Lindz nods chuckling "Alright I will let ya know" she says moaning Hiko gives Etna a side long glance before commenting, "Me thinks this... exotic bird is trying to have us wear each other out, or at least get an idea of our fighting styles before facing one of us directly." With a devilish grin, Etna adds, "I think you might be right, little fox." Turning to the King Penguin, Etna taunts, "What's the matter, Dedede? Scared of getting your ass kicked by a pair of little ladies?" pronouncing his name like Dead Dead instead of a corruption of Deity. At that moment, Kitten walks over and greets the twin bunnies, saying "Cute outfits, Tsubomi-chan, Futaba-chan. Mind if I join you?" With that, the catgirl's school swimsuit shifts slightly to match the dark leotards the bunny girls are wearing, Kitten's hair darkens and lengthens to match the rabbits, and her tail coils in on itself and her ears grow longer and narrower as the catgirl transforms into a third bunny girl, Kitten's preposterously protruding piddle pot the only thing giving away that they aren't triplets as the catgirl smiles, her once pointed teeth now more chisel-like. As Yachiru soars into the air over the hot spring, she grabs hold of the summoned ropes, swinging around like a tiny, female tarzan minus the loincloth for nearly half a minute before lining herself up over Izzy, and curling up, hugging her knees to her chest, letting go with a cry of, "Cannonball!" As Kitten titty fuckes the taller girl, her penile spines gently scraping against Linds's undercleavage, the catgirl's rough, pink tongue lulls out of her mouth and her eyes glaze over. At the same time, the feline's futahood nearly doubles in length, the tip going from barely poking out Linds's cleavage to extending far enough Linds wouldn't even need to lift her head from the ground to kiss the tip. As the catgirl's moans of ecstasy near a crescendo, the wriggling motions of Kitten's tail buried in Linds's folds grow more erratic. As the reaper tumbles towards Izzy she prepares for a catch... Which she lands with amazing agility Lindz moans as she shivers with pleasure looking at the cock as she slides her mouth onto it and begins sucking it like a lollipop Adrian, not willing to wait for the opposition to get their bearings, decides the time is right to deliver the killer blow. "Torterra, use the spire fragments to follow up with a massive Stone Edge!" Torterra, now manipulating absolutely huge rock fragments from the fallen spire, swirls the rocks around its head before sending them flying towards Venusaur. From her prone position, Pipi panicks at the sight of the enormous Stone Edge barrage flying at her Venusaur, crying out, "Frenzy Plant!" As the grass/poison type stomps her feet, many large, spikey roots shoot up out of the ground from beneath Torterra even as the flowery lizard is left open to the incoming stone edge. As Izzy catches Yachiru, the pinkette twists around in the taller girl's arms, crossing her ankles and interleaving her fingers behind Izzy's head as her cute, little butt comes to rest upon the taller girl's bosom. "That was a lot of fun, Yuri-chan!" Continuing to titty fuck Linds as the taller girl starts giving her head, Kitten cries out animalistically, "Yes! Be a good, little bitch and suck out your mistress's cream!" Back in the main room, Bunny girl Kitten comments, "Sorry for the short update and my apologies if updates are sparser for the next week or so. Dealing with some drama at home, and while some of the people causing the drama will be moving out in early May, I expect tensions to stay high until they leave. Kranky housemates make Onii-chan Kranky, and when Onii-chan is Kranky, Kitten is Kranky, and Kranky Kitty doesn't make good hoestess." Continuing to lean on the fourth wall, she adds, "Oh, and Linds, feel free to discipline my other self as you see fit if she gets a bit too queen of the pride for your liking. There's a reason female cats are called queens, and if you want a submissive catgirl, you need to be a strong alpha." Adrian nearly screams at the sight of his Torterra being positively skewered by the most powerful Grass-type move in existence, and knows that this could very well be the end for his ace. He decides to strike one last time. "Torterra! Use SolarBeam to change direction and fall on Venusaur!" With what he thinks is his final command, Torterra fires off a beam of sunlight that rediverts its downward path towards its opposition, following up the Stone Edge with its own deadly blow. Lindz smirks as she continues to suck kittens dick knowing what she wants to do when kitten cums As Venusaur rests from the exertion of using its strongest attack, Pipi can only stare in horror as Torterra uses solar beam to turn itself into a rocket-propelled boulder, wincing as her large, quadrupedal reptilian grass-type is crushed under its even larger