"HEHEHEHE now dis is what im talkin about! YOUR ON MISSY! AND AH DONT KNOW WHAT PRINNY MEANS IS BUT IF ITS SOME KINDA INSULT DEN...........YOU STINK!!" while the girls make there second dealing with the bladders bane i slurp my noodles loudly then proclaim after a mighty laugh "HEHEHEHE looks like y'all got double the failure to deal with soon missy!" i then turn my attention to the battle to witness the sleep talk "ah ain't impressed" i say with my mouth still filled with noodles. Glancing through the fourth wall at the forum page, Kitten exclaims, "Has it really been over a week since the last update!? Sure, Onii-chan's been in a bit of a depression lately and recently polished off a commission he started on New Years, but that's no excuse for me being such a lousy hostess." Kneeling on her barstool and leaning over the bar, Kitten sticks out her butt as her tail rises, lifting her skirt in the process to expose her blue-and-white striped panties, "If anyone wants to punish me for being such a naughty kitty and procrastinating, they're welcome to give my plump, little rump a good paddling." With a wink and a catty smile over her shoulder, "And I wouldn't object to harsher punishment if someone wants to be my master for a little while." Before Flonne can accept or reject Etna's wager, the fallen angel is having to hold the demoness's arm as she brandishes a spear at the visiting dignitary. "Hey, no fighting!" cries the fallen angel. "Or at least save it for the arena after Miss Pipi and Mister Adrian have finished their battle." Turning to the Royal, Flonne tries to placate, "Try not to take it personally, she's kinda snarky and sarcastic with everyone. She still calls Laharl Prince even though its been years since he ascended his father's throne and she's like the only native of their home netherworld who could even challenge his reign. But to answer your question, Prinnies are the souls of dead humans that must work off the sins they committed in life before they can be reincarnated. Most serve as slaves to a demon lord, though some do volunteer work in Celestia. Anyways, during their penance, the souls reside in plush dolls that resemble rotund penguins with peg legs and little bat wings on their backs. They mostly fight with daggers and bombs, and they explode when thrown. They're really quite cute, but they're generally given no respect." At that moment, a pair of leporine squeaks draws the attention of everyone at the table, the fallen angel and demoness turning just in time to witness a pair of bunny girls soaking their yukata while their kitsune mistress watches with a vulpine grin "So, what do ya say?" says Etna, bringing things back to her wager, "Willing to risk ending up like those piddly, little bunnies for your belief in that blonde pipsqueak in the arena?" If there's any further reservations on Flonne's part, she hides it well as she declares, "Your on!" before turning to the battle and shouting, "Pipi, I believe in you!" Hearing that someone actually thinks she has a chance and with the aftershocks from Blastoise's ground-type attack gone, Pipi stiffly climbs to her feet as she orders the only real counter she can, "Sleep Talk again, Blastoise!" As the giant turtle comes to a halt and the large canine launches itself off the water-type's hard shell, the reptile uses all four limbs to perform a leap that doesn't seem likely from such a heavy-looking creature, its head glowing with the energy of skull bash. The turtle collides head-on with the Arcanine's solar beam, its momentum making dodging impossible, but it manages to endure the onslaught long enough to make contact with the fire-type's jaw, the impact sending both combatants flying in opposite directions, the turtle forming a crater as it lands, clearly out of the fight from that kamikaze attack. Glancing towards the far end of the arena, Pipi seeks out where her opponent landed, hoping she at least managed a double KO. In one of the private rooms, a moaning vice-captain parts her thighs and wills the magic of the room to vanish her gothic lolita dress, leaving the small girl in a frilly, black sleeveless top that looks like it came from a line of goth-styled baby clothes and a pair of cherry-blossom pink panties, her fake cat ears and tail still in place, her skin glowing a light pink as she tries to restrain her spiritual pressure as she says, "I'm feeling like a frisky kitty!" leaning into the rather intimate touch as she mumbles, "Perhaps Yuri-chan should get more comfortable as well..." Running her fingers along the fabric of Izzy's dress for emphasis. As for the adventuring party, All three fighters manage to get a few strikes through their opponents' twin needle offense, but the swarm queen, still keeping at a safe distance lets out a angry buzz as she fills the air with yellow pollen and coats the ground in sticky, white silk. Covering her mouth and nose with a volumous sleeve, Roxie cries out a muffled warning, Careful, that pollen can be extremly irritant to the airways!" As the pollen coats the golden hornets, the scratches in their