A single spotlight cuts through the darkened auditorium to illuminate a diminutive catgirl sitting cross-legged in a hoverchair resembling a futuristic throne, its occupant seemingly in a meditative trance. Her short, messy hair is a dark gray with a bluish tint, her large, triangular ears and the long tail curled around her waist to rest in her lap covered in matching fur except for white tips. She's wearing a royal blue, primary school uniform in the serafuku style and though without shoes, her lower extremities are covered in white tights. Her pale hands lay atop her knees, palms up, fingers curled around imaginary balls and claws extended. Her equally pale face holds an expression of serenity, eyes closed and only a single of her cute, little fangs poking through her lips. One of her ears twitch at a rustling in the audience, and she opens her eyes to reveal topaz orbs with vertical crescents for pupils and her lips crack into a grin, showing off a mouth full of razor-sharp teeth as she greets energetically: "Meow and Salutations!" Uncrossing her legs, she leans back in her throne-like hoverchair, her socked feet barely sticking out over the edge of the seat, left arm on the armrest and her right arm propped under her cheek as she continues her introduction. "Inspired by similar threads by Faust-Senpai, Onii-chan decided to have me host this little talk show to let Onii-chan's readers get to know Onii-chan's characters a bit better. As Onii-chan has written for numerous fandoms, things will be limited to his original characters, and then to those featured in his own writings and not ones from stories he's commissioned from others or stories people have commissioned from him, at least initially." Sitting up straight and placing her hands in her lap, she continues, "Now, before I introduce the others I have here in the studio with me, a little bit about myself. My name is Imouto Kitten, but you can call me Kitten. In one sense, I'm the youngest of Onii-chan's characters, having just been created in the days since he chose to discard his old screen name whereever he hosts his writings to serve as Author Avatar. In another sense, I'm about middle of the road as he's declared me to have the same birthdate as him and that my present is his present, so I'm older than I look, but don't count as really 700 years old. In addition to being an Almighty Author Avatar, I'm a lewd, little loli, a kinky, little kitten, and a horny, little hermaphrodite, and I'm sure I could come up with other three word phrases that insert little in the middle of an alliterative pair to describe myself. And to anyone wondering, I borrowed my current outfit from Chibi-Usa of Sailormoon fame. Don't worry, I made sure she wouldn't be embarrassed too much before leaving the pinkette loli goddess in all her divine, loli glory." Shifting to sprawl sideways in her seat, head on one armrest and ankles crossed on the other, she continues, "Now to introduce some of my extended family." With a wave of kitten's hand, one side of the stage is illuminated to reveal a loveseat and matching armchair, "First, we have the stars of Fox and Bunny!" Gesturing to a redhead in the middle of the loveseat, her coppery locks in a hime cut, her vulpine grin revealing teeth sharp enough to give kitten a run for her money, and dressed in the red and white garb typical of a Miko, "We have Futa-foxgirl Hiko and" gesturing to the pair of smaller girls snuggled up to either side of the vixen, there ebony hair also in hime cuts and standing in stark contrast to their snow white rabbit ears and cotton ball tails, matching blue yukata and their little buck teeth adding to their cuteness, "and her adorable, little honey bunnies, Tsubomi and Futaba." "Greetings, mortals," the foxgirl addresses the audience, lightly scratching the scalps of her young charges, crossing one vulpine foot over her opposite knee, "Just so you know, I'm rather protective of my pets, and won't hesitate to pay back any injury brought upon them a thousand fold." In response, the two bunnygirls gaze up at their protector with looks of admiration, a barely audible, "Asahi-chan" escaping their lips. Gesturing to the lone occupant of the armchair, an older, blonde rabbit dressed in a yukata as white as the full moon, Kitten introduces, "We also have Usako, Tsubomi and Futaba's elder sister who is less pleased with being the Vixen's vassel." Another spotlight comes on, highlighting a pig-tailed girl, her hair, eyes, blouse, and skirt all the color of amber, "Next, we have the eponymous heroine in training of Piddle Pucelle Pipi!" "He-Hello," greets Pipi, seemingly suffering from a bit of stage fright as she fidgets in her seat. "Looks like her puny piddle pot might already be pressing Pipi's patience." Muses Kitten before gesturing to the opposite side of the stage just in time for another quartet sitting on a couch and armchair to be illuminated, "Next, we have the heroines of The Genderbent Warrior." Gesturing to the couche's middle occupant, a girl of modest endowment with messy brown hair and earthen eyes wearing a white leotard under an armored bra and skirt, "First, we have Alexandra, formerly Alexander." "Please, call me Alex." Greets the former man with a blush. Gesturing to a blue-eyed blonde with twin braids that nearly reach the floor and wearing a billowing, white robe, "Next, the healer of the adventuring party, the White Mage Roxanna!" "Please, call me Roxie!" Cries the blonde with exuberance. Gesturing to the raven-haired, green-eyed