Lindz nods as she gets ready to fight with the girls "Well this will be fun I never had to actually fight hell hornets or even regular hornets before" she says with a grin as she slides her shades on "Alright ladies lets kick some hell hornets ass's" she says as her grin turns into a smirk 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Pee-Pants1995 // 31 *Pee-Pants1995 * // 31 * Desperate * * * *New Member* * Reputation: // 31 * Posts: 158 * //Report post * // Posted February 6 "so feel like another round of drink?" izzy said curious how full the girls bladder is right now... 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Dededesciple // 53 *Dededesciple * // 53 * Bursting * * * *Active Member* * Reputation: // 53 * Posts: 445 * //Report post * // Posted February 6 after im finished with my song i go to the bar "tender, I SAY TENDER! ahll have the finest drink on the menu." i then turn to my former opponent and say "say, what are you doin here, you sure your old enough to drink? HEHEHEHE" 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // adriangache // 21 *adriangache * // 21 * Bursting * * * *Active Member* * Reputation: // 21 * Posts: 329 * //Report post * // Posted February 6 "Sounds good to me, though I'm kind of sorry we'll only be changing the arena twice then," Adrian comments with a smirk. He then clicks the button on his first Pokeball and does what he's been waiting his entire life to do: "Go, Skarmory!" As the steel bird manifests high in the air, Adrian allows himself to take the lead in the battle. "Use Spikes! Spike the whole battlefield!" 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Imouto Kitten // 573 *Imouto Kitten * // 573 * Onii-chan's guide kitty * * * *? Contributor* * Reputation: // 573 * Posts: 2,411 * //Report post * // Posted February 7 Turning to the large penguin in royal robes, Yami replies, "Your majesty, we carry many fine drinks, both alcoholic and not, from all over the multiverse. As such, picking a finest would be a supremely difficult undertaking and would quite frankly be more trouble than its worth given the subjectivity of such. That said, name your beverage of choice, and chances are we either have it on tap or have all the ingredients to mix it." Glancing at Maylene as the monarch questions her age, Yami adds, "While I'm not sure of her age, and even less sure of the laws in her home land, Gramps doesn't care much for age discrimination, has written more than one story depicting underaged drinking, even more featuring underaged sex among other things that would be taboo, if not illegal, in real life. That said, this place exists in Author Space and is there fore not bound by any law, legal, religious, or physical, specific to any specific place. I'll serve anyone whatever they want, including serving characters that are canonically minors in their home reality alcohol, and the nature of this place will ensure they return home no worse for wear." That said, the dark-haired barkeep waits patiently for the regal bird to specify his order. Pipi subconsciously presses her thighs together as she thinks through the ramifications of this match-up. "Okay, Immune to poison and double resistant to grass, and Immune to Ground... Well, that shuts down most of Venusaur's strongest attacks." Smiling widely, she adds, "I'm glad my Venusaur has Fire type Hidden Power! Venusaur, Sunny Day and Hidden Power!" The large Pokemon holds its ground as the arena grows bright and warm like a clear summer's day and several orbs of fiery red energy orbit around the grass-type before shooting forward towards the steel bird. Yachiru's face is flush as Izzy breaks the kiss, the pinkette a bit breathless. When Izzy asks her question, the vice-captian's eyes flutter open as she answers, "Sure..." in a dreamy tone. Just then, a holographic display appears in front of Izzy, resembling a retro chat window with the following message: Kitten: As a reminder, while in the private rooms, food and drink, among other things, can be conjured with a word or thought. Kitten: Also, sorry about not seeing you're previous post. ^3^' Kitten: Ocupational hazard of creating a new alt, I suppose. Kitten: As an apology, I'll let you in on a secret! ^3^ Kitten: Yachiru is current at ~300 ml out of a ~500 ml capacity. Kitten: Lovely, Little Loli has a tiny tinkle tank, but she probably won't admit to her need and might use her reiatsu to force herself to hold past capacity. Kitten: Do with this as you please! As the first wave of hornets breach the outer dome, Lightning arcs from the top of Raven's