Izzy takes the drinks and returns to Yachiru taking a seat next to her, izzy gives *Chocolate Cherry* to Yachiru and keeps the vespa for herself... "so whats being the vis-captain of Gotei 13 Squard 11 like?" izzy asked hoping to not make a fool of herself 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // adriangache // 21 *adriangache * // 21 * Bursting * * * *Active Member* * Reputation: // 21 * Posts: 329 * //Report post * // Posted January 27 Why don't you go ahead and change then? I'll try my best to cover for you. (to Kitten) Is it true? Can we revive Pipi's and my Pokemon? 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Dededesciple // 53 *Dededesciple * // 53 * Bursting * * * *Active Member* * Reputation: // 53 * Posts: 445 * //Report post * // Posted January 27 HEHEHEHE that aint gonna save ya now missy! even if this poultry powerhouse aint a fana electricity you aint hardly doin no damage with that burn on ya! EMPY, SWORDS DANCE THEN HIT EM WITH A DRILL PECK! 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Melificentfan // 824 *Melificentfan * // 824 * Bursting * * * *? Respected Member* * Reputation: // 824 * Posts: 5,851 * //Report post * // Posted January 28 Lindz looks at Yami "Can I have a Shirley Temple please"she says 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Imouto Kitten // 573 *Imouto Kitten * // 573 * Onii-chan's guide kitty * * * *? Contributor* * Reputation: // 573 * Posts: 2,411 * //Report post * // Posted January 28 "Right away, miss." replies Yami, summoning the ingredients for the non-alcoholic cocktail and preparing it with the same showmanship he used for Izzy's cocktails. In the background, the grill goes cold and cleans itself as the two pots are transfigured into serving bowls, a single, large bowl for the beef stew and a pair of smaller bowls for the carrot stew. The three bowls land on a tray at the same time Yami sits the cocktail glass down in front of Linds, "Here you go, a sweet drink for a sweet lady." Just then, Hikari returns, and spotting the bowls, asks, "Are Hiko and the bunny girls' order ready?" Pulling a couple of vials from a vest pocket, Yami answers his sister's query, "Just need to add the Bladder's Bane and Lust Elixir." before adding a couple drops from each vial to each bowl of carrot stew. "That should be plenty to leave the vixen's pets a couple of squirmy, little bunnies in desperate need of satisfying both urges!" before reaching again for his pocket as Hikari reaches for the tray, "Speaking of squirming in dual desperation..." Catching her brother's movement, Hikari's hand shoots across the countertop, and though not long enough to reach her brother, Yami's hand freezes with fingertips at the opening of his pants pocket as if Hikari's now clenched fist had closed around his wrist instead of thin air. Leaning over the bar, the girl rises on to her tip toes to stare her brother in thte eye as she growls in a whisper barely loud enough for Linds to hear, "Brother, that's enough. Anymore, and I'm either going to go crazy or humiliate myself in front of the whole Klub." "Very well," replies Yami calmly, "I'll show mercy, for now." With that, Hikari takes the tray of stew and returns to the corner booth where Hiko's party sits. As Hikari leaves, Roxie walks up the bounce of her boobs and butt and the sway of her hips quite pronounced given the skin tight and nearly scandalously short tunic the blonde mage is wearing as Yami greets, "Hey, Roxie, how's my favorite female mage who isn't my twin sister doing?" "I'm just fine. Since Hikari-chan was busy with Hiko-chan's table, I thought I'd bring my table's orders over myself." "And what would you and your fellow party members like?" "Alex said, and I quote, 'The strongest spirits in the place', Raven wants to try some of this Coffee stuff mentioned in that guide to modern drinks left at our table, and I'd like a pot of tea for myself. Oh, and a side of roast mutton for all three of us." As Yami gets to work preparing Roxie's order, the bubbly, buxom blonde turns to Linds and introduces herself, "Greettings, my name is Roxana, but everyone calls me Roxie, may I ask thee thine name?" At the table with all the Pinkettes, Yachiru takes a sip of the offered drink and then downs it in a single gulp before exclaiming, "Wow! This drink is amazing! Much better than the stuff the rest of Squad 11 drinks whenever they throw rowdy parties or hit the bars. I wouldn't mind having a whole keg of this stuff to myself." Hearing Izzy's question, the excited girl, her earlier embarrassment forgotten, "Well, I'm one of the few girls on squad 11 and I'm by far the smallest member of the squad in