girl on Alex's other side, her short hair in a pageboy style and her black robes a bit more form fitting than Roxie's, "And the offensive spellcaster of the trio, the Black Mage Ravenna!" "You can call me Raven." Greets the mage in far more reserved tones. Gesturing to the redhead with a single braid to her bust and red robes, "And of course, Anastasia, the red mage that cursed Alex in the first place." Grumbling, the red mage declares, "I'd rather not be here, but even being able to freely invoke the Ancient Arcana, I'm powerless in the face of Authorial Authority." "Yes, yes you are, and don't you forget it!" Declares Kitten, standing on her knees and leaning over a armrest to to stare down the red mage. "And last, but not least, They haven't appeared in any of Onii-chan's currently published works, but there some of his first original characters, so give a warm welcome to the Twin Titans of Thaumaturgy, Hikari and Yami!" The last darkened bit of stage is illuminated to reveal an armchair looking like a slightly less impressive, non-hovering version of Kitten's own. In it sits a boy, with tanned skin and reddish black hair, short and spikey, black jeans and a sleeveless tee covering his svelt frame. Across his lap lays his twin sister, her long, straight,bluish white locks nearly dragging the floor, her sleeveless white sundress the only thing covering her porcelain skin. His blood red eyes and her crystal blue eyes both lock on to the audience as he greets "Yo!" at the same time she says "Hi!" "Now that introductions are out of the way," declares Kitten, "Time for a few base rules... I'm sure most of you want to see most of us squirming in our seats, trembling as we try to keep our pints of pent-up piddle safely tucked away in bloated, bursting bladders, our tinkle tormented twatties trembling as our overtaxed tinkle tanks throb and threaten to explosively expel our waste waters, wetting our panties, soaking our skirts, and leaving the upholstery urine yellow. And all that's fine, you're welcome to offer anyone on stage, even myself, whatever beverage you'd like to try and bring about such. That said, most of these characters are from far more explicit fiction and are familiar with other fetishes. To that end, I'm tentatively saying anything goes. Feel free to ask anyone on stage anything, dare anyone on stage anything, or offer anyone on stage anything. That said, it goes both ways, characters can refuse any question, dare, or gift sent their way and are free to retaliate however they want, including defending either their own honor or the honor of a companion in the medieval style. Sitting up and looking serious, Kitten declares, "That said, as Acting Author Avatar, I reserve the right to invoke Authorial Authority if I deem it necessary, and my word is second only to the site staff regarding its divine status." Slumping back in her seat, Kitten closes the introduction, "But remember, we're here to have fun, so let's get this show on the road!" What are you guys's first impressions of Author Avatar? How about the author himself? Also, are the Doremi characters eligible? Kitten: For now, I'll be leaving direct audience interaction with the Doremi cast limited to the Ojamajo Livestreams, Though maybe I'll invite the Ojamajo into Author Space for some meta-level discussion of my Ojamajo Doremi fanfics once they've all finished their respective chats. After all, we OCs are a dozen strong even without the rest of the rabbit family or either of the named adults from Pipi's story. Opening things up to every character I've featured in a fanfic might swell those in attendence to triple digits, and I've barely scratched the surface of some franchises with really big casts. Anyways, I guess its time to let the others give their opinions of me. Don't worry, I won't compel them to be complimentary, after all, trying to force a character to do one thing when the character insists on doing something else is a good way to end up with writer's block. Yami: Bit disappointed Gramps didn't promote me and my sister to Author Avatars, especially since he usually portrayed us as the grandchildren of his old, idealized self-insert-style avatar. *Glances at Kitten.* At least Oba-san is cute, though not as cute as my sister. Hikari: Oh, come now, brother, don't be so bitter. Besides, I'm sure the fact that Oba-chan gave us the most throne like chair after hers is a sign that we keep our status as Author's left and right hand. *Twisting in her brother's lap, She cups his cheeks before leaning up, her long hair blocking the view as their faces approach each other.* Kitten: *Bent over her armrest to glare cutely at the twins.* Hey, twincest is wincest, it even has wincest in the name, but even if you being portrayed as Onii-chan's grandchildren make you my great niece and great nephew, can you at least use something cuter than "aunt" if you're going to address me with familial terms? *The twins pull apart, though Hikari remains on her brother's lap, the slight pink of embarrassment dusting Hikari's cheeks and the red of annoyance bordering on anger on Yami's face, coupled with Kitten's comment make it clear they had been kissing in a very unsibling-like manner.* Yami: *Sarcastically* Sure thing, mother! Hikari: Would you prefer Onee-chan since you're physically older than us, or Imouto-chan since you were created later than us? *Turns to the audience.