exoskeletons vanish, prompting Roxie to add, "It also apparently has healing properties for the hornets themselves." Distracted by this, Roxie's warning of, "And that silk will tangle your feet and immobilize you!" comes too late for Linds and Alex to avoid stumbling as they step in the goop, their boots effectively glued to the ground, Alex ending up on all fours, her hands and sword also getting caught and linds ending up on her butt as both start coughing from the pollen. Kitten is nimble enough to avoid being ensnared like a fly in a spider's web, but with one forepaw covering her muzzle, even her lightning speed has her on her back foot as she now matches claw with stinger against all six bugs as Raven lets out a curse under her breath, her ice attack still not ready to be launched and Roxie stares on in horror, safe, but without any effective means of providing offense. Izzy kissed the smaller girls neck as she allowed the room to remove her dress, revealling her frilly undershirt pink in colour and similar to a simple young girls vest. As well as a pair of matching panties that had a small bearly noticeable yellow mark on the front of them at crotch level. Lindz curses as she gets caught in the gloop trying to get herself free so she can rescue Alex "Hang in there ladies we can get out of this some how" she says As the dust settles, Adrian notices the finally-defeated Blastoise and allows himself a small fist pump. Through tactics, quick commands and the bond between him and his Arcanine, they managed to battle a strong Water type to at least a standstill. Adrian's eyes then widen at the sight of his Arcanine still standing, but obviously on its last legs. He mutters a silent thanks that Blastoise's Attack wasn't high enough for a STAB-less physical move to finish it off. "Arcanine, you've done well. Use Rest!" As the tiger-like dog curls up to sleep, it begins munching on a berry hidden in its paw. Instantly, it awakens at full strength, with its held item, now revealed to be a Chesto Berry, pays off. Adrian stands confidently, waiting to see what the field changes into. Looking a bit disappointed that no one took her up on her offer, Kitten plops back down on her bar stool before ordering, "Yami-nii, hit me with a tinkle tank torturing tankard of strawberry milk with diabetic genocide levels of sugar and an author avatar strength dose of bladder's bane." "You sure about that, Kute Kitty?" Asks the barkeep, raising an eyebrow. "I mean, you're practically a physical goddess around here, but such a drink would literally kill most mortals." "Yeah, but it would take forever for me to get desperate on normal drinks." rebuts the catgirl, crossing her arms. "Okay, but it's your bladder's funeral." replies the dark-haired boy as, with a wave of his hand, he summons a steel keg of milk, a barrel each of strawberries and cane sugar, and a large flask of Bladder's bane. Transfiguring the lid of the keg into a bendy straw, he purees the whole strawberries, pulverizing even the seeds before mixing the puree, sugar, and bladder's bane into the milk, using magic to ensure everything dissolves completely and that the keg doesn't overflow. Discarding the empty containers, Yami levitates the keg of super strong, super sweet strawberry milk over to the catgirl, the drink nearly as tall as the girl. Climbing on the bar and hugging the top of the keg, Kitten wraps her lips around the end of the straw and starts sucking down her drink. Shifting from foot-to-foot, Pipi keeps one hand tightly on her crotch as her other hand shakily holds out a Pokeball, "Blastoise, Return!" and then heads for Venusaur's ball when Arcanine uses rest and the chesto berry to undo all her water-type's hard work. Groaning, Pipi mutters, "I wanted to save him for last, but I guess I have no choice but to fight fire with fire." Her hand shifting to her third pokeball before using it to summon, "Go, Charizard!" As the dragon-like fire-type materializes, Pipi says, "If I remember correctly, we agreed whoever knocked out an opponent's Pokemon gets to change the arena, so I guess it's time for you to choose..." Growing a bit more nervous, she shouts to the bar, "Hey, Kitten! Is it too late to get a Charizardite from the inventory in my copy of X?" Pausing in her efforts to drink her body weight in strawberry milk, Kitten replies, "I'll allow it, but only if your opponent is willing to forgive your lack of preparation." Another illusionary retro window materializes in front of Izzy's eyes, displaying the message: Kitten: Thanks for the offer, but no worries. ^3^ Kitten: It was just a little d depression, not a big D Depression that requires therapy. Kitten: You know, the kind of down feeling when a routine grows monotonous from too long without something unusual happening. Kitten: onii-chan put down the drama fanfic he was reading and picked one of the humor fics on his reading list to provide a change of pace and some of the best medicine. As the window vanishes, Yachiru tilts her head to the side, giving Izzy better access to her neck as the soul reaper