Kitten watches the exchange between the redheaded demoness, the foxgirl, and Dedede, ready to intervene if things turn violent as she continues to drink her milk, the bulge under her apron starting to resemble a pregnancy. Hiko's eyes widen slightly as her fox fire is siphoned from her palm, but the vixen quickly recovers her composure as she comments, "Even though that was one of my weakest fire spells, that's some fairly impressive energy nullification you have there... perhaps you are more than just hot air." Glancing at the pair of waddle Dees, she adds, "And your vassels clearly have good taste, even if they're even stranger looking than you." Before Hiko can say anything more, Etna cuts in with a devilish grin, "Willing to put yer money where your mouth is, King Prinny?" Turning to the pokemon battle just in time to see the Dragon Pulse knock the roosting Charizard from its perch, Pipi flinching as her pokemon barely manages to unfurl its wings in time to rest its momentum. Playfully pinching Flonne's cheek, Etna continues, "I think the cute, little fallen angel here is going to be busy singing her heart out as she tries in vain to not soak her leotard, but perhaps we could have a spar once the skinny dork is done crushing the pipsqueak." "I'd like in on this." adds Hiko, crossing her arms within the sleeves of her miko garb, "Between how effortlessly he neutralized my fox fire and his claims to being a great warrior in his own right in addition to the skill as a commander he displayed during his confrontation with the scrawny pinkette, I'm curious what this bizarre looking bird can do." Glancing over her shoulder to her huddled pets, "Besides, I still want some payback for him insulting my sweet, little honey bunnies." Rubbing her cheek where Etna pinched it, Flonne declares, "I still have faith in Pipi." though her words carry less confidence than before. Pipi lets out a sigh of relief as her Charizard regains flight after being blindsided by the Dragon Pulse. Knowing Charizard can't take too many hits from such strong Dragon-type attacks even if they aren't stabbed, and realizing roost leaves Charizard too vulnerable even if it doesn't have a flying type to lose while in its X-mega form, the short blonde cries out, "Charizard, Double Team and then fire Dragon Breath into the dust cloud!" IN a blur of aerial acrobatics, Charizard is joined by a dozen illusionary copies of itself, all of them flying around the shrinking dust cloud and exhaling green flames into the cloud, though Pipi doesn't seem to notice that only one gout of flame is heating up the dust, forming blobs of molten obsidian. Yachiru squirms more vigorously as she hears the toilet flushing, unconsciously pressing both palms against Izzy's bladder as she bites her lower lips to strangle a desperate whimper. "I don't think we usually carry honey." Starts Alex, and recieving a nod from Roxie, who typically manages the trio's supplies, continues, "Not sure it would work anyways, seeing as they use sticky silk for immobilizing and probably have defenses against having their tactics used against them." Glancing around, Alex spots a large tree along the forest road that serves as the site of the battle, and running over to it, starts hacking away at its roots, hoping Linds will catch on to her plan without her having to rsik warning the queen as it continues to struggle against the large cat pinning it down. 0 * // * Quote <#> * Options // <#elControls_1615952_menu> o Hide * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Pee-Pants1995 // 31 *Pee-Pants1995 * // 31 * Desperate * * * *New Member* * Reputation: // 31 * Posts: 158 * //Report post * // Posted March 13 Izzy wasn't able to keep from a spurt escaping. Izzy sat the smaller girl on to the seat and got between the girls lesgs "Wittle weaper gotta potty" Izzy teased before kissing the girls thighs 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Melificentfan // 824 *Melificentfan * // 824 * Bursting * * * *? Respected Member* * Reputation: // 824 * Posts: 5,851 * //Report post * // Posted March 13 Lindz looks at alex as she walks over helping her "So the roots of the tree gives off the tree sap" she says with a grin 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // adriangache // 21 *adriangache * // 21 * Bursting * * * *Active Member* * Reputation: // 21 * Posts: 329 * //Report post * // Posted March 13 Adrian's eyes widen. The sight of thirteen Mega Charizards is terrifying, and the thought of them carpet bombing the whole field with DragonBreaths makes him fear for his Arcanine. However, he notices that, unlike in the anime, only one of the DragonBreath streams is causing any real damage, and with the dust cloud receding, there doesn't seem to be an Arcanine in its line of fire. Then Adrian spots it: a slowly-growing tuft of fur, stealthily following the real DragonBreath's source around behind it. Adrian allows himself a smile. With all the experience that he and his Arcanine have had, it's become almost as talented a tactician as Adrian himself. But the dust cloud is gone, and Arcanine's cover is about to be blown. Adrian quickly calls out, "Arcanine! Use Toxic on the real Charizard, then hit him with an Outrage!" As the real Charizard moves towards a halved pillar in its search, the newly-Rested canine quickly launches a blob of toxin from behind it, then, not waiting to see the result, climbs up the pillar and charges anew at the still-unaware Charizard. 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Dededesciple // 53 *Dededesciple * // 53 * Bursting * * * *Active Member* * Reputation: // 53 * Posts: 445 * //Report post * // Posted March 14 "YOUR ON FOXY GRANDMA, AHLL CLOBBA YOU ANYTIME, ANYPLACE, ANYWHERE!! You aint gonna be the first fox ah clobba, not even the first one with fire powers! And HOW DARE you mock mah waddle dees, on topa everything else your a hypocrite too!?" I then turn my attention to the match "dang, dat Arcanine is really hangin in there." 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Pee-Pants1995 // 31 *Pee-Pants1995 * // 31 * Desperate * * * *New Member* * Reputation: // 31 * Posts: 158 * //Report post * // Posted March 21 <> 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Dededesciple // 53 *Dededesciple * // 53 * Bursting * * * *Active Member* * Reputation: // 53 * Posts: 445 * //Report post * // Posted March 22 <>? 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Imouto Kitten // 573 *Imouto Kitten * // 573 * Onii-chan's guide kitty * * * *? Contributor* * Reputation: // 573 * Posts: 2,411 * //Report post * // Posted March 23 Yachiru unconsciously wrapps her short, slender legs around Izzy's neck, squirming both from the taller girl's ministrations and her own desperation as she wimpers, "Yuri-chan, I'm still wearing my undies... I'm gonna make pee pee in my panties at this rate!" In the virtual forest, Alex whispers to Linds, "Actually, I was thinking that if we cut down this tree, there's a good chance it'll land on the queen. Should be heavy enough to hold that giant bug down, won't hurt Kitten as much if she can't get clear in time, and we won't be as screwed if we miss." Resuming her hacking at the base of the tree, the brunette adds with a grunt, "Too bad we don't have an ax or saw. Swords aren't really meant for chopping wood." Back in the main room, Hiko simply replies, "We'll see..." before turning to get a better look at the pair of Waddle Dee that applauded her earlier acrobatics. Giving each of the odd-looking creatures a pat on the head, she coos, "You two are some of the most unusual creatures I've ever seen, but you're actually kinda cute." As a bulge forms in the vixen's red hakama, she halts her adoration of the Popstar Royal's retainers as she marches back to her table, grabbing the pair of wet, little bunnies by the wrist, declaring with a low growl, "Time to service me, my little honey bunnies." Before throwing over her shoulder to the Waddle Dees, "You cuties are welcome to join us." Resuming her seat, Hiko pulls Tsubomi on her lap and after some adjustments that are hidden by the table at the vixen's corner booth, the smaller girl starts bouncing in the fox girl's lap, Hiko's hand covering the rabbit's mouth to muffle any sounds coming from the bunny's throat, the fox's face taking on an expression of love and affection as she looks down at her pet and Futaba looking at the pair with longing. Meanwhile, Etna goads the Pop Star monarch further, "What's the matter, big guy? Afraid to take on a Demon Lord and right hand girl of an