addition to being the smallest officer in all of the Gotei 13 and one of the smallest soul reapers in all of Soul Society, and most of the squad are outcasts with little, if any, friends and family outside the squad, so it's kind of like having an army of overprotective big brothers despite the fact that I'm strong enough that except for Kenny, Pachinko head, and Yumi-chan, it would take like a dozen of the squad members ganging up on me to give me a decent warm up. As Vice-Captain, I do have a lot of paperwork, and Kenny has even more as Captain, but since that stuff's boring, we shove it all off on Yumi-chan." Finally taking a breath, the diminutive soul reaper glances longingly at her empty glass. Accepting the offered pants and belt from Adrian, Pipi crawls under the table, the tablecloth and the shadows it casts concealing her pretty well as Kitten walks up, leaving an apparently stunned silent Kim in her wake. "Yeah, this Klub exists in a pocket of Author space, so the laws of physics here can pretty much be summed up as 'if I can imagine it and I allow it, it can and will be done' So yeah, bringing Pokemon from a game cart to life is kind of trivial. I won't even let the fact that I have no clue what any G6 or 7 Pokemon look like and never learned all of the G5 pokemon stand in the way of others using them." As predicted, Medicham doesn't do much damage as Thunder punch connects, the burn essentially nullifying the boost from Pure Power and Bulk Up and the armored Penguin's high defense helping it to shrug off the effects. Medicham manages to dodge the first stab of Drill peck, but the pain from its burns are clearly catching up with the dancer as Maylene orders, "Endure, and then Counter!", her already weakened Pokemon letting the next jab of Empoleon's beak hit home before launching the counter. 0 * // * Quote <#> * Options // <#elControls_1594045_menu> o Hide * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Potty-Polly // 123 *Potty-Polly * // 123 * Bursting * * * *Active Member* * Reputation: // 123 * Posts: 824 * //Report post * // Posted January 28 "say feel like another drink... something stonger this time?" izzy asked polishing off her drink 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Melificentfan // 824 *Melificentfan * // 824 * Bursting * * * *? Respected Member* * Reputation: // 824 * Posts: 5,851 * //Report post * // Posted January 28 Lindz smiles "Thank you Yami" she says taking her drink walking over to raven "Mind if I join you ladies?" she asks 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // adriangache // 21 *adriangache * // 21 * Bursting * * * *Active Member* * Reputation: // 21 * Posts: 329 * //Report post * // Posted January 28 "That's great!" Adrian exclaims. Then, not wanting Pipi to know his team, whispers to Kitten, "Don't worry, I won't go beyond Gen 5. I'll have a Torterra, Galvantula, and Skarmory." Then, momentarily forgetting what Pipi was doing under the table, looks underneath the table to ask her, "So, what will your Pokemon be?" 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Dededesciple // 53 *Dededesciple * // 53 * Bursting * * * *Active Member* * Reputation: // 53 * Posts: 445 * //Report post * // Posted January 29 "GET UP YOU AVIAN IDIOT!" "All right fine, return" "well, you smarter than you look missy, but dis here next strategy is downright full-proof at dis point!" "GO SHUCKLE! NOW YOU SHOOT OUT DEM STICKY WEBS FASTEREN SONIC RUNNIN FROM HIS LEGION OF ANGRY FANS!!" I say as i smack him into the air with my massive hammer. 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Imouto Kitten // 573 *Imouto Kitten * // 573 * Onii-chan's guide kitty * * * *? Contributor* * Reputation: // 573 * Posts: 2,411 * //Report post * // Posted January 29 "If it tastes half as good as that one did," replies Yachiru like a five-year-old on a sugar high, "than I'd love another drink!" "There you go, a pot of coffee, a kettle of tea, and a tumblr Fire Whiskey and three heaping helpings of roast mutton. Please let Alex know this stuff packs quite a punch." declares the barkeep, placing the aforementioned food and drink on a tray in front of Roxie. "Thank thee, kindly." replies Roxie, using a bit of her own magic to levitate the tray, seemingly unperturbed that the other girl at the bar walked away without giving her name. Glancing up at the newcomer, Raven replies, "Sure, take a seet." Eyeing the other woman up and down, the black mage eventually comments, "Folks in these lands have the most unusual garments I've ever seen." However, before Linds can respond to the emerald-eyed girl's observation, the third member of the adventuring trio joins