As you enter the building, you are greeted by a short catgirl, the bright oranges of her waitress uniform a nice contrast to the bluish gray of her hair and the downy fur covering most of her large, triangular ears and the long tail swishing behind her and really bringing out the amber of her eyes. With a smile that shows off her cute, little fangs, she welcomes you, "Meow and welcome to Kitten's Kinky Karaoke Klub, a place where the denizens of can unwind and enjoy some drinks while mingling with a wide selection of characters from across the multiverse." With a bow, she introduces herself, "I am Kitten, the co-owner and hostess of this fine establishment and Onii-chan's author avatar." Straightening up, she announces, "Before I give you the grand tour, here are a few ground rules: 1. Shouting between tables is rude. If you want to converse with someone here at the klub, please take a seat at their table and limit your conversation to people at that table. Of course, you're free to move between tables as often as you like, even several times in the same post(in which case, characters at each table will respond as if you stuck around just long enough to hear their replies). 2. Me and Onii-chan's other original characters practically live here when not in our own stories, but characters from other sources will pop in and out from time-to-time. If there's a specific character you'd like to see visit the Klub, just call my name and I'll see if they'll accept an invite. You can check out Onii-chan's A3O at to get an idea of which characters I know and to get to know some of my fellow OC's respective histories. 3. Lewdity is allowed in the public area, but we ask that clothes remain mostly on and that sexual acts maintain some level of plausible deniability. Private rooms are available for those who wish to cut loose. 4. Most of the girls, and even the few boys, that visit the Klub are open to trying most things. That said, if they tell you to back off, then back off. The girls, and even the few boys, are authorized to defend themselves against pushy perverts, and the Klub is not liable for any death or injury that results from invoking hell have no fury like a woman scorn, and I won't hesitate to come to the aid of a fair maiden unable of defending her own honor. 5. If you don't want to be treated like a faceless, generic male by the Klub's occupants, then please describe your avatar(as in the character you'll role-play while in the Klub, not your profile picture on the forum) upon entering and remind readers of relevant details as you perform actions in the Klub. Also, while Onii-chan didn't give me his blindness, if he can't imagine it, I can't see it, so err on too much detail. 6. I reserve the right to alter or add to these rules without warning. 7. Have fun!" The formalities out of the way, she leads you into the Klub's main room, her tail held high to make her skirt play peek-a-boo with the yellow-and-cream striped panties underneath. "If you'll follow me." You follow the catgirl into a large room filled with round tables surrounded with comfortable looking chairs, most with a few people seated at them, but with room for more people to sit down. The first table she stops at has three women at it, a buxom, blue-eyed blonde with floor dragging twintails wearing a blue, medieval-style tunic that looks fit to tear from the strain her boobs and butt are putting on it, a Raven-haired, emeral-eyed girl with a boyish haircut and figure wearing a dark green tunic and black pants that hug her non-curves, and between them, a messy-haired brunette with chocolate brown eyes in nothing but a white leotard that shows off her modest figure and leaves her toned limbs bare. "Here," starts Kitten, "we have the adventuring trio from The Genderbent Warrior! Alex" she gestures to the middle girl, "the eponymous warrior, turned into a girl for pissing off a testy red mage, Roxie( she points to the blonde, "the white mage who helps keep them ready for battle, and Raven," the raven-haired tomboy, "the offensive spellcaster of the group." As the trio look up from their drinks to offer greetings, Kitten points to a broody redhead sitting alone at a nearby table, wearing red robes, her hair in a braid resting upon her breast and staring into a goblet of wine, "That's Anastasia, the one who turned Alexander into Alexandra. Also, she doesn't like people calling her Anna. Anyways, these three girls swing both ways, and have experience with several mythical species. Oh, and for the girls visiting the Klub, if you let me give you some of my cream, I might let you take Alex