Overloard, so you're going to pick on a little fox girl?" The leather clad red head either ignoring or oblivious to the fact that she isn't much, if any, taller or more developed than the vixen in Miko garb. Finishing with cleaning both the spilled noodles and the puddles of Tsubomi and Futabi's accidents, Hikari raises to her feet, holding a mop in one hand as her other hand presses her dress against her crotch, "Please let me know if I can get any of you anything." before waddling back towards the bar. Pipi winces as the blob of toxins splash against her Charizard's scales, tinting them purple as the powerful poison seeps in, and seeing the fire canine rushing in, does the only thing she can think of, "Charizard! Dargon Claw!" The Fire Dragon manages to turn around and raises its talons just as Arcanine makes impact, claws seeking into fur and flesh even as the pure-fire type's draconic aura scorches the dargon's scales. Knowing the toxic will quickly wear her pokemon down regardless, deciding roost is useless without room to breathe, and knowing the outrage will only hasten Charizard's defeat, she calls out, "Seismic Toss!" Hoping it'll be enough for at least a double KO as the fire Dragon, its mammalian foe secure in its talons, lifts off the pillar, raises towards the ceiling and does several mid-air loops to build speed before heading towards the ground in a Kamikaze dive. At the bar, Kitten comments, "Sorry I continue to be a scatter brained and easily distracted kitty." Discarding her apron, she reveals her now basketball-sized bladder bulge, her pale flesh visible as her skirt has been pushed down by the protrusion and her blouse has been pushed up. "Perhaps a patron can punish me by pummeling my preposterously plump, prodigiously protruding, positively poudning, powerfully pulsing, piddle pot until it's poised to pop and pour plentiful pints of pent-up piddle everywhere. I don't think I'm anywhere near risking an accident, but I still think it'd be interesting to see someone try to force me to go outside my litter box." 0 * // * Quote <#> * Options // <#elControls_1620995_menu> o Hide * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Melificentfan // 824 *Melificentfan * // 824 * Bursting * * * *? Respected Member* * Reputation: // 824 * Posts: 5,851 * //Report post * // Posted March 23 Lindz nods "Aye I wish we have two ex's instead of using our swords" she says as she continues to cop down the tree 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Pee-Pants1995 // 31 *Pee-Pants1995 * // 31 * Desperate * * * *New Member* * Reputation: // 31 * Posts: 158 * //Report post * // Posted March 23 Izzy took off the younger girls underwear and tentatively began licking at the smaller girls private place 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // adriangache // 21 *adriangache * // 21 * Bursting * * * *Active Member* * Reputation: // 21 * Posts: 329 * //Report post * // Posted March 23 For a moment, Adrian has to take a step back. A Charizard performing a Seismic Toss is something he'd only ever seen Ash's legendary Charizard do on TV, and as the fire dragon devotes its final health points to spinning around with Arcanine in tow, he can almost visualize the Earth it's drawing around like they always do in the Anime. Then a thought hits him. /Anime?/ He remembers the most iconic battle from that series, Charizard vs Gary's Blastoise, but also the battle that came right after: Charizard vs Harrison's Blaziken. That was the first time he had ever remembered any Pokemon survive the contact made by a Seismic Toss. But how did Harrison... It comes back to Adrian at the right time. Just as he finishes his reminiscing, he calls out, "Arcanine! Flamethrower on the ground!" As the two Pokemon plummet towards the ground, Arcanine unleashes a stream of flame at the impact point, softening its landing and making sure it survives. Adrian waits for the dust to settle, hoping to see a finally-defeated Charizard. 