the table, excitedly chattering, "Thee decided to join us?" as she places a plate of roast mutton in front of each of her companions, handing the coffee pot and a mug to Raven and the tumblr of fire whiskey to Alex before placing the third plate of mutton in front of herself and pouring some tea from the kettle into a teacup. "So, new friend, why don't thee tell us a bit about thyself." Asks the blonde, her eyes shimmering like a pair of sapphires at the prospect of making a new friend. As Adriane peeks under the table, Pipi is in the middle of cinching the belt around her waist, and as their eyes meet, the slightest blush can be seen on her cheeks as if she realizes what might have happened had she been a bit slower changing. Crawling out from under the table, she adjusts the waistband of the jeans, pleating it several times to accomodate her much slimmer waist before threading the excess belt through the loops, nearly reaching the buckle a second time. The pant legs have had their cuffs turned inward to shorten them, giving them a puffy look as if someone tried using denim for more old-fashioned bottoms, the length a bit too long for capris, but a bit too short for high waters. Satisfied that her replacement garments are fitting as well as they're going to, she retrieves her discard garments, folding her once white, now stained yellow panties and socks and wrapping them in her soaked skirt. Blushing still, Pipi answers Adrian's question, "I was thinking of using the Charizard, Blastoise, and Venusaur I transferred from FireRed to Platinum. Wanted to put them on my Ultra Sun cart, but I could never get the hang of the mini-game you have to play for transferring to Black and White." "Don't worry, Onii-chan hated that mini-game too." replies Kitten, gaining the blonde's attention. "Umm... Miss Kitten, is there somewhere I could wash my clothes?" "The Klub has no laundry facilities," replies Kitten, but as Pipi's expression sags, the futa feline adds, "But a washing machine is just one of the many things the private rooms can conjure." Getting a catty smile, she continues, "Actually, if either of you had thought to ask, I could've told you the private rooms can conjure whatever clothes the occupants want and that objects conjured in there are real enough to not vanish when you exit the room." Turning back to the arena, Kitten comments, "Looks like the current match is at least a third over." And indeed, as Empoleon dematerializes, Medicham falls to her knees before soon passing out, her burns draining the little bit of strength endure left her with. Before Maylene can recall the fainted psychic, Shuckle's webs have carpetted the arena. "Medicham, return!" cries the diminutive gym leader, surveying the arena, "You'll be slowed down, but I've got no real choice, Go Machamp! Focus Energy and then use brick break on shuckle's hard shell!" As Machamp materializes, he glows as he focuses his energy befoer wading through the masses of sticky web on the mat to approach is much smaller opponent. 0 * // * Quote <#> * Options // <#elControls_1594445_menu> o Hide * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Potty-Polly // 123 *Potty-Polly * // 123 * Bursting * * * *Active Member* * Reputation: // 123 * Posts: 824 * //Report post * // Posted January 29 izzy approached the bar once more she then began reeling off a list of drinks ordering 2 of each. * Raspberry Sgroppino. * Roman Holiday Cocktail. * Aperol Spritz. * Champagne Mojitos. * Sparkling Apple Sangria. * Pop! Cider. ... * Citrus Cordial Sparklers. * Spiced Cranberry Rum Fizz. * Agua Fresca. * Sex On The Beach. * Sidecar. * Dry Martini. * Manhattan. * Singapore Sling. * Corpse Reviver No 2. * Black Russian. 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Melificentfan // 824 *Melificentfan * // 824 * Bursting * * * *? Respected Member* * Reputation: // 824 * Posts: 5,851 * //Report post * // Posted January 29 Lindz smiles as she sits down "Well I am a laid back type of woman that loves to have fun and I am a tomboy or tom girl is what I like to call it sinceI am a girl and all but I love to go on adventures and just have a excellent time with people" she says looking at the ladies 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Dededesciple // 53 *Dededesciple * // 53 * Bursting * * * *Active Member* * Reputation: // 53 * Posts: 445 * //Report post * // Posted January 29 HEHEHEHE y'all think thats gonna save ya? face it missy, i've already won! SHUCKLE USE TOXIC THEN TAKE A NAP! y'all did well. 