squirms in the taller girl's lap. Noticing the yellow spot on Izzy's panties, Yachiru asks, "Does Yuri-chan need to go potty too?" As Alex and Linds struggle with the sticky trap, Kitten continues warding off the sextet of bugs, her form slowly growing from that of a small human to a full-sized panther, her form growing less humanoid and more purely feline in the process. Her ice attack finally fully charged, Raven sweeps her staff across the scene in front of her, letting out a frigid wind as she cries, "Blizzard!" The sticky silk hardens at the cold, and the golden hornets frost over as they move to shield their queen. Alex shivers from the cold air, her battle attire designed for ease of movement, not insulation, but she manages to break the frozen silk encasing her sword arm away from the ground, and freeing her sword, works on chipping away the hardened gunk holding the rest of her limbs in place. Seemingly unbothered by the cold, Kitten, now fully bestial and as big as a liger, crushes two of the frosted bugs, scratches criss crossing her pelt as she lets out a roar as the remaining four bugs, slowed by the frost covering them, but still airborne form a diamond around their queen as her arms shift into a quartet of gleaming, white broadswords. "I think she's about to go on the offensive!" Cries Roxie. "And that Blizzard nearly used up all my remaining mana," adds Raven, "and a fireball would just melt the frost slowing those gaudy bugs." Lindz continues to struggle to get out of the stickey trap "Fuck this isn't good" she says as she looks around at the others "Well then," Adrian remarks, realizing his advantage and not wanting to put it to waste. "You can have your Mega, sure. But I'm not sure it'll be much good in the face of this!" As he finishes his sentence, the landscape changes, and all over, pillars and columns start emerging out of the ground. Adrian looks on as he summons the ruins of an Ancient Greek temple to be the next battlefield. He watches as pillars of varying heights and states of decay materialize: perfect for Arcanine to move around and close the distance to the airborne dragon. As the marble structures are completed, Adrian makes one final change. With a wave of his hand, he creates a marble roof above the battlefield, resting on the top of the highest standing pillars, and preventing Charizard from flying out of reach. "Arcanine! Use Agility, and a Howl while you're at it!" As the fire dog begins to boost its stats anew, Adrian calls out, "Get in close with a Thunder Fang!" Once more, Arcannine is away, fangs sparking with electricity as it uses the collapsed ruins to close in on Charizard. "depends is that an admission of your own need there Yachiru. Do you need to visit the little reapers room?" Izzy tickled Yachiru's side a little while sliding Yachiru's panties to the side and admiring the beautiful sight Izzy also ordered two bladder Buster's with added bladders baine. As the arena transforms, Kitten tosses a keystone to Pipi and a Charizardite-X to her Charizard, the pair glowing with the light of mega evolution As Arcanine starts its charge. As the glow fades and Charizard emerges, now a true fire dragon, there's no time to dodge, but the dragon does manage to catch the incoming Thunder Fang on one forearm. "Okay, aerial combat is hindered by the terrain, and Arcanine's ability makes it immune to fire... Charizard, Scary Face and Dragon Claw!" Staring eye-to-eye with the large quadruped, Charizard counters the effects of Agility at point-blank range before engulfing the claws of its free arm with a draconic aura and slashing at Arcanine's throat, the strike enhanced by both the mega's new stab and its new ability. Developing a full-body blush to match her hair and panties, Yachiru admits, "If I was an ordinary soul or a human, I'd probably have soaked both myself and Yuri-chan by now... but my muscles are really strong especially when I use my reiatsu." Accepting the latest offered drink, Yachiru takes a large gulp before adding, "Besides, my kitty is feeling really tingling in a weird, but nice way, and all the tinkle I'm holding seems to make that tingly feeling all the stronger...plus, I'm feeling really warm despite having removed my dress, almost as if Gramps released his dragon sword. Alex manages to free her other hand just in time to bring her rapier up in a two-handed grip to blocka quartet of crossed blades from the swarm queen, the strength of the giant bug enough the swordswoman would be foreced to kneel even if her legs were still trapped in the hardened silk. As Alex's blade nears her own face, Kitten pounces, tackling the queen and pinning the large insect to the ground, the remainder of her elite guards digging their stingers into Kitten's pelt as their queen tries to throw the large cat off of her. Unable to speak in her current form, Kitten growls at Alex, and despite the language barrier, Alex can guess what the feline is trying to tell her. Managing to break the harden web holding her feet, Alex, still hindered by a second boot of hardened silk over each foot