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Dededesciple // 53 *Dededesciple * // 53 * Bursting * * * *Active Member* * Reputation: // 53 * Posts: 445 * //Report post * // Posted March 27 (edited) ".....Join you for what?" i say with a confused look on my face. i the see the fox bring the rabbit to her lab and turn to wisper to my waddle dees "lookit dat she suffocatin dat poor rabbit! i didn't know ah was playin de hero in dis here fight!" i then angrily turn to the boastful demon "OH YOU WANT SOME TOO!? DONT YOU WORRY HONEY AH GOT MORE DEN ENOUGH HAMMER TO GO AROUND! *AH COULD CLOBBA EVERYONE IN DIS JOINT WITHOUT BREAKIN A SWEAT!*" in my fuming anger i turn to see my horse in this race utilize his anime knowledge "HEHEHEHE dat one take me back.." *Edited March 27 by Dededesciple* 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Imouto Kitten // 573 *Imouto Kitten * // 573 * Onii-chan's guide kitty * * * *? Contributor* * Reputation: // 573 * Posts: 2,411 * //Report post * // Posted March 28 "So, yer a hammer user?" Asks Etna, "That's not a very common weapon back home. I typically go for Spears or Axes myself." Glancing at the arena, the redhead adds, "I don't think this battle's gonna last much longer." As the Dust clears, Pipi lets out a sigh of relief seeing her Charizard standing opposite the still conscious Arcanine before ordering, "Charizard, Dragonbreath!" However, before the dragon can build up the mystic green flames once more, it collapses to the ground, the toxic having run its course. As her pokemon reverts to its normal form, Pipi droops a bit before lifting her pokeball and calling out, "Charizard, return." Letting out a defeated sigh, Pipi announces, "Even without another rest, that Arcanine probably eats Venusaur for breakfast, that Skarmory is immune or resistent to most of Venusaur's attacks, and I don't even know what your third Pokemon is. If this was a trainer battle in the games, I'd be forced to watch you crush my last pokemon, but I think I'm better off forfeiting." With Pipi's words, the arena reverts to a plain pokemon stadium as she starts walking across the arena floor to congratulate her opponent. While Etna was watching the conclusion of the battle, Flonne is watching Hiko and Tsubomi, a delighted expression on her face as she exclaims, "Oh, what a wonderful sight! A predator and her natural prey sharing such a powerful love, and being so unashamed to express it so intimately in such a public place." The fallen angel gets a far off, and somewhat lewd expression as she fans herself, even more shameless in her voyeurism, Tsubomi's face going as red as Flonne's leotard when she notices the angel watching. "Well, that ended even quicker than I thought." Comments Etna before turning to her blonde friend and noticing where her gaze is pointed, "Hey, netherworld to Flonne, stop soaking you're panties with pussy juice, the pipsqueak just conceded the match." Blushing furiously, Flonnne denies, "No, I wasn't staring at lovers in the act, besides, its not like you can see anything, not that I'd look if you could see anything." Ignoring Flonne's unbelievable denials, Etna turns to her Apprentice, "Hanako, go order Flonne's penalty drink." Getting an evil grin, Etna reminds Flonne of their non-monetary wager. "Their largest beverage conntainer full of demonade, spiked with the maximum dose of Bladder's Bane." Turning to the Pop Star royal, the redheaded Demoness comments, "Since the little fox seems a bit preoccupied with playing with her pet rabbits at the moment, how about we have our fight first? After Flonne here pays up on the bets she just lost." As Izzy's tongue plunges into Yachiru's depths, the diminutive soul reaper loses control. Of everything. Her muscles spasm, the pinkette shaking like a leaf as orgasm washes over her. Her reiatsu flares up, bright, pink light filling the room, but lacking any killing intent, feeling more like a warm blanket wrapping around those enveloped in it. And while the vice-captains girl juices gush forward to coat Izzy's face, they are joined by a deluge of gold as Yachiru's overtaxed bladder gives out under the pleasurable assualt, and incoherent scream of ecstasy reverberating from Yachiru's throat. It takes some time, but Linds and Alex eventually make enough of a dent in the tree's lower trunk for it to over balance, the rest of the trunk snapping as it starts falling towards Kitten and the pinned queen. Hearing Alex's cry of "TIMBER!" Kitten jumps back, using all four of her powerful legs to both throw herself out of harm's way and to push the queen harder