"This could be the end here. Alakazam barely has any defenses and this is Adaptability..." Adrian leans forward in his seat, drawn by the action. He then remembers who's beside him, and asks Pipi: "How do the jeans feel on? And...did you pack any spare underwear for you to use or are you just...in jeans right now?" 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Melificentfan // 824 *Melificentfan * // 824 * Bursting * * * *? Respected Member* * Reputation: // 824 * Posts: 5,851 * //Report post * // Posted February 1 Lindz nods listening "Ah so now you got to get to the ruins to turn Alex back to a male and Anastasia don't sell yourself short" she says 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Dededesciple // 53 *Dededesciple * // 53 * Bursting * * * *Active Member* * Reputation: // 53 * Posts: 445 * //Report post * // Posted February 1 oh no you dont! TELEPORT DEN SUBSTITUTE DEN HIT DAT OVERRATED BLUE MUTT WITH A FOCUS BLAST!! 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Imouto Kitten // 573 *Imouto Kitten * // 573 * Onii-chan's guide kitty * * * *? Contributor* * Reputation: // 573 * Posts: 2,411 * //Report post * // Posted February 1 "Well," starts Raven, "that's the hope at least. Even if we find what remains of the old temple, there's no guarantee a previous band of adventurers haven't already taken everything of value, and even if we find something useful, the red bitch's curse and the enchantments on an artifact could interact in unexpected ways." "Fortunately," cuts in Roxie, "I'm quite adept with detection and analysis spells, so even if I can't predict how an enchantment will affect Alex while she remains cursed, it's unlikely I'd miss any magics that would do any of us significant harm." "well, if any of you need anything, I'll be at the bar." declares Hikari to the lack of response to her offer to get anyone anything as she waddles away. Pipi blushes before responding in a whisper, I didn't bring any spare undies...and now that you mention it, the denim is a bit rough on my private parts, but its still much better than sitting in my own puddle with peed panties and a soaked skirt." Kitten has taken a seat at the table with Pipi and Adrian, Myuu having reverted to his true form so he's small enough to curl up in the catgirl's lap, his long tail wrapped possessively around Kitten's waist as she continues to pet him, "I'm still open to anyone inviting me into a private room, but something tells me this psychic tomcat is going to insist on joining us." As Yachiru finishes sampling the last of the drinks Izzy offered, her cheeks a bit pink from what would be a lot of alcohol for someone thrice the diminutive soul reaper's body mass, she lets out a giggle as she comments, "Don't let those three intimidate you. Hair wings is an ordinary second grader without her magic, and her magic isn't very suitable for combat, especially given that ridiculously long incantation of hers, Moon Bunny's magic doesn't work half the time, and when it does work, it doesn't really do any damage, and while Hanako is pretty tough, I'm sure I could take her in a fight." Lucario shatters the new substitute almost before its fully formed before looking around in search of his real opponent. "Forgot Alakazam were infamous for evading with teleport in the heat of battle," comments Maylene, "But that just means we need to trade raw power for unavoidable. Lucario, calm your mind and use your laser focus to unleash a swarm of Aura Spheres. Falling into a more meditative stance, Lucario closes his eyes, using his Aura senses to dodge the incoming Focus Blast before sending out over a dozen orbs of concentrated aura, none immediately impacting anything, but each time Alakazam rematerializes, the nearest Aura sphere homes in on the psychic, landing a critical hit before the teleporter can jump once more. 0 * // * Quote <#> * Options // <#elControls_1595552_menu> o Hide * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // adriangache // 21 *adriangache * // 21 * Bursting * * * *Active Member* * Reputation: // 21 * Posts: 329 * //Report post * // Posted February 1 "They're not very effective, but enough of those hits could easily mean Alakazam goes down, the absolute glass cannon..." Adrian motions to Pipi to drink, considering the heat and intensity of the battle unfolding and the prospect of them two being the next to take the field. 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Pee-Pants1995 // 31 *Pee-Pants1995 * // 31 * Desperate * * * *New Member* * Reputation: // 31 * Posts: 158 * //Report post * // Posted February 1 "oh um erm y your all um very um nice" Izzy said face palming knowing she's probably screw up with Yachiru "so Yachiru what do you think of the selection... And if your okay with it we could possibly go somewhere a little more private and chat..." 