staff, frying over a dozen bugs to a crisp in a matter of seconds. While the black mage charges up another area effect spell, more bugs enter the battle, the bulk of the swarm froming a vortex outside the dome preventing them from descending all at once. Several try to body Alex only to be cleaved in two by her rapier's razor edge while Kitten pounces on to the back of one hornet, using claw and tooth to shred wings before using her hind legs to send the crippled bug crashing to the ground, still alive but immobilized as she jumps to her next target to repeat the process. All the while, the catgirl seems unconcerned that her loin cloth is flapping in the breeze her movements kick up, repeatedly flashing her butt, girlhood, and futahood. Despite the efficiency with which Alex and Kitten dispatch their opponents and Raven letting lose several more lightning strikes, one of the hornets manages to find an unobstructed beeline towards Linds. 0 * // * Quote <#> * Options // <#elControls_1599049_menu> o Hide * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Pee-Pants1995 // 31 *Pee-Pants1995 * // 31 * Desperate * * * *New Member* * Reputation: // 31 * Posts: 158 * //Report post * // Posted February 7 Izzy thought up double this list of sweet tasting fruity cocktails... *Very Pink Raspberry Cosmopolitan* *Blackberry Gin & Tonic* *Blood Orange Old Fashioned* *Pineapple Coconut Champagne Cocktails* *Strawberry Pom Mojito* 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Dededesciple // 53 *Dededesciple * // 53 * Bursting * * * *Active Member* * Reputation: // 53 * Posts: 445 * //Report post * // Posted February 7 "wait a minute, yall sayin ah can have any drink that ever existed and all that did not at any time ah want? is this heaven? *ahem* ahll have A Nuka Cola Quantum A Duff Beer A Snowman Blood A cana Slurm A Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster A Golden Monkey Some Fizzy Lifting Drink A Kooba Cola A Cliff Racer And some liquidize sugar to finish it all off please!" after hearing the bartenders comments on Maylene i say "ah, in that case drink away ya pipsqueak" i then turn my attention to the battle currently underway " dat little lass with the venusaur dont exactly have the stance of a champion and shes at quite a disadvantage resortin ta hidden power against a defense type like dat sharp bird, mah moneys on de other guy" i then turn to Maylene again "say, you a bettin girl?" 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Melificentfan // 824 *Melificentfan * // 824 * Bursting * * * *? Respected Member* * Reputation: // 824 * Posts: 5,851 * //Report post * // Posted February 7 Lindz slides her dagger out of her pocket as she leaps in to the air stabbing a hornet slicing it open as she looks around at the other hornets with a smirk "You want to fuck with me well come and get me" she says 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // adriangache // 21 *adriangache * // 21 * Bursting * * * *Active Member* * Reputation: // 21 * Posts: 329 * //Report post * // Posted February 7 Adrian notices the Hidden Power coming at his Skarmory, and silently thanks Pipi for tipping him off about its type by using Sunny Day right before. Quick as thought, he raises his Pokeball at Skarmory. "Skarmory, return! I'll need you later." With the attack still on its way, he returns the Pokeball to his belt and retrieves another one in a single, fluid motion. "Go, Arcanine!" As the new Pokemon manifests, Adrian just has enough time to shout, "Tank that Hidden Power with Flash Fire, then use Agility to double your Speed!" 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Imouto Kitten // 573 *Imouto Kitten * // 573 * Onii-chan's guide kitty * * * *? Contributor* * Reputation: // 573 * Posts: 2,411 * //Report post * // Posted February 15 Pipi's already stiff posture goes ram rod straight at the sight of the gigantic canine absorbing her Venusaur's Hidden Power, eyes wide and hands shooting for her crotch as the combinataion of Flash Fire and Sunny Day seem to set its fur a blaze. Realizing that this new enemy can not only shrug off most of her pokemon's attacks, but would quickly make kindling of the large, comparatively slow plant, Pipi lifts a shakey hand holding a pokeball, "Venusaur, Return!" The young girl takes several moments to regain her rcomposure before, with a bit more confidence, tossing out her second pokeball, yelling, "Go Blastoise, Rapid Spin into a Rain Dance and unleash a Hydro Cannon!" The Giant turtle materializes and starts spinning as soon as it hits the ground, the