Kitten's Kinky Karaoke Klub Page 12 adriangache "Alright, let's see how long you can hold on for," Adrian says. "Can you describe how you're feeling right now?" Melificentfan Lindz watches kitten disappear as she shakes her head "Looks like I won the pissing contest" she says with a chuckle Imouto Kitten "Okay, for now, I'm going to experiment with posting updates in the same text file that collects responses." Comments Kitten from the bar. "The response form shouldn't overwrite anything, but I'll be keeping a offline copy of this just in case. As for those new characters I mentioned, now that I've got my own webspace, I think I'm going to put together a profiles page for all of my original characters before bringing them into the Klub. In the meantime, if you visit: And check out the original Kreations folder, In addition to finding the source for Pipi(Piddle Pucelle Pipi), Roxie, Raven, and Alex(The Genderbent Warrior), and Hiko and her honey bunnies(Fox and Bunny), you'll find my newest Kreation, The Sorcerer and His little Queen, which introduces a couple of the new characters I mentioned." "Anyways, enough rambling from the author avatar." As plentiful pints of piddle pour forth from Pipi's precious place, the blonde goes nearly completely limp upon the toilet seat, her back resting against the tank, her thighs parting further and her arms dangling over her at random as her eyes glaze over in relief and she lets out a long sigh of relief that borders on a moan. In an almost dreamy tone, the young girl replies, "Feels nice to finally go after holding so long... don't think I've ever held so much or for so long before... and I actually managed to make it to the toilet without soaking my shorts and making a puddle." Her slightly opened mouth curles into a smile at this last part. In the woods, the offshoot of Kitten, kitty cock still hard and belly still big with alitter of kittens, reappears now that the crisis has been handled, though she's no longer peeing. Instead of trying to blame her loss on outside factors, the catgirl graciously accepts her defeat, "So you did." replies Kitten, ears and tail lowering in an almost canine display of submission, "Did you have any particular reward you wanted to claim as winner or any particular penalty you wished to place upon the loser?" Before Linds can reply, a cry of "it...It's coming out!" draws attention towards Alex, a stain about the size and color of a gold piece now clearly visible on the crotch of the former man's white leotard. Melificentfan Lindz shakes her head "Nope but I think that we should help Alex she's loosing it" she says adriangache "It seems you were holding a lot, yeah. How much did you leak overall? Do you mind showing me?" Then, to Kitten, "After five minutes to enjoy her relief, could you maybe fill her back up to 95%? There are a few other things I'd like to try." "Yeah, I think we should." agrees Kitten, bounding over to Alex. "I think maybe if two of us hold her arms to help her balance in a squat and the third pulls her leotard aside, that should do the trick." comments Roxie, reaching down to pull the prone swordswoman up by one arm. "So, should I take the other arm, or her crotch?" Asks Kitten to Linds. As her stream trickles to a halt, Pipi glances down noticing quite a bit of dampness on the inside of the borrowed shorts before blushing and letting them fall to the floor before kicking them aside to allow Adrian to examine them more closely. Meanwwhile, an "_ - appears in the chat window only Adrian can see just moments before Pipi stands up and turns around to flush the toilet, inadvertantly mooning the older boy before suddenly starting to squirm anew with a cry of, "Huh!? it feels like all that pee just got flushed back into my bladder!" Melificentfan Lindz looks at kitten "I'll take her arm and you get her crotch" she says as her eyes shine with mischief adriangache "This seems rather...damp. Do you remember leaking this much," Adrian says, allowing Pipi to squirm a bit longer before giving her the next set of suggestions on how to relieve herself. As Linds takes Alex's free arm, the rogue and healer helping the swordswoman into a squat, Kitten drops to all fours before the brunette, a catty smile on her face as she reaches forward, gripping the damp crotch of Alex's leotard and pulling it aside just in time for the dam to break, the former man's tinkle trickle growing to a torrent before the futa feline's slitted eyes, a puddle quickly forming around the melee fighter's boots. However, before she can finish emptying her bladder, Alex's baby bump ripples visibly under the taut, nearly translucent fabric of her leotard as a second cascade, this one much clearer and coming from further back gushes from her girlhood, the swordswoman crying out, "Wh-what's