Lindz gets up stretching "I don't know but I can sure try" she says walking over to a tree as she reaches under her tummy aiming her dick right at the tree as she lets loose a golden stream moaning in relief "Ahhh damn that feels so much better..."she says trailing off as she enjoys her nice pee "umm well," starts Pippy, relaxing very slightly as a new message appears in the visible only to Adrian chat window., Kitten: and done! "Some of the questions where kind of weird, and it felt like some of them were repeats, but it wasn't nearly as hard as the reading comprehension test Ms. Stern gives." As Kitten continues to water her chosen tree, the two mages drive the butts of their staves into the ground befoore hanging their robes on them, and picking a tree a piece, Roxie and Raven squat down, the blonde taking advantage of her blue tunic's short length and lack of underwear to let go her own golden fountain while Raven yanks down her trousers before squating herself and following her sister in all but blood's example. Meanwhile, Alex is having trouble, her swollen belly preventing her from pulling the crotch of her leotard to the side and throwing off her balance such that her attempt to squat results in her landing flat on her back upon the dirt path. Lindz continues to water the tree as she puts her hand on the tree closing her eyes "Ah, I'll work on that a bit for the next time," Adrian comments, motioning to the bathroom. "Now you can have your just a few more challenges." A grumbling Kitten comments from the bar in the main room, "I could've sworn I posted an update for this last night... oh well, let's try this again." As soon as Adrian gestures towards the bathroom door, Pipi jumps to her feet, one hand clamped over her crotch and the other reaching for the doorknob as she half-hobbles, half-hops towards her salvation, thighs pressed tightly together. Her palm makes contact with brass before the second part of the older male's statement penetrates her desperation fogged mind, "But... but you said I could go if I answered all your questions." whines the blonde, standing at the bathroom door, one hand still on the knob. Meanwhile, Kitten's forest instance continues to water her tree as if she's got a water hose between her legs as she looks around to observe the rest of the party before focusing on Alex, the former man still struggling to move with her heavily pregnant belly. "Looks like Alex is going to wet her leotard if she doesn't figure out outdoor pregnant peeing soon." Turning to glance at Linds, the catgirl asks, "Think we should give her a helping hand?" Lindz nods as she looks over at Alex "Yeah after we finish our tree watering" she says as she comtinues watering her tree like a water hose was turned on and someone didn't turn it off "Oh yes of course, I haven't forgotten," Adrian says, leading Pipi into the bathroom. "I did say the last question is more of a challenge, didn't I?" "Okay, you're almost there. I just need you to do two more things. First, you need to hold your pee in front of the toilet for one minute." Kitten continues watering her tree as if challenging Linds to a contest of who can pee the longest. As she's stood in front of the toilet, Pipi shifts from foot-to-foot, hands clamped over her crotch, though more than once she has to stop herself from reaching for her waistband to yank her borrowed bottoms down as she whimpers in need to pee. Lindz continues watering her tree "So Kitten what are you I mean are you magical like a sorceress making woman grow dicks"She says as she glances over at kitten "I really haven't met anyone as interesting as you girly" she says with a grin "Alright, you're doing well," Adrian comments. "Just 30 seconds more...and for the last one, I'll need you to sit on the toilet without peeing for one more minute." "Well," starts Kitten, "As an Author Avatar, when at full power, I can essentially do anything I can imagine, up to and including rewriting the local rules of reality or willing any being under my authority out of existence. Naturally, I'm currently got some serious power limiters in place to keep our adventures interesting." As Kitten speaks, the pair of mages finish their own tree watering and stand up, Raven struggling to refasten her trousers under her bulging belly and Roxie's tunic straining to stretch over the blonde's baby bump. Meanwhile, a nervous Pipi replies, "I don't know if I can manage that... but I'll give it my all!" Blushing, she adds, "I might need help getting these shorts down without losing it though." Lindz nods with a grin "That is awesome I'm not that good at writing stories but I do love to role play"she says as she rests her hand on the tree "Oh, sure, I can help you, if you don't mind that is," Adrian offers, hoping to see the extent of Pipi's leaks. "Ah dats just dandy, another goshang swordfigher! EY keep dat rusty slapa metal away from mah coat!" i say thrusting my hammer at you like a spear twirling it around. Seeing the large hammer coming towards her, Hiko aborts her strike, hopping atop the giant mallet before driving her blade into the center of the hunk of polished wood before channeling fox fire into her blade with a cry of, "Let's see if your weapon is as fireproof as your stomach." "Well," comments Kitten, "I'm not sure I'm that great a story teller. Doubt I could get a short story traditionally published and I don't think I could cut it as a novelist... people do seem to like my smut stories and fetish fiction, though how much of that is actually being good at writing erotica and how much is appreciation for sharing things I wrote because I couldn't find what I was searching for is debatable... I know when I'm reading other's erotic writings, I tend to appreciate those doing something I like but have trouble finding more than those doing the same thing as a thousand other writers within the same fandom. Shaking like a leaf, Pipi replies, "Yes, plese help me!" in a desperate, almost begging tone. Lindz nods "Girl I think you are a excellent story writer I have read your stories and I have loved each and every one of them" she says with a grin "We don't have time to spare then," Adrian exclaims, moving over to unbutton Pipi's shorts and looking up, asking if it's okay for him to pull them down for him to see what's underneath. Kitten's ears perk up, "Really? Even the stuff I've only posted over at AO3 because there's too much smut and not enough Omo for this site?" Tilting her head in curiosity, Kitten asks, "So what are some of your favorites?" Too far gone to maintain any sense of modesty, Pipi cries out, "Hurry, pull them down." as Adrian's hands halt after simply undoing the button. Lindz nods with a grin "All of them I don't have a favorite" she says "Well, alright then," Adrian remarks as he pulls them off, making sure to