and ring fingers rest atop her preteen petals, and her middle finger comes to rest directly on her slit. Letting her full weight sink back into her mattress, Kaori gently slides the tip of her middle finger along her slit and soon finds what she's searching for, a small hole she only recently realized was even there but is clearly distinct from the hole she pees from, and though she has no idea what purpose the unfamiliar bit of her anatomy serves, she knows one thing: sliding her finger in and out of that hole brings her nearly indescribable pleasure. And it is just this that kaori does, the tip of her middle finger sinking into her pleasure passage, the fit nearly too snug for even the single digit, but giving little resistence thanks to the lubricating liquid Kaori is pretty sure isn't pee but which has by now coated the entirety of her palm and fingers. Reaching the third knuckle and unable to go any deeper, Kaori can tell she hasn't reached her innermost depths,, ,and though she's thought a time or two of probing her passage with something like a pencil or pen, she's never been so bold. However, thoughts of such experiments are far from the preteen photographer's mind as she starts to slide her finger in and out of her passage, not knowing if the specific act she's performing has a name, but loving the sensations it sends shooting up her spine, especially in combination with likewise pleasurable pulses from her piddle pot far too much to care at the moment. She soon feels herself building to something she's only experienced a time or two before, a sense of a coil being wound tighter and tighter in preparation to snap in an explosion of pure pleasure. It's tempting to race unrestrained towards that finish line, but at that moment, Kaori's tinkle tank throbs as if to warn her of what happened the last time she did so with a full bladder and the embarrassment that had followed when her mother had caught her, standing in piddled pajamas, in the process of stuffing soaked sheets into the washing machine. 'No' thinks Kaori through the fog of her pleasure, 'a good journalist never backs down in the pursuit of a scoop, so I can't back down in the face of such a challenge from my own body!' With resolve to experience that all-consuming good feeling without losing control of her bladder, telling herself, 'I only wet that one time because it caught me off guard.', Kaori picks up the speed of her thrusting finger as she unconsciously rises to her knees, sticking her butt in the air while continuing to keep her head down, muffling her moans against her pillow. Without realization, her ring finger joins her middle finger in probing her immature depths, her copious girl juices making for easy passage even as her internal muscles nearly crush the invading digits as she clenches every muscle in her pelvis in an effort to hold back the flood as that wonderful explosion of pleasure the young photographer has no word for approaches rapidly. And then, before she knows it, the coil snaps and the girl's entire body spasms as her mind goes blank from the intense pleasure, her middle and ring fingers buried to the third knuckle as that hand grips her pubic bone as tightly as her young flesh will allow and she bites down on her pillow to muffle a scream of ecstasy. Only a single spurt escapes to dampen her palm, not that she can notice this through her pleasure, and when she finally comes down, the sensation of wetness around her crotch nearly has the girl in a panic as she bolts upright, throwing her covers off in the process an tries to examine the damage. Naturally, the sunlight filtering through her curtains isn't enough to illuminate the situation, though it is enough that her eyes aren't reduced to agony as the arm that was hugging her pillow reaches for her bedside lamp, though the scene is still too blurry to make anything out until she places her oval-frame glasses upon her nose. She lets out a sigh of relief and collapses to sit on her heels when she realizes her bedding is still dry, as are her pajamas, her panties having absorbed most of the damage with just a few spots of yellow from where her leak had seeped between her fingers. As panic drains away, Kaori becomes aware once more of the fullness in her bladder as her alarm finally goes off. Letting her bottoms snap back in place, Kaori stands up and turns off her alarm, wondering how to start the less self-indulgent part of her morning as she absent-mindedly wipes her hand on her pajama-clad thigh. Before she can fully contemplate her options, another bodily need makes itself known as her stomach growls, and placing the hand that hadn't recently been buried in her panties to her mid-section, Kaori wonders to herself, "Has Mama started on breakfast yet?" before exiting her bedroom, her barefeet padding softly on the carpet of her family's small home.