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Melificentfan // 824 *Melificentfan * // 824 * Bursting * * * *? Respected Member* * Reputation: // 824 * Posts: 5,851 * //Report post * // Posted February 1 Lindz nods "Would you girls mind if I join you on the quest?" she asks with a grin as she looks at Roxie, Raven and Alex 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Dededesciple // 53 *Dededesciple * // 53 * Bursting * * * *Active Member* * Reputation: // 53 * Posts: 445 * //Report post * // Posted February 1 DOUBLE TEAM DEN RECOVER AND REFLECT! NOW ALLA YOU KEEP TELEPORTIN AROUND TILL YOU HIT EM WITH A FOCUS BLAST! 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Imouto Kitten // 573 *Imouto Kitten * // 573 * Onii-chan's guide kitty * * * *? Contributor* * Reputation: // 573 * Posts: 2,411 * //Report post * // Posted February 4 (edited) Pipi absentmindedly sips at her lemonade as she stares captivated by the battle between the pair of mega evolutions, and although the psychic's double team and reflect combo has no effect on the swarming Aura Spheres, its recover renders the Death by a Thousand paper cuts strategy Meylene and Lucario were employing a complete waste. Meanwhile, Yachiru, even bubblier than usual on account of the alcohol, says, "Sure, I'm up for some private play!" as she jumps out of the booster seat she's been sitting in and grabs Izzy by the hand, leading the taller girl towards the private rooms. As the diminutive soul reaper departs, most of the Pinkettes prepare to leave, though Chibi-USa decides to join The card mistress and her friends and Poppu joins her sister and her friends near the stage. As Hanako is about to leave, a pair of demons and a Fallen Angel she recognizes enter the Klub, and she calls the female of the two demons by name in surprise at their arrival, "Mis-Mistress Etna?!" Smiling evilly, the red headed demoness in thigh high boots, a mini-skirt, and a black-leather training bra stares down at the shorter demoness, "So this is where my apprentice got off too. Well, as long as you're here, why don't you make like a prinny and get me, the prince, and Flonne some drinks?" As Hanako runs off to the bar, the trio of new arrivals claim an empty table, the blue haired demon propping his feet up on the table as the pair of females accompanying him take seats to either side. "While I'm sure you could be helpful," Starts Raven, "I'm not sure Kitten would allow you to join us." At the sound of her name, the cat girl appears next to Linds and confirms the black mage's words, "Sorry, Linds, while I can't rule out the possibility that events here in the Klub will inspire my regular writing, I'm going to rule that anything that happens in the Klub is non-canon to the stories I write. So no joining Alex and her girls on their real quest, though you're welcome to challenge them in the arena, and I'm sure the private rooms could simulate a few random encounters. Edit: "Opps, I'm a Klumsy Kitty, forgetting to include Maylene and Lucario's next reaction." Says Kitten, breaking the fourth wall completely. "Okay," starts Maylene, thinking aloud, "Alakazam can heal faster than Aura Sphere can chip away at its health, and Aura senses aren't as good as psychic senses at countering Double Team, and those Focus Blasts are going to be a problem if any hit... Lucario! Agility and Double Team to help even the speed and evasion field and try to hit the real one with a Shadow Claw!" With a burst of speed, the jackal starts dashing around the arena, the spikes on its forepaws glowing purple with ghostly energy, creating dozens of after images in the process, all striking out at any nearby Alakazam, most of the attacks ending up being illusions pasing through other illusions. *Edited February 4 by Imouto Kitten* 0 * // * Quote <#> * Options // <#elControls_1597243_menu> o Hide * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Melificentfan // 824 *Melificentfan * // 824 * Bursting * * * *? Respected Member* * Reputation: // 824 * Posts: 5,851 * //Report post * // Posted February 4 Lindz nods as she looks at Kitten "Ah well that cool we could go to the virtual world if the girls want to" she says with a grin as she looks at Raven, Roxie and Alex 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // adriangache // 21 *adriangache * // 21 * Bursting * * * *Active Member* * Reputation: // 21 * Posts: 329 * //Report post * // Posted February 4 "It had Shadow Claw all this time..." Adrian's eyes are glued to the battle. He orders yet another round of drinks for himself and Pipi. 