happening?!" as her titanic tummy trembles once more. "Oh, I think her water just broke!" cries Kitten. "I guess Alex is going to be the first of us to deliver her litter." Meanwhile, in the main room of the Klub, kitten blows her nose and replies, "Sorry for the delays, I've been a sick, little sweetheart the last couple of weeks." At that moment, a pair of tall men enter the Klub, a thin man with purple hair and eyes wearing purple wizard's robes, a child with golden curls wearing a blue dress and brown boots at his side, the other a near giant with broad chest and gleaming armor, a short girl with pointed ears and long, pink hair in wine red witch's robes walking ahead of the knight. "In case you missed their stories or their entries on the profile page," comments Kitten, introducing the newcomers, "This is Friedritch of the Amethyst Arcanum and his companion Gabriella and the Witch Nina and Sir Ivan, the knight who saved her from becoming a Jack-o-lantern's plaything." "Um..." starts Pipi, shifting from foot-to-foot, seemingly too concerned with her renewed need to pee to be bothered by her being naked from the navel down, "I was kinda distracted answering questions... but I'm still surprised I didn't fully wet them during that interrogation... thankfully it wasn't as bad as a math test." adriangache "I see..." Adrian comments as he gazes over to Pipi, wanting to torment her a little more. "You seem to be a bit fidgety, what's wrong?" Lindz takes alex's arm holding her steady when her water breaks as she looks at the other girls "Anyone know how to deliver kittens?" she asks In the Main room, Kitten snaps her claws, the walls shifting to heavy timbers as the main room becomes the lobby of a rustic ski lodge, one of the walls splitting to make way for a large, stone fireplace, the logs burning within filling the room with the scent of hickory. All around the room, bows of holly snake along the walls, a large wreath every dozen feet or so. In the middle of the room, a magnificent fur tree sprouts from the wooden floor, raising nearly twenty feet to brush the rafters, a twisted garlin of gold and silver spiraling around the tree as the opening song to the Nutcracker Suite fills the room. "I think that's a good start to making this place feel appropriate to the season, though I'm open to suggestions for additional decorations." says Kitten as in a twirl, her clothes shift into a long-sleeved santa dress and the single bell on her collar gives way to a dozen smaller bells. In the forest... Raven walks up to the trio surrounding Alex and comments, "I'd be more concerned that the rest of us won't be far behind." before trailing off into unintelligible grumbling. "I haven't delivered kittens before," chips in Roxie, "But I've had to assist Raven with delivering the results of wild animals using her womb as an incubator before, and delivered several times myself without assistence." Shifting from foot-to-foot, both hands clamped over her naked girlhood and her cute, little butt wiggling as she does a shameless potty dance, Pipi replies, "I feel like the pee I just took didn't happen at all!" adriangache "That's odd," Adrian says, before continuing on with his next challenge. "Okay, so let's test out your bladder. First, you have to sit on the toilet for three minutes without peeing. You have to let out a leak every minute. After the third leak, you need to stand up and come back outside the bathroom with me." Melificentfan Lindz nods "Should we go get some towels and water?" she asks looking at the group "Th-three minutes!?" cries Pipi, shamelessly hopping from foot-to-foot, her bare bottom and bulging bladder bobbing with the motion and tears streaming down her face, "But I didn't even last three seconds when I sat on the toilet the first time!" Raven snorts, "Doubt we'll find any towels out here, and even with magic, it'd be riskier to carry Alex back to town than have Roxie perform the delivery here." With a slight grimace, Raven places a hand upon her own massively pregnant belly, but remains steady on her feet. Switching places with Kitten, Roxie comments, "Fortunately, since my mana reserves are fully topped off, I can easily keep the area clean of any plagues that might complicate the delivery. Just hold Alex-chan steady, her squating posture will help the children slide out." As Alex lets out a gasp, her baby bump rippling once more, Roxie places her hands to the ground, a white light spreading out from her palms and spreading up Alex's exposed legs and thighs. When the light fades, the mud puddle formed from the swordswoman losing her waste waters and her water breaking has turned into a stone basin embedded in the ground and filled with crystal clear water. In the main room, the decorations have switched from holly and mistletoe and lots of