* Oh, and funny you should mention the Doremi cast, Mister Gache, as my brother and I were originally conceived as Ojamajo Doremi fanchars, though we were comtemporaries of Fami, Doremi's future grand daughter who time-travelled to the time of the main series during the final episode of Na-i-sho. Kitten: I'll give it some thought. Anyways, what about my fellow futa and her bunny harem? Hiko: I'll admit, I was surprised to meet someone not of Kitsune heritage who, like myself, had been born with Inari's blessing yet lacked the taint of the blackest arts, though as I understand it, Kitten is as far above Lady Inari as Lady Inari is above myself. Kitten: to give some meta-level details, Inari is a Shinto god of, among other things, fertility, rice, and general prosperity that has been variously depicted as male, female, and androgynous. Inari is associated with foxes and sometimes portrayed as a fox shape shifter themselves. Pretty sure I'm not the first to portray Inari as a futanari, and I know I'm not the first to use Kitsune, the Japanese word for fox to distinguish foxes with magical powers from mundane foxes. Anyways, Fox and Bunny is set in a loose fudal Japan analog where Kitsune, as Inari's chosen people, are the only ones that can be born futanari and any magic that could give a being functional genitals other than those they were born with is considered an affront to Inari. Hiko: Yes, that lines up with what my mother taught me while training me to serve as one of Lady Inari's priestesses. That said, Kitten is nearly as cute as my adorable, little honey bunnies. *Hiko gives Tsubomi and Futaba each a loving caress.* I wouldn't mind giving Kitten the same kind of treatment I give these little cuties several times a day. Kitten: *Drooling slightly.* That does sound nice. I bet it feels really nice when you knot a girl. Of course, I'd want to give you a load of my cream in return. Tsubomi: Oh, it's wonderful when Asahi-chan's carrot swells in my warren... As for Kitten-sama, part of me says Kitten looks like she'd make a good playmate, but Mama warned me that cats are even scarier than foxes and like to play with their food... then again, Asahi-chan decided to make me her pet instead of her supper, so I'm not sure what to think. Futaba: *Hugging her litter mate across Hiko's lap.* I'm with Tsubomi-chan, I'm not sure if kitten-sama would be a good playmate or is a scary predator. Kitten: D'awww! You two are so damn adorable I just want to gobble you up. *The two bunnies shiver in fear.* Don't worry, centuries have past between the time your home is loosely based on and my present. Rabbit is a bit too exotic and gamey for my sensibilities. I'm more a fish and chicken kind of kitty, and even then, I'm a lazy kitty who'd rather someone else handle the dirty work of slaughtering and dressing my meat. Supermarkets really are a modern marvel and its a shame they haven't been invented in your home time. Anyways, if I were to gobble up you tasty, little morsels, it'd be in the same way Hiko does, and even then, only if she's willing to share since I doubt I could win a fair fight against a honed predator, and I'd rather not abuse authorial authority just for a chance to cream some cozy bunny cunny. *Glances at Usako.* You've been awfully quiet, miss ice queen of the rabbits. Usako: *Ranting.* What do you expect! First a Fox sorceress captures and thoroughly corrupts one of my little sisters, and just when we give up hope Tsubomi hasn't been eaten by a predator, the foul beast has her lead her to the family warren and uses her as leverage to ensnare the entire family, and not satisfied with breeding one bunny girl, the fox corrupts my other little sister, defiles me and then uses a ritual to bind our brothers and render them half-men. And then to top it all off, we get whisked away to this strange place and it turns out the Fox's misdeeds were the machinations of a cat who hides behind a mask of child-like innocence! Kitten: *To the audience.* Not sure I'm using this term correctly, but as you can tell, Usako is quite tsundere about her family's situation. Quite the contrast to her little sister's near worshipful infatuation with their vixen mistress. Anyways, what do you think of me, Pipi? Pipi: Um... Well, Kitten seems like the kind of cool, self-confident girl who would be really popular without being a total bully that everyone's too scared to cross, the kind of girl I wish I could be. On the other hand, it sounds like she's the reason I have a tiny bladder. Kitten: In my defense, Onii-chan created you before he created me, so your pathetically puny piddle pot is all on him. Does remind me that I should start writing you testing out that little spellbook you got from that mysterious bookstore. Anyways, what about our Medieval fantasy archetypes? Roxie: Well, Kitten is much cuter than any of the cat people we've run into on our journeys. I don't think I'd mind letting Kitten mount me. Raven: Thoue wouldst let almost anything mount thee, damn Nympho. Though, I'd have to admit, if Kitten really is endowed with the parts of both man and woman, perhaps she'd care about more than her own pleasure when on the giving end. Alex: *Blushing.* I'll admit, if I were still in my true body, Kitten's divine beauty would be quite the distraction if she were to attack me and my ladies. Kitten: Flattery won't get you restored any quicker in-story than the plot demands, but I might could be convinced to override Anna's curse long enough to give Alexander a ride. Of course, I'd want a turn with Alexandra as well. *Alex's blush deepens.