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Pee-Pants1995 // 31 *Pee-Pants1995 * // 31 * Desperate * * * *New Member* * Reputation: // 31 * Posts: 158 * //Report post * // Posted February 4 izzy allowed herself to be lead off to a private room, once inside the room izzy turned to Yachiru and said "i hope this isnt too forward but your very cute and if i may id love to kiss you" she said 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Imouto Kitten // 573 *Imouto Kitten * // 573 * Onii-chan's guide kitty * * * *? Contributor* * Reputation: // 573 * Posts: 2,411 * //Report post * // Posted February 4 Pipi subconsciously crosses her legs as she continues sipping at her drink as she stares transfixed at Lucario's efforts to land a shadow claw upon Alakazam. Standing up, Alex declares, "A fight does sound like a nice change of pace right about now." As she pulls an armored skirt and brassiere from a bag of holding, putting the bronzed battle gear on over her leotard before adding a matching set of shin guards to her boots and donning a pair of gauntlets. "Sure, why not." adds Raven, standing up and pulling a form fitting black robe and a long ebony staff topped with a black Onyx from the bag, wrapping the robe around her slender form. "I will warn you, the creatures native to our homeland like to have their way with human females, so you might want to keep your guard up." "Of course," cuts in Kitten, "if you're not into that kind of thing, I could always have the simulation downgrade the monsters from the kind with naughty tentacles and other pervy appendages waiting to violate unsuspecting heroines to the more mundane murder and mayhem types or even G-rated kinds that vanish in a puff of smoke when slain and don't draw blood when their attacks land." As Kitten says this, Roxie retrieves her own robe and staff, a bellowing white garment that conceals her assets and a Opal topping a shaft of Ivory respectively, "Though, I'll admit, I wouldn't mind getting caught by one of the better endowed beasts. I haven't had a good ravaging since Alex became Alex-chan." "Oh, and if you don't have you're own equipment, I can conjure something appropriate for you. As a reminder, Alex, Raven, and Roxie hail from a medieval, high fantasy setting, so choose appropriately. And they're builds are fast and light swordswoman, offensive spellcaster with fire and lightning affinities, and defensive spellcaster with buffing, barrier, and healing specializations respectively." Tapping a finger to her chin, Kitten asks, "Mind if I join as a fifth party member? I can limit myself to avoid god moding everything. I suppose my own build would be feline beast warrior with an empahsis of speed and claw strikes, making me a frontliner along side Alex." Meanwhile, the private room Yachiru and Izzy claim assumes its default of a small, private karaoke lounge, Yachiru testing out the bounciness of the couch, only for the cherry blossom blush on the soul reaper's face to spread as embarrassment joins her tipsiness. Halting in her boucing, Yachiru looks up at the taller girl, letting out a whispered, "Su-sure." before tilting her head back, closing her eyes, andsticking out her lips ever so slightly, showing off a trace of cherry blossom pink lipgloss. 0 * // * Quote <#> * Options // <#elControls_1597577_menu> o Hide * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Dededesciple // 53 *Dededesciple * // 53 * Bursting * * * *Active Member* * Reputation: // 53 * Posts: 445 * //Report post * // Posted February 4 ya know, sense focus miss is livin up to its nickname here lets try a new strategy! ALA, DISABLE DAT DERE SHADOW CLAW AND USE SKILL SWAP! HEHEHEHE wheres you big boost now missy!? NOW FINISH EM OFF WITH AN ADAPTABILITY BOOSTED PSYCHIC!!! 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Melificentfan // 824 *Melificentfan * // 824 * Bursting * * * *? Respected Member* * Reputation: // 824 * Posts: 5,851 * //Report post * // Posted February 5 Lindz nods standing up with a grin "Now lets have our own adventure and I wouldn't mind using some cool mid evil gear and you are welcome to join us Kitten" she says looking at the group as she finishes drinking her Shirley temple 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // adriangache // 21 *adriangache * // 21 * Bursting * * * *Active Member* * Reputation: // 21 * Posts: 329 * //Report post * // Posted February 5 Realizing what's just taken place, and considering himself an experienced competitive battler, Adrian loses his mind over the tactical play that has just been made. He then calms down and asks Pipi, "Did you see that? I don't know if it's going to hit, but did you see that?" 