greenery to hearts and cupids and lots of purples and pinks as Kitten's dress darkens to a wine red, loses the fur trim, and becomes adorned with hearts in various shades of purple and pink. "Sorry nothing came of decorating the place for Christmas," apologizes the feline hostess, "Had just as rough a December as November, and January saw my interactives falling to the wayside as I made an effort to catch up on my commission work... which I'm still not caught up on... Anyways, I've been feeling much better since 2020 started and hope to be back to making semi-regular updates soon." Perking up her ears and raising her tail, she adds, "And since Valentine's is right around the corner, I'd like to add that I'm a lonely, little kitten with no one to give Valentine's Chocolate's too and looking for someone to be affectionate with... I'm even willing to turn myself into a normal catgirl if anyone wants me as their playmate for the holiday." adriangache "Huh, that's fair, but you should be feeling better kind of soon," Adrian remarks. Then, turning back to Kitten, he asks to increase Pipi's capacity by a further 10%: just enough for her to be able to complete, or barely miss, the 3-minute time period. Turning back to Pipi, he asks, "So, do you think you're up for it?" Melificentfan Lindz nods as she gets on her knees, holdingAlex's shoulders still gently rubbing them "This is so exciting" she says grinning "As a pop-up window with a thumbs up appears before Adrian, Pipi lets out a sigh of, "I guess I have no choice." as she sits upon the toilet, her posture tense, but a look of surprise crossing her face as she manages to not start peeing immediately as she sits down. As another ripple crosses Alex's swollen belly, Roxie places a glowing palm to the former man's baby bump before announcing, "You're already dilated a full two inches... Normally, we'd want to wait until 4 inches of dilation, but my magic shows the kittens to be much smaller than a human newborn would be." Smiling, the blonde adds, "I think you can start pushing with the next contraction." As Kitten holds Alex's arm to help Linds, Roxie talks Alex through timing her intake of air and bearing down and before long, the white mage is announcing, "I think I see the head of the first kitten!" As a tiny head covered in matted, black fur emerges from between Alex's nether lips, Roxie cradles the newborn kitten, it's small form showing no signs of being an animal-human hybrid in her hands, and as it slides free and tumbles into one of the blonde's palms, a wave of Roxie's free hand has water from the basin gently rinsing amniotic fluid from it's fur before a gust of wind dries and fluffs the kitten's downy, jet black coat. As Roxie wraps the first of Alex's litter in a cloth taken from her pack, Raven lets out a gasp, dropping her staff as she clutches her own distended belly, water gushing down her thighs as she curses, "Damn it, Alexandra has barely started, and my own hellspawn are ready to start coming out." "Oh my," comments Roxie, unused to having to deal with assisting two or more girls at the same time. "My own litter is quite squirmy, but no contractions yet." Turning to the girls holding Alex in her birthing squat, she asks, "How are you two doing?" "I think I felt a contraction as the first of my children was passing through Alex-chan's birth canal," comments Kitten, "I wouldn't be surprise if my water is the next to break." Turning to Linds, the catgirl asks, "How 'bout you, Linds, are my babies giving you trouble yet?" Out in the lobby, Kitten has shifted into a bunny girl and used her authorial powers to turn Hiko, Gabriella, Nina, and Hikari into bunny girls as well. "This feels odd." comments Hiko, her ears even taller and more elongated than triangular as she reaches up to trace her altered earflaps with her fingers as Tsubomi and Futaba gush over how cute their mistress looks as a rabbit instead of a fox. "Is this anyway to celebrate Ostara?" Comments Nina, looking a bit annoyed at what feels like a joke being made of her coven's traditions. Pulling on her new ears in an attempt to get a look at them, Gabriella asks her companion, "Do these make me look cute, Fritz?" "You make a lovely, little bunny, Gabi." replies the sorceror, ruffling the young girl's hair. "ANd you look quite cute as a bunny as well, dear sister," comments Yami, making Hikari blush. "Th-Thank you, brother." replies Hikari. "Perhaps you should ditch the sundress and apron for a school swimsuit." Adds the bartender, "Perhaps you could even put on a show of laying easter eggs." "Bro-Brother!" exclaims a scandelized Hikari, her cherry blossom cheeks giving way to full tomato face. "Yami-nii has a good idea," comments Kitten as with a snap of her claws her outfit shifts to a navy school swimsuit. "I