in his original male form into a private room. Sorry boys, but only girl Alex is into other guys." Continueing on, she approaches a stage against one wall of the main room, "Here's the stage for those wishing to sing Karaoke in front of the whole Klub." Gesturing to a purple-haired girl on stage wearing a lavender dress over dark-purple spandex shorts, she adds, "Anyone is welcome to sing a song and dedicate it to anyone in the Klub, but for our opening night, we got Onpu Segawa, child idol extraordinaire and wet dream of many a lolicon to perform for us." Looking around, she scampers over to a table near the stage and adds, "And it looks like the rest of the Ojamajo tagged along to listen to their friend perform." as she stops in front of a table where Doremi, Hazuki, Aiko, Momoko, and Hana are sitting. After the witch apprentices greet you, she leads you to a corner booth where a redhead foxgirl, her coppery locks in a hime cut and dressed like a miko in white and red observes the room, flanked by a pair of identical bunny girls with black hair and white fur on their long ears and fluffy tails. "Here we have Hiko and her pets, Tsubomi and Futaba. I'll warn you, the bunnies are a package deal, if you want to rent a private room, you'll have to take both, and even then, you'll need Hiko's approval and she might insist on watching as she's rather protective of the little cuties. Also, like myself, Hiko is a futanari in her base form, and Tsubomi and Futaba are as eager as the expression 'rutting like rabbits' would imply." Sniffing the air" And it smells like Hiko and her entourage aren't the only animal girls other than myself in the Klub this evening." as she leads you to a table with five animal girls, all of different species. "Hey, Onee-chan, you and the other Mew mews taking the night off from crime fighting." As she nears the table, a taller catgirl, this one with pink hair and black fur and wearing a pink costume ruffles Kitten's hair and gives the shorter feline a scratch behind the ears, provoking a contented purr. "Sure are, little cat." As the taller catgirl retracts her hand, Kitten introduces, "My fellow catgirl and honorary sister here is Ichigo, and her friends include Blunette bird girl Mint, verdette mermaid Lettuce, though she's actually part dolphin, not fish and only takes on her animal features in the water, Wolf girl Zakuro, and blonde Monkey Girl Buling "Pudding Huang." as the short cat girl introduces those at the table. Turning to the blonde, who is slightly shorter than kitten herself, she comments, "Hope you don't mind that I borrowed your Cafe Mew Mew uniform." Blushing, the half-chinese monkey replies, "Yo-you're the reason I suddenly ended up naked in the staff room at the cafe!?" "Yeah, sorry about that," says kitten apologetically, "at least I didn't do it while you were waiting on Taruto's table." Leaving the sputtering blonde behind, she approaches a small table with a single occupant, "And this is Pipi Waterman, physically youngest of Onii-chan's OC and the only one that was made specifically for Omo." Glancing up, the amber blonde with amber eyes has cheeks red with embarrassment and dried tear tracks, and looking closer, you can see that her yellow skirt is soaked. "Oh, forgot, she had an accident in Kitten's Kast Konversation and hasn't had time to clean-up. Figured I'd leave what to do about that for whoever approaches her first in the Klub. That said, she is less likely to understand sexual advances as such compare to the other OC around here." Looking around, she declares, "But Pipi isn't the only gradeschooler who discovered a magical book here tonight." Walking over to a table where a single boy is accompanied by three girls, all wearing their school uniforms." "How's my OT4 doing?" Asks Kitten as they approach the table, "Here we have Card Mistress Sakura Kinomoto," She gestures to the brown-haired girl. "Her former rival Syaoran Li," points to the boy, "Her cousin, Tomoyo Daidouji," points to the girl opposite Sakura from Li, "and his Cousin, Mei Ling.