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Imouto Kitten // 573 *Imouto Kitten * // 573 * Onii-chan's guide kitty * * * *? Contributor* * Reputation: // 573 * Posts: 2,411 * //Report post * // Posted January 29 "That's quite the order, little lady," declares Yami as he starts using his magic to juggle the assorted liquors, garnishes, and glassware for Izzy's order beofer gently levitating each completed drink on tray. "To help you out, I've placed a sticking charm on the tary's surface, a no spill charm on all the galss ware, and a feather light charm on the whole thing for easy carrying." Meanwhile, Maylene smiles as the purple tinge from Shuckle splashing Machamp with toxic gives way to a red aura as Guts activates. "Okay, that's about the worst ailment for Machamp to fight with, but it still just gave Machamp a much needed boost. Now Machamp, before Shuckle wakes up, capitalize on Guts with a Bulk up and leer and then unleash a Stone Edge barrage!" The red aura grows more intense as Machamp flexes all four of its powerful arms and stares down its opponent before summing several sharp bits of stone and sending them flying at the doozing bug/rock type. As Alex takes a deep draw from her tumblr, steam shooting out her ears and coughing loudly as the fire whiskey hits her stomach, Raven comments, "I'm not sure which is more bizarre, that giant bird the little girl is fighting or the creatures they command, but that four-armed one looks quite formidable, like it could snap Alex's sword with single snap of its wrist." Listening to Linds more than she's paying attention to the battle, Roxie replies, "Me and mine companions have gone on many an adventure, though I confess I'm unfamiliar with this tomboy term you used." 0 * // * Quote <#> * Options // <#elControls_1594611_menu> o Hide * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Potty-Polly // 123 *Potty-Polly * // 123 * Bursting * * * *Active Member* * Reputation: // 123 * Posts: 824 * //Report post * // Posted January 29 "ahh brilliant thank you..." izzy said before carrying all the drinks to the table and splitting them between herself and Yachiru "there you go a host of drinks for the cutest girl in the building..." izzy said trying flirt but probably making a fool of herself. 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // adriangache // 21 *adriangache * // 21 * Bursting * * * *Active Member* * Reputation: // 21 * Posts: 329 * //Report post * // Posted January 29 "A Gen 1 fan, I see," Adrian remarks, mentally noting that his entire team is weak to that Charizard. "I'd like to swap out my Galvantula for an Arcanine," he whispers to Kitten. He orders two glasses of lemonade and invites Pipi to sit closer to him as the battle unfolds. "Not sure what Maylene's doing here, not bringing out a special attacker, but a Guts and Bulk Up-boosted Stone Edge might be able to make a dent in Shuckle's infamous defense," he comments. 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Melificentfan // 824 *Melificentfan * // 824 * Bursting * * * *? Respected Member* * Reputation: // 824 * Posts: 5,851 * //Report post * // Posted January 30 Lindz looks at Roxie "Well I love anything a guy does like sports and such but I would love to hear about your adventures I mean if you don't mind sharing them with me" she says as she sips her Shirley Temple 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Dededesciple // 53 *Dededesciple * // 53 * Bursting * * * *Active Member* * Reputation: // 53 * Posts: 445 * //Report post * // Posted January 30 (edited) dang...well dont forget about sturdy!...........WAKE UP YOU MANGY MOLLUSK!! *Edited January 30 by Dededesciple* 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Imouto Kitten // 573 *Imouto Kitten * // 573 * Onii-chan's guide kitty * * * *? Contributor* * Reputation: // 573 * Posts: 2,411 * //Report post * // Posted January 30 "Actually," starts Pipi, taking a dry seat and depositing her bundle of sodden garments in the seat she wet, "aside from all the cool glitches, the original games are kind of annoying to play. The remakes are much better." Hearing the comment on special attackers, Pipi tilts her head and replies, "I thought Shuckle's special defense was just as high as its defense." Summoning a holographic display in front of her, Kitten replies, "Hmmm... consulting Bulbapedia, Pipi's right, Shuckles based defenses are both 230, the highest in the game. Of course, the rest of its stats are crap. Though, mention of Gen 1 does remind me." With a snap of her fingers, a sleeping catboy appears in a puff of smoke, curled up and fast asleep. Unfortunately for the newcomer, Kitten summoned him in midair and he soon comes tumbling to the floor as gravity reasserts itself. As the now fully awake catboy stretches in a very feline manner