Sinnoh counterpart, the impact tossing up more dirt from the shattered battle ground. In the forest, the kitten straddling Linds's chest grows more erratic in her thrusts as she cries out, "Kitty gonna Kream, Kitty gonna Kream, Kitty gonna Kream! before trailing off into an animalistic howl of pleasure as the catgirl trembles from head to toe in orgasm, her tail going ramrod straight as sweet, sticky semen erupts from her tip. Back in the main room, Bunny Kitten leans on the fourth wall some more as she comments, "Good news, the trouble makers I mentioned have arranged a ride and should be leaving later today instead of next week, so hopefully Onii-chan's home life will calm down quicker than expected. Lindz smirks as she licks all of the cum up "Damn that was fantastic"she says "WHAT!? Ah could clobba the both of ya blindfolded and with mah hands tied behind mah back! look forget ah said anything just flip a coin for all ah care!" I then turn to the battle "HEHEHE dis is goin just as ah hoped!" Adrian pauses. He knows Torterra is probably out of the fight, and is simply waiting to see what the scene is when the dust clears. However, he can't resist one last command to make absolutely sure. "Torterra! If you're still there, use Synthesis!" As the dust clears, Torterra stands high over its fallen opponent, glowing green as the dents in its shell even out. Pipi lets out a cry of "Synthesis!" but Venusaur continues laying in the crater left by the latest impact, clearly out cold. Returning her pokemon with a sigh, Pipi calls across the battle field. "You gave me a second chance, and it looks like you still won!" but before Adrian can reply, she drops Venusaur's ball and clamps both hands over her crotch, practically dancing in place. Out on the floor, Etna cries out, "Looks like ya got to drink two giant tankards of spiked Demonade, Flonne." Sighing in defeat, Flonne starts guzzling the bladder's bane infused drink as Etna sends Hanako to the bar for the second half of the fallen angel's penalty. Turning to Hiko, Etna comments, I'll let ya go first, little fox. I don't want to miss Flonne embarrassing herself in front of the crowd. Just leave me something to impale on my spear." "Quite gracious, Lady Etna." replies the fox girl before turning to Kitten and asking, "Mind looking after my sweet, little Honey Bunnies while I take his majesty down a peg or two?" "Sure thing, I'll take real good care of them." replies Bunny Kitten pulling the pair of bunnies she's morph to resemble into a hug, patting their fluffy tails in the process. Turning a toothy grin towards the Penguin nearly twice her height, "You ready, big boy?" Meanwhile, in the forest, Kitten gives Linds a canary-eating smile as she replies, "Yes, it was quite nice. Would you like some of my cream here?" wriggling her tail tip against Lind's vaginal opening for emphasis. Lindz moans "Mmmmm I haven't cum yet" she purrs Adrian pumps a fist in victory, but then notices Pipi's movements. Calling back his ace, he calls, "Hey, good match! Are you okay?" Blushing furiously, her face clashing horribly with her amber locks Pipi admits, "I...I've had to pee for quite some time now... and now that the adrenaline of the battle has past...I feel like I'm going to pop like a water balloon." "Oh, silly me." comments kitten with a smile to make the Cheshire cat proud before quickly turning around, giving Llinds a good view of the catgirl's thus far ignored pussy, her tail, matted with the taller girl's juices nearly slapping Linds in the face in the process. Making quick work of removing Linds' trousers, Kitten lowers her face to the other girl's crotch, and with a cry of "Itadakimasu!" buries her rough tongue in the taller girl's folds. Calming down a bit, Yachiru pokes Izzy in the cheek as she asks, "You okay, Yuri-chan?" Lindz moans as she runs her hands through kittens furry head A devilish smile comes over Adrian's face. "Since I won, I'll see what we can do about that." He calls on Pipi as he exits the stadium and enters a private room, willing it to become a simple bedroom with an en suite bathroom. "Alright, now we're going to see what you're really made of. You're going to have to answer 50 questions about peeing before you can go. If you manage to hold it in, you can ask whatever you want of me afterwards. Deal?" Pipi glances around the bedroom, clearly nervous though whether from being alone with a much older boy or from the prospect of having another accident isn't clear. When she hears the challenge Adrian has put forth, she exclaims, "Fi-fifty! but I've already leaked afew times!" inadvertantly drawing attention to the dampness surrounding where her hands are covering the crotch of her borrowed jeans. As the arena is vacated, Hiko walks over, taking a very vulpine fighting stance as the arena shifts to resemble the courtyard of a shinto shrine or buddhist