underside of it's carapace taking on some scratches as it crushes the spikes left by skarmory to dust. The entry hazard dealt with, the large reptile comes to a halt, limbs coming out of its shell as it starts performing Rain Dance, the bulky pokemon's movements looking more like a sumo wrestler's pre-match display than an actual dance. As the sunlight fades and the ceiling is obscured by rain clouds, Blastoise drops into a three-point stance, one of its Cannons aimed directly at the fire dog. Meannwhile, at the bar, Yami declares, "Several fine choices," As he waves his hands, various containers flying out of various cabinets, the prepackaged drinks landing in front of the visiting Dreamlander as Yami gets to work preparing the cocktails requested. "Not heaven, though in my dimensional travels, I've found most heavens are actually pretty boring places. Usually beautiful scenery, but little else of interest. Hells, Netherworlds, and other demonic planes tend to be where the action is, whether you're looking for carnage or carnal. Though, there is an angel currently visiting the Klub, though she's presently a Fallen Angel, but don't let that scare you, she's one of the sweetest girls you'll ever meet. At least, if you don't mind that she's a hyperactive otaku and the trope namer for Love Freak. She didn't fall for any genuine wrongdoing, but Celestia, the angelic plane she hails from, is so lawful and orderly that she was punished for her part in assisting a couple of demons and a couple off humans in invading, never mind that she helped foil the plans of an Archangel who had gone Lawful Evil in his crusade against Demonkind." As he finishes his tangent, Yami levitates the last of the Pop Star monarch's order in front of the giant penguin and turns to the Gym Leader and her partner to ask, "And what will you two have?" Placing a hand over her lower abdomen, Maylene replies, "Even if its allowed and Kitten says it's safe, I think I'll abstain from any alcohol, but do you offer Sumo-sized portions of steak ramen?" Placing an arm protectively around his trainer, Lucario adds, "I'm glad my little plum blossom isn't going to force me to vaporize any of her drinks." As he nuzzles against her hair. "Could I get some raw meat fortified with something to help me recover from my recent defeat?" "Sumo-sized portions?" Asks Yami, a teasing smile on his face, "Sure, but don't you think a Sayian-sized portion would be more appropriate? Rregardless, the dark haired barkeep summons a large slab of beef from a cold box, using magic to slice off a sizeable chunk before dicing the rest and setting it to cook on the grill. Several potions are poured on to the raw chunk before being levitated in front of the Jackal, "Here you go, a full half kilo of raw rib eye steak. The potions I added should fully heal your injuries and restore your energy without altering the taste." Salivating, Lucario barely restrains his instincts long enough to say, "Thank You." before taking a large bite out of the slab of uncooked beef. While she waits for her food, Maylene turns to the battle before replying, "Ugh, no thanks. I've seen what gambling can lead to with my dad. I think he'd live at the Game Corner if I didn't stop by to drag him home after I close the gym each evening." "Oh," cuts in Kitten, Turning to lean on the fourth wall atop her bar stool, "Sorry for the delay on this update. Onii-chan's time management has been worse than usual lately, not helped by a recent shift in sleep cycle, and had to call the landlord the other day to fix the outlets in his room." Meanwhile, with Izzy and Yachiru, the soul reaper sidles up next to the taller girl on the couch, stopping just short of climbing in her lap, though the hand not holding her current cocktail comes to rest on the probably younger woman's thigh as Yachiru comments, "I really like the Strawberry andCherry flavored drinks, but many of the others are ymmy too." before letting out a hiccup, giggling in her mildly intoxicated state. And with the adventuring party... Linds is splattered with ikre as her dagger disembowels her first assailent, and upping their assessment of her threat level, a squardon of the bugs tries to overwhelm her, only to be fried by a well-timed fireball from Raven. Meanwhile, Kitten doesn't notice as a grazing swipe from one of the hornet's stingers slices her loincloth, leaving the futa feline completely exposed as she knocks another bug out of the sky only to be blindsided as another bug tackles her from behind. Raven is still charging her next offensive spell and Alex is preoccupied parrying stinger strikes from half-a-dozen hornets with a metallic shine to their exoskeletons, a dead giveaway that they're a stronger, armored variety, as the cat girl is pinned face first to the bround, letting out a muffled cry of "get off me, ya damn bug!" as her asailent mounts her, the stinger on it's rear morphing into a long, flexible tube with a rounded tip. Sweating from the strain of maintaining the shields, especially the one keeping most of the swarm at bay, Roxie comments, "That's the hornet's ovipositor!" as the appendage approaches the catgirl's exposed kitty. 