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Imouto Kitten // 573 *Imouto Kitten * // 573 * Onii-chan's guide kitty * * * *? Contributor* * Reputation: // 573 * Posts: 2,411 * //Report post * // Posted February 5 As the Adventuring Party enters the second of the Klub's private rooms, Kitten drops to all fours, her limbs shifting to be more feline and bluish gray fur growing to cover her limbs up to the elbows and knees. At the same time, her waitress outfit melts away to leave her in a leopard fur loin cloth, her flat chest on full display. At the same time, Linds street clothes give way to a medieval-style tunic with leather gloves and boots. "Until you get more specific in how you want your Adventure Avatar to be, that's your default here." Comments kitten, stretching in a very feline manner, nearly kissing the dirt path that appears as the room reconfigures itself, the catgirl shaking her butt in the air slightly and her tail raised to give Linds a glimpse up the loli's loin cloth to see that the futa feline isn't wearing anything underneath the skimpy bit of fur. As the virtual world fully materializes, the quintet find themselves at a crossroads with three paths before them. To the north, the road vanishes into the thick foliage of a forest. To the west, the road rises up and turns rocky, a mountain visible in the distance. To the east, the path eventually gives way to sand, a port town visible just before the horizon heads out to sea. Behind the party, the southern grasslands stretch as far as the eye can see. "As this little adventure was thine idea," starts Raven, turning to face Linds, "I guess I'll let thee decide our course of action." Back in the main room, Kitten, still in her waitress outfit and cradling Myuu in her arms announces, just a reminder, as I'm an Author Avatar and this place exists within Author Space, I can be in multiple places at once. And as a reminder, the characters currently in the Klub hanging out in the background since no one is interacting with them include." Kitten holds up one clawed finger, "Hiko, the futa foxgirl and her bunny girl pets, Tsubomi and Futaba, and by the way, it looks like the spiked stew Yami prepared the bunnies is starting to take effect as both Tsubomi and Futaba are squirming in their seats and my sensitive ears can hear them whimpering in need of both a lusty and urinary nature while Hiko just enjoys the show." Raising a second claw, "All seven Ojamajo are at a table, watching the battle, and I hear Hana talking about wanting to battle herself... Oh, and interesting bit of trivia, Hana's voice actress in the original, Japanese version of Ojamajo Doremi also voices Pikachu from the Pokemon Anime the world over." A third claw goes up, "Laharl, Etna, and Flonne of Disgaea Fame are visiting from the Netherworld." A fourth claw goes up, "Chibi-Usa from Sailor Moon is hanging out with Sakura, Tomoyo, Mei Ling, and Li from Cardcaptor Sakura." Raising her thumb claw, "The Mew Mews are enjoying an evening of letting their inner animals out." Approaching the bar, Kitten sits her armful of fellow feline on the counter, "And finally, at the bar, we have Yami, Hikari, and Hanako, the latter ordering drinks for the Disgaea Trio while the twins are enjoying one of their games." "Pl-Please, brother," Hikari lets out in a whimper,both hands jammed between her thighs, her whole face cherry blossom pink, "Please turn it off." Playing dumb, Yami replies, "I'm not sure what you're talking about, Sister." as he puts the finishing touches on a tray of drinks and snacks sitting in front of Hanako, the short demoness effortlessly lifting the tray above her head as Yami declares, "There you go, Hanako, I even included a super-sized portion of the finest Sea of Gehenna Pudding the Klub could get hold of to help butter up Beauty Queen Etna for you." "Thank you," replies the Pinkette before heading for the table where her mistress is sitting. Turning to Kitten, Yami asks, "What'll it be, little sister?" "Could you get me and this poke prince each a saucer of cream?" As Yami opens his mouth to ask a question, the catgirl adds, "Of the strictly dairy variety." "Right away, miss Kitten." replies the barkeep. Turning to Hikari, Kitten asks, a knowing and catty smile on her face, "You okay, nee-chan?" "Fi-fine." replies the slightly taller girl in a manner that wouldn't fool anyone, and especially not the Author Avatar who knows exactly what's going on but is leaving the audience to guess. Sitting down her drink, Pipi comments, "That Alakazam is quite impressive. Makes me wonder if it was trained specifically for fighting Lucario." Lucario instinctively shifts to using Metal Claw as the ghostly energy enveloping his wrist spikes fizzles out, but the exertion of the battle is starting to catch up as agility and double team wear off, leaving the