into the ground. Before the bug can recover now that it's free, the massive tree crashes down on its head, blocking the forest road and pinning the giant bug once more. Seeing their chance, Raven and Roxie, hands still clasped together position themselves like a pair of archers standing breast-to-breast and drawing back an oversized bow, one pair of hands going behind them in a joined fist, the other pair extending forward, index fingers extended and pointing towards their enemy. The blue aura surrounding the pair flows into and concentrates on their outstretched arms, forming into an arrow shaped mass of mana, and with a joined cry of, "Giga Ice Arrow!" the pair of mages let fly the bolt of magic, the air frosting as it passes. As the magical projectile hits it's target, both the Queen and the tree pinning her freeze solid, the reaction rapid and violent enough to make both bug and plant shatter from the force of the impact. 0 * // * Quote <#> * Options // <#elControls_1623468_menu> o Hide * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Pee-Pants1995 // 31 *Pee-Pants1995 * // 31 * Desperate * * * *New Member* * Reputation: // 31 * Posts: 158 * //Report post * // Posted March 28 Izzy made sure to consume every drop of fluid produced by the smaller girl. After a couple minutes the stream began to subside and die down. Eventually it did stop, and Izzy raised her head to look at the girl... "You weren't kidding you really did have to go huh?" Izzy said wiping her face with a wet wipe from her bag, then kissed the smaller girls cheek as she cuddled up next to her. 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Imouto Kitten // 573 *Imouto Kitten * // 573 * Onii-chan's guide kitty * * * *? Contributor* * Reputation: // 573 * Posts: 2,411 * //Report post * // Posted March 28 It takes Yachiru a few minutes to recover from her orgasm, but the tiny pinkette eventually manages to get her breathing and reiatsu under control. Leaning into the taller girl's embrace, practically purring like a contented kitten, Yachiru exclaims, "Wow, that was amazing, Yuri-chan!" before returning the kiss on the cheek. A companionable silence falls over the pair for a few minutes before Yachiru pipes up, "Would Yuri-chan like me to return the favor?" 0 * // * Quote <#> * Options // <#elControls_1623555_menu> o Hide * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Melificentfan // 824 *Melificentfan * // 824 * Bursting * * * *? Respected Member* * Reputation: // 824 * Posts: 5,851 * //Report post * // Posted March 28 Lindz grins as she looks at the group "Well that outta hold the queen for a while" she says 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Pee-Pants1995 // 31 *Pee-Pants1995 * // 31 * Desperate * * * *New Member* * Reputation: // 31 * Posts: 158 * //Report post * // Posted March 28 "oh so the little reaper wants to play too huh, well go right ahead cutie." She said 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // adriangache // 21 *adriangache * // 21 * Bursting * * * *Active Member* * Reputation: // 21 * Posts: 329 * //Report post * // Posted March 29 Adrian, initially elated at the victory, calms down once he sees Pipi's reaction to her last Pokemon being fodder to his Arcanine and Skarmory. Not wanting to end the battle this way, he makes Pipi and offer. "Tell you what," Adrian calls, calling Arcanine back into its Pokeball in the process. "I'm willing to make a deal with you, since I want the chance to see what my ace can do." He pulls out his third Pokeball and brandishes it at Pipi, challenging: "My ace against yours. You can have a Mega with your Venusaur, since my last one has a Mega Stone too. One-on-one, both at full health. Winner takes the battle. Deal?" 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Dededesciple // 53 *Dededesciple * // 53 * Bursting * * * *Active Member* * Reputation: // 53 * Posts: 445 * //Report post * // Posted March 29 "Your dang right ahm a hammerman! ahve been usin and improvin dis here mallet sense 1992!" I then turn to see Pipi give up and a wide smile forms on my beaked face "YYYYEEEEEEEEHAWWWWWW" i shout as i throw my hat into the air "AH WIN, now hand over dat dough holy moly!" I then point twords the little demon and say "Your on small stuff!" 