approaches Linds to help their newest party member free herself. Meanwhile, Raven retreats to stand in front of Roxie, the white mage's personal shield expanding to accomodate two as the inner dome shield shrinks to merge with it. Crossing staffs,the two spellcasters press their hands together, palm-to-palm and interlacing fingers as they start chanting, an Aura engulfing them both. "aww your too cute you know that Yachiru," Izzy said sipping the drink she just ordered. "if you really need to you can let it flow, relax the hold and release the flood." Izzy whispered into the small reapers ear as she teased the girls lower lips tracing them lightly with her finger. "There you are, you dragon," Adrian remarks. With the remaining Pokemon he has, he knows taking this Charizard down is the key to the battle. As Arcanine reels from the attack, Adrian thanks his past self once more for having the foresight to use Agility against Blastoise and against Charizard, meaning that while Arcanine's Speed has been halved by Scary Face, it's still twice as fast as it normally is. "Arcanine! Leer, Howl, and Retaliate!" As the canine stares at its opposition while emitting a chilling, Attack-boosting howl, it begins its charge up to the dragon once more, the pain of the Dragon Claw still fresh on its mark. Lindz gets herself free as she stands up moving away from the sticky gloop "Thanks for the help Alex and Kitten" she says with a grin "Yall lucky she stopped ya, ah participated in the Smash tourney three times and twoa those times i had to assist in the destruction of an eldridge god!"After hearing the explanation of Prinnys i say "hmmm, whoever decided dat humans should turn into penguins upon death clearly has good taste." As i say this i hear a squeaking sound and the pitter patter of liquid hitting the ground then turn to see the source. "HEHEHEHEHEHE AY WHATS DA MATTER YALL LEAVE YA DIAPERS AT HOME!? HEHEHEHEHE AY ANYONE GO A MOP!? HEHEHEHEHEHEHE" in my laughter i spill my remaining noodles all over myself "DAGNABBIT!" i say as i wipe them to the floor. I then turn my attention to the battle "Hmph, little ladys down a mon and resortin to fire against fire! Still confident in her abilities o holy one? Pulling her lips from her milk keg, Kitten replies, "Ah, sorry about that." Turning to face the room, the apron of her waitress outfit can be seen to be covering a rather prominent protrusion in the cat girl's lower abdomen. Gently rubbing the bulge with one hand but otherwise not calling attention to it, the feline futanari adds, "A bug's been going around the house the last week or so, and while Onii-chan hasn't been hit as hard as some, he has been feeling a little under the weather." Bringing the mouthpiece of the flexible drinking hose attached to the keg back to her lips, Kitten resumes guzzling down her super strong, super sweet strawberry milk, the protrusion hidden by her apron seeming to slowly grow larger as if she were directly inflating it with the milk she's drinking. "Hey," says the redheaded demoness, summoning a spear from nowhere and shaking it threatenly, "I've never been invited to the Smash Tournament, and probably never will since my franchise is better known on Playstation systems, but I've fought my share of Demon Loards and wannabe gods. Even personally killed the Item God of my personal weapon's Item World with enemy strength maxed out!" "Yeah, me, Etna, and the love freak smack around guys like Tyrant Overlord Baal, Badass Overlord Zeta, and several others that put the love freak's boss to shame, and Seraph Lamington is persumably the right hand man of our home multi-verse's God." Pipes in Laharl, a smug smile on his face right before the Dreamlander turns to laugh at the pair of bunnies as their bladders burst. As the giant penguin spills his noodles, the fox girl sitting with the pair of rabbits, leaps over her table, flips in midair and sticks a four point landing just a few feet in front of the one who insulted her pets. Standing up and showing off her mouth full of sharp teeth, the vixen half growls, "You'd better apologize to Tsubomi-chan and Futaba-chan. I'm rather protective of my charges and I won't tolerate anyone other than me or their family making fun of them." To emphasize her point, she reaches out with a clawed hand, a orb of blue fire appearing in it as Tsubomi and Futaba, their soaked yukata clinging to their lower bodies, clutch each other, trembling in fear at their mistress's cold fury despite knowing it isn't directed at them. Not the least bit intimidated by the bird who looks to be more than twice her height and at least ten times her weight and lookin quite eerie in the glow of her foxfire, the foxgirl gets a predatory look in her eyes and licks her lips as she comments, "You are far stranger than any bird I've ever seen, but you look like you'd be enough to feed me for months." As Hiko confronts the Popstar Monarch, Flonne's attention is on the Pokemon battle, where Pipi cries out, "Keep up the Scary Face and roast that overgrown canine with Dragon Breath!" As the speedy mammal