temple. "Come on, your majesty, let's test each other's metal... unless you're chicken." Back at the table, Flonne finishes her first keg of Demonade just as Hanako delivers the second, the fallen angel whining, "Etna, do I really have to drink all of this? It already feels like I've got a fire hose dumping liquid into my bladder." Smiling devilishly, Etna replies, "Not my fault you insisted on doubling down in support of the pipsqueak when she was clearly outmatched. Now, hurry up and finish your drink so you can go up on stage sloshing like a bucket on the deck of a pirate ship in the middle of a hurricane." Kitten greedily laps up Linds's juices for several minutes, trying to ignore the throbbing in her renewed erection, but when the catgirl senses her playmate is on the verge of climax, she withdraws her tongue before deciding to test the taller girl's flexibility, lifting Linds's butt off the ground and bending her spine until her ankles are by her ears before bringing the tip of her kitty cock to the taller girl's opening. "Kitty want kitty." declares the catgirl, purring in desire as she barely restrains her lust, "Can kitty have kitty? Oh, and is there a cherry for kitty to pop?" "Hmm, you're right, that could be an issue," Adrian remarks, and calls Kitten over. "Could you maybe double Pipi's bladder size? I'd like to try and get to question 50 if possible." Then, to Pipi, "You might get rashes if you keep those jeans on then. I suggest to maybe take them off for these questions." Lindz nods "Yes there is a cherry to pop and you can have me" she says with a grin A retro-styled chat window pops up in front of Adrian, appearing in mid-air and only visible to him. Kitten: I've actually been slowly increasing Pipi's capacity throughout your battle with her. ^_^ Kitten: She'd have had a second full blown accident while her Charizard was trying to take down your Arcanine if her piddle pot was at its usually puny capacity. Kitten: But since you asked so nicely... *Snaps fingers.* Kitten: Pipi is now at twice her already expanded capacity. As the window vanishes, Adrian is met with the site of a red-faced Pipi looking at the floor as she admits in a quiet voice, "Um... I'm not wearing anything underneath..." In the forest, Kitten licks her lips as she declares, "Oh goodie, I get to enjoy a virgin." but instead of immediately hilting herself in Linds's depths, the catgirl builds anticipation for a minute or so, kneading the taller girl's half moons, occasionally pricking skin with claws but never pressing hard enough to leave a mark. And then with a cheetah like burst of speed, Kitten goes from poised at her partner's opening to being buried cervix deep in a blink of an eye, the feline's futahood shifting in size and shape to completely fill Linds and stretch her passage to its limits even as the catgirl shreds the young woman's maidenhead. At the same time, Kitten imparts enough feline flexibility to Linds to allow the catgirl to drop to her knees, her pussy pussy mere centimeters from Linds's mouth, the taller girl nearly curled in a complete circle. Lindz moans as she gets stretched smiling "Damn Kitten I knew cats were flexible but not this flexible" she says with a grin as she watches her get into a sixty nine position Adrian thinks for a bit, before reaching into one of the room's drawers and pulling out a pair of shorts. "Here, you can try these on. Do you think you can take the questions now?" Picking up pace, her spines scraping roughly against Linds's inner walls, a panting Kitten manages to say between moans, "Oh yes, fantastically flexible. I can effortlessly perform fellatio or cunnilingus on myself, no problem... It's a bit uncomfortable, but I can even bend my spine and crane my neck in a way that lets me deep throat my kitty cock at the same time my tongue is lulling out to lick my pussy pussy." Wrapping her tail around Linds's neck and gently pulling her up to close the distance between human mouth and feline flower, Kitten adds, "Of course, my mouth can't compare with fucking a real pussy, and my own tongue is a bit too predictable." Taking the shorts, Pipi replies, "Su-sure..." before turning around and dropping the borrowed jeans, giving Adrian a brief eyeful of pale, but pleasantly plump rump, the contrast between thigh and buttock evidence of lots of time on the beachwearing modest swimwear that left behind prominent tanlines. As abruptly as her cute butt was exposed, it is covered once more by the shorts before Pipi faces Adrian once more, a look of innocence on her face making it impossible to tell whether she's genuinely oblivious that she just mooned the much older male or did it on purpose and is just playing dumb. Lindz smirks as she continues to suck kittens dick knowing what she wants to do when kitten cums As Venusaur rests from the exertion of using its strongest attack, Pipi can only