0 * // * Quote <#> * Options // <#elControls_1602729_menu> o Hide * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Pee-Pants1995 // 31 *Pee-Pants1995 * // 31 * Desperate * * * *New Member* * Reputation: // 31 * Posts: 158 * //Report post * // Posted February 15 Izzy wrapped her free arm around the smaller girl. Izzy kept ordering drink after drink of various types mostly consisting of strawberry surprises. Or strawberry sourz shots. (I hope this isn't over stepping the mark) A short while passed and Izzy leaned down again and kissed her shorter companion, as they part from the kiss Izzy got cheeky and tickled her smaller friend on her side breifly before stopping. 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // adriangache // 21 *adriangache * // 21 * Bursting * * * *Active Member* * Reputation: // 21 * Posts: 329 * //Report post * // Posted February 15 Adrian instinctively sets his foot back behind the other in a defensive stance. He knows Rain Dance is a huge problem because not only does it remove one of the Fire boosts Arcanine had gotten, but it's going to make sure that this Hydro Cannon would be an instant KO if it hits. Thankfully, Arcanine has just doubled its speed. "Arcanine, use your speed to dodge the Hydro Cannons!" Then, not content with remaining on the defensive, Adrian decides that the recharge required from the Hydro Cannon is his chance. "Use Sunny Day, then fire off a Solar Beam!" 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Melificentfan // 824 *Melificentfan * // 824 * Bursting * * * *? Respected Member* * Reputation: // 824 * Posts: 5,851 * //Report post * // Posted February 15 Lindz growls as she fights off the giant bugs and makes a dash to the cat girl fight off more of them slicing each and every one of them open "No one hurts my friends and gets away with it" she hisses as she continues to fight them off of the cat girl 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Dededesciple // 53 *Dededesciple * // 53 * Bursting * * * *Active Member* * Reputation: // 53 * Posts: 445 * //Report post * // Posted February 18 "hm, yall make heaven sound like back home, and come to think of it ah have been to a more stranded heaven called skyloft own by dat jerkette withda homein shots palutina. ah aint evea been to hell though, at least not the fire and brimstone kind. but, if i may ask how in da you know where did yall get outa several dark lords domains with ya life?" after i receive my drink i turn to the battle "yep, moneys still on dat guy. little lady looks like shes scared half to death!" after hearing Maylenes story about her father i turn to her and say "HEHEHEHE maybe yall should move to onea dem later regions after they banned gambling!" "ya know what speakin a heaven and gambling, HEY TENDER! ya think dat fallen angle would be down to clown so to speak?" 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Imouto Kitten // 573 *Imouto Kitten * // 573 * Onii-chan's guide kitty * * * *? Contributor* * Reputation: // 573 * Posts: 2,411 * //Report post * // Posted February 18 "well," starts Yami, "there is a Watsonian explanation for why me and my sister are called the Twin Titans of Thaumaturgy. Of course, the Doylist explanation is that Titan of Thaumaturgy was the only synonym for 'strong user of magic' Gramps could think of to alliterate with Twin, but the magic I've used in preparing food and drink for the Klub's guests barely qualify as parlor tricks by the standards me and my sister play by, and we could easily claim a netherworld or two for ourselves if we wanted to. That said, I think demons, devils, deamons, and other traditionally 'evil' races have a bit of an undeserved reputation. Granted, many would rather smash a problem than try to think up a peaceful solution, but for every Evil Overlord who relishes in endless carnage and torturing their enemies or who likes to rules lawyer their subordinates into servitude and making them think it was their idea all