* What about you, Anna? Or should I take a page from Raven's book and call you Red Bitch? Anastasia: *Grips her redwood staff just below the pointed ruby adorning its top.*You want a taste of what I gave Alex, little kitty? Kitten: I'd like to see you try, little lady. You may be just a few steps from Godhood in your home realm, but your Ancient Arcana is nothing compared to my Almighty Authorial Authority! *The grumbling red mage takes her seat as Kitten turns to the audience.* As you can tell, Anna is used to being the most powerful being in the room by a wide margin, so being in my presence rubs her the wrong way, especially since she knows there's little she can do if I offend her or shorten her name without her permission. Do note that I might let her blow off some steam if audience members offend her. That said, I hope no one minds I decided to go with script format and I think a round of drinks for everyone is in order. *With a wave of her hand, Kitten summons various drinks for the assembled characters. The rabbit siblings recieve carrot juice, Usako's served in a wine glass while Tsubomi and Futaba receive theirs in novelty rabbit-themed bottles with silly straws, Hiko receives a goblet of warm chicken broth. Hikari and Yami receive steaming mugs of tea and coffee respectively, Pipi gets a bottle of lemonade, Alex, Roxie, and Raven each get a tankard of mead, Anastasia is given a goblet of red wine, and for herself, Kitten summons a goblet encrusted with Amethyst and containing strawberry milk.* Hiko: What is this wonderfully savory drink? Kitten: It's chicken broth. Have you never stewed chicken before? Hiko: Wild fowl are usually quite scrawny and not worth the effort to knock out of the sky, and I seldom venture towards human farms as stealing livestock is a good way to become the hunted, and while my magic is potent, its not the best defense against human arrows or the steel of a samurai's blade, and my father was a ronin, so I know what humans can do with their swords. Anastasia: *Sipping her wine.* Annoying cat, but at least the wine is good. Kitten: *lapping at her goblet of milk.* Glad you like it. Hmm. Might be a bit early for this, but how is everyone feeling bladder-wise? Kitten: Hmmm, not feeling anything at the moment, but then again, with my author-level reality warper powers, I could will my bladder to exist in hammer space and be able to comfortably hold a literal ocean if I wanted it to. Though that does give me an idea. *Snaps her fingers, summoning a large litter box on the stage.* Just in case anyone needs to relieve themselves. Hiko: Not feeling anything, but I'm use to ignoring my needs for hours on end while stalking prey and only noticing I need to go as I'm carrying carcasses back to my den to preserve anything I didn't eat at the sight of the kill. Tsubomi and Futaba: *Pull their lips off their straws.* I feel a slight twinge, probably wouldn't have noticed if you hadn't asked. Usako: *Blushing and averting her gaze from the audience.* A lady never discusses such things. Pipi: *Crossing legs* Now that you mention it, I could go for a tinkle. *Eyes the litter box Kitten summoned and blushes.* But I think I can wait a bit longer. Hikari: *Giving Yami a seductive smile.* I could go, but I won't. Brother likes seeing me squirm in need, be it lusty or piddly, and it would defeat the point of skipping the toilets pre-show to empty now. Yami: *Giving Hikari a lecherous smile.* And I look forward to making you squirm in front of an audience. *She blushes at his words as he turns his attention to the audience.* I too skipped a pre-show trip to the toilets. Perhaps you can help me convince Hikari to mix some exhibitionism into our pee play later in the show. Hikari: *Face going crimson.* Bro-Brother! Yami: *Silences her by forcing her mug of tea to her lips, and tipping the caffeinated beverage into her mouth.* Come now, sister, need to give your body plenty of fuel for bloating that beautiful bladder bulge you'll soon have past bursting and to breaking. Alex: *Blushing* Well, when I was cursed, I went from big and burly to pretty petite, and it does seem like mine bladder shrunk to match mine lost of stature and muscle mass. I could probably hold for a while, one gets use to waiting to relieve oneself when thou might needst to defend your fellows from lecherous beasts at a moment's notice, but I'm starting to feel the mead collecting in mine lower belly. Kitten: By the way, Alex and the mage trio are suppose to be speaking ye olde English as part of being from a medieval fantasy setting, so let me know if their speech starts sounding too modern and not medieval enough. Roxie: Being the healer and barrier maiden of the party, I'm used to standing around and holding mine waste waters while Alex and Raven do battle and then having to hold longer as I patch up their injuries. Raven: Yeah, and I'm sure thee have buffed thine bladder as much as thine butt and bust. I only really get desperate when a mana potion decides on diuretic as its side-effect, but I've never heard thee complain of such, and its one of the more common. I so miss being able to use Alex as an essentially free mana source. Kitten: For those who haven't read The Genderbent Warrior, in that setting, female mages typically restore their mana, which powers their magic, through regular infusions of a man's seed. Alex was Roxie and Raven's mana source prior to Anna cursing Alex into a girl. Mana Potions exist as an alternative, but they have unpredictable side-effects, wear off at Dawn's First Light or Dusk's Last Light, and are quite pricey. Raven: *Crossing arms and scowling.