stare in horror as Torterra uses solar beam to turn itself into a rocket-propelled boulder, wincing as her large, quadrupedal reptilian grass-type is crushed under its even larger Sinnoh counterpart, the impact tossing up more dirt from the shattered battle ground. In the forest, the kitten straddling Linds's chest grows more erratic in her thrusts as she cries out, "Kitty gonna Kream, Kitty gonna Kream, Kitty gonna Kream! before trailing off into an animalistic howl of pleasure as the catgirl trembles from head to toe in orgasm, her tail going ramrod straight as sweet, sticky semen erupts from her tip. Back in the main room, Bunny Kitten leans on the fourth wall some more as she comments, "Good news, the trouble makers I mentioned have arranged a ride and should be leaving later today instead of next week, so hopefully Onii-chan's home life will calm down quicker than expected. Lindz smirks as she licks all of the cum up "Damn that was fantastic"she says "WHAT!? Ah could clobba the both of ya blindfolded and with mah hands tied behind mah back! look forget ah said anything just flip a coin for all ah care!" I then turn to the battle "HEHEHE dis is goin just as ah hoped!" Adrian pauses. He knows Torterra is probably out of the fight, and is simply waiting to see what the scene is when the dust clears. However, he can't resist one last command to make absolutely sure. "Torterra! If you're still there, use Synthesis!" As the dust clears, Torterra stands high over its fallen opponent, glowing green as the dents in its shell even out. Pipi lets out a cry of "Synthesis!" but Venusaur continues laying in the crater left by the latest impact, clearly out cold. Returning her pokemon with a sigh, Pipi calls across the battle field. "You gave me a second chance, and it looks like you still won!" but before Adrian can reply, she drops Venusaur's ball and clamps both hands over her crotch, practically dancing in place. Out on the floor, Etna cries out, "Looks like ya got to drink two giant tankards of spiked Demonade, Flonne." Sighing in defeat, Flonne starts guzzling the bladder's bane infused drink as Etna sends Hanako to the bar for the second half of the fallen angel's penalty. Turning to Hiko, Etna comments, I'll let ya go first, little fox. I don't want to miss Flonne embarrassing herself in front of the crowd. Just leave me something to impale on my spear." "Quite gracious, Lady Etna." replies the fox girl before turning to Kitten and asking, "Mind looking after my sweet, little Honey Bunnies while I take his majesty down a peg or two?" "Sure thing, I'll take real good care of them." replies Bunny Kitten pulling the pair of bunnies she's morph to resemble into a hug, patting their fluffy tails in the process. Turning a toothy grin towards the Penguin nearly twice her height, "You ready, big boy?" Meanwhile, in the forest, Kitten gives Linds a canary-eating smile as she replies, "Yes, it was quite nice. Would you like some of my cream here?" wriggling her tail tip against Lind's vaginal opening for emphasis. Lindz moans "Mmmmm I haven't cum yet" she purrs Adrian pumps a fist in victory, but then notices Pipi's movements. Calling back his ace, he calls, "Hey, good match! Are you okay?" Blushing furiously, her face clashing horribly with her amber locks Pipi admits, "I...I've had to pee for quite some time now... and now that the adrenaline of the battle has past...I feel like I'm going to pop like a water balloon." "Oh, silly me." comments kitten with a smile to make the Cheshire cat proud before quickly turning around, giving Llinds a good view of the catgirl's thus far ignored pussy, her tail, matted with the taller girl's juices nearly slapping Linds in the face in the process. Making quick work of removing Linds' trousers, Kitten lowers her face to the other girl's crotch, and with a cry of "Itadakimasu!" buries her rough tongue in the taller girl's folds. Calming down a bit, Yachiru pokes Izzy in the cheek as she asks, "You okay, Yuri-chan?" Lindz moans as she runs her hands through kittens furry head A devilish smile comes over Adrian's face. "Since I won, I'll see what we can do about that." He calls on Pipi as he exits the stadium and enters a private room, willing it to become a simple bedroom with an en suite bathroom. "Alright, now we're going to see what you're really made of. You're going to have to answer 50 questions about peeing before you can go. If you manage to hold it in, you can ask whatever you want of me afterwards. Deal?" Pipi glances around the bedroom, clearly nervous though whether from being alone with a much older boy or from the prospect of having another accident isn't clear. When she hears the challenge Adrian has put forth, she exclaims, "Fi-fifty! but I've already leaked afew times!" inadvertantly drawing attention to the dampness surrounding where her hands are covering the crotch of