along, there seems to be a dozen Noble Demons who use their power to maintain peace and prosperity throughout their realms. Admittedly, I think some of it comes down to the truly evil ones always getting themselves offed by a band of heroes and some of the more mad with power types being too stupid to realize they're about to be hoisted by their own petards, yet they're the ones for whom the heroes can return to tell the story and would actually want to return. Some heroes actually swear allegiance when they learn the Demon Overlord they set out to dethrone is a good guy, or at least, not irredeemable." He pauses in his conversation to start a pot of broth and a large pot of ramen noodles simmering. "As for that Fallen Angel, I'm sure she and the pair of demons she hangs around with would be happy to join you for some mischief." He points to the table where the quartet of Disgaea characters are sitting, "The blonde in the red leotard and the frilly, open front dress is Fallen Angel Flonne, Love Freak extraordinaire and a strong believer that Demons are largely misunderstood. The redhead dressed like a stripper is Beauty Queen Etna, prinny slavedriver and a girl who will kill over her sweets. The mini-moe in pink is Hanako, Etna's apprentice and substitute Prinny. Lastly, the topless boy with blue hair antennae is Prince Laharl, Overlord and nominal boss of the girls, though they're closer to best friends if demons from his home netherworld could be honest with their feelings. Watch out for that scarf, as it's actually an extension of his being and he's been known to strangle those who irritate him with it." Turning his attention to the arena, Yami comments, "I'm not sure she's afraid, but I do think she realizes on some level she bit off more than she could chew. "I agree," replies Maylene. "Her Blastoise seems strong, but she gives me vibes similar to the kids of my hometown who challenge me for their first badge right after getting their first Pokemon." In the arena, Pipi cries out, "Fiddlesticks!" as the fire dog avoids her pokemon's ultimate attack. Hearing the order to use Solarbeam, she cries out "Protect!" The time to recover from the exertion is enough to let the wave of grass type energy to hit before the shield goes up, but Blastoise manages to get its shield up in time to remain standing when the attack clears. "counter with Earthquake and then use Rest to recover from that hit!" cries out the diminutive blonde right before Blastoise performs a sumo stomp that shakes the entire arena, including knocking Pipi flat on her butt, the impact causing the girl to reflexively grab at her girlhood through the borrowed jeans. With a giggle, Yachiru climbs into Izzy's lap and initiates her own tickle assault. Kitten feels something cool and slippery probbing at her netherlips right before Lind's cry reaches her ears and the weight pinning her down suddenly vanishes. Climbing to her feet, she says, "Thanks for the save. I like oviposition and egg-laying stories as much as the next kinky kitty, but I'm not sure I'd want to experience such first hand." Her expression turning feral, she half declares, half growls, "No more nice kitty, you horny hornets!" Dropping to all fours, Kitten's hair shortens as every inch of exposed skin is covered in the same downy fur as her ears and tail, her underbelly white like their tips as her teeth sharpen and lose any similarity to human teeth they had. Now looking more feline than human, Kitten vanishes and when she reappears a blink later, every bug within thee outer dome is on the ground, stingers ripped out of their rear ends and their wings eviscerated. As the next wave enters the battle, Raven unleashes another volley of the lightning, reducing the silvery bugs to partially melted husks. The outer dome dissipates to reveal that only seven of the swarm remain: six golden metallic versions of the normal and silver metallic ones they've been fighting and a much larger bug with a crown-like crest on its head. "Golden Hornets," starts Roxie, "The third tier counterpart to the common hell hornets and metal hornets we've fought so far. Stronger, faster, and more durable, they're also resistent to fire and immune to lightning. and the one they're flanking would be the Swarm's queen, and she's probably quite irate since we just killed a few hundred of her children." With a quiet chant in a language unfamiliar to Linds, the trio of front line fighters can feel their strength and speed being amplified by Roxie's magic. 