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Imouto Kitten // 573 *Imouto Kitten * // 573 * Onii-chan's guide kitty * * * *? Contributor* * Reputation: // 573 * Posts: 2,411 * //Report post * // Posted April 7 Pipi stands stock still, both hands clamped over her crotch for a moment or two before accepting Adrian's offer, "Su-sure." and as she turns to face the bar, Kitten is already tossing the blonde a Venusaurite. Really wanting to see her fallen angellic companion humiliate herself, Etna turns to Flonne and asks, "So, willing to admit you lost the bet, or do ya want to go double or nothing on them agreeing to a one-on-one?" "I'll admit that Arcanine was pretty tough, but I still have faith that Pipi isn't out yet!" declares the angel as Hanako returns, placing the keg the loser of the girls' bet has to drain before turning to the Popstar royal, "So, Mr... Now that I think of it, I don't think you ever introduced yourself... Anyways, want to go double or nothing on our wager?" "Be careful, Love Freak!" Declares Laharl, joining the conversation for the first time in quite some time. "I'm not giving you an advance on your stipend as one of my vassels if you blow your entire savings." "Too bad there's only the one arena." adds Etna, "I'm itching for a decent workout." Her ears perking up at this comment, Kitten snaps her claws, a second arena area opening up on the opposite side of the Klub. "There you go, Beauty Queen Etna." In the virtual forest, as the dust settles and it becomes clear that the queen and the tree that landed on her are now little more than chunks of ice, Alex swishes her sword to shake off the bug guts before sheathing it and wiping sweat from her brow. "That was one of the toughest battles we've had in a while." Walking over to the shattered queen's remains, she hefts one of the broad swords, commenting, "Sadly, these are the only halfway decent items these things drop, but in my current state, they're too heavy to wield properly." Thinking about it some more, "Though I suppose the stingers from theh gold hornets might be good for a dagger user, and the carapaces of the gold and iron hornets can be smelted for their metal." The battle done, Kitten starts to shrink, her form returning to something more human than beast, the little futa seemingly unconcerned that her loincloth was lost in the fight, her pussy pussy and kitty cock on full display as she plops down in the dirt and declares, "I don't feel so good. Stepping into her role as healer, Roxie rushes forth to examine Kitten, reading off the results of her diagnostic spells, "Numerous lacerations from head to foot, most of them infected with venom. Nothing major, but could cause problems if untreated." The white mage then glows with white light, Kitten's wounds closing up leaving the catgirl's skin unmarred and purple sweat beading on her skin before seeping into the ground as the mage's' magic purges the poison. "Well," starts Raven, "Enemies down, injuries healed, but we've got a more pressing problem. I nearly used all my mana in that fight and Roxie must be close to empty as well, and I'd rather not use a mana potion." SMiling brightly, her feline futahood standing at attention, "Since Alex currently lacks the right equipment, I could give you a recharge. I'm not quite human, but I retain enough of my author avatar powers in this off shoot of my consciousness to declare I'm close enough to count." Turning to Alex and Linds, the catgirl adds with a lewd smile and half-litted eyes, "And while my fellow warriors won't have the same benefit, I'd be happy to give them an infusion of my cream as well... Of course, as Linds is leading this little adventure, I'll let her chose whether we do it the super fun way, the kinda fun way with the mana potions and their side-effects, or the boring way and I just use my authorial authority to replenish you're mana." With a big smile, Yachiru climbs to her feet and in an impressive display of physical strength, lifts the much taller girl over her shoulder, Izzy's bladder sitting directly on the shorter girl's shoulder as the pinkette skips back over to the couch and lays Izzy down. Crawling between Izzy's thighs, Yachiru grabs the older girl's waistband and pulls her panties down before getting on all fours to get a closer look