her borrowed jeans. As the arena is vacated, Hiko walks over, taking a very vulpine fighting stance as the arena shifts to resemble the courtyard of a shinto shrine or buddhist temple. "Come on, your majesty, let's test each other's metal... unless you're chicken." Back at the table, Flonne finishes her first keg of Demonade just as Hanako delivers the second, the fallen angel whining, "Etna, do I really have to drink all of this? It already feels like I've got a fire hose dumping liquid into my bladder." Smiling devilishly, Etna replies, "Not my fault you insisted on doubling down in support of the pipsqueak when she was clearly outmatched. Now, hurry up and finish your drink so you can go up on stage sloshing like a bucket on the deck of a pirate ship in the middle of a hurricane." Kitten greedily laps up Linds's juices for several minutes, trying to ignore the throbbing in her renewed erection, but when the catgirl senses her playmate is on the verge of climax, she withdraws her tongue before deciding to test the taller girl's flexibility, lifting Linds's butt off the ground and bending her spine until her ankles are by her ears before bringing the tip of her kitty cock to the taller girl's opening. "Kitty want kitty." declares the catgirl, purring in desire as she barely restrains her lust, "Can kitty have kitty? Oh, and is there a cherry for kitty to pop?" "Hmm, you're right, that could be an issue," Adrian remarks, and calls Kitten over. "Could you maybe double Pipi's bladder size? I'd like to try and get to question 50 if possible." Then, to Pipi, "You might get rashes if you keep those jeans on then. I suggest to maybe take them off for these questions." Lindz nods "Yes there is a cherry to pop and you can have me" she says with a grin A retro-styled chat window pops up in front of Adrian, appearing in mid-air and only visible to him. Kitten: I've actually been slowly increasing Pipi's capacity throughout your battle with her. ^_^ Kitten: She'd have had a second full blown accident while her Charizard was trying to take down your Arcanine if her piddle pot was at its usually puny capacity. Kitten: But since you asked so nicely... *Snaps fingers.* Kitten: Pipi is now at twice her already expanded capacity. As the window vanishes, Adrian is met with the site of a red-faced Pipi looking at the floor as she admits in a quiet voice, "Um... I'm not wearing anything underneath..." In the forest, Kitten licks her lips as she declares, "Oh goodie, I get to enjoy a virgin." but instead of immediately hilting herself in Linds's depths, the catgirl builds anticipation for a minute or so, kneading the taller girl's half moons, occasionally pricking skin with claws but never pressing hard enough to leave a mark. And then with a cheetah like burst of speed, Kitten goes from poised at her partner's opening to being buried cervix deep in a blink of an eye, the feline's futahood shifting in size and shape to completely fill Linds and stretch her passage to its limits even as the catgirl shreds the young woman's maidenhead. At the same time, Kitten imparts enough feline flexibility to Linds to allow the catgirl to drop to her knees, her pussy pussy mere centimeters from Linds's mouth, the taller girl nearly curled in a complete circle. Lindz moans as she gets stretched smiling "Damn Kitten I knew cats were flexible but not this flexible" she says with a grin as she watches her get into a sixty nine position Adrian thinks for a bit, before reaching into one of the room's drawers and pulling out a pair of shorts. "Here, you can try these on. Do you think you can take the questions now?" Picking up pace, her spines scraping roughly against Linds's inner walls, a panting Kitten manages to say between moans, "Oh yes, fantastically flexible. I can effortlessly perform fellatio or cunnilingus on myself, no problem... It's a bit uncomfortable, but I can even bend my spine and crane my neck in a way that lets me deep throat my kitty cock at the same time my tongue is lulling out to lick my pussy pussy." Wrapping her tail around Linds's neck and gently pulling her up to close the distance between human mouth and feline flower, Kitten adds, "Of course, my mouth can't compare with fucking a real pussy, and my own tongue is a bit too predictable." Taking the shorts, Pipi replies, "Su-sure..." before turning around and dropping the borrowed jeans, giving Adrian a brief eyeful of pale, but pleasantly plump rump, the contrast between thigh and buttock evidence of lots of time on the beachwearing modest swimwear that left behind prominent tanlines. As abruptly as her cute butt was exposed, it is covered once more by the shorts before Pipi faces Adrian once more, a look of innocence on her face making it impossible to tell whether she's genuinely oblivious that she just mooned the much older male or did it on purpose and is just playing dumb.