0 * // * Quote <#> * Options // <#elControls_1604422_menu> o Hide * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Pee-Pants1995 // 31 *Pee-Pants1995 * // 31 * Desperate * * * *New Member* * Reputation: // 31 * Posts: 158 * //Report post * // Posted February 18 (do tell me if I'm over stepping my bounds at any point.) Izzy used the tickle assualt as a decoy and attempted to slip her hands under the girls top to begin both caressing and tickling the girls bare skin. 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // adriangache // 21 *adriangache * // 21 * Bursting * * * *Active Member* * Reputation: // 21 * Posts: 329 * //Report post * // Posted February 18 Adrian thinks for a bit. Arcanine won't be able to dodge the Earthquake for its entire duration with its lack of flight, no matter how high or for how long it can jump. "We're getting hit no matter what," he comments to himself. But he hears Pipi call for Blastoise to rest, and smells blood. He can't make Arcanine fully doege the Earthquake, but he can make sure Arcanine's on the ground as little as possible. "Arcanine! Jump to Blastoise to get close, then fry him with a Thunder Fang!" As the fire dog starts bounding away, Adrian throws in, remembering that Sunny Day is still up, "Once he's fallen asleep, blast him to hell with a barrage of SolarBeams!" 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Dededesciple // 53 *Dededesciple * // 53 * Bursting * * * *Active Member* * Reputation: // 53 * Posts: 445 * //Report post * // Posted February 19 "wish somea dem nice demons came to dreamland once in a while insteada dem jerks keep possessin me and whatnot. welp, im off, thanks for dat ramen by the way" after stealing your noodles i head off to the fallen angels table "HEY LADIES (and scarf boy)" i say as i drop a fat sack of cash near them "anya you up to havin a bit a fun with the match goin on over yonder?" i then turn to the match just as Pipi gets knocked down by her own earthquake "PFFFFFHEHEHEHE little lady gettin KOed by her own pokemon! dis here is goin to be the easiest money ah ever made! uh...ah mean, looks like a even match dont it!" 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Melificentfan // 824 *Melificentfan * // 824 * Bursting * * * *? Respected Member* * Reputation: // 824 * Posts: 5,851 * //Report post * // Posted February 19 Lindz nods "You are very welcome Kitten I couldn't let you get hurt" she says with a grin as they continue to move forward as she looks at the golden hornets with a smirk "Lets dew this ladies" she says 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // adriangache // 21 *adriangache * // 21 * Bursting * * * *Active Member* * Reputation: // 21 * Posts: 329 * //Report post * // Posted February 21 As the battle rages on, Adrian thinks of how to use his ace: his Torterra and its Torterrite, the only one in existence; the Mega Stone having been discovered by Adrian through an advanced copy of the Gen 4 remakes. The Torterra's typing has been turned into Grass/Rock, had immense boosts to its Attack, Defense and Special Defense, and a broken ability in Riches Of The Earth, which increases the power of all earth-type moves (Grass, Rock, Grass, and Steel) by 50%, effectively granting Torterra the STAB of 4 types while giving it only the weaknesses of two. "Not yet," Adrian thinks, as Arcanine continues his charge towards Blastoise, taking some damage every time he touches the ground. "We'll need to clear out that Charizard first, especially since we don't know which of the four possible Megas Pipi actually has." In the back of his mind, Adrian notices the movements of Pipi, and makes a mental note of how much he'd love to see her on the toilet, emptying out a torrent into the bowl. 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Imouto Kitten // 573 *Imouto Kitten * // 573 * Onii-chan's guide kitty * * * *? Contributor* * Reputation: // 573 * Posts: 2,411 * //Report post * // Posted February 21 "Ah, yeah, Nightmare and Dark Matter were some of the rather nasty ones," Starts Yami, "Never did manage to beat Nightmare when I played Kirby's Adventure on an emulator." As the grilled meat, broth and noodles finish cooking, Yami levitates the ingredients into a massive, hemispherical bowl nearly a meter across, which he places in front of Maylene only for the visiting Dreamlander to swipe it as he leaves the bar. Lucario places a calming hand on Maylene's shoulder as Yami placates, "Good thing I made enough for several of those bowls full." Before preparing another and placing it in front of the pinkette, who makes quick work of trying to consume her body weight in beef