closes in, the dragon opens it's maul and unleashes a gout of flame, but instead of the usual reddish orange common to fire-types, or even the hotter blue flames that sometimes result from a power boost, it is mystic, green fire infused with draconic energy, allowing it to bypass the oncoming lion dog's fire immunity. Seeing her pokemon spraying its foe with draconic fire, Pipi jumps up, both fists raised, crying out, "Yes! It worked!" Only to stiffen up and clamp both hands over her crotch as she lands on her feet. "I think she might be finding her stride." Comments Flonne, turning to see the fox girl staring down the penguin she wagered her entire anime and video game budget for the month against. Posture still nearly stiff as a statue, Hikari walks up with a scrub brush and bucket in hand, before dropping to her hands-and-knees, scrubbing the floor clean from the spilled ramen and tinkle, her plump rump sticking out rather prominently as she works, the white-haired girl unconsciously swaying her hips in the process. Chipping away the last of the solidified webbing encrusting her and Lind's equipment and body parts, Alex turns towards where Kitten is still wrestling with the swarm queen, the large cat managing to hold the giant, even by human standards, bug down, but unable to strike at anything vulnerable with tooth or claw and only able to endure as the quartet of golden hornets slash at the large feline's flanks. Glancing at Roxie and Raven, Alex comments, "Looks like the girls are trying to charge up something strong enough to finish off the queen." Turning back to the stalemate in front of her, she notices a purplish tint coming through Kitten's fur. "Crap, I think they've managed to poison Kitten! Still, this might be our best chance to finish off the guards while their preoccupied trying to free their queen." With that, Alex rushes forward, stabbing the tip of her rapier into one of the golden horenet's unguarded backs, sword penetrating right between the wings and coming out the chest. Twisting the blade, Alex slashes sideways, cutting through what would be the ribcage on a vertebrate, Trusting Linds to take out at least one of the other three bugs. Squirming in Izzy's lap, Yachiru scrunches up her face for a few moments before admitting, "I've soaked my uniform and Ken-chan's Captain's Haori a time or two when we kept getting lost while looking for a potty I could use..., but I've never intentionally let go where I could get my clothes or someone else wet." Letting out a moan, the pinkette adds, "The way Yuri-chan is touching my kitty feels really good." and without much thought, the diminutive soul reaper reaches a hand down between them, her tiny fingers brushing the taller girl's own panty-clad girlhood in a clumsy attempt to emulate what Izzy is doing to the smaller girl. Izzy spread her legs allowing the smaller girl access. "Mmm, if you wish to stop and go looking for a bathroom we can or you can go here... " Izzy said picturing a toilet without privacy barriers in the middle of the room hoping it works. Lindz nods with a grin as she twirls her sword an a bug comes close to her and when it comes close enough she slams her sword into the bugs vertebrae as it smashes into the bugs rib cage and heart as she slices the bug right open Adrian grits his teeth. By his estimations, Arcanine's down to maybe two-fifths of its health without even landing so much as a paw on the newly-mega evolved dragon. He decides that it's time to bring out his emergency measures. "Arcanine! Use Dragon Pulse!" Recovering quickly enough from the DragonBreath to land on a nearby column top, Arcanine steadies its feet and fires a wave of draconian energy at Charizard from point-blank range. "Not done yet. Keep it up, then follow it in with an Outrage!" As the energy blast continues, Arcanines' body starts to glow a draconian green, and it charges into Charizard, still firing off the Dragon Pulse as it closes in anew. Glancing through the fourth wall at her reputation count, Kitten gets a wide smile before announcing, "I'd like to give a big thank you to all my readers for helping me reach 500 Reputation and join the ranks of The Order of The Puddle! I'd say this calls for a celebration, but I'm not entirely sure what would be appropriate. Can't exactly call for a round of drinks on the house since the drinks are free to begin with... If any of the patrons, including any that have just been lurking in the shadows instead of interacting with their fellow guests have any suggestions, please let me know." In the Arena, Pipi winces as the dragon pulse washes over Charizard, the fire dragon shuttering in pain from having what is both its greatest strength and greatest weakness used against it. Hearing the command for Arcanine to use Outrage, Pipi cries out, "Protect and counter with Earthquake!" Charizard gets a shield up just in time to absorb the impact of Arcanine's Outrage, and taking advantage of the disorientation that comes with the berserker-style move, wraps both forelimbs around the massive beast's trunk before using a few wing