swear, one of these days, I'm going to make updates to actually make holiday theming mean something." Adrian moves in to take a closer look, looking to get every detail of Pipi's struggling. "How is it feeling right now?" Though her thighs tremble with the effort, Pipi replies, "Surprisingly well... it kind of hurts, kind of like a stomach ache from eating too much too quickly, but lower down... still, I thought I'd have burst by now." As a second Kitten slides from Alex's passage to be caught, cleaned, and swaddled by Roxie's practiced hands, Raven discards her outer robe and winces as her belly ripples visibly with a contraction as she drops to her knees in preparation for her own labor. Kitten gazes upon the two of her children Alex has already pushed out with a canary-eating smirk before turning to Linds and asking, "Are you okay, you're being awfully quiet." "Damn, you're doing well. You just have around 2 minutes and 40 seconds left. Do you think you can make it?" Adrian quizzes, while trying to see if Pipi has leaked any into the toilet. Lindz nods "Im doing great this is so cool to see Kitten" she says as she looks over at kitten still rubbing ALex's shoulders "Wh-What?" cries Pipi, eyes going wide in shock as she squirms atop the toilet, "Has it really been only twenty seconds!?" As a third kitten slides from Alex's passage to be caught by Roxie, Raven cusses up a blue streak before ending it with, "I can feel the first of the little mongrels starting to crown!" "Oh my!" cries Roxie, sitting down the third cleaned, fluffed, and swaddled kitten before turning to her sister in all but blood and performing the same spell to turn the mud puddle from Raven's broken water into another stone basin of clean water before glancing back and forth between the kneeling black mage and the squatting swordswoman. And as if that wasn't enough excitement upon the forest trail turned makeshift maternity ward, Kitten's water chooses that moment to come spilling out, some of it soaking into the ground and some running into the basin Roxie had made between Alex's feet. Rubbing her baby bump, Kitten murmurs contentedly, "Guess the litter you put in me will be here soon, Linds... Hmm... the thought is making my feline futahood throb... I'm going to need milking real soon." Out in the lobby, the girls have reverted from being bunny girls, though Tsubomi and Futaba are unaffected since that's their normal form. Kitten has retained her school swimsuit, and the hardwood floor has given way to textured, water-resistent planks as one of the walls pulls back to expose an in-door pool complete with water slides and wading access to the bar. With a snap of her fingers, Kitten changes everyone's clothes to swimming attire... Tsubomi and Futaba end up in matching school swimsuits while their mistress and protector ends up in a fiery orange one-piece with white stripes up the sides and a sporty cut, her futa foxcock making an appreciable bulge under the skin tight outfit. "Odd attire, but I think I like it." Comments Hiko, looking over her new attire and that of her little honey bunnies. When Nina gets a good look at the pink bikini she's wearing, her whole body blushes to match both her hair and the swimsuit, the youthful witch crying out, "What scandelous attire!" despite it actually being a rather modest cut, Ivan, now in a pair of swim trunks that show off his broad, muscular chest laying a comforting hand on Nina's shoulder as she tries to cover her exposed skin with her hands. Gabi is less concerned about the bright blue bikini she finds herself in, though she can't help playing with the bit of frilly trim as Fritz admires his little queen's new look. Yami's usual barteneder outfit has given way to a black set of trunks and a matching tank top, and Hikari is now sporting a white one-piece under her apron instead of a sundress. "Given that summer, at least where I live has gotten off to a brain melting start, I thought it might be appropriate to throw a pool party in the Klub." Comments Kitten as she eats straight from a gallon tub of rainbow sherbet. adriangache "Yeah," Adrian says, "although you really have been doing well. Now, you're nearing the first minute mark, so I'm going to ask you to leak a bit. Just a bit. Do you think you can manage?" Melificentfan Lindz nods as she rubs her own tummy "I know what you mean Kitten I think alot of little kittens will be born soon besides Alex's" she says with a grin "I...I don't know if I'll be able to stop once I start," comments Pipi, "but I'll try." With that, the blonde little girl parts her thighs, hands on her knees and her whole body visibly trembling as she tries to relax just enough to leak without the dam shattering. and after several of the longest seconds of her young life, a trickle escapes from her nether