at the taller girl's glistening girlhood. Inhaling deeply, Yachiru sticks out her tongue to give Izzy's folds a tentative lick. 0 * // * Quote <#> * Options // <#elControls_1628091_menu> o Hide * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Melificentfan // 824 *Melificentfan * // 824 * Bursting * * * *? Respected Member* * Reputation: // 824 * Posts: 5,851 * //Report post * // Posted April 7 Lindz looks at kitten with a grin as her eyes twinkle "Lets do it the fun way I can't speak for the other ladies but after that battle I am ready to get some drinks and have some fun" she says 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Pee-Pants1995 // 31 *Pee-Pants1995 * // 31 * Desperate * * * *New Member* * Reputation: // 31 * Posts: 158 * //Report post * // Posted April 7 "ahhhnnnmmm!" Izzy moaned is n pleasure "c careful I if you keep that up your going to receive a shower" Izzy said as her whole body plused 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // adriangache // 21 *adriangache * // 21 * Bursting * * * *Active Member* * Reputation: // 21 * Posts: 329 * //Report post * // Posted April 7 Adrian smiles. "Excellent, then let's begin," he exclaims as he, the winner of the last battle, allows himself the privilege of creating the terrain for this final, one-on-one showdown. With a wave of his hand, he transports himself and Pipi to the base of a volcano, with the battlefield oriented such that Pipi faces the volcano, while Adrian faces away from it. It's a stunning, massive open space, only interrupted by the slight incline behind Adrian as the volcano rumbles in the background. He then pulls out a special Pokeball, marked with his personal insignia of a tree with roots hugging a rock. "Go, Torterra!" 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Imouto Kitten // 573 *Imouto Kitten * // 573 * Onii-chan's guide kitty * * * *? Contributor* * Reputation: // 573 * Posts: 2,411 * //Report post * // Posted April 7 Kitten's smile grows into a full-blown grin, showing off a mouthful of sharp, pointed teeth as she comments with an audible purr, "Hmmm... 4 young ladies, all of them quite attractive in their own way." The feline futa's girl cock twitches as she gets a contemplative expression. "Now, which should I play with first? Oh wait, I know." With a snap of claws, the diminutive catgirl's form blurs and suddenly, there are four Kittens huddled where there had just been one. "This way, I can give all four of you my full attention." declares one of the catgirls before they each slink towards one of the other party members. The Kittens that approach Roxie and Alex waste no time, one crawling under the mage's voluminous robes, a muffled shout of, "Ooh, blondie doesn't wear panties shortly before the white mage is reduced to moans, persumably from some pussy on pussy action taking place under those robes. Meanwhile, a second catgirl kneels before Alex, her head disappearing under the former swordsman's armored skirt and quickly reducing the genderbent warrior to moans as well. The other two kittens stalk towards Raven and Linds before suddenly pouncing, knocking their targets to the ground, pinned under 5 stone of futa feline as the catgirls crash their lips upon the black mage and the visiting party member's mouths, their tails snaking their way towards their respective partner's trousers. Smiling that she seems to be getting a similiar reaction from Izzy to how the taller girl made her react, Yachiru buries her tongue in Izzy's fold, greedily lapping up the taller girl's juices before reaching out a hand and trying to emulate thee way Izzy touched her minutes earlier. As the arena shifts to its new configuration, Pipi calls out her last Pokemon, "Come out Venusaur." and placing the Venusaurite atop its flower, calls out, "Go! Sunny Day and Hidden Power!" as the large reptile lumbers forward, glowing with the energy of mega evolution. 0 * // * Quote <#> * Options // <#elControls_1628421_menu> o Hide * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Melificentfan // 824 *Melificentfan * // 824 * Bursting * * * *? Respected Member* * Reputation: // 824 * Posts: 5,851 * //Report post * // Posted April 8 Lindz chuckles as she gets tackled kissing the kitten sliding her arms around the kittens waist smiling