* points at the Chinese girl sitting on Li's opposite side from Sakura. Next, Kitten leads you to the Bar, "And here we have the Twin Titans of Thaumaturgy, Hikari, who serves as head waitress, and Yami, who is our bartender." The girl has long, bluish white hair to her knees, and wearing nothing but a square apron over a white sundress, she looks more like a young mother stepping from her kitchen than a waitress as she greets, "Hello, simply say my name, and I'll gladly bring your order to my brother." Standing behind the bar, the boy, with spikey, reddish black hair cuts a dashing figure in his red vest, white shirt, and black slacks, "If I don't know the drink, a wikipedia link is all I need to prepare it." Getting distracted again, Kitten exclaims, "Looks like the Pinkettes are out on Parade." before rushing over to a table housing girls of every type, their hair color the only thing they have in common. "I think I'll let these girls introduce themselves." Declares Kitten. "Yachiru Kusajishi, Vice Captain of Gotei 13 Squad 11," greets one of the smallest girls at the table, wearing a black, gothic lolita dress with fake cat ears and a fake tail as she enjoys a ice cream sundae. "Mimi Tachikawa, Chosen Child of Sincerity," greets a girl in a tube skirt and halter top. "Beauty, only sane member of team Bobobo." greets a girl in jeans with a deadpan expression. "Maylene, Gym Leader of the Veilstone Pokemon Gym." A wirey girl in a spandex shirt and yoga pants. "Tsubomi Hanasaki, Cure Blossom of HeartCatch Precure," A long-haired girl in a fancy, petal-skirted costume. "Poppu Harukaze, second youngest apprentice of Majorika," A short girl with hair in feathery pigtails. "I was wondering why you weren't with the other Ojamajo." Interjects Kitten. "Moka Akashiya, vampire and student at Youkai Academy." A long haired schoolgirl. "By the way, another character special I can do: giving inner and outer Moka each their own body." adds Kitten. "Sakura Haruno, Konoha Kunoichi of Team 7." introduces a girl in a red dress of possibly Chinese-inspiration. "Usagi Small Lady Serenity, but everyone calls me Chibi-usa," a girl in a white leotard with a pink sailor collor, pink, pleated mini skirt, and pink gogo boots, her hair in pointed odango. "Tonks, Auror and metamorphmagus." greets a woman with a heart-shaped face and dressed like a punk rocker. "Hanako, demoness from Veldime." greets a bat-winged girl, her upper body bare except for a tube top barely wide enough to cover the mosquito bites on her chest. Leaving the gathering of pink behind, Kitten walks up to a door marked private. "And last, but not least, some information on our private rooms. Each is setup like a private room in a Karaoke Cafe, with a wrap-around couch and a karaoke player, but they're also equipped with the best Holodeck technology and illusion enchantments I could get hold of and can change to pretty much whatever you like. We do ask that you limit groups entering to no more than four including yourself, and at the moment, we only have four private rooms available on a first come, first served basis. Any girl currently in the Klub may be invited to join you in a private room, but has the right to refuse the invitation. Also, its common courtesy to give the ones you're inviting into a private room some idea of what you have in mind. Naturally, once invited into a room and accepting the invitation, they can't be invited by someone else until they come back out. I, as an author avatar, am a notable exception to this rule and can easily be in multiple places at once." returning to the entrance, Kitten adds, "Well, I think that covers everything. Feel free to give Yami, Hikari, or myself a call if you need anything or have any questions. Also, all food, drink, and entertainment is on the house, so don't hesitate to order whatever you'd like or to offer any of our girls and boys something you think they'll like. Oh, I almost forgot, when inviting girls into private rooms, my powers allow for certain tweaks. Some common ones include turning normal girls into futas, or making futas normal girls for the session, giving animal traits to those that don't normally have them, shifting the level of animalistic traits on animal girls, adjusting boob size, or exaggerating personality traits, but if you have an idea and she's willing to try it out, just ask and I'll consider it, though I may ask for a favor for something more extreme. Oh, and if you want some private playtime with me, I'm about as lewd and kinky as they come, and you aren't getting out without at least one exchange of cream. But anyways, come in, relax, and have some fun with me and our guests. Ayt. My avatar is a short person, relative at least to most other people I know. Around 5'6". He's got fairly dark skin, with bushy-ish eyebrows, a face that used to be a lot chubbier but has thinned out over months of decreased food intake due to college, and what looks like the ghost of a mustache on his upper lip. His eyes are brown, and surrounded by eyebags almost as big, but unnoticeable if no one actively looks for them. He tries to compensate for his exhausted appearance by smiling as