* Yeah, and the side-effects sometimes persist past the dawn/dusk mana drain and some side-effects will cost mana to deal with. When they double as diuretics, failing or refusing to hold could result in literally pissing mana, and at the cost of the damn things, gold away. Anastasia: *Pointedly ignores the question. Kitten: *Snaps fingers so only audience can hear her.* Oh, little secret. Everyone's drinkware is charmed to be ever filling, so everyone is likely to take in more than what the container should logically hold without realizing it. How many people on the stage has each person witnessed while they were desperate? Or any pee-related memories with them? [bookmark] Hiko: *Grazing Tsubomi's cheek with a clawed fingertip.* I've yet to see any of my pets truly desperate, though I did make Tsubomi-chan here wet herself in fear when my claws shredded the rags she had been wearing when I caught her, and then, on the first morning we woke together, my tongue made her lose all control and let loose a night's worth of waste waters while her warren had my tongue trapped." Tsubomi: *Shivers at the memories Hiko's words bring to mind.* Futaba: Tsuki-nee-chan and I've been with Asahi-chan for shorter than Tsubomi has, but I can remember times when me, Tsubomi, along with our brothers Ninjin and Daikon were having so much fun frolicking in the forest that none of us noticed we needed to pee until it got so bad that Tsubomi and I could barely move. Ninjin managed to get Tsubomi into a squat with her clothes out of the way and Daikon did the same for me, but as me and Tsubomi were watering the grass of the clearing we had been playing in, Ninjin and Daikon whipped out their carrots and joined us, clearly having needed it as much as me and Tsubomi. I think that's part of why I picked Daikon to be my protector when Asahi-chan did that ritual binding our brothers as Asahi-chan's vassels with the duty to protect their sisters. *Blushing.* Though, Daikon's tiny carrot didn't feel nearly as good as Asahi-chan's. Tsubomi: *Still shivering, but managing to add her two yen.* Yeah, I think that's why I picked Ninjin to be my protector. Usako: *Looks disgusted at how shameless her little sisters are being.* Pipi: *Fidgetting in her seat.* I didn't meet anyone here until right before the show started. Hikari: *Finally pushing the never empty mug of tea away from her lips.* Oh yes, brother is always arranging for my piddle pot to be pushed past pounding to poised to pop, and he's really good at using binding spells not only to constrict my tinkle tank and trap me in all kinds of compromising positions, but to also bind my magic so I can't overpower him to get to a toilet. *Presses thighs together and squirms in Yami's lap as he grins evily.* And I'm already starting to feel all that tea working its way to my bladder. Brother, did you curse my drink again? Yami: *Searching Hikari's lower abdomen for her bladder bulge.* Maybe. Besides, you clearly have a ways to go, I can barely feel any bulge. Hikari: Brother, you truly are my bladder's bane! Yami: And that's part of why you love me. *Starts guzzling from his coffee mug.* Raven: I wasn't joking about Roxie buffing her bladder. I swear she's either able to hold for days at a time or is vanishing her waste waters from within her! As for myself, I only really get desperate when a Mana Potion decides to double as a diuretic, and before she became Alexandra, Alex would just remove his codpiece, whip it out, and water the nearest tree. *Blushing.* though he sometimes would recharge mine and Roxie's mana before draining his own waste waters. Alex: *Blushing at Raven's description of her behavior from when she was a man.* Roxie: *Refrains from commenting on her sister in all but blood's accusations.* Anastasia: Prior to this show, I'd only met The chauvinist, his bubbly blonde arm candy, and the sharp-tongued black mage, and even then, it was only long enough for the meat shield to piss me off and for me to curse off his manhood. Honestly, I kind of hoped the two mages would drop their castrated power source as I can tell they have vast, untapped potential and that the meat shield was lacking in what they needed to unlock it. Raven: Shut up, thou red bitch. Alexander might not have been the most attentive lover, but he was more than just a mana source to me and Roxie. Anastasia: Make me, little mage. I might be powerless next to that devil cat over there, but I'm still more than three of you in perfect resonance could take. Hell, I could probably take you with brute strength alone. Kitten: Devil Cat? I like that, Oh and to those wondering what Anna is talking about, In the setting of "The Genderbent Warrior", in addition to the Black = Offense, White = Defense, Red = Generalist trichotomy, mages and the magics they wield are divided into seven tiers from least to arch. Roxie and Raven are low Great Mages, the fourth tier, while Anna is at least a higher ranked Grand Mage(the sixth tier) or even a low ranked archmage(the seventh and highest tier). Resonance allows mages of roughly equal power to cast stronger magics, with two mages allowing one tier higher, three two tiers higher, and so on. Seven least mages could, in theory, resonate to perform Arch-level magics, but the act of resonance grows exponentially harder with each additional mage. Resonating duos and trios are fairly common, quartets and quintets fairly rare, and larger groups the stuff of legends. Oh, and I didn't comment on the most recent question before now because, as the most recently created character, even if I'm privy to everything that happens in everyone's stories, they were all written prior to my creation. *Goes back to lapping at her goblet of milk.