Jackal exposed and panting for breath. Closing her eys and placing a hand over her naval, Maylene lets out a defeated sigh but before Maylene can issue another command, the Psychic hits, sending Lucario skimming across the mat, the Pinkette crying out "Lucario!" as she rushes for her Pokemon's side. Dropping to her knees by her fallen partner, Maylene asks, "Are you okay?" sagging in relief as she notices the rise and fall of his chest spike and his eyes open, red meeting pink. Turning to her opponent, she declares, "We submit, you win the Cobble Badge." before returning to examining Lucario's injuries. Lucario's Aura voice is weak as he places a forepaw to his trainer's cheek, "So-sorry, Mis-mistress, I fail-" Wrapping her hands around the forelimb and nuzzling against the paw on her cheek, Maylene cuts her pokemon off, "No, I'm the one who failed you as a trainer! And how many times do I have to tell you not to call me Mistress?" "Sorry, my sweet plum blossom." replies the jackal, mustering as much affection in his aura voice as he can in his current state as the pinkette lets go of his forelimb to run her fingers through his fur, searching for less obvious injuries. 0 * // * Quote <#> * Options // <#elControls_1597977_menu> o Hide * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Melificentfan // 824 *Melificentfan * // 824 * Bursting * * * *? Respected Member* * Reputation: // 824 * Posts: 5,851 * //Report post * // Posted February 5 Lindz grins as she heads into one of the private rooms looking around at how the scenery changes then she watches kitten stretch as she catches a glimpse of her then turns her gaze away as her cheeks turn red then she coughs "Right who wants to check out the forest?" she asked looking at the group 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Pee-Pants1995 // 31 *Pee-Pants1995 * // 31 * Desperate * * * *New Member* * Reputation: // 31 * Posts: 158 * //Report post * // Posted February 5 izzy walked over to the shorter girl wrapped her arms lovingly around her gently picked her up so that they were eye level and planted a kiss on Yachiru cherry blossom lips... after a while she put Yachiru down and took a step back... "mmm cherry blossom... good choice!" izzy said with a small blush 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // adriangache // 21 *adriangache * // 21 * Bursting * * * *Active Member* * Reputation: // 21 * Posts: 329 * //Report post * // Posted February 5 Adrian takes a while to realize that the battle is over. He signals to Pipi to get ready as they're going to take to the battlefield next, and motions for her to finish her drink. 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Dededesciple // 53 *Dededesciple * // 53 * Bursting * * * *Active Member* * Reputation: // 53 * Posts: 445 * //Report post * // Posted February 6 "HEHEHEHE I WIN YOU LOSE NANANABOOBOO HEHEHE hey wait a second, dat Lucario can talk? well he cant be the one from the Smash tournaments or else he woulda recognizedAHH WHAT DO I CARE AH WIN!!!" i shout twords the roof "dat dere badge will make a fine addition to mah collection, now hand it over!' "LATER LOSER" i then head to the karaoke stage and sing queens "we are the champions" but with i instead of we. 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Imouto Kitten // 573 *Imouto Kitten * // 573 * Onii-chan's guide kitty * * * *? Contributor* * Reputation: // 573 * Posts: 2,411 * //Report post * // Posted February 6 As Lucario's mega evolution comes undone, Maylene helps her partner to his feet, draping one of his forelimbs across her shoulder, effortlessly supporting the exhausted pokemon's weight despite being no taller than the jackal and his much greater density. The pair meet their opponent as he's leaving the ring, Maylene using her free hand to present the Cobble badge to the avian monarch. Maylene and Lucario head to the bar, the Pinkette asking, "Got anything to help Lucario recover his energy?" "Sure do," replies Yami as the trainer and her pokemon take a pair of bar stools. "Got Full Restores and Max Elixirs on hand, but we've got healing and energy potions of all kinds from all over the multiverse." "I...I could also use healing magic on your Pokemon." adds Hikari, crossing her legs as she forces herself to bring a hand away from her crotch, her palm glowing with a pale, blue light as she does so. Finishing her drink, Pipi replies, "I just need to have Kitten materialize my Pokemon!" Before running over to the bar where Kitten and Myuu are lapping cream from a shared saucer, the catgirl leaning over the counter while the mew lays on the polished wood surface. "um, Miss Kitten?" Lifting her head from the saucer and turning to face Pipi, Kitten replies, "Ready