Izzy tries to hold back but as her orgasm builds Izzy can feel her bladder giving out... "You ready little reaper!" Izzy moaned. **I do hope this next bit is allowed** As Izzy felt her own bladder fit to burst she attempted to use the magic of the room to see if it'll work the way she hopes. She pictured Yachirus bladder rapidly filling once more and attempted to link Yachirus sexual feelings with her own to make her feel the same way as Izzy feels herself. 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Imouto Kitten // 573 *Imouto Kitten * // 573 * Onii-chan's guide kitty * * * *? Contributor* * Reputation: // 573 * Posts: 2,411 * //Report post * // Posted April 8 Alex and Roxie's knees buckle as their respective Kitten Clones continue their oral assaults, and it isn't long before the white mage and warrior are on the ground as well. Roxie puts up no resistence as her Kitten undoes her robe and spreads it out on the forest path, revealing the blue tunic straining to cover the blonde's ample tits and ass. Rock hard and taking advantage of Roxie's lack of underwear, this instance of Kitten stabs her futahood home in the white mage's depths, both moaning loudly as the catgirl starts rutting Roxie like an animal in heat. The scene with Alex is fairly similar as the former man's armored skirt and breast plate are discarded, the crothch of the earthern-haired swordswoman's leotard pulled aside to give Kitten access as she claims a second pussy. Purring loudly against Linds' chest, the third Kitten's tail finds the waistband of Linds's trousers and slips inside, downy fur caressing the taller girl's inner thigh and outer petals as the catgirl starts dry humping her feline member against Linds' tunic, the fourth kitten doing much the same with Raven. Meanwhile, with Yachiru, the tiny soul reaper starts squirming, pausing briefly in her ministrations as she comments, "I feels like Yuri-chan is licking my kitty again, but you aren't touching me... and I popped just a little while ago, but I feel ready to pop again..." but instead of wondering more about what's going on, Yachiru resumes eating out the taller girl, and when Izzy is pushed over the limit, the pinkette eagerly guzzles down both Izzy's release and Izzy's pee, seemingly too lost in the phantom pleasure to care that her own girlhood is gushing, completely soaking the couch cushion the little reaper is kneeling on. 0 * // * Quote <#> * Options // <#elControls_1628786_menu> o Hide * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Pee-Pants1995 // 31 *Pee-Pants1995 * // 31 * Desperate * * * *New Member* * Reputation: // 31 * Posts: 158 * //Report post * // Posted April 8 Several minutes passed and Izzy collapsed just panting trying to catch her breath... "A after that I think w we both need a drink or 5..." Izzy said "how about 10 random drinks any drink don't care which ones and we split them 50/50? How's that sound huh?" 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Melificentfan // 824 *Melificentfan * // 824 * Bursting * * * *? Respected Member* * Reputation: // 824 * Posts: 5,851 * //Report post * // Posted April 8 Lindz chuckles as she slides her hand down stroking the kittens member 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // adriangache // 21 *adriangache * // 21 * Bursting * * * *Active Member* * Reputation: // 21 * Posts: 329 * //Report post * // Posted April 9 Adrian shifts one foot back. "So Kitten's learned not to immediately tip me off about the type now," he thinks to himself. He thinks of a defense against whatever these orbs of power could be. "Torterra, block them with Stealth Rock!" As the tortoise summons twenty-thirty-odd rocks, it manipulates each one of them to swat away each orb that comes screaming at it, eventually deflecting all of the Hidden Power Orbs. Then an idea hits Adrian. "Keep those Stealth Rocks up, Torterra!" Torterra nods in understanding, and summons even more rocks, so that there are fifty rock fragments floating around the massive creature, further enhancing its defenses. "Just like Counter Shield," Adrian thinks. "Now it's our turn! Torterra, use Rock Polish!" While the tortoise's speed doubles, Adrian calls out, "Use Rock Climb to elevate Venusaur, then punt it off the mountain with Iron Head!" In the blink of an eye, an earthen spire forms itself under Venusaur, thrusting it high into the air. Before it can react, Torterra is upon it, the barrier of Stealth Rocks making way for its hardened head. 