stop for a while to take a look at Pipi as well as the damage so far. Instead of being completely incinerated the wood covering burns away to reveal a strange engine looking peace of machinery "MAH HAMMER!!!! You done messed up now girly, NOBODY MESSES WITHDA MALLET!!!!" i then raise it over my head, blue fire coming out of the rear indicating its been turned on. I then fake you out by bringing it down on top of you before reeling back and spin 360 degrees at rapid speeds due to the engine activating Having never seen anything like the rocket powered hammer, Hiko is caught off guard by the sudden spin attack, her Katana snapping and the fox girl and the pieces of her broken weapon flying off in different directions, the vixen hitting a wall with enough force to leave a crater. As the dust settles, Hiko rises to all fours, her clothes torn in a few places but no obvious signs of injury as she comments, "What is that thing!? I sense no magic from it, but there's no way a mundane forge could expel so much fire so quickly!" Lifting an arm and shifting into a three-legged stance, the broken pieces of her sword vanish from where they landed only for the blade to appear in her outstretched hand, whole once more and with no signs it had ever been damaged. However, instead of counter attacking, the fox girl maintains her distance, wary of the mysterious ability displayed by her opponent. At the bar, Kitten comments, "Guess modern rocket engines are a bit too exotic for a simple fox from the forests of feudal Japan to comprehend." Looking at the expression on the irate penguin's face, the catgirl asks, "I wonder if I should tell him I can repair any damage weapons or clothing take in the arena, even complete atomization or erasure from reality." Meanwhile, before the instance of Kitten in the forest can muster a reply, Alex lets out a whimper of, "it-it's gonna come out!" Roxie trying to help the man turned woman to little avail given the blonde's own delicate condition while Raven just looks on in smug amusement as if she's getting some twisted pleasure from seeing the former man struggle with womanly problems for once. As the shorts come down, the bathroom lights glisten upon Pipi's girlhood and inner thighs, the former devoid of even the slightest hint of hair and both quite moist from numerous leaks. At the end of her patience, the young girl plops down on the toilet seat, and despite her agreement to try and hold while on the porcelain throne, a strong spurt escapes as soon as her skin touches the seat. Back at the bar, Kitten comments again, "Sorry for the delay. In apology, allow me to update the decorations." With a snap of her fingers, the main room of the Klub has been decked out for Halloween, Jack-o-lanterns appearing on every table, eerie blue flame emitting from within, bats congregating near the ceiling, spider webs appearing in every nook and cranny, and even Yami's bartenderoutfit shifting into an old-fashioned suit to make Romanian nobility proud. while Hikari's hair takes on an other worldy glow and starts floating as if the locks are prehensile as Kitten's already impressive canines elongate into proper, vampiric fangs and her already pale skin turns snow white. "If anyone's up for a bite, I promise not to suck them dry." comments the now vampire catgirl, "At least not of the red stuff. I make no promises about the white stuff if you know what I mean. Also, if all goes well, there might be a few newcomers from among my original characters joining us before month's end." Lindz looks over at Alex "Poor girl needs some help over there" she says New characters awesome can't wait to meet them ^^ "Alright, let's see how long you can go for," Adrian says. "Can you describe how you're feeling right now?" "Well, damn!" Cries Kitten from the bar, "With this new policy, I'm probably going to have to shut down the Klub... Roxie, Raven, and Alex are probably physically mature enough to be beyond scrutiny and would even be seen as adults by the standards of their home reality, but most of my original characters are either canonically preteens or younger or look that young... most of the males from my roster are probably fine, but they're pretty much package deals with their respective little leading ladies... or should that be leading little ladies? Sure, I could use my shapeshifting powers to give myself mega boobs and an extra 50cm or 20 inches of height, but I like being small and cute and prefer being the short one smothered in marshmallow hell than the one doing the smothering." As she finishes her rant, ears and tail druping, her vampiric transformation reverting, Kittendrops her head on the bar and mumbles, "Yami, saucer of milk." At the same time, Flonne and Hikari take a bow before stepping off the stage as the spotlights go out, before a disappointed looking Flonne, joined by a fuming Etna and a grumpy Laharl vacate the premises, most of the visitors following suit, empty tables winking out of existence as their occupants depart. With only Kitten and her original characters left, the main room is rearranged to be little more than the bar running parallel to the arena, Tsubomi and Futaba being deposited on stools to either side of Kitten as Yami serves them sippy cups of carrot juice, Hikari taking the middle stool, her apron vanishing with her waitressing services no longer needed, and Anastasia sitting at the far end from the catgirl, continuing to sip her wine as she continues to exude an aura of wishing she was anywhere else. In the forest, the second instance of Kitten poofs away like a popped shadow clone or substitute, leaving Linds alone with Alex and the mage duo. Downing her saucer of milk like a disgruntled Japanese salaryman instead of lapping it up like a proper cat, Myuu curled up in her lap as she pets her fellow feline, Kitten continues, "Ugh, and this is the one thing, aside from regular discussion posts and author notes that only meant something in the moment that I don't have a back up of... Granted, I never really intended to compile this the way I've done for my other interactives, but still, having Firefox save 11 pages as plain text and then manually cleaning up the result sounds like too much hassle... and even if I find a new home for my other interactives, this kind of thing really doesn't work outside of a forum while I could probably adapt the main Witchy and Unwitchy interactives to updates as blog posts and voting in comments, and I'm pretty sure Livestream is safe..." Letting out a sigh, Kitten concludes, "If I do continue this elsewhere, I might be better off just starting from scratch... and this policy change does seem like a good excuse to maybe look into trying to setup my own website for my writing, which I've kind of wanted to do for a while, but kept procrastinating on... any suggestions?"