much as he can, but you can tell beneath the smile that he's feeling nervous and awkward seeing as it's his first time ever doing something like this. He's in a black hoodie, blue jeans, and some running shoes, but only because they're his most comfortable pair. He goes over to Pipi. "Hey, you alright? You seem to have something bothering you...?" dis here all seems fine and dandy, but you STOLE dat dere K's instead of c's thing from King K Rool and he demands compensation! or maybe you got it from Mortal Kombat, i dunno. anyway, ah challenge dat dere gym leader to a Pokemon battle! Hearing the young man addressing her, Pipi looks up, amber meeting brown as she greets him with a shakey voice, "He-hello, my name is Pipi Waterman." Taking in his casual and somewhat world-worn appearance, she gets a sense that, even if he can't empathize with her situation, he's had troubles that will at least allow him to offer genuine sympathy. Looking down again, she continues, "It's just... I have a really small bladder... and I'm still damp from the latest in a long line of relatively public potty failures." Shivering a bit, she adds "My leftover pee is getting kinda cold, and I'm feeling really yucky from where I haven't gotten cleaned up." Looking up at the newcomer, unable to decide whether to imagine Dedede or K. Rool, Kitten replies to the accusation, "Totally forgot the Donkey Kong Country games are lousy with extra K's, and in retrospect, I'm kinda surprised they didn't call it Donkey Kong Kountry, though maybe they thought DKC made a better acronym than DKK. Anyways, Onii-chan probably got it from Mortal Kombat, though I'm pretty sure the debate over rendering hard-C as C, Ch, or K is as old as the problem of transliterating Greek words into the Roman alphabet, I know Krystal with a K predates both MK and DKC, and there are plenty of German words that differ from their English equivalent in that they have k in place of c." As Yami finishes preparing a Strawberry milkshake in a amethyst ice cream glass, Kitten levitates the frosty treat into her open hand and takes a few sips before continuing, "And while it's up to Maylene whether to accept your challenge or not, that does remind me." Snapping her claws, one wall of the main room raises up to reveal a battle arena nearly as large as the lounging/dining area, the floor covered in unwaxed hardwood with black lines marking out a standard Pokemon battle arena. "Should of thought of this myself, especially since Onii-chan once ran a Battle Arena and later ran a tavern with a dedicated arena so bar fights wouldn't get too out of hand. It's default is simple hardwood, but like the private rooms, magictech allows it to turn into whatever the combatants want with presets for things like a Boxing/Wrestling ring, Dojo-style tatami mats, A recreation of the Tenkaichi Budokai arena, etc." As she lists off the presets, the arena shifts between them before returning to the plane Pokemon Stadium style. "Oh, and there's a dimensional barrier where that wall I removed used to be. While visible light can pass through freely, the Arena is a separate pocket dimension from the rest of the Klub, so combatants can really cut loose without worrying about collateral damage or stray shots hurting the spectators. The barrier also limits sound to be on par with a television playing at a sports bar, both to protect everyone's ears, and so the battles don't drown out the Karaoke. I do apologize to those with enhanced or extra senses, as for the sake of audience safety, the barrier might block things you'd be able to pick up otherwise." As Kitten finishes her explanation, Maylene stands up from the Party of Pinkettes and declares, "Challenge accepted." As the bare footed martial artist walks over to the arena, she asks, "So how many Pokemon do you want to use? And do you have any preference on the arena?" Lindz walks into the club looking around sliding my hands into my pockets wearing a red t-shirt and some jeans with my boots and black leather jacket with my shades on "Nice place"she mutters to no one in particular [I'm assuming its okay if we enter without using our real names... I can change it if its not okay, oh and izzy is an OC of my own.] Isabelle (Izzy for short) spotted the building, and walked in wearing a blue silk dress with black dress shoes. As she entered she noticed the stage and without hesitation took the stage and spoke clearly into the mic... "HELLO EVERYONE, I AM IZZY AND THIS SONG GOES OUT TO Yachiru Kusajishi, i hope you enjoy" and she began singing 'I cant help falling in love with you' by Elvis Presley (Mind