* By the way, is there a scale of desperation operational here? If so, what are the levels and what's everyone on? Kitten: No hard and fast scale here. After all, not all characters will react the same to a given amount of waste water sloshing around in their bellies, or even have the same capacity. That said, offer me something that pleases my nature as a kinky, little kitty, horny, little hermaphrodite, or lewd, little loli, and I might be be convinced to bestow a bit of my godly power in the form of magical sight that lets you see each character's bladder or even shows a meter of contents/capacity. Or other boons. That said, I doubt you'll get much out of Anna and Usako regarding their need, though I'm sure the rest won't mind giving you an update. Hiko: Still not feeling much, if anything, from my bladder, but I do feel another primal urge building. *She pulls Tsubomi and Futaba into her lap, each bunny straddling one of the fox's thighs as the vixen clearly tents the red fabric of her hakama between them, their faces pressed against their mistress's bosom as she fondles their bunny butts through their matching yukata.* What do ya say? Would you like to see me give one of my honey bunnies a ride on my carrot? Tsubomi: *Tilting her head back to be heard.* I'd probably pop a squat right now if I were free and somewhere I could, but *wriggles in Hiko's grasp* I'm sure I could hold long enough for Asahi-chan to finish stuffing my warren and fill my belly with fresh carrot juice. Futaba: *Mirroring Tsubomi's motions* Me too. Hiko: *Trailing a clawed finger up their spines.* Hmmm... I could probably render one of my honey bunnies on the verge of wetting uncontrollably by using my fox magic to transfer one's bladder contents to the other... Though, if I did that, who should be the recipient, and then would the recipient get to take a ride on my carrot or be made to watch? *Notices how the two little bunnies are nuzzling her budding breasts through her shirt.* Of maybe I can talk lady kitten into helping me induce lactation in myself and compel my adorable, little honey bunnies to drink until they're full. Kitten: *Tenting her own skirt.* Both of those suggestions sound hot. Pipi: *Halts her oblivious sipping at her lemonade and grabs her crotch, crossing her legs.* I could really use a potty right about now. Kitten: There's a perfectly serviceable litter box right there. *Points a clawed finger at the litter box she conjured earlier.* Pipi: *Blushing.* Bu-but I'm not a cat... and besides, even if it meant staying dry, going in front of all these people would be nearly as embarrassing as having another accident. *Resumes her oblivious sipping of her lemonade, trying to hide her blush with the bottle.* Kitten: Meh, your choice, and the audience's choice whether they try to change your mind. Hikari: *Bunches her white dress around her crotch, rubbing her thighs together as a moan escapes her lips.* If I wasn't holding for fun right now, I'd have rushed for the nearest toilet by now. Yami: *Sits down coffee mug as he leans down to kiss his twin sister senseless, all the while caressing her abdomen above where she's clutching herself. When they finally come up for air, Hikari's cheeks are a lovely cherry blossom pink.* It's far from being its biggest, most bloated, and most beautiful, but I can feel that beautiful, bladder bulge of Hikari's starting to form. Perhaps you should stand up and show it off to the audience. Hikari: *Breathlessly* Bro-brother, do do you really think they'd want to see it? Yami: I'm sure they'd love it. Hikari: I don't know, I've only ever let brother see me so... exposed before. Alex: *Swallowing a cheek bulging mouthful of mead.* This stuff as some of the best flavor I can remember, but it does seem to hasten my need to pee more than its making me drunk. *Prods at the waistband of her skirt.* And mine battle skirt is proving rather ill-fitting for enjoying some drinks. Raven: Not feeling a twinge yet, but I haven't drunk much of the mead. Alex might have no hesitation about getting plastered, but as the one who asks questions and sifts truth from tall tale when gathering information, I can't afford to have my wits dulled. Roxie: And while charming strangers in the taverns doesn't take much of my wits, I wouldn't be much good to Alex-chan if, even brimming with Mana after a night of passion, I were too hungover to cure the debilitating hangover she gets almost every time we stay at an inn. *Leans back in her seat, folding her volumous sleeves in her lap.* While I appreciate Kitten's offer of drink, I won't be partaking much unless offered something non-alcoholic. Kitten: *To the audience only.* Should I tell them the mead I served them is non-Alcoholic? Might get the mages drinking more, but it might just piss Alex off, and not in the way people tend to like around here. Hmm. I feel like I've asked a fair few questions. I'm just going to let this next turn play out, and challenge everyone to show me something that they think would get me interested. Kitten: Hmm... Something to intice and titillate... Oh, I know! *Kneeling in her throne-like hoverchair, Kitten turns her back to the audience and leans forward, her tail lifting her blue skirt to show off her white pantyhose. Between the lack of panty lines and the way the gusset, translucent with the catgirl's love juices clings to her every nook and cranny, it's clear that the thin layer of silk is the only thing between the kitty's keister and the open air, and if the bulge visible through her slightly parted thighs is any indicator, the feline's futahood is at full mast as well.