for me to make your Pokemon real?" Sure Am!" cries Pipi, pulling a DS cart from her pocket. Taking the cart from the amber-eyed girl, Kitten pulls a device that looks like a cross between a DS and a Pokedex out of thin air, slots in the cart, and after about a minute of fiddling with buttons, a tube extends from the device, depositing a trio of Pokeballs in Pipi's outstretched hand. "There you go, a Charizard, Blastoise, and Venusaur as requested." Says the catgirl with a smile before handing the cart back to Pipi and giving the blonde a pat on the head before turning back to the saucer of cream she's sharing with her fellow super cute, but super powerful feline as Pipi runs over to the arena. Meanwhile, with the Adventuring party, Kitten leads the way as the group head into the forest, the mages flanking Linds and Alex bringing up the rear in case monsters try to sneak up on them. 0 * // * Quote <#> * Options // <#elControls_1598332_menu> o Hide * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // adriangache // 21 *adriangache * // 21 * Bursting * * * *Active Member* * Reputation: // 21 * Posts: 329 * //Report post * // Posted February 6 "Can I have my Torterra, Arcanine, and Skarmory too?" Adrian asks Kitten before turning to take his place on the battlefield. He had dreamed of this moment; played it on a DS Lite and watched it on the TV show countless times, but he still had no idea what to expect stepping onto an arena for the first time. 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Melificentfan // 824 *Melificentfan * // 824 * Bursting * * * *? Respected Member* * Reputation: // 824 * Posts: 5,851 * //Report post * // Posted February 6 Lindz grins as she walks into the forest with the girls as she looks around for any monsters 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Imouto Kitten // 573 *Imouto Kitten * // 573 * Onii-chan's guide kitty * * * *? Contributor* * Reputation: // 573 * Posts: 2,411 * //Report post * // Posted February 6 Accepting a game cart from Adrian, Kitten repeats the process, handing him a trio of Pokeballs and his cart. "There you go, they're even in the same kind of Pokeball you used to catch them in-game." As Adrian takes his position opposite Pipi, the young girl pipes up, "Considering what Miss Kitten said about this arena being able to change at will, I thought of a cool way to liven up our battle. We could start with a standard stadium, but each time we knock out an opponent's pokemon, the victor gets to choose what the battlefield turns into..." Blushing slightly as she trails off, she adds, "Of-of course, if you have a different suggestion, I'd be happy to hear it." Trying to school her features into an appearance of confidence, she tosses her first Pokeball with a cry of, "Go, Venusaur!" the massive plant/lizard hybrid taking up a ready stance as it materializes. The adventuring party walks for quite a while along the forest path before Kitten's ears perk up and the catgirl announces, "I hear a buzzing noise, and its growing louder... I think we're about to be swarmed!" With practiced ease, the swordswoman and the mages draw their respective weapons, the Opal atop Roxie's staff glowing white as the blonde erects a trio of shields, a small personal shield, a larger shield that emcompasses both the mages while giving Raven room to circle around the party's healer, and a massive dome that seems to mark the boundaries of the battle field. As the Onyx atop Raven's staff crackles in preparation for unleashing a wide area lightning spell, Alex and Kitten take up positions on opposite sides of the inner dome, the swordswoman brandishing her rapier in preparation to cut down an oncoming foe and Kitten crouched on her hind legs, her foreclaws glinting in the sunlight penetrating the forest canopy, ready to pounce. Linds only has a few moments to decide her place in the battle formation before a swarm of giant hornets darkens what sky is visible through the tree cover, and spotting our young adventurers, prepare to divebomb their formation. Casting some analysis spells, Roxie announces, "Hell Hornets, physically weak, usually going down to one good hit, but tend to overwhelm their foes with their sheer numbers. I estimate the oncoming swarm at more than a thousand strong, though the outer shield should only allow a few dozen to get in close at a time. Their poison can be deadly, but they usually prefer to use a paralytic that will immobilize the victim for anywhere from a few minutes to half-a-day. They like using the wombs of mammalian females, especially humans and other sentient races as incubators for their eggs and the claws on their feet are good at digging into targets that haven't yet been immobilized by poison."