if I join in? I have a character ready to go) Kim Yang entered through the back door as she was one of the employees working there, she was wearing a pale blue shirt with a couple buttons undone with a white bra underneath, a pair of black business pants with white panties and black tights under that and a pair of flats to complete the look. Using the natural ninja talents common to all small cats, Kitten sneaks up behind Linds and answers the taller girl's comment with, "I'm glad you like it." Turning to Greet Izzy, the catgirl adds, "Aliases are fine. Besides, Onii-chan using part of his real name online coming back to bite him is a big part of why I exist in the first place. And for that matter, don't feel like you have to limit yourself to only one character representing you in the Klub or that characters have to be humanoid." As Izzy approaches the stage, Onpu finishes the final verse of "We Can Do!" before taking a bow and seamlessly handing over the microphone to the new performer as the idol joins her friends at the table nearest the stage. Yachiru glances up from the remains of her ice cream sundae at the sound of her name, the diminutive soul reaper listening intently to the song being sung for her, her face turning to match her hair. Spotting Kim entering from the back, the catgirl tilts her head in confusion and comments, "I don't remember hiring anyone other than Yami and Hikari... I also don't remember building a back door... but regardless, welcome." Looking around the Klub, Kitten comments, "Nice to see some girls coming in, I was afraid we were only going to attract male clients." izzy walked on over to Yachiru and spoke "hi, um mind if buy you a drink?" she asked Kim spotting the catgirl beckoning her to come to her went over to see what's wrong. Lindz nods with a grin "This place a very cool" she says with a grin My avatar looks concerned, but his attention is taken by the massive Pokemon battle arena that has just been unveiled. "Do you have a spare change of clothes? Maybe you could get into something more comfortable in time to see this Gym Battle. You might even like to have a 3v3 of our own...?" We gonna use three Pokes and the arena will be a recreation of Dedede's from Kirby super star, complete with his theme song! but enough yappin, HAVE AT YA GO EMPOLEON! As Dededeciple's avatar solidifies into the form of Popstar's avian monarch, the arena area shifts into its boxing ring mode before the ring expands to be large enough for a Pokemon battle and takes on the custom appearance of Dedede's personal boxing ring. Glancing over to where Onpu is taking a drink from Hikari and looks prepared to watch the battle with her friends, Kitten announces, "Since no one is currently using the karaoke stage, I'll allow the request to have Dedede's battle theme play during this battle." Snapping her claws, said music starts playing over the Klub's sound system. Maylene comments, "Cool boxing ring!" before climbing through the ropes on her end of the arena and taking her position. Seeing her opponent summon Empoleon, the puny pugilist tosses out her own Pokeball with a cry of, "Go, Medicham!" As the Arabian-styled fighting psychic materializes, she glows with the aura of pure power as Maylene sits on the mat, crossing her legs in a meditative pose. still blushing, Yachiru answers Izzy's question, "I'm pretty sure Neko-kami said the food and drinks were free, but if you'd like to recommend something, I'd be willing to try it." Turning her attention to the battle field, getting pumped for a good fight like any member of squad 11 would, Yachiru cries out to her fellow petite pinkette, "Go, Sumo-chan! Kick that overgrown bird's butt!" Leaning on the fourth wall, Kitten interjects, "For those wondering, Yachiru's nick name is a play on Maylene's Japanese name of Sumomo, the honorific -chan, Maylene being a fighting-type specialist and a martial artist in her own right, and the fact that sumo is a type of combative sport." "Um, I don't have any spare clothes," replies Pipi to Adrian's inquiry before her eyes go wide at the sight of the Empoleon and Medicham facing off in the boxing ring. "W-wait, are those Pokemon real?! Back home, Pokemon is just a series of anime, manga, and video games. I mean, I spend a lot of my allowance on cards, and I even saved up for a used GBA so I could play the earlier games, but I never thought I would get to see real pokemon!" Popping out of nowhere, Kitten comments to Pipi's exclamation, "The Klub does offer rental pokemon to those who don't have their own. We can also summon your team from any of the games