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Imouto Kitten // 573 *Imouto Kitten * // 573 * Onii-chan's guide kitty * * * *? Contributor* * Reputation: // 573 * Posts: 2,411 * //Report post * // Posted April 9 Pipi's eyes go wide at the unexpected display of speed from her opponent as her own Pokemon is sent flying. She realizes it probably won't be the most effective hit regardless, but seeing as her Venusaur can't really do anything until it lands, she calls out, "Venusaur, use your impact to power an Earthquake and then follow it up with a Solarbeam!" Venusaur manages to land on all fours, forming a small crater and sending tremors through the battleground in the process before taking advantage of the harsh sunlight to unleash a beam of concentrated solar energy without the usual charge up. Crossing her fingers, Pipi mumbles, "Here's hoping that stealth rock shield is as weak to grass as actual rock pokemon." Sitting up, Yachiru replies, "That sounds like a good idea..." glancing down, the pinkette realizes she's sitting on a soaked couch cushion, the once cream-colored upholstery now an amber yellow, "...though maybe a bath is in order." tapping a finger to her chin, the pinkette wonders aloud, "I wonder if this place can turn into a hot spring, or maybe a bubble bath, or maybe a bubble hot spring!" the grin on her face growing with each idea that spills forth. Leaning on the fourth wall, the Kitten at the bar, having changed out of her waitress outfit and into a school swimsuit while no one was looking, her piddle pot's preposterous protrusion now so massive it looks like Kitten stuffed an exercise ball inside her suit, said suit looking ready to split at the seams with how it's stretch over the catgirl's big, beutiful, bloated bladder bulge, "The only reason Yachiru hasn't conjurerd a hot spring yet is because the room is key to Izzy, so Yachiru can only give suggestions. Of course, guests making use of a private room can grannt thehir campanions access or even exclusive control if they wish..." As Linds wraps her hand around her instance of Kitten's feline futahood, the catgirl breaks the kiss, crying out, "Meow! Your hand feels really good!" At that moment, the tip of Kitten's tail finds Linds feminine opening, and thrusting forward,the furry appendage starts sliding in and out of the taller girl's depths. 0 * // * Quote <#> * Options // <#elControls_1629089_menu> o Hide * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Pee-Pants1995 // 31 *Pee-Pants1995 * // 31 * Desperate * * * *New Member* * Reputation: // 31 * Posts: 158 * //Report post * // Posted April 9 Izzy peeled back the forth wall for a second, while it'd be fun to allow her control I've got some interesting ideas for later on if it's allowed lol. Izzy thought for a moment "yes that my cute little reaper is a grand idea. Let's have those drinks while we relax in the water." Izzy said picturing a spa acdc6b649cf2d8661dbcaf19e30b425b.jpg.cf.jpg 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Melificentfan // 824 *Melificentfan * // 824 * Bursting * * * *? Respected Member* * Reputation: // 824 * Posts: 5,851 * //Report post * // Posted April 9 Lindz moans as she wraps her legs around the kittens waist "Mmmmmm you feel good as well" she purrs 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // adriangache // 21 *adriangache * // 21 * Bursting * * * *Active Member* * Reputation: // 21 * Posts: 329 * //Report post * // Posted April 9 Adrian reacts in shock with how gracefully the opposing Venusaur is able to transition from falling off the mountain from an Iron Head into hitting an Earthquake and SolarBeam combination. While he hasn't yet mega evolved his Torterra, protecting it from all but minimal damage from Earthquake, the SolarBeam could be a bit more of a concern. Not even a Torterra on a Rock Polish boost could dodge a beam the speed of solar energy. "Torterra! Build up the Stealth Rocks in front of you and block the SolarBeam!" Torterra gathers its Stealth Rock Shield in front of it just in time for the SolarBeam to hit. However, the beam razes through the shield, and while Torterra is left unscathed, there are only around five rocks left. Adrian grunts in frustration. He decides that it's time to match Pipi's Mega. "Torterra! Sync with my heart, with the countless battles we've had through Sinnoh and beyond! Unlock the power of Mega Evolution!" Then, not even waiting for the process to finish, Adrian calls out, "Get 'em with a Stone Edge!" Even as Torterra glows with the power of Mega Evolution, it summons rocks bigger than its Stealth Rock shield from the earth and sends them screaming towards Venusaur, the attack now boosted by STAB. 