and rubs where he hit the floor, Kitten introduces, "This is Myuu, quite possibly Onii-chan's first fancharacter, predating even the creation of Yami and Hikari or Onii-chan adopting his old web alias." As the boy finishes his post wake up ritual, he stands up. He stands about half a head taller than Kitten with pale skin contrasting with a black muscle shirt and bike shorts, the skin tight clothing leaving little of his slender, nearly androgynous build to the imagination. His tail is longer than he is tall, very slender except for an ellipsoidal bulge at its tip and covered in extremely fine, powder blue fur. The short, messy hair on his scalp and the equally fine fur on his pointy, cat ears is the same powder blue. "In case you can't tell, he's a Mew, and a shiny one at that, but since Mew are masters at free transformation unlike ditto who can only manage mimicry, he prefers this hybrid human/feline form to his true appearance." Bowing to Pipi and Adrian, Myuu introduces himself, "I am Myuu, Crown Prince of the Legendary Pokemon, son of Queen Mewfia and her consort, King Mewtwo, partner pokemon of-" "Hold it right there," Kitten cuts off her fellow feline, "You're tamer's name is Taboo around here." Seeming to notice the catgirl for the first time, Myuu gets a lovestrucked expression on his face before dropping on all fours and nuzzling against her thigh like an overly affectionate house cat, purring out, "You're a really cute kitty!" Seeming to be struggling with the urge to drop to all fours herself and present herself for mounting, Kitten replies with a purr of her own, "My, you're a rather affectionate tom cat." As the pair continue purring and engaging in very feline public displays of affection, Pipi turns to Adrian and comments, "Cat people are weird." completely oblivious to the deeper meaning of what Kitten and Myuu are doing right in front of her. At that moment, Hikari, holding a tray with a pitcher of lemonade and two glasses in her magic, a hand pressing her apron between her pressed together thighs arrives at Pipi's table, declaring "He-here's the-the le-lemonade you ordered." As she lowers the tray to the tablecloth, the hand she was using to focus her magic joining its sister upon the girl's crotch. As Pipi pours herself a glass of lemonade, Hikari beats a hasty retreat from the sound of pouring liquid. Though Myuu proves sufficient distraction to prevent Kitten's hackles from rising when Izzy's compliment to Yachiru reaches the catgirl's sensitive ears, Izzy isn't so lucky regarding the rest of the Pinkette Party, as Chibi-usa, Poppu, and Hanako all cry out something to the extent of "Hey, aren't we just as cute?" as the rest of the table, all of whom have been quietly watching the smallest of their number being hit on by another girl look on in amusement. Through it all, Yachiru is sampling the large selection of drinks, gulpping down the sweeter ones in a single gulp, but leaving any with a more bitter flavor undrunk past the first sip. Meanwhile, with Linds and the Adventuring Trio, Roxie breaks into an excited monologue, "Well, for starters, I should probably explain our team structure. Alex is our front line fighter. Back when he was aman, she wore heavy armor and fought with a claymore, but had enough brute strength that his heavy equipment didn't slow him down much. Since getting cursed into a woman, she's switched to wearing a battle brassiere and armored skirt and fighting with a rapier and has shifted to a quicker, more finesse oriented sword style. Raven is our offensive spell caster with a particular fondness for fire and lighting elemental asaults, and I'm the party's support, casting shields to protect Raven and myself from when enemies get through Alex's guard, buffing my teammates' abilities, and healing our injuries. Mostly, we seek out ancient artifacts and lost widom or hire ourselves out as bodyguards for merchant caravans, but our current quest is to locate some ruins that might house artifacts capable of restoring Alex's manhood, which is made more difficult as Alex's condition means she can't restore mine and Raven's mana anymore." "Keep up the stone edge, Machamp!" commands Maylene to her pokemon even as the toxic is clearly starting to take its toll. 0 * // * Quote <#> * Options // <#elControls_1594809_menu> o Hide * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Melificentfan // 824 *Melificentfan * // 824 * Bursting * * * *? Respected Member* * Reputation: // 824 * Posts: 5,851 * //Report post * // Posted January 30 Lindz nods listening to Roxie talk "So some ruins took Alex's man hood away from him which made him a girl damn that must have been some very powerful ruins" she says looking at the group 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // adriangache // 21 *adriangache * // 21 * Bursting * * * *Active Member* * Reputation: // 21 * Posts: 329 * //Report post * // Posted January 30 "Did you find him under that Vermillion truck, Kitten?" Adrian remarks to himself, as he watches the match unfold. "It's all very attritional right now, Machamp's just racing Toxic. Perhaps a double KO?" As he says this, however, he cannot help but avert his gaze to Hikari, who seems a very short distance away from a deluge. 