regions to tinkle into the bowl beneath her. The first of Raven's litter beats the fourth of Alex's in joining the world, but not by much, Raven's kitten still damp from being washed of ambiotic fluid as a moan from Alex announces the head of the former man's fourth child poking through her nether lips. While Roxie struggles to keep up with the two mothers in active labor, Kitten, her eyes glassy with lust, lets go of Alex's arm to walk up behind Linds, kneading the other girl's butt with her clawed fingers, careful not to draw blood as the catgirl rests her distended, rippling belly upon the other woman's lower back, her feline futahood grinding along the cleft of the rogue's ass. "Kitty need to cream." comments the catgirl in a husky, almost feral tone. adriangache "You did a great job!" Adrian compliments, trying to get a view of Pipi's struggle up close. "Have you been able to stop it? Does it feel any worse?" Adrian inquires, as the clock ticks past the 1 minute-30 mark. It takes her a few seconds past when she's asked to stop for Pipi to cut off the flow, but she manages even as her whole body seems to tremble with the effort. Looking up with thin trickles of tears running down her cheeks, Pipi chokes out, "I...I ma-managed to st-stop it, but...but I'm not sure I can do that again." As Roxie juggles the next pair of kittens to slide out of Alex and Raven, Kitten pulls her hips back to let her now rock hard kitty cock slide down to Linds's pussy, leaving a trail of precum along the cleft of the rogue's rear, reiterating, "Kitty need to cream." as her tip prods at the taller girl's opening. "I don't know about that," Adrian remarks. "You've done so well to get this far, I think you might be able to go all the way," he encourages. "Okay, two minutes left. Do you think you can run me through another instance of when you had to go this badly?" he further inquires, seeing if the strain of recalling another desperate incident affects her current efforts further. Still visibly trembling, Pipi raps her knuckles against her temple as if trying to knock a memory loose only to conclude, "I-I can-can't th-think of anything..." Taking Linds's lack of protest as consent, Kitten thrusts her hips forward, burying her kitty cock in the rogue's pregnant pussy and the catgirl is soon rutting furiously, commenting in a sex crazed tone, tongue lulling out of her mouth, "Kitty gonna pound that pussy til Kitty cream and your water breaks!" Meanwhile, Roxie nearly fumbles one of the kittens as she clutches her own swollen stomach, commenting, "Oh my, I think my own litter is about ready to start coming out." "I see," Adrian remarks, amazed at how Pipi is able to hold on this long. "Now, I know you said you wouldn't be able to do it again, but could you perhaps try to leak once more? I want to see if maybe all this holding has helped you become more resistant to urges." "I-I'll try," replies Pipi, trembling visible and tears streaming down her face as she tries to relax just enough to let out a little leak. After several long seconds, a trickle escapes from between Pipi's legs, the young girl panting heavily as the tinkle of tinkle can be heard hitting the water in the bowl. A few more seconds, and the trickle starts to pick up speed... Adrian, seeing Pipi's genuine efforts to hold back, finally relents. "You know Pipi, you've done well; much better than I ever thought you could. Try to hold on a bit more if you can, but if you can't, you've done great anyway." "I...i can...can't st-stop it..." whimpers Pipi as piddle continues to pour from her glistening girlhood, tears streaming down her face as she trembles... when suddenly the last part of Adrian's words penetrate her desperation distracted mind, and letting out a sigh, the young girl slumps upon the toilet seat, the stream growing from just over a trickle to a full on torrent as pee gushes from the girl's nethers. "You've done so well, Pipi," Adrian says, pulling the girl into a hug while she empties herself into the toilet. "Can you describe how you're feeling right now? what does it feel like to let go?" Blushing furiously from being embraced while emptying her bladder, Pipi buries her tear covered face into Adrian's shirt, simply letting her pee flow for what feels like hours as she tries to collect herself. Eventually, she manages to pull her face, her tears mostly dried away from the man holding her to his shirt as she replies, it feels good to finally let it all out, like I had a bowling ball on my belly I couldn't move that someone just lifted away..." blushing a bit more, she adds, "Also, I don't know why, but I feel tingly all over, but it's different from the tingle I get when I need to pee..." Adrian is intrigued by this new comment from Pipi, and seeks to press her further. "Oh, how do you