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Imouto Kitten // 573 *Imouto Kitten * // 573 * Onii-chan's guide kitty * * * *? Contributor* * Reputation: // 573 * Posts: 2,411 * //Report post * // Posted April 12 Although she wasn't aware Torterra could mega evolve, Adriane's earlier comment that his last Pokemon had the gift lets Pipi recover from her surprise quickly, calling out, "Dodge with Double Team and then counter with Toxic and Attract!" In a blur of speed, Torterra is surrounded by an entire meadow of Venusaur before they all cough up blobs of purple gunk before waving their leaves and petals flirtatiously. "My Venusaur is a rarity among starters!" Comments Pipi, hoping her gamble pays off, "She's the rare female. Yachiru starts to doggie paddle as the room, originally a private karaoke lounge shifts into a Onsen, a perimeter of water-smoothed boulders surrounding a pool deep enough to reach the pinkette's neck if she stood up, the water tinted pink and bubbling with strawberry-scented bubble bath. In the middle of the hot spring sits a wooden table, it's top designed to let water cascade into the pool and arrayed with a variety of drinks, all in glasware that will float upright. Leaning on the fourth wall, Kitten cuts in, "While my own eyesight is quite keen, especially in low light, I'd like to remind you that Onii-chan is blind, and thus can't see user posted images. So my apologies, if what I just described clashes horribly with what's in the image you just posted." Purring, the instance of Kitten straddling Linds comments, "I think you're overdressed." just as a scream of pleasure draws their attention to Roxie and the kitten who partnered off with the blonde. The white mage's blue tunic has been sliced open to expose the creamy skin of her massive melons and pleasantly plump midsection, both of which are on display as the blonde lays on her side facing the onlookers, one leg thrown over her lover's far shoulder, the other pinned between the feline's thighs. Roxie's sapphire eyes have rolled back in her head and her mouth is wide open in a cry of pure bliss as her abdomen swells and an aura surrounds the mage and her lover, the catgirl apparently pumping the healer full of cum faster than her body can convert the life-giving substance to mana. "Looks like my other self and Roxie are enjoying themselves." comments the Kitten straddling Linds before turning back with a predatory grin, "So, you going to undress, or do I do to your clothes what my other self did to Roxie's tunic?" 0 * // * Quote <#> * Options // <#elControls_1629924_menu> o Hide * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Melificentfan // 824 *Melificentfan * // 824 * Bursting * * * *? Respected Member* * Reputation: // 824 * Posts: 5,851 * //Report post * // Posted April 12 Lindz chuckles as she slides her jacket off then she puts her fingers at the bottom of her shirt lifting it up over her head revealing her purple bra as she slides the bra straps down revealing her boobs and turning her bra to the front as she unhooks it looking at the kitten smirking 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // adriangache // 21 *adriangache * // 21 * Bursting * * * *Active Member* * Reputation: // 21 * Posts: 329 * //Report post * // Posted April 12 Adrian is taken aback. Apart from the sudden number of Venusaurs on the field, he's not actually sure whether or not Torterra would fall for the trap. He decides to take no chances. "Torterra, get up out of sight! Use Rock Climb!" Before the toxic blobs can hit, Torterra summons an earthen spire under itself, rocketing it upwards and away from the Toxic, and out of sight of the flirting Venusaurs. "Now make it rain with Stone Edge!" From the bottom, Torterra is completely out of sight, and it is unclear if it even heard Adrian's command, Then, a sudden fountain of massive rocks rains down from Torterra's earthen spire and onto the circle of Venusaurs below. 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Dededesciple // 53 *Dededesciple * // 53 * Bursting * * * *Active Member* * Reputation: // 53 * Posts: 445 * //Report post * // Posted April 12 "Your on blondie! and the names Dedede, King Dedede!" I then deliver a classic Dedede chuckle at Laharls comment "looks like you out of a job after dis one holy falter!'' I then turn to the match just in time to see Torterra mega evolve "*/WHAT!? /*SENSE WHEN COULD HE DO DAT!? Good thing dat boys on mah side! Whatdaya think a dat Divine Dimwit?'' 