* Kitten: *Giving herself a swat on the butt and wriggling her hips.* Come on, doesn't anyone want to pull off my pantyhose and plunder my pussy pussy with their Purrick? *Lets out a seductive purr.* Hiko: Perhaps I'll give my honey bunnies a bit more time to fill up before the main event. *Reaches a hand under the backs of Tsubomi and Futaba's yukatas, clearly aiming for their girlhoods and making them moan into the fabric of the fox's top.* Kitten: *Reclining with her legs apart, giving the audience an upskirt from a different angle, better showing off her tenting her tights.* I think I'll give you some help with that lactation idea. *Kitten snaps her fingers, and Hiko lets out a moan as her breasts suddenly become hypersensitive.* Hiko: *Opening her shirt to reveal her breasts swelling from barely budding to full b-cups.* Didn't think they would grow so much more sensitive. *Offers a nipple to each of the bunny girls, who eagerly latch on.* Be careful with those chisel-like front teeth. *Hiko resumes playing with her pets bunny cunnies as she starts purring from the sensation of them drinking her milk.* Usako: *Sends death glares towards the foxgirl and catgirl.* Kitten: *To the audience* I may have added a spell to increase Hiko's sensitivity on top of making her lactate. Pipi: *Drops her bottle of lemonade and jams both hands between her thighs, legs twisting together as she stares at the litter box, but makes no effort to move toward it.* Kitten: Looks like Pipi's puny piddle pot is poised to pop. This might be your last chance to try and influence whether she wets herself or if she swallows her pride and uses the litter box I so graciously provided. Yami: Sister, You should show them that beautiful bladder bulge of yours. Hikari: Do-Do you really think so, brother? Kitten: I agree with Yami. Loosen up and show us that bulge! Hikari: O-Okay. *Hikari gracefully stands from Yami's lap, her barefeet not making a sound as they touch down on the hardwood of the stage. As she takes a few steps from the seat she shares with her twin, her white dress billowing around her slightly, the bulge in Yami's jeans becomes apparent. Reaching for the hem of her dress as if about to do a curtsy, the bluish-white haired girl parts her feet shoulder width before lifting her dress, her porcelain skin turning cherry blossom pink from head-to-toe as her entire body below the ribs is exposed to the audience. The brocon is naked under her dress and devoid of any body hair, her skin flawless and her hips full, a plump rump apparent even from the full frontal angle. The stages lights glisten off her inner thighs and girlhood, clearly moist with the young woman's arousal, but what draws the eyes most is a bit higher, the outline of her tinkle tank clearly visible upon her trim tummy, the bulge forming a perfect trioval.* As Hikari shows off the goods, Yami stands up and sneaks up behind her, and when she lets go to let her dress drop back down to cover her, he captures her from behind in a one-armed hug, pinning her dress around her midriff.* Hikari: Bro-Brother! What are you doing?! Yami: *Rubbing himself against his sister's rear.* Just trying to give them a good show. *His free hand reaches for his sister's crotch, parting her nether lips, one finger teasing at her opening as his palm heel presses against her bulge.* Hikari: *Moaning, her cheeks darkening from cherry blossom pink to cherry red.* Bro-brother, this is so embarrassing. Yami: *Chuckling as he whispers in her ear, though magic seems to carry his words to the audience.* And yet you're more excited than you've been in a long time. So, what should we do next? Perhaps criss-crossing shibari to constrict that beautiful bladder bulge and all of those cute curves, or maybe a agonizingly slow vibrator coated in a lust potion? Or we could skip to the main event, and to help spice things up, I give you both a diuretic and a fertility potion and challenge you to outlast me if you don't want a creampie. *Hikari moans at each suggestion, squirming in her brother's grasp.* Or perhaps the audience has some other kinky suggestions. Kitten: *Fanning herself.* Damn, that's hot. If I don't find a playmate soon, I mighbe forced to take advantage of my feline flexibility. *Winks at the audience.* Roxie: I suppose I could remove mine battle robe. * Standing up, Roxie stands her staff of ivory and Opal on the stage, the arcane artifact balanced on its butt end as she sheds her volumous, white robe. Underneath, the blonde is wearing a pale blue tunic and brown leather boots, the former stretched tightly over cantaloupe-sized breasts and an equally ample ass, barely reaching to midthigh on the well-endowed, if rather short woman. Dropping the robe into a bag of holding, the blue-eyed girl retakes her seat, her knees parted just enough to reveal a lack of underwear. Alex: Well, sitting in mine armor is growing a bit uncomfortable anyways. Standing up, the warrior woman removes her gaunlets and armored boots, before undoing the clasps holding first her battle skirt and then her breast plate in place. Dropping her equipment in the bag with Roxie's robe, Alex sits back down, now in only a white leotard, her limbs completely exposed as she crosses her arms under her grapefruit-sized boobs.