if you have a game cart on you." Turning her attention back to the arena, Kitten announces, This will be a 3-on-3 pokemon battle between Gym Leader Maylene of Veilstone and Dedede of Popstar! Given the choice of arena and that one of the participants is a fighting-type specialist, I think it appropriate to add ring out, pinning for a three count, or downing for a ten count to the usual knock out or submission methods of elimination. Last trainer with remaining pokemon will win this match. If neither trainer objects to these rules, you may start when ready." Maylene starts to levitate a few inches off the mat as her pokemon mind melds with her trainer. Distorted a bit by her Pokemon's psychic presence, the gym leader's voice calls out, "I'll let the challenger have the first move." "Onii-chan hi, you hired me about a month ago remember?" Kim give her a little head rub when Onii-chan remembers. "oh yeah of course... silly me" izzy blushed at her stupidity... "ill go fetch us some drinks" izzy then walked over to the bar and said "two of your finest drink please." she said Lindz walks over to a wall leaning on it as she looks around wondering what to do next so many people to talk with she doesn't know where to begin and dat dere was your first mistake missy! HIT EM WITH A SCALD DERE EMPY! ALSO, WHO YOU CALLIN OVERGROWN YA MUNCHKIN!? "Tell you what, Pipi," says Avatar Adrian, or Adrian as I shall say from now on, "I have a spare pair of pants and a belt because...well, my mother always taught me to pack just in case. They might be a bit big on you though, but better loose than damp right?" Turning to the action, he notices Empoleon's Scald being let loose and mentions, "I'm having a hard time believing it myself, but yes, they're real. As are mine, if you'd like for us to take to the field after they finish theirs." He watches intently for if Empoleon's Scald hits, knowing full well how badly Medicham would be crippled by a burn. Kitten purrs as Kim pats her head and starts to tent the skirt of her borrowed waitress uniform as this puts her staring at the taller girl's cleavage. Despite these dual distractions, the catgirl manages to reply, "I think you're a bit confused. Onii-chan, who shall remain nameless, is the actual author. I am Kitten, a manifestation of his inner child in all her lewd loli, kinky kitty, horny hermaphrodite glory. I am the Imouto he never had. And in case you don't have the average anime fan's grasp of the Japanese language, Onii-chan and Imouto are Japanese for big brother and little sister respectively. Also, neither I or this place existed a month ago.." Tearing her eyes away from Kim's cleavage and her scalp and ears away from the taller girl's hands, the catgirl does her best to school her features into as much professionalism as a loli catgirl in a waitress costume and sporting an obvious hardon under her skirt can manage, "But meh, I'll just treat it as a retcon and ask, What did Onii-chan hire you to do here at the Klub without informing me?" At the bar, Yami looks up from polishing an empty glass and asks Izzy, "Miss, would you mind being a bit more specific? We have drinks from all over the multiverse on tap and finest is such a subjective term that we wouldn't even try to define it, much less judge our selection." Before Izzy can answer, Hikari runs up, delivering an order as she stands with her thighs pressed together, "Brother, Large beef stew, extra spicy for Hiko and two medium carrot and radish stews for the bunny sisters. Also, Hiko requested a large bottle of sake and that the carrot stew be spiked with some bladder's bane and a little lust elixir. The bunnies also asked for some V8 after I told them of the mixed vegetable juice." Sitting down his glass and dish cloth, Yami reaches a hand into his pocket as he replies, "Sure, I'll start on that right away while the lady here decides on her drink selections." As Yami finishes and waves his free hand to start a grill behind him sauteing diced garlic, onion, and ginger, the aroma filling the air, Hikari's already rigid posture goes more rigid as she presses her apron against her crotch, her eyes going crossed and biting her lips as if trying not to let out a whimper or moan. As the jet of boiling water approaches Medicham, Maylene calls out, "Bulk up and counter with Drain punch.", the fighting psychic glowing red and flexing her muscles before shooting forward, the arabian-themed Pokemon moving like a dancer, flowing like water in and around the opponents attack, fist glowing as she approaches the armored penguin. From the Audience, Yachiru calls out, "You're