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Pee-Pants1995 // 31 *Pee-Pants1995 * // 31 * Desperate * * * *New Member* * Reputation: // 31 * Posts: 158 * //Report post * // Posted April 12 Izzy peer round the fourth wall "my apologies, I was unaware of his lack of sight. I feel bad now... But none the less your description was near enough exactly what the picture depicted" ********************** Izzy grabed two drinks, a volcanic spritzer for herself (which is super hot drink with a chillie garnish) and a sweet tropical island tonic for the reaper then she swam over to the girl and offered her the drink. 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Imouto Kitten // 573 *Imouto Kitten * // 573 * Onii-chan's guide kitty * * * *? Contributor* * Reputation: // 573 * Posts: 2,411 * //Report post * // Posted April 17 Pipi stumbles back at the sight of stony death from above raining down upon her venusaur and her illusionary doppelgangers, landing on her butt, the crotch of her borrowed jeans darkening slightly as she cries out, "Protect!" As the stone edge barrage passes, the blonde climbs back to her feet just in time to see Venusaur shake off a pile of stones, a shimmering shield dissipating to reveal some scratches, the grass-type clearly having not gotten her shield up in time to prevent all damage. "Okay, Venusaur," Starts Pipi, "Heal those wounds with Synthesis, charge up a solarbeam, and use Rock Climb to chase Torterra to unleash it at close range!" The large grass type glows brightly, it's injuries vanishing before the energy concentrates in the center of her flower before she starts scaling the side of the earthen spire. "Hmm..." starts Flonne, comtemplating the battle, "Torterra seems to have the mobility advantage, but Venusaur certainly has a better healing move than either Blastoise or Charizard, especially with Sunny Day in play. This might be a long battle, especially since neither has any attacks I can think of that are both strong and super effective... Then again, I didn't know Torterra could mega evolve either." As Flonne finishes, Hiko, her twin buny girl lovers in tow, join the table, the rabbits no longer wearing their wet Yukatas, but instead matching leotards of a similar cut to the one Flonne is wearing under her open-front dress, only black instead of red. With a rather satisfied smile on her face, the Vixen address the fallen angel, "Hey, Flonne, right?" "Yeah, that's me." replies the blonde. "There are quite a few strange looking characters around here, and even the ones that look fairly normal from where I come from are wearing the most unusual clothing I've ever seen... but I like how that skin tight garment you're wearing looks, and I must admit, my little honey bunnies look rather cute in the copies I made for them." "Why thank you!" Gushes the fallen angel, "Oh, and I was delighted to see you showing such love for the little cuties in public. Warms my heart to see a predator showing love for their natural prey." Turning to the redheaded demoness, "Etna, wasn't it?" "Yeah, what do ya want, Foxy?" "I believe Dedede over there accepted challenges from both of us. So, how do you want to decide who gets dibs?" In the forest, a horny and naked kitten grins widely, running her pink tongue over her sharp teeth as she declares, "What a yummy looking pair of boobies, and I don't mean the birds nesting in a nearby tree." Before groping Linds's breasts, one in each hand, claws pressing into the skin but stopping short of piercing flesh. Continuing to use her tail as a living Dildo, Kitten leans down and runs her tongue, the pink appendage much rougher than a human tongue, over one of the taller girl's breasts. In the onsen, Yachiru stops her swimming, standing up and holding her arms up to keep both her head and glass abouve the surface as she accepts the offered drink. 