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Dededesciple // 53 *Dededesciple * // 53 * Bursting * * * *Active Member* * Reputation: // 53 * Posts: 445 * //Report post * // Posted January 31 "oh my, yall have KOed mah Shuckle whatever shall ahGO ALAKAZAM!!" https://youtu.be/xQQQr11bW0Y "dis here was mah plot all along! yall see, dis here is already one mighty fast pokemon but with da powera dat sticky web aint a thing on earth, popstar, or beyond dat gonna outspeed em!" "BUT WAIT DERES MORE!" i pull down the sleeve of my coat to reveal a fancy jeweled golden bracelet with a key stone in it https://youtu.be/xQQQr11bW0Y "Ala old boy, lets finish this shindig up, MEGA EVOLVE DEN USE SUBSTITUTE AND HIT EM WITH A PSYCHIC" 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Imouto Kitten // 573 *Imouto Kitten * // 573 * Onii-chan's guide kitty * * * *? Contributor* * Reputation: // 573 * Posts: 2,411 * //Report post * // Posted January 31 "Seismic Toss!" Cries Maylene, and whether from the toxic or the Psychic, Machamp barely manages the break the subsitute before passing out himself and being recalled. Holding up her last Pokeball, Maylene announces, "You're right, even without the sticky web, my last pokemon can't match a Mega Alakazam in raw speed." Grinning widely, she adds, "Fortunately, he has ways of dealing with speedy opponents. Go Lucario!" As the bipedal jackal materializes, Maylene holds up a fist, showing off her own keystone held in place by a wristband as she declares, "Kid gloves off, Mega evolve and then give Alakazam a taste of Bullet Punch boosted by both adaptability and swords dance!" As the glow of Mega evolution fades, Mega Lucario shoots forward, his speed boosted to blinding levels by the priority move's effects. As the battle wages, Kitten manages to distract her fellow feline with a scratch behind the ears as she answers Adrian, "Actually, Onii-chan recieved him as an egg. It was way back in the G2 days, Misty was still a main character in the anime, the legendaries where still easy to place into a single, unified pantheon, Digimon was still in its original run on US television, and Onii-chan was the unofficial king of the nerds/geeks at his highschool. They weren't quite playing Dungeons and Dragons with Pokemon, but the lunch table had plenty of informal role-playing with Onii-chan acting as game master without any of them knowing anything about table top RPGs. Hell, at the time, I think Red, Blue, Gold, and maybe Crystal where the only video RPGs Onii-chan had played for more than a few minutes. Anyways, Myuu here was the product of one of those role-plays, one that borrowed heavily from Digimon despite being a Pokemon story and not being an actual crossover. Onii-chan and his friends self-insert characters are random kids living in an analog of Real Life Earth until a Pokemon Egg appears before them and hatches and they're all summoned to a G2-based version of Anime Poke-Earth where they have to fight along side their newly hatched partners to vanquish an evil even the Legendary Pokemon can't handle. Hell, Onii-chan even borrowed the idea of Bio-merge, humans fusing with their Pokemon to unlock their most powerful form. And remember, this was over a decade before Mega Evolution was added to the games. Myuu here's biomerged form looked like a rip-off of Dukemon from Digimon Tamers except with blue accents and the head being based on Mew instead of Guilmon. Also, if I remember correctly, Myuu actually started out as an Eevee with Mew treated as a secret evolution of Espeon, you know, the usual sillyness you so often see when teenaged millenials try doing Pokemon/DIgimon crossover fanfiction, only without the digital world involved as an excuse to bring in the more Digimon like mechanics." Noticing Adrian staring as Hikari walks away, "You noticed her state, huh? She's pretty cute when she's desperate. I think her twin brother has the right idea, wanting to tie her up and have his way with her until she loses control. That said, though my powers as an author avatar, I can tell she's only about half