* Raven: I don't have as much to show s Roxie, or even Alex, but why not? *Stands up, standing up her own staff of ebony and Onyx as she removes her more form fitting robes and adds them to the bag. Underneath, the black mage is wearing a forest green tunic with brown trousers, her clothes hugging a nearly rail-thin and boyish figure.* Anastasia: As if I'd lower myself to such prurient displays. If anything, thou should be bowing before mine arcane might and trying to intice me. *Sips from her goblet of wine.* Kitten: Yeah, still got a couple of hard nuts to crack, and not the kind that make cream. Also, Yay, this is Onii-chan's 2000th post on this forum! How do you guys feel about giving me some sort of private show at the moment? Not that I'm complaining but I seem to be the only one here right now. Also, I like Pipi the most right now. I can't decide which dare I want to give her, so I'll leave that matter to the rest of the members on stage. Kitten: *Clutching the hem of her skirt, barely resisting the urge to lift it to stroke herself through her tights.* Um, what kind of private performance did you have in mind? Not sure I'm comfortable letting you take one of my characters into a private message conversation that would be for your eyes only, but I'd be happy to cordon off a section of the stage where other audience members, if any decide to participate can look, but can't touch, and I'm willing to give something like Faust's Omo Fantasy Club a trial run... Pipi: *Lets out a panicked squeak, cutting Kitten off. A soft hissing sound can be heard from where the pig-tailed girl is sitting and before long, liquid can be seen spreading out from under her, quickly flooding the divot in the seat of her hard plastic, metal-framed student desk chair and cascading over the edges to puddle on the hardwood, it's yellow tint becoming apparent as droplets enter free fall. Pipi's accident doesn't last long, and her puddle would be less than a foot in diameter if not for the chair spreading it out, but her skirt is completely soaked, and her lightly tanned face has turned a bright red, tears staining her face even as relief is mixed in with the girl's embarrassment.* Kitten: Looks like Pipi lost the battle with her bladder and wasn't willing to swallow her pride to use the litter box... *Getting a catty, mischievious smile.* So, do you think we should punish the piddly, little panty peeer? Perhaps strip her down to her panties, or panties and socks if you're into that kind of thing to leave her shame visible to all? Or take the humiliation a step further and dress her like a baby and make her drink from a baby bottle? Or I could use my Authorial Authority to force that accident back inside her and then remove her urethra, forcing her to hold past capacity until she agrees to use the litter box or is given permission to pee somewhere else. Of course, comforting her is a possibility as well, and I'm open to audience suggestions. *Kitten looks around the rest of the stage, seeing Tsubomi and Futaba still sitting on Hiko's lap, suckling at the vixen's breasts as she heavy pets her pets in return, Usako still looking disgusted at the depravity her little sisters have been pulled into. Meanwhile, Yami is still teasing Hikari while the Adventuring trio and Anna look rather bored.* Kitten: I've managed to do more or less daily updates since starting this, which might be in part due to it being easier to get into the heads of my own characters compared to trying to make borrowed characters respond like they would in their source material, but there does seem to be a shortage of audience participation, which kind of kills motivation for any kind of interactively written story. *Kitten turns towards the audience.* Therefore, I'm going to ask some questions directly of the audience on a bit of a meta level. First of all, to any lurkers in the audience who might've participated under different circumstances: Is there anything I could've done different that you think would have made you more likely to participate, or that I did that turned you off from participating? Second, I'm thinking of doing away with this auditorium and its stage and replacing it with a more intimate setting that makes it clearer that I'm okay with guests getting a bit more, for lack of a better term, hands-on with my characters. I'm thinking of keeping a more public anyone can interact with anyone area, but also introducing private rooms ala Faust's Omorashi Fantasy Club. Anyone have any suggestions for what kind of setting the public area should be based on? Also, anyone know how I can edit the thread title and tags to reflect the shift, or would I be better off creating a new thread? Third, if you think lack of participation is due to limiting things to my OC, most of whom have only appeared only in my published works over at A3O, any suggestions on how to expand without leaving myself vulnerable to an unmanageable deluge? I want more audience participation, but I don't want to end up with so much I spend half the day just responding to this thread. When I said private show, I was referring not to a desire to have my own private show, but to the fact that I was kind of already having one seeing as I seem to be the only one engaging. I think though that the public area should be based on one of those KTV bars where you can rent out a room with a karaoke machine and a character.