0 * // * Quote <#> * Options // <#elControls_1631864_menu> o Hide * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Pee-Pants1995 // 31 *Pee-Pants1995 * // 31 * Desperate * * * *New Member* * Reputation: // 31 * Posts: 158 * //Report post * // Posted April 17 Izzy easily picks up the small reaper in her left arm while keeping her drink in her right. She supports Yachiru keeping her above water ensuring she doesn't drown. "I can't have a cutie like you drowning on me now can I..." Izzy said 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Melificentfan // 824 *Melificentfan * // 824 * Bursting * * * *? Respected Member* * Reputation: // 824 * Posts: 5,851 * //Report post * // Posted April 17 Lindz smirks "Why thank you" she says as she moans sliding her hands down the kittens back gripping the kittens ass 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // adriangache // 21 *adriangache * // 21 * Bursting * * * *Active Member* * Reputation: // 21 * Posts: 329 * //Report post * // Posted April 18 Adrian groans in frustration. He hopes that the Sunny Day isn't going to be out for too long; even armed with Synthesis himself, he's not sure he has any moves that could take out Venusaur in one hit. He then recoils in surprise as he sees Venusaur scaling the earthen spire, flower aglow. "Torterra! Jump in the air, and meet it on the downward stroke with an Iron Head!" Torterra, using its ears to listen for which side of the spire Venusaur is on, leaps off its podium, and plummets straight toward the charging Venusaur, its, weight, size, gravity, and newly-STAB-boosted Iron Head screaming towards its opposition. 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Imouto Kitten // 573 *Imouto Kitten * // 573 * Onii-chan's guide kitty * * * *? Contributor* * Reputation: // 573 * Posts: 2,411 * //Report post * // Posted April 19 Pipi doesn't have time to react, and Venusaur barely has time to react as nearly half-a-ton of giant rock turtle plummets at terminal velocity. No time to dodge, Venusaur barely manages to tilt it's flower towards its opponent, giving Torterra a faceful of solar beam just before the pair make contact, the impact of the iron head coupled witd with their respective charges sending out a powerful shockwave and kicking up quite a bit of dirt from the spire's side. Moaning around the nipple in her mouth and humping her kitty cock against Linds' tummy, Kitten swishes her tail from side-to-side in contentment as her flat chest vibrates in a loud purr against the taller girl. Holding her drink in her left hand, Yachiru wraps her right arm around Izzy's neck and both legs around the taller girl's ribcage, squeezing the woman's left breast against the reaper's belly as the pinkette replies, "Even if Kitty made sure this place was rich enough with reishi that I don't need a gigai, I'm not sure I could drown regardless, but thanks anyways." With his Yachiru gives Izzy a kiss on teh cheek. Out in the main room, Maylene returns Lucario to his pokeball before announcing, "I think I'll be heading out." "Well," replies Kitten, "it's been nice having you, and that was a nice Pokemon battle earlier." Hopping off her bar stool, Kitten places a hand over Maylene's lower abdomen and says, "And take care of that furry, little bundle you're growing." As the pinkette leaves, Kitten looks over the room, Aside from the table with the Ojamajo and the one with the combined Disgaea-Dedede-Hiko party, most of the guests have left without notice, Hikari bent double over one of the tables, wiping down its surface with a wet washcloth. Just then, a group of girls enter the Klub, and Kitten runs over to them, her prodigiously protruding piddle pot bouncing with every step, "Meow and Saluations! Didn't think any of y'all would show up here." "He-Hello" replies one of the girls. "Let me introduce the newcomers!" exclaims Kitten excitedly to the room. "These are some of the Ojamajo's classmates." "Gesturing to a girl with medium brown, shoulder length hair whereing a cream-colored sweater vest over a white-button up and a red-and-green plaid pleated skirt, "This is Sachiko Ijuin, both of her parents are teachers and she's got a bit of a goody-goody reputation, though there are hints of a desire to act out in there." Next, a short girl with short, gray hair, a matching sweater, and a wine-red pleated skirt, "This is Natsumi Satou, and she's a bit of a rarity among Japanese girls; She's a preacher's daughter, and in a star-crossed relationship with the son of a buddhist priest. Their fathers don't get along well. Also, she's not a nun, but she's been known to dress like one." Indicating a youth with ruddy brown hair buzzed short and a olive green t-shirt and cargo shorts, Kitten continues, "This is Kayoko Nagato, a Hikikimori. Oh, and don't let her looks fool you, she may look like a shota, but she's definately a loli." Continueing her introductions, Kitten comes to a girl with oval eyeglasses and light brown hair in pig tails wearing a blue button up, untucked, over pale purple pants, "This is Kaori Shimakura, avid photographer and aspiring journalist. I'm actually kind of surprised