and noodles, slurping loudly in appreciation for the food. Turning to Hikari, Yami asks, "You've been awfully quiet, sister." Giving her twin a pout that's more cute than intimidating, "Its because I'm having to focus all my will on containing the deluge you're making me hold." As the Popstar Royal places his money bag on the table hosting the Netherworld Delegation, Etna is the first to react, bursting out in laughter, "Yeah, right! Only a sucker would bet on that yellow-haired pipsqueak!" With a smirk, Laharl adds, "I agree with my vassal, that little girl looks like she's never stepped on a battle ground of any kind before today." Doing her best impression of a demonic scowl, Flonne looks at her two companions before declaring, "Even if its a long shot, you two don't have to be so mean about it." Turning towards the large penguin, she adds, "I'll show faith in Pipi since no one else will!" a passionate fire burning in her eyes as she pulls a moneybag of her own from where ever RPG characters store their mountains of stuff. "well," cuts in Etna with a devilish smile, "If your gonna bet money with King Prinny here." The red head in leather points at the penguin in royal robes, "then how about a more interesting wager?" "What did you have in mind?" Asks the fallen angel of her best friend(not that the demon would ever admit it). "Oh, I overheard the kitsune at that corner booth," With this, Etna points a thumb over her shoulder to where Hiko, Tsubomi, and Futaba are sitting, "Telling her squirmy bunnies that she had the bartender spike their soup with something called Bladder's Bane, which is apparently a magical diuretic. How 'bout the loser has to Down a bucket of Demonade spiked with the highest safe dose of bladder's bane and then complete a set at the karaoke mike, either holding through the entire performance or wetting in front of the whole Klub?" Flonne blushes at the idea, causing Etna to smirk, "So, what will it be Flonne, willing to put you're dignity where your mouth is in defense of the little girl?" In the arena, Pipi makes no attempt to regain her feet as the tremors continue, and seeing Arcanine approaching quickly, canines sparking, she shoutts, "Blastoise, Sleep Talk!" Whether by luck or by good timing, the sleeping Pokemon withdraws its head and starts spinning in a hydro pump just as the large Canine sinks its electrified teeth into Blastoise's shell. A few soft moans escape the soul reaper's lips as her fingers seek out any opening in Izzy's dress, the pinkette seeming quite happy to mix a tickle fight with heavy petting, any earlier embarrassment at having caught a girl's eye seemingly forgotten with the alcohol running through the diminutive girl's system. The Swarm Queen holds back as her elite guard rushes forward, Alex and Kitten parrying the strikes from two of the golden hornets apiece, sword and claws blocked by the spear-like stingers on the bugs forelimbs, leaving the remaining two to focus on Linds. While the fighters are preoccupied with the bugs, now tough enough to put up a decent fight instead of relying on numbers to be more than a nuisance, Raven's staff glows blue as she prepares an ice-barrage, the attack charging more slowly and draining more mana given her weaker affinity for the element. 0 * // * Quote <#> * Options // <#elControls_1606076_menu> o Hide * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Pee-Pants1995 // 31 *Pee-Pants1995 * // 31 * Desperate * * * *New Member* * Reputation: // 31 * Posts: 158 * //Report post * // Posted February 21 Izzy took this chance to slip a hand between the girls legs as well as a hand over the girls swollen bladder applying a little pressure 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Melificentfan // 824 *Melificentfan * // 824 * Bursting * * * *? Respected Member* * Reputation: // 824 * Posts: 5,851 * //Report post * // Posted February 21 Lindz looks at the two remaining bugs as she twirls her knife around "Bring it on buggies" she says with a smirk 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // adriangache // 21 *adriangache * // 21 * Bursting * * * *Active Member* * Reputation: // 21 * Posts: 329 * //Report post * // Posted February 21 Adrian covers his mouth in shock. "Of course that'd be what Sleep Talk gives him," he mutters to himself. As Arcanine takes one hit from the Hydro Pump sprinkler, he thanks his past self for putting up Sunny Day and preventing major damage, else Arcanine might already be down. "Arcanine! Playtime's over! Get in the air where he can't hit you, and SolarBeam into oblivion!"