mean, tingle? Can you describe what it feels like, and if you've ever felt it before?" Then, to Kitten, he pensively asks, "do you perhaps allow interactions around pooping as well as peeing in the Klub?" "Um..." Starts the girl, her face turning crimson, "I've never felt this way before, but it... it seems strongest around my girl parts... kinda like I have an itch, but want to rub myself down there rather than scratch." As Pipi tries to describe the unfamiliar sensation, a chat window pops up in front of Adrian, Kitten: Sorry, but while I enjoy reading the occasional bit of poop desperation, I'm not big on writing about it, so I'm going to say no poop in the Klub. "Oh, I see," says Adrian. He knows full well what Pipi is experiencing but wants to get her to describe it herself. "Do you remember if you've felt like this ever before? And how do you think giving yourself a rub down there would feel?" Rubbing her thighs together and moaning slightly, "Th-this feeling is completely new to me... I'm not sure how to describe it... I feel warm all of a sudden... and I don't know why I feel an urge to touch myself down there..." As the young girl says this, one hand inches towards where her thighs meet her lower belly. "Okay you feel warm, but do you think it feels good?" Adrian asks. "And what happens to that feeling when you do touch yourself down there?" As if taking the question as permission, Pipi parts her thighs and cups a hand over her young, hairless mound, moaning softly and closing her eyes at the touch. Before long, the girl has laid back against the toilet's tank, her butt sliding to the front of the seat as her middle finger slides along the groove between her puffy nether lips. As her hand starts moving back and forth, Pipi's cheeks turn a rosy pink as her breathing grows heavy and she seems to lose herself in new found pleasure. "Uh...Pipi, how are you? How does it feel?" Adrian asks, though knowing full well that he's probably already lost Pipi to the throes of young masturbation and just stands there watching. Eyes glazed over in unfamiliar bliss, Pipi doesn't seem to hear him as her fingers grow more rapid and erratic in their pistoning motions, the girl's breathing growing quicker as she frantically fingers her immature girlhood. After a minute or so of her new found self-pleasure, Pipi suddenly seizes up for several seconds, clear liquid gushing from her girlhood, thoroughly soaking her already drenched hand before she collapses limply upon the toilet seat, her eyes drifting close, her face flush, and her flat chest rising and falling rapidly as she pants heavily. Adrian lets Pipi relish the feeling for a moment, before asking, "Uh, Pipi, what just happened? How did it feel?" "I...I don't know." replies Pipi as she catches her breath and struggles to sit up on the toilet seat. "I've never felt anything like that before... Not sure how to describe it, but it was kinda like a huge zap of static shot up from my kitty and exploded like fireworks behind my eyes..." with a giggle, she adds, "except it felt good and not painful like I imagine an actual shock and fireworks would feel." Done rambling clumsy metaphor, the girl tries to stand, only to stumble almost immediately, her legs apparently more jelly than bone at the moment. "And when do you usually feel this tingling, Pipi? Might it have something to do with peeing, and holding it, perhaps?" Adrian asks, offering to help her back out of the bathroom. Pipi practically falls into adrian's arms, not bothering to try to cover her lower half as she comments, "My legs feel all wobbly... do you think you could carry me?" Blushing furiously at the last part. Adrian obliges Pipi, "Of course. Let's get you back to the bed, you could use a bit of a lie-down after all of that," he says, carrying Pipi, naked and all, to the bed. He does, however, have one final plan to test Pipi's bladder. "Th-thank you..." replies Pipi, the exhausted girl going limp in his arms as he carries her to the bed, sprawling out on the bedspread as he lays her down, her guard completely down. Adrian just watches Pipi for a while, before whispering to Kitten, "Let's do one final challenge. Can we fill her up slowly, maybe by 10 percent every minute, so she doesn't get super desperate immediately." Then, he asks Pipi, "Well, what did you think about that whole thing? Do you ever remember having to go that bad? And how'd it feel like to let go...uh, both ways? The room is silent for nearly a minute before a soft snoring can be heard coming from Pipi, the exhausted girl having fallen asleep. A chat window pops in front of Adrian, displaying the following message: Kitten: Requested fill rate has been set, but she's out cold and I'm not sure her bladder will be able to wake her. ^_^ Kitten: Bedwetting might be unavoidable.