full, though Yami has indeed done something to make her need feel worse than it is and make it harder to focus." Feeling parched from her monologue, the catgirl summons a tall glass of strawberry milk and starts guzzling, seemingly downing more than the glass should be able to hold as she continues petting Myuu, who's now curled up and floating next to her in a ball of psychic energy. Meanwhile, with Linds, "Actually," cuts in Raven, pointing a thumb over her shoulder towards a red head with a single braid to her bust sitting alone and emanating an aura to suggest anyone who disturbs her might find out the hard way if the pointed ruby on the end of her redwood staff would serve as a spearhead, "That red bitch is the one who cursed Alex, turning him into a girl and causing him to lose seven stone of muscle in the process. She completely outclasses Roxie and me combined in the arcane arts, so any attempt to break the curse ourselves or force her to lift it would end badly, and even if we could hold her magic off long enough for Alex to get in close, we suspect that she's more than capable with the sword concealed in her stafn." "So, instead," takes over Roxie, "we're investigating rumors that artifacts capable of manipulating a person's reproductive equipment can be found in the ruins of what many believed was the temple of a fertility cult during the Golden Age of Magic. 0 * // * Quote <#> * Options // <#elControls_1595120_menu> o Hide * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Melificentfan // 824 *Melificentfan * // 824 * Bursting * * * *? Respected Member* * Reputation: // 824 * Posts: 5,851 * //Report post * // Posted January 31 Lindz nods listening to raven and Roxie talk "Why the fuck did she put a curse on him in the first place?" she asks 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote x * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Imouto Kitten // 573 *Imouto Kitten * // 573 * Onii-chan's guide kitty * * * *? Contributor* * Reputation: // 573 * Posts: 2,411 * //Report post * // Posted January 31 Overhearing Linds question, Anastasia slams her goblet on her table and yells, "Because I'm no two-bit whore." before going back to trying to ignore everyone in the Klub. "To give context to the red bitch's outburst," starts Raven, "In the lands we hail from, one of the easiest methods for a female mage to restore her mana, the energy we use to power our magics, is to voluntarily accept the seed of a willing man. The three of us have been lovers since before Roxie and I first started our training in the arcane arts and Alex first took up the sword, but we've been known to invite other mages to join us, and given that Alex was a rather handsome, if somewhat rough around the edges, man, most of the girls we approached rather appreciated the offer. Sadly, Alex is quite the fool when it comes to knowing when a girl isn't interested, and the red bitch took exception to his proposition and him insinuating that a woman can't survive as a lone adventurer." Sipping her coffee appreciatively, she continues, "Though, I think she thought Roxie and I only put up with Alex for his use as a mana supply and meat shield and would abandon her." Jumping in, Roxie pinches Alex's cheek playfully as she declares, "Even if Alex-chan didn't make a cute girl, I love her too much to just abandon her. Though, having to conserve Mana and use mana potions is a lot more annoying and a lot less fun than being able to get a quick recharge from Alex when I run low." "Yeah, and while being turned into a girl hasn't been all bad, I kind of miss when the monsters only wanted to kill me." Adds Alex, guzzling the fire whiskey like water, seemingly having gotten use to the steam from the ears the drink is famous for, "My nethers are still a bit sore from where that alpha wolf caught and knotted me and would've likely dragged me back to its den had Raven not used my dropped sword to castrate the beast." Shivering at the memory, she adds, "Good thing the booze here is free, buying mana potions for our current trip wiped out most of our gold." Polishing off the bottle, Alex cries out, "Bar wench, another bottle of fire whiskey!" Shortly, Hikari shows up at the table, one hand clamped over her crotch through her dress and apron, the other clasped around the neck of the requested liquor, and girl showing no outward signs to suggest offense at the archaic and arguably disrespectful manner of address the former man used to get her attention. "Can I get anyone else anything?" asks the pale-haired girl as she sits the bottle of fire whiskey within arm's reach of Alex, her now free hand joining its twin between her thighs.