beats to lift both fire types off the ground before slamming both them back down with enough force to shatter the pillar beneath them and cause the entire arena to shake, a few more pillars toppling from the tremors. Better prepared this time, Pipi manages to remain standing, though she still stumbles a bit and has to wave her arms a bit to regain her balance, the action revealing that the crotch of her borrowed jeans is slightly darker and a bit shiny. Seeing Charizard emerge from the cloud of dust produced by Earthquake, Pipi calls out, "Roost!" and in response, the fire dragon lands atop the tallest of the in-tact pillars, panting heavily and staring at ground zero to see if its opponent will emerge. Accepting Izzy's unspoken invitation, Yachiru presses the hold of her petite palm against the pantied pubic mound of the taller woman, her fingers tracing Izzy's netherlips through the thin fabric as the soul reaper grinds against the hand playing with her own pussy. Noticing part of the floor bulging upward and shifting in shape and composition to form a toilet, Yachiru comments, "Well, that's really handy..." as she lets out a loud moan as Izzy brushes a particularly sensitive spot, Yachiru adds, "But I'm not sure I could stand up without losing it right now." Glancing at Linds to see that she's likewise made quick work of one of the golden hornets, Alex calls out, "Two down, two to go!" Before lifting up her sword to parry a stinger from one of the remaining bugs as it furiously tries to avenge its latest fallen comrade. Though once again the active target, now that they've been reduced to fighting one-on-one, the last two golden hornets are only a minor challenge and are soon dispatched. Slashing her blade to dispel the bug guts coating it, Alex turns to her long-time partners and asks, "So, any plans for finishing off the queen before she murders us all for wiping out her children?" "We've charged up a resonance that should do the job," Starts Raven, both her and her blonde teammate glowing with a bright blue aura. "But we'll need a clean shot." continues Roxie. "We'll only have one shot," says Raven. "And while Kitten has the queen thoroughly pinned, firing now would likely kill the avatar Kitten sent in with us in addition to finishing off the queen." Finishes Roxie. Looking at Linds, Alex asks, "Any suggestions for how to keep that bug down long enough for the girls to hit it with whatever they've cooked up? When I was a man..." the former swordmans blushes at the admission of weakness, "I could have parried those broadswords well enough to get in strikes to sever the beasts arms and leave it defenseless, but with the muscle I lost along with my manhood, it was all I could do to prevent it from cleaving me in twain with its first strike, and even transformed like this, it seems holding it down is the best Kitten can manage, and given the tendency for poisons to reduce strength over time, it's probably only a matter of time before it breaks free of Kitten's bear hug." Lindz looks at the group and at Alex "Alex we will get you back to being a man but first does anyone have any sticky honey maybe we can lure the queen hornet into some sticky honey and finish her off"she says as she looks at the group "mmm need to tinkle that bad huh wittle reaper" Izzy teased applying pressure and pleasure to the smaller girl. Izzy feeling evil imagined the toilet flushing. Adrian winces in frustration. Arcanine has tanked way more hits than it did against Blastoise, and is once more on its last legs after the Earthquake slam. But Adrian knows it's still in the fight; the telepathic bond between him and his three favored companions allows him to sense the faintest of fighting spirit left in the canine. Adrian decides it's time to take the defensive, with no time for the dust to settle. "Arcanine, use Rest!" As the canine, still obscured even to Adrian from the dust of the Earthquake, presumably goes to sleep, Adrian commands, more in hope than expectation, "Use Sleep Talk!" For a while, nothing happens, and Adrian fears that the move chosen may have been Rest once more. These fears are dispelled when, out of the dust, a sudden Dragon Pulse emerges and screams towards Charizard from a blind spot behind it. "Dat aint stoppin dis Joker fella from gettin in, and ah dont know who anya those people are but they dont sound half as scary as tabuu or galeem! Dem son ofa guns wiped out almost every fighter we had in one fell swoop!" After the fox shows off her gymnastics two waddle dees then show up one with a 10/10 sign and the other clapping. "Get outta here you two! well if yall dont want ya pals over dere made fun of den ya best get dem to a commode before they burst like a busted dam! And trust me honey, if anyone is eatn anyone around here its gonna be me eatn you! In fact." And as to emphasize this point i then suck the blue flames from right out of her hand "eh, Luigi's taste better." I then turn my attention to the match to see Arcanines rest. I then excitedly whistle and say "ATTA BOY ARCY! YOU SHOW DAT FAKE DRAGON WHAT FOR!"