to see her hear without her, for lack of a better term, mistress... Ookay, that thas connotations best saved for yuri fanfic... She's a lackey to Reika Tamaki, who is essentially the alpha bitch of Misora First Elementary the school these girls and the Ojamajo attend." Stepping up to the last girl, who looks like a dark-haired reflection of Hikari, with a pale pink button-up worn under a royal blue dress, "Last, but not least, we have Marina Koizumi, a soft-spoken girl who loves taking care of flowers." "Well, why don't you girls make yourselves at home?" 0 * // * Quote <#> * Options // <#elControls_1632869_menu> o Hide * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Pee-Pants1995 // 31 *Pee-Pants1995 * // 31 * Desperate * * * *New Member* * Reputation: // 31 * Posts: 158 * //Report post * // Posted April 19 "I can still drop you, you know" Izzy said sarcastically as she tickled the smaller girl returning the kiss. Izzy then thought for a moment on what she had said and had a wicked thought, "whew you stinky girl" she chuckled before kissing the girls neck and giving her a gentle toss into the water. 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Melificentfan // 824 *Melificentfan * // 824 * Bursting * * * *? Respected Member* * Reputation: // 824 * Posts: 5,851 * //Report post * // Posted April 19 Lindz moans as she goes at it with the kitten 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // adriangache // 21 *adriangache * // 21 * Bursting * * * *Active Member* * Reputation: // 21 * Posts: 329 * //Report post * // Posted April 19 Adrian gasps in shock. While he's happy that the Iron Head hit its mark, hopefully causing the now-prostrate Venusaur to flinch, Torterra has just been blasted with a massive SolarBeam. On top of that, both Pokemon are still falling, although the force from the SolarBeam means Torterra is still a bit higher up. "Torterra! Use your momentum to Iron Head the earth and give Venusaur the biggest Earthquake in Pokemon history!" 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Imouto Kitten // 573 *Imouto Kitten * // 573 * Onii-chan's guide kitty * * * *? Contributor* * Reputation: // 573 * Posts: 2,411 * //Report post * // Posted April 22 The Klub's newest guests take a seat at a table near the arena just in time to see Venusaur, still dazed from the vertical impact hit the ground, kicking up a cloud off dust, Pipi raising an arm to shield her face as it spreads out, but before the dust cloud can dissipate, Torterra makes impact, the tremor knocking Pipi off her feet again and causing the spire to tilt precariously before crashing down, enhancing the continent Pokemon's earthquake, the invisible barrier between the arena and the main rooom glowing brightly as a wave of earth collides with it. "Quite impressive, isn't it," Says Hikari, addressing the wided eyed girls before asking, "Can I get you anything?" Yachiru is caught off guard by Izzy's toss, but still lets out a squeal of excitement as she's sent flying, flaring her pink reiatsu to do a few mid air flips before splashing in the water. Swimming up to the taller girl, Yachiru wraps both arms around Izzy's neck as she cries, "Do it again! Do it again!" Sitting up, Kitten straddles the bottom of Linds's ribcage, her bright pink kitty cock coming to rest between the taller girl's breasts, "Do let me know if my barbs are an issue." declares the catgirl before using her hands to press Linds's breasts around her shaft as she starts to tit fuck the taller girl. 0 * // * Quote <#> * Options // <#elControls_1634382_menu> o Hide * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Pee-Pants1995 // 31 *Pee-Pants1995 * // 31 * Desperate * * * *New Member* * Reputation: // 31 * Posts: 158 * //Report post * // Posted April 22 "im gonna regret starting this aren't I" izzy chuckled throwing the girl higher in the air this time... izzy imagined a couple ropes and swings coming from the ceiling to assit the smaller girl 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Dededesciple // 53 *Dededesciple * // 53 * Bursting * * * *Active Member* * Reputation: // 53 * Posts: 445 * //Report post * // Posted April 23 Then triple D got and idea "if ah get these two dopes to duke it out they'll be too pooped to put up a fight when its mah turn HEHEHEHE ,you done it again Dedede" he thought to himself. "EY AH KNOW HOWS YOU TWO CAN CALL DIBS" he called to the girls "why dont y'all enter the arena together, one who come out on top gets clobbaed first! Ah mean, ladies first after all right?"