the biggest bird I've ever seen, and I've seen Big Bird!" Mesmerized by being ring side for an actual pokemon battle, it takes a while for Adrian's question to register to Pipi's mind, blushing as she replies, "Yeah, dry clothes would be better than my wet panties and skirt, even if they're way too big... but wear could I change?" The young girl glances around, but sees nothing resembling a bathroom sign before adding, "And if Miss Kitten can really bring the Pokemon from my game to life, having a battle would be awesome! I have my 3DS and all my gen 4-7 games in my backpack." "Oh um, maybe um ill take a *Chocolate Cherry* Cha Cha /(Definition: which use *cherry liqueur* and sparkling *water* with *chocolate vodka* and *coconut rum* to reproduce the flavor of a *chocolate* covered *cherry*.) /and a Vesper /(James bonds favourite drink) /Please" Izzy said hoping she didn't make even more of fool of herself. ah, we operatin on anime rules ah see. in that case, EMPY DOUBLE TEAM THEN ALLA YOU HIT EM WITH A SCAAAAAAAALD! AND WHILE THAT MAY BE TRUE AH AINT OVERGROWN ahm perfectly sized!" Lindz walks over to the bar as she sits on a stool looking around as she waits to order a drink You could try changing under the table, maybe? I'd cover for you, tho I can't guarantee I wouldn't see anything. As for your Pokemon, I think we should give them a try. With another wave of his hand, Yami divides the garlic, onion, and ginger mixture on the grill into two piles, before dicing up a beef roast to set to cooking on one and several carrots and Japanese white radishes to cook on the other, his magic ensuring the juices from the two don't mix as they cook. At the same time, the ingredients for the requested cocktails, along with a sake bottle and serving set and two cans of V8 fly to orbit around the bartender. "I assume you want your martini shaken, not stirred?" asks Yami with his most charming smile as he starts to prepare the cocktails, the two cans of V8 popping themselves open and pouring themselves into a pair of glasses, the empty cans compacting to solid spheres of aluminium as the Sake and V8 land on a tray in front of Hikari. "Your drinks, miss." declares Yami, sitting the two completed cocktails in front of Izzy beforeturning to walk towards the latest addition to the bar. As he passes his sister, his hand slides into his pocket, Hikari letting out a gasp and gripping the edge of the counter with both hands, her knuckles turning white. His smile turning devilish, Yami declares, "There's the drinks for Madam Kitsune and her pet rabbits, let them know there stew will be ready shortly." At that, he waves his hand again, lifting the two piles of cooked ingredients off the grill and lowering them each into a pot of boiling water to simmer. "O-off course, Bro-brother." Replies Hikari, her voice barely coherent as she regains as much composure as possible, takes the tray and starts walking stiffly towards the corner booth where the foxgirl and the two bunny girls are sitting, the white-haired girl looking like the smallest nudge will make her spill her cargo. Stopping in front of Linds, Yami, back to professionalism himself, asks, "So what will you have, miss?" In the ring, just as Empoleon starts its Double Team, Medicham's Drain Punch reaches its target, only to phase through one of the illusionary copies, the fighting psychic's momentum sending her spinning into the middle of the crossfire. Though most of the jets of scalding hot water are illusions, the meditate pokemon's dance-like movements aren't enough to avoid them all, and with the constantly changing source of the real attack, Medicham finds herself more than once dodging an illusion to be hit by the real thing. "Calm your mind," advises Maylene to her pokemon, "seek out the thoughts of the real foe and hammer home a thunder punch." Closing its eyes and extending its sixth sense, Medicham continues her dance, ignoring more and more of the decoy attacks and successfully dodging more of the real ones, until suddenly, her fist crackles with electricity, and she punches straight through one of the real streams of scald, the boiling water splashing over the fighting psychic as she continues on to strike at the originator of the attack. Pipi tears her eyes away from the battle to consider Adrian's suggestion, noticing that the table is nearly chest height on her and that the thick, creme-colored tablecloth falls to her knees as she replies with a blush, "